flic weekend cf Septemlber 19d1i, 2Oth,_and 21st, lor do you want YPU cari airn as high as you wanfto inl~ the Canadian Arrned Forces.' Build yourself up physically and men- tally. Become a leader and reach for the top.This is what Combat X. Arms can offer you. ltfs flot a sot t job. But if Combat Arms inferest you, you*re flot a soit guy. You're tooking for some- fhing special, A lot)f haf can bring out fthe besi in you, Corne on. Reach for the top in a Combat Group. lf's something special you can be proud of. GET INVOLVED WITlITHE CACIADIAN S ARMED FORCES. Canadian Armec Force Recrutln & Selectbo nt CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toronto, Ontario, (416) 966-6564 NOTICE: The Mobile Recruiting Teani will Oshawa on Wednesday, September 24th, 1975 Canada Manpower Centre between 10 A.M. and mI tie Caiadian Grand Firce, a unique motor racinig package that is being off'ered at no charge to die public. "Thîis is ouI' traditional Grand Prix weekend," said Mosport President Hiarvey 1-itdes. "But wlîen tlic Form- ula One Construc tors' Assoc- iation dccided f0 boycott the Catîadian Grand Prix, we de- cided iliat rather than cancel 'tie weekend aihogether, we wouid go ahead with aIl of the other activities that were Gold Cup Super-Vee Series, and the seven ti and final races ini tle I1975 Bulova Charnpionsliip, as well as daily perfo<' ini'mces by thîe Carîadian Forces' spect acul ar aerobafic tearn, The Snow- birds, anidthie draw for [lie Mosport Pace Car, a1<75 P>or sclh e val îîed a t n ea rl y $8,000.00. "AI tlhotgh we would of' course have preferred 10 pre- sent these various events as nirt of a Grand Prix week- BEGINNERS: JUNIORS: SENIORS: 'Granrllltuvd r Firee' slated for we ekend out,' spectators for Llîcir past support. by allowing thcm 1<) corne iiito the track, even flic paddock and grandstands, at no charge whatsoever. lt's ais() an excellent opportunity l'or tîtose people who have neyer been to Mosport or to a imotor race ho do so with- out spending a lot of monev. Ilie oniy things they'li be asked. to pay for will be prograrns, food, and souvenirs." GrciPie x u ei s prtO! it end, we felh that we hiad a 'hie Canadian Grand Free Gran Prx weked."defrnite obligation 10 our Sp- wiil gel underway on Friday, These other activities in- ectators, sponsors and adver- Sephember l9th, with unoff- clude tlie only Caniadian race tisers to go ahead wihh what icial practice for the cars and ithe Robert Bosch VW was left of the weekend. drivers competing in the THE NEW GLOBAL VILLAGE STORY THEATRE One of Canada's most Innovative Theatre Groups! THE NEW GLOBAL VILLAGE STORY THEATRE will performn a series of Modern Fables at the Whitby Public Library on Tuesday, September 23 at 8 p-. T his series of five or six fables is performed in pantomime and led by a narrator. The New Global illage Story Theatre has perforrned across Canada and its fables demonstrate the vitality, artistry and excitenient of live th eatre-in-the-ro und. FREE TO ALL AGE GROUPS EVERYONE WELCOME be in Sponsored by a grant from the nministry cf culture and recreation and coordinated by the public 3t PtMe library and the Central Ontario Regionai Library System. BUILDING SUPPLIES 244 BROCK ST. SOUTFP WHITBY, ONTARIO PHON E 668-9391 FLINTKOTE SAKRETE PRODUCTS FLOORING SPECIALS Asphait Driveway Sealer - 5 gai. S7.99 Armstrong Vinyl Asbestos .12 X 12 tules Concrete Mix - 90 lb. bags S2.19 Reg. 37 cents Now 26 cents each Mortar Mix - 80 lb. bags S2.19 GAFSTAR - Sheet Vinyl Flooring Decorative stucco - 50 IL bags S8.99 (Needs No Waxing) Reg. $3.99 sq. yd.