PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, WHiTBV FREE PRESS whitby Voice of the County Town SUIRVING OVER 26,000 READERS. r hU)vIIlci ev er y Wîdnesday by M.B.M, Publishing and Ptîotography Inc. The Free Press Building Mike Burgess, PubIlsher-Maflagiflg Editor. Wityofflaritorl ~1~ Assistant Editor - BlakE3 Purdy Çontributing Editor - .im Quail Production Manager - Marie Burgess Displav Advertisiflg Manager - Robin Lyon çiassified Ad manager - Shelley Crowley Box 206, Wh'thY. Mailing Permit No, 2941 Phone 6686111: Toronto Line 282-1004 FOURTH 0F FOUR Three candidates willconts W TKTTei. " new riding of Durlhaml west Chartes Godfrey represents NDP . - -~- - A basic principle in titis election is "wlîere is Ontaria) going- - and inost inîport- an tly, 'wlî erc is di is coinitlr- ity go~ing". One of tie con- cersofsoai-aurciti/elsis kthe constant and growing threat ta aur- chosen way of life. We have chosen ta live in Ulîis conîmuflity because of the greenery. the softball tcains, and thc ability ta scecaur children walk ta school. And what are ic titreats ta these? Chiefly thc philo- sophy of growth for growtlî 's sake as scen in the senseless comipounding of subdivision an subdivision as proposed by Mr. Newman or denion- strated by dic Davis Goverri- mient. Look about you and realize that tlehe lihdcnsity liousing cthic whichi lias been al1lowed in titis area by tie Davis Goveriment working withi the nîunicipality can lead only ta a second Mississauî-a Anothier massive threat ta happincss is tie Pickerirng Airport. Anyone who thinks titis ruthless use of 40,000 acres of prime farmltand cari be donc without a terible effect on dic quaiity of our lives is deluded. To justifY this change we arc told tlicîre will be nmore jobs - a wider industrial base. Thtis is bunk! A repart conînîissioned by ic Ministry of Transport and prcsented by Peat Mar- wick & Ca. clearlystates - 'Scarboroughi gels the jobs we gel the roar!' try ta Uic West of thc airport - joining Metro and Picker- ing. Oshawa will experience a sligbt decline in jobs. How cari Whitby expect ta carnpcte for airport based industry if dic Northî Picker- ing Devlopment provides subsidized, Iow cost iridust- rial parks and the houses for Uice warkers? What cari Whitby expect? Noise. The proposcd airport will aperate a] night anid most likcly will include supersanic aircaft.. That's great! Scarborough gets the jobs - wc get the roar! Ontario's direction must by shaped by a resolve ta uise lanid properly and ta protect aur cammunities. I will figh t ta that end - TODAY! Des Newman For the past threc eweks 1 have spaken 1 have spoken about the ilîi educatian, indicatii cast af goverrneit hin Ontar- mny opîinion, the syý io and across Canada. 1 have a ncw direction. said thiat governinerit lias ta 1'iiallý set an exanîpfle for the rest of miust alter aur pr tlie ccoîiotiy in cutting its replacini any of awni casis. 1 have said that Options naw av we cannot go an living wvith special programme such a h ighl ra te of inflation Ioa mcc t the needsi becatuse people arc bcing hu Lrt who arc disadva Mly seconid subject wvas handicapped. 1I hautsîig and I1 said thiat wc dist ressed by tr! needed in On tarioa an averaîl anxiety and warr plan l'or Uhe Provi nce ta take parents who go1 the pressure off Toron to and lengthis ta suppl provide homnes andl jobis in existinig cducatic localities au tside Toranto. ta try and eqipl We nccd ta increase thc sup- ren ta lead useful ply of accomiodation in order nany cases it is ta start producing checaper of* humnan lîeartbrc housing and 1 have said Uîat ASUith ial is we have ta produce more series 1 want brie units for senior citizeris wlîo with the Liberal have spcnt tlîeir lives coritri- policy. Althoughi buting ta the society. In thi5 tenost part, an c(ntcxt also, wc must tiot ing, we are st -foreet our seterafls,,. Liberal candidate ng iliat, ini ,stemi needs y' that we iarities by thie useless ailable by c educatian af' students artaged or anm always lie huan ry of- those ta extrenie criient thte 01n systeni tlîcir child- lives. lil s50 a situation cak. ssue in tiîs efly ta deal agricul tarai i tis is, for iurban rid- till greatly thc preservation (if produc- tive farmland, and the production of food We believe that a volun- tary insurance programme must bc established to guar- antce the incoînes of legiti- mate farm-ers and Io encour- age more young people to sec agricul tuire as a desirable profession. Althouigh great strides hiave been made in the fertilizer induistry in îimprov- ing the produictivity of farm- lands, 1 believe that there is a genuine concern about thc% loss of' prime lands to urban- ization. 1 arn convinced that, anti! wc have a comprehiensive land use strategy t'or Ontario. we wiIJ flot be able ta resolve th e conflict in Southern Ontario between food pro- duction and jobs and house production. We intend to authorize marketing boards ta match food supply to demarid to ensure tl a t retail prices match production costs with allowance for a reasonable profit. We are prepared ta esta- blish the cost of production for each conîniodity in co- aperation with farmers' organizations, Marketing Boards, anîd Ite Ministry of Agriculture. We arc preparcd ta take special care ta ensure that major provincial installations do not unreasanably interfère witlî large acreages of pro- ductive farrnlands. In these fundamental ways wc iritend ta respond ta Uhc reasonable expectatian of Uic famier ta bc paid for his effort while maintaining contra! over reasanable food costs. Bihl Plkin gton Cons erv ative- entry Bob Nixon, leader of Uic Provincial Liberal Party, con- tinually poses the question as ta whether we can afford ta continue with the prescrit gomerment. Let's check the record: 1. Iri October 1974, for the first time in history, Ontario was given a triple A rating by M oody's Investor's Service Incorpor- ated. 2. In the twa years precedirig Marcit 31, 1975, cxcess cash receipts and reserves were used ta reduce aur autstanding debt by 532 millions. 3. The Province's entire debt cauld be paid in full using 6 months revenue - this is lcss titan would have been necded in 1966-67. 4. In 1971 the Onitario Gov- ernment spent I1. per- cent of die grass provin- ciai product - in 1974 it was 10 percent. The ada at $5,481. Manitoba is $4,686 and Quebec at $4,492. The lune issue of "Executive" magazine stated that "Life iri Ontario is better titan average and getting bet- ter. 'Life in Manitoba ad 'On tario's income the highest per person in Canada' other provinces expenses total 15 percent. 5. Ontario has reduced the size af the provincial civil service is being increased by 3 percent. 6. Ontaria's incarne is the highest per persan ln Can- tie "lucky" people af the NDP provinces?) is getting warse" The facts speak for them- selves - the question is nat "ccari we afford ta continue with this govemment" but radher "-cari we afford flot ta?" "Change merely for the sake of change is irrational" we told our youth; il may be tirne to pay heed ta our owri advice. 1 wish to thank the WHITBY FREE PRESS for providing this oppartunity ta expound my prograni of maintaining and increasing the Quality of Life in Dur- ham West, Insuring Law and Justice ta aur citizens, and fighting ta combat the creep- ing socialism in this Province. If eleeted as your representa- tive to the Progressive Con- servative Goverrnent, I shall work FULL TIME ta this end.