Whitby Free Press, 17 Sep 1975, p. 12

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PAGE 12. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1975, WHUTBY FREE MRESS FROM GYMNASTICS.....o YMCA has widle The Whutby YMCA lu pm'senting an outstanding prograni of' activities for boys and girls, men and wo- mminluthis, tlhe tenth year of the local Y's service tu the commnunity. Long noted for gynmnas- tics, basket bail, badminton, swimi instruction, arts and crat'ts, keep fit classes, tennis Instruction, floor hockey, judo, volyball and ail kînds of special programs such as Ladies Take a Break, Social Dance, Guitar Instruction, Bridge, etc., the Y has grown mbt a well organized coni- munity service that had over 4,000 persons involved in last years program, a major numn- ber being wonien and girls. Many of the current pro- grains wll begin late this nîonth. Registration can be miade ai the Y (10lXe înîitl tomlorrow t'rom i o 1-, noll, 1 to 5 andi 7 to 1) pi[OI, further inîi t' lIîin l ltl(II 668-6808. Ille progamnis llsted oil the new Y sehediile lIbîder are tiow beit, gclrculated. PRESCIIOOLERS Presehlool progrimis in- clude a co-op play sclîool for c.hildren agcd two to five, Pre-registration l'orrlooir days is now being acceptcd - regis- tration for twu out of four days ends tomiorrow. The prograrn begins Monday a! the Dr. Robert Thornton Schiool and is hield Wednes- days from 1:30 to 3:30 and Fridays fromn 9:30 to 11:30 and a! West Lynde School, Witby, and Meadowcrest Sclhool, Brooklij, Monday througlh Thursday from 9:30 BOOK SHOP 104 Consumers Drive ISTORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Daily IThurs. and Fr'ii19:O00p. m. (Off Hopkins St.) Scripture Press Building - Whitby ...TO GOURMET COOKING variety À&ofp rogramsfor i)l 13 1111, 14 1 p,'<l> mIîm Y îîîuîumerslh ip, f[or OJBBA regis llîdeîgy'm ! i otu 81 n1 !wui mmm lsof i l a t l tbegin Septembc day s nIlli11('Wesi I yîmlMuîl w i lhmil i1i:00 1(1 Modemrhlythmic seiionI, frotl Io 3 10: 1<>i' < uiidiy iial acou tics lu bcing offered ý li'm. foi I wo) an d flivoO V(t1i mmi$1I0(00miml$8.00. Lynde School on Sa nids anmd fini» t0:1 1)1 SmIl Itlotwmi iwug lu offed t'rom 9:30 10 10:30 iimi. for, (mir b six.'l ime Suiîidays at IWest Lynde a cou! of $1000 an<' progriîl, Coimisti lig of blîxk Scimool begimînlng September Date to be announced, coordinationî itii mOvomiîmî 2011t. H-vc Io elt ycar Tcam handball is 1 ilici îîdlng t umbnl in and 11îpp- olds go frein 1 1:00 10 I11:45 Wednesdays in H-enry airatus work, hegins I"riday (Coul is $ 10.00 and $8.00 I'igh School at a and Iasi.s until pre-Chiristmas. f'or 10 weeks. $8.00 and $6.00. Parents aîccompny ltYîhldrcll. Child caire for youngsters Thiird base and the Cosi is $ 1.00 l'or non- I12 and older teaches the consists of after schoc miembers and $1 0.00 ['or correct techiniquies of baby- interest activities. St mnembers. sitting. It is heldat Henry 10 be announced. Presclhool swimi for child- Street and Y membership is Cn-ed volleyball mcii one 10 three is held ail that is requimed. ments for grade sev Monday afternoons 1:30 10 After school creative arts eighî students will bý 2, or Fiday mornings 10:30 îs held ai Meadowcrest, cd after school. Entr to 1l at Iroquois Pool. It Florence M. Heard and 25 cents. Schedule begins September 22nd, and Thorntort Schools until announced. 26th. Cost for the 10 wceks Christmas at a cost of $8.00 Coiborne, Florer is $ 10.00 and $ 8.00 and reg- and $6.00- Heard and Mead, istration is being accepted a! Saturday morning floor 5chooIs wiil play h dic Y. hockey begins Septemnber woodcrafts which i Tadpnles swini for four 2Oth ai 9: 15 at Meadowcrcst wood shaping, new, and rive year olds is hield a! or 10:-30 ai Henry Street. boats, bird lhouses, w lroquiois Pool Mondays fron Cos! is $10.00 and $8.00 ulptures, etc. Cost i 1:30 to 2 or Friday mrnrnings and lasts until Chiristmnas. and $6.00. [romi 10:30 to Il. Saine Group guitar instruction ADULTS starting dates as above. Cost is hceld Tuesdays at 7, 7:45 is $8.00 and $6.00 for the and 8:30 p.m. a! Henry