WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20,1015, PAGES .Emporu * FOR SALE TWIN STROLLER -Goo condition $50. Calt 668-1366. --VNYtrbedroom or powdet room with ,er>' large mir- rot., $40. ARBORITE* - '2 sheets. One pink and one white' .narble. $10. i SIEDOC)M SUITE Double dresser, chest of @;awèrs, box pig mattress $135;, chesterfield adchair $20; chest of dravers $3;baby bed $15; Cali 668- 9009. I TRICYCL.E - for 4-5 ear ok $15; -1 do» ,carniage e .: skates $5; girls bikes one $ 15 and one 25. Cî 6-51 ANTIQUES Dressr $90;ý kitchen cabinet $120; beaut>' table with 3' mirrors $120; 2ý chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. (Cal 579-2939. DRUMS, - Complete- set; 2 toms, 1 floor tom, base, chrome nare drum, high hat, 2 cymbal stands, excellent condition $1 90. 219 Kth -Stret after 6 o.m. PINE DESK CHEST- Han,. crafted, has 4 dxawers $95. Cati 668-4677. 1 1960 CADILAC - FleetwooË 390, automatic, running condi- tion, little work needed, must seli $200. Caîl Sunderlanid 1-705- 357-2135 after 6,p.m. and ask for Phil. Emp. SWIVEL ý,CHAlIR - Skiboo t s and' skis size 312, al $15 each, humhidifier $25', antique tand which needs top $10, vaponizer $5, brownie unifom $8, and.imi- tationri ireplace $50, antique table $20, fertilizer or grass seed spread- er $3. Ca»l 668-9404. Emp. 66 PONTIAC - 4 door, good condition,, new tires, asking $200 Caîl 668-5 54 1. WEDDING GOWN - Size 12. veil and train $50. Cali 668. 2406 or 668-4410. Emp TEREO -LToyds receive4 eight-track, turntahle and tv speakers. Just like new $150c best offer. Cal 668-7190- En il, KIMS Liý&r 14 ti,. chrome reverse, 2 G70,Goodyear tires, 2 F60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 283 heads $40; 2 bucket seats $30; set of headers $10; Ford 1/2 ton 15 in. Rims .$8 each (4); Ford '/A ton rear axle $ 15 and 2 drumns$ 15. Caîl evenings 5 79- 1690 and day 668-5823. STEREO - Comnponient stereo system, Pioneer AMIFM stereo tuner-AMP, Garrard turn table and Scott four-way 5 speaker systemn $700. Wiling to tracle for good 35mm camera plus cash. Cai 668-6248. Emp., ELECTRIC BROOM - Regina with pile adjustment dial, new $25; child's BED, folding type, 27 in. X 52 in. with mattress, good condition $30; 2 humner STOVE, electric, 220 volt, heavy dut>', 25 ini. high with shelf, no oven $15; portable RANGETTE, 110 volt, 22 X 141/ X 12 $10. Caîl 655-3860. HAIRDRESSINC Triangulai Carousel with 3 mirrors and lights good condiion, asking $150 or best offer, STEAMER (hairdress- ers) $20. Cail 668-306 1. 1 GLASS - Large sheet plus a number of large and small frarnes with. glass $25; also old fashioned cedar for smali garden $20. Cal (Q12 14R. $101 668- diti' Caî FRAMUS - 6 string banjo. )0 or nearest offer. Phone .4 187 af ter 6 o'clock. STOVE- 30 inch, good con- !on $75; space HEATER $60. 