- Now S3.29 BATHROOM VANITIES ROOFING SUPPLI ES Prefinished by PARIS KITCHENS Patch-up for Winter Liquid Roof Coating S 2.50 gai. 24 in. Vanity and Top S67.85 Roofing Paper $7.25 rol 30 in. Vanity and Top 71.95 Shingies 210 lb. tru-seal S16.99 square 36in Vanity and Top 76.15 PLASTIC CEMENT - S2.89 gai. PATIO SLABS FALL CLEARANCE 12 in. X 24 in. Reg. 96 cents each S .90 cents ON YOUR FUEL BILL Instail aiuminumn storm doors and windows by Permaseal i FREE ESTIMATES B"ockSt. s. Whitby 64.391- AN Thousands of' spectators are expected al, Mosnort on lIT'S TRUE WE'LL TEACI' YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE :W TO READ MUSIC AND PLAY A BRASS INSTRUMENT! IF YOUR TWELVE OR SEVENTY, MALE OR FEMALE ND WILLING TO GIVE UP A COUPLE 0F HOURS A WEEK THERE IS NO AGE MAXIMUM FOR THIS GROUP JUST A MINIMUM 0F TWELVE, YOU NEED NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE, JUST AMBITION AND EGAR TO LEA RN. THIS LEVEL 0F INSTRUCTION IS FOR PEOPLE WHO MAY 0F HAD MUSIC IN SCHOOL, SELF TAUGHT OR OTHERWISE, HAVE SOME KNOWLEDGE 0F MUSIC AND CAN PLAY A BRASS INSTRUMENT. THE PREVIOUS TWO GROUPS ARE FEEDER BANDS FOR THE SENIOR BAND. HOWEVER, IF YOU CAN PLAY A BRASS INSTRUMENT AT A LEVEL ABOVE THE JUNIORS THEN THERE'S A SPOT FOR YOU IN THE SENIOR BAND, SUCH AS CORNET, TENOR HORN, BARITONE, BASS E FLAT OR B FLAT, AND TROMBONE. REGISTRATION IS ON TUESDAY THE 23rd, 7:06 P.M. PAVILLION IN WHITBY. THERE YOU HAVE IT, A WIDE SELECTION 0F LEVELS TO PARTICIPATE IN. IF YOU'RE WILLING WE'RE ACCOMMODATING SO COME ON DOWN AND HAVE SOME FUN! Robert iiosch VW tjol UUP Series, North Amnerica's rmost competitiVe professionai rac- ing scries. Officiai practice and qualifying bcgins on Saturday, September 201h, for both the Super-Vees and the Formula 100 and Sedan classes of the Buiova Charrp- ~iship. Two Formula 100 heats, and a performance by The Snowbirds wiil conclude the day. September 21lst, includes the Bulova Championship Form- ula 100 and Sedan finals, and the 25-lap Robert Bosch VW Gold Cup race. The Snowbirds wil be back, -and the draw for the' Porsche Car wfll also be made. "It's a busy and varied weekend," said Hudes. "And will feature some of the brightest young drivers in the world today." He mention- ed such Super-Vee stars as Eddie Miler, wvho is currently leading the i1-race series; runner-up Tom Bagley; Howdy Homes and Bobby Rahal, two of the stars of this year's Player's Challenge Se ries. "Our own Bulova Champ- Jonship alsohas some exciting young drivers," he said. "The four drivers stiil in conten- tion for the Formula 100 titie - Nigel Gough, Dave White, John Scratch, and Don Sobering - ail have enor- mous talent and potential". The winner of the Buiova Formula 100 titie will also be awarded Mosport's 1Driver-to-Europe Scholarship. "With the Snowbirds, and the, -dr'aw ,for fIhe Porsche Pace Car, it should be quite an exciting weekend," Hudes said. "We've had a very positive reaction to this wee ken d." As at ail Mosport events, there'l be firewood and jwater provded for the camp- ers. Like most other things at Mosport that weekend, they'll be FREE. DAflE in wFnCnIJfAV -ÇRF ÇTFMRFl 17- 101; W141TRV Er-bng * iS*Ulj:g * U U PI1JIIJ VQFlQ WHITBY CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 117 BYRON ST N-, WHITBY OPEN WEEKDAYS 1:00 P.M. TI L 9:00 P.M.. SAT U RDAYS 9: 00 A.M. TI1L N OON PHONE 668-7153 WE'LL TEACH YOU. YOU MAY BE ASKING YOURSELF WHERE IS THE CATCH?THERE'S NO CATCH, WE'LL EVEN SUPPLY THE INSTRUMENT. THERE ARE THREE LEVELS 0F INSTRUCTION: whltby bwou bonid rmur lu, lyrusil; 111ILI e-1A Plor% AT HEYDENSHORE