1668-6750. ST'E-Smill $60, B & W wall cooces60,ver'difere50,t, ew nhe fler'and tanissiont intquedRbymoreale ompane 150chi 6.3-879668 00 197NTIEDOO - FreCaie440 ued only a00e m oths, ust bd sen ut ikear naew oo$850;r maileagne, automatifféntraiaIs tae 10bachrai. Cal665688 COAT - Ladies black persiani lamb approxinlately size 20, in good condition, wilI selI for $50. Cali 725-5714. Emp. SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 6/ huckle style, worn once $25. Cal 668-2119. Emp. GAS STOVE -Findley, 2 years old, gold colour, Rotisserie, excellent condition. $175. Cas'l 668-4468. FOR SALE - 4 chrome dises 14 inch fromi 1968 Beaurnont $5, Skil 1/4 inch drill 3 wire $5, al wvave TV antenna just hiead $10, one Uniroyal near new ramn tire on wheel Blockwall 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. Cal 7-*3- 2738. Emp. 1972 KAWASAKI' 750 - H2 low mileà ge, excellent condition, $ 1,100. Caîl 668-4368. COAT - Ladies Persian Iamb full length, size 14, sacrifice $75. CalI 668-5447. Em p. DRUMS - Olympia, 8 piect set includes stool, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Ca»l 655-3563. 66 CIJTLAS - V8 automatic 2 door hardtop, good condition, askirig $500. CaL655-422 1. DtSK - $10, ~w/~-ci UNIFORM $10; steam IRON $8; two sm'aI carpets $6 each. Ca»l q,2SA111 :1 67 MUSTANG - 289 fastbacl( auto & power steering, new Good- year radiais, excellent condition plus 22 m1pg, will certif> $ 1,400 fîrm,ý REFRIGERATOR 10 cu. ft. Inglis in new condition, war- ranty $150, WASH.ER Westinig- house twin tub apartmeilt size also DRYER $70 each. Cali 668- 3899. taps $4, set of bathroom taps $2, inteior auto heater $4. Cail 668- 9605. POOLS - Deluxe, redWood, above ground Pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. Repossessed * by batik, sacrifice '/z price. Cal - Mr. Woods 416.292-2264._. I I ¶ 0À p0 '4 4,1 runi Cai elec, sof' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' 1964 CHEV Station W agon ing condition, as is $150. 1576-2366. T'V - Portable 20 in. Generlal ctic B&W UHP and VHF, new dition about 4 years old $100. 1668-4763. 4oPED, - Bronco brand new )miles,, highrlse handiebars, ixe seat,> 148 miles per gallon, 1o40-m.p.h. $460. CalI 668- WOOD- One trailer loacl rwood suitable for fireplace 5. Call668-8957. WERDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece included, long sleeves, excellent condition, regplat pice $ 150.00, asking$50. must se...cal 668-9120 after 4. CEDAR RAILS :- 20, gutter mounit aluminum roof rack. Cali 579-3917. Ernp. Westirighouke, used two months $ 165.0ý0, 3 piece sectional, blue green orlan pile with bar $400 ike new. Cal 668-4377 or 668- 6 0 7 8 , ý ~~1~NTVAC PARISIENseWent 21X4U.'~ ~ ~ COFFEE TABLE - $10. Caîl 668-3573 after 5 o-m. Emp. Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $ 100 fin. Cal 668-9772. Emp. CHESTERFIELD and chair - fr. colon, good -for recreation roomn or cottage $50. Ca»l 668- à 404. 1970 MGB -- Convertible good working condition, certified one owner, comple te with luggage rack asking $1,500. Cail 668- *6896 before 5,p.m. and 655-3663 alter 5 p-rn BABY FURNITIJRE - Strol O Chair, includes carrnage, strollei, chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. Caîl 728- 0333. Emp. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, selling' as is $900 or best offer. Caîl 668. *7654. Emp., -RECORD PLAYER - portablel $15, kitchen table, chrome & gre>' marble in design $20, please caîl after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Fmp- HUMIDIFIER - $5, e.-ercise cycle $5, baby car hed $4, stereo record player $15, 8 golf clubs & bag -$15, typewriter $25, electnic sewing machine $20, rocking *horse $5, baby walkeî $3, sword $5. Call 668-6257'. used nnly once $40. Caîl 723- 9016. Emp. EVERB - Trayîîor signature 4 X 10. $250. CalI 655-4978. Swijnming Pool Clearance. lifetimne warranted above ground aluminum pools is 0v- er stocked ini many mnodels. Iimeiate delivery and in- stallation at reduced winter prices. Cail1 coliect 416-536- 9278." $1,200. Caîl 668-9925. COCKER SPANIEL- Pup chamnpion sire, blond maie, Cana- dian Kennel Club registration papers, shots, dewormed $150 t aIl 5 79-2044. Emp. 22BOT CTON- 1t scope, g n rack, good condition $45.. aîl 668-3956 or Wed.- Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-53 - GUITAR - Triple pickup electrie, wii eIfr$5 da o rock group. Cal668-2860. rec-roonl or cottage. Good condi- tion $35- Cati 655-3590. Aý when thef When THE must PRE5 RAT .2%o EXA Priva listec Plew so tf ads If ih MA FR] P.0 SWNWTIRS-ithrims$1,prtal eigtbe$2 si00e F78-1 $25ni, caîl 725- new1/2kitcncha ir (2) $10,rn 1691 dhsas, Feven8 ng 668-3 step table64$, aiin oodîz 4694. conlditin. aîl576-3047: Emp.a bomlete$9.00 hrenditOed12an 76,000 miles,$c1or aestof almdîfiedsalerag,2r., Came fr Cî 68106 WEp $160Bok.Ct 655341.070 ingS$00,Iik ineerBsyTeV lncludng fou topsone1pin rchk0, rntabe2spaleoblong and ýTRE a resneer rn,s 15,poCaeA - X1 tat$12 -z F782 5 $25 5fr airin.Cai 72- (Kodk) ihen c a ry2)$g0,csen- 1-7 c2-1c1dtio $0,sk7bot 1691ndasXe45in for8$4594i. erx ptable 'adioin shpeof a * deor.Cati6554776 lLp. copit i des, specimcii. for oh 2nerw $ 6 20 C8i668-85I. terin ad68 nd-6779.mi SW'STEET¶A- okith sh 69ort~tn lss, adoConlsole,2gVo8 coadition /$20 raiod T IrnLE -onerdion brll eramtif> $ ,0o n197t3se toApprciTX e50-askings aitaprxia.l wiplt et $45, miedmnu 76,0Hi-lo e,$excelr ent oiio whitc e strioo pes 3, Iigtlc $5 2A Ck166-2l3 g165 rls kes s iz 65-3roc70.m- SWINGOMATiCone r bytrr Incldîn for p son e pa4. C aîl $12. C abl8-9888. s$4 728-5433. irsorsa Emput al 6871 0 E p V I 1 Start Immediateîv 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 4 evenings per wemk Plus haîf Saturday Excellent pay for right person We will train. Car required. Over 19. Mr. Walters 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 576-!ý944 668-6604.' O LORD,, thou hast brou ght up my soul from the grave; thou hast kept me olive, that 1 should not go dowr' f6 the pit.à »%@1 O ye saints1 give thanks membrance at the re- of his holi- Masonary repairs and new work. Fireptaces, chimneys, brick work. Cail 728-3110 or 725-7222 for pUNO I A ,1 I * You The Cùsz :Côùn 1 % We style your hqir your wacy. Need suggestions? We con give them. Know what you -want? We'II do it. We, TONY'S HAIRSý 1mÃN 9 1 ft '. LLB CAÀ ATTENTION FARMERSIII WH Y PA Y MORE? SA VIF ON #PREM#Um ,Q U IPr.mgs s$vOAIV OUI of 1=n pie Ca oeicI <K>6=i ým_- L: -É-- NOTICE TO READERS Ldvertlse FREE in the FREEZ PRESS, EMPORIUM, pa>' ONLY m you seli! ., There will not' be any chiarZe to advertlseir iIn FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unleess the item a4vertised la sold. -n the aidvertsed item issoldj you, pay -a commission based on EADVERTISED PRI CE as illustratedl below. AlI advertisementS it be placed on an exclusive basis with the WITBY FREE ".S and run at least one month If not sold TES (if article is sold): of advertised price up to $400.00 of balance over $400.00 AMPLE: Sold, item -idvertised for $ 50.00 - commrissioôn due $ 2.5 0 ate advertising ont>'! Please, notify us if you find a retailer. ed as a private advertiser. ase.notif>' the Whitby Free Press immediatel>' when item is -sold that we ma>' delete it from the. following issues. rices, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal'message typ can only be'handled on a prepaid basis. in doubt, caîl 66 8-6 111 %IL ALL ADS TO: RE PRESS EMPORIUM ). Box 206, WHITBY. Diur Nit U3%;%& %éssý- 728-5433. Emp 6 M F ci f( s c9 a 1 I l rir- Lr VIP%&M à 5-1-f ness. Psaims JO: 3-4 'n -P 1 .L. -T 0 --q 1 -q estîmates. il 1 ffl ,tereo player, recorder/(vith AMI door hard top, automnatic P.S., ,M radio, excellent condition, radio, rear window defraust, OWf- Dost $370 with speakers, will se»I er wiIl certify. $1,100 or best [or $200 FIRM. Caîl 668-3167. 'offer. CaUl 668-3480. COMPNENS - PONY -StrawberrY Roam STEREO CMOET previouslY used for chîldrefls rides ears receiver, 1 Garrard changer. or ete with good as new saddle turntable), 2 speakers.,vey god Mlan , bile, halter andris condition $ 150.00., Caîl 668- $125. Caîl1655-3031. 9256 after 6 p.m. Emip. _ MIXMASTER- Lar-geSu n- CH-ESTERFIELD - Green/ bearn $20, B&W TV $70, Chest gold broquade. good condition of drawers $30ý Cati 668-3679. $75. Cali 668-7644. Emp. P SWÃMMING POOL R e- HELP WANTED possessed, -excellent condi- rTORON O ASAG tion, eading manufacturer TO N OMA SG willing to sacrifice at 'krprice. STUDIO Cail Colleet 416-536-9278. ATTENDANTS (2> - required by TAPE RECORDER - SimP- HenryVItI Massage Castie son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, like new $20, Grenoble fibreglass skis lamnated $10. Cal 668-4600. Must be williri to learn> inmaintain appearance,. RANGE - Fleavy duty, 3ýin. welI mannered, friendly $45. Caîl1668-3889. . $30- $50, daily plus ACCORDION 12 bass, ike benefits, -hours flexible. new $200, 5 piece kitchen suite, Accommodation o r brown/beigc, oval table $75, 5 assistance. in rélocation piece dine tte suite, brown/hlack, inlaid table, swivel chair, amost available, 77 Victoria St. new $135. Call after 6 p.m. Toronto. 668-8709. Emp. HEAD STONE --Il years Contact Miss Cathy ni 125, Call 655-359. (1) 361-0838 collect COUNTERTOP - Arbôrite Earn extra cash for Chriçý. rol, double sinks and tap5, L mas. Simply show our excit 1-1 shaped 5 ft. X 10ft. $75; campe, ing Une of cards and gifts to DOOR and WINDOWS $65. Caîl friends, neighboufs, relatives. 66s-4449.'- t' ayprftbe ndno D LL -Beautiful tCrissy $3 seayÃroialeadn Malibu Barbie do»l, case and sonel experience needed. Start clothes $3; Bake.a-Matic oven in, now. Write today for free. good condition $4.50; stainless 96 page Xmas catalogue and steel sink $ 10; desk ad chair $20 ful information. MonarclY Cî66-44 Greeting Cards, Dept. 80. L.I-i PWANTFf 217 Cannfon, Hamilton. ýl -1ý- . 1 "m- 1 1 1 - -1 ýl ----i -"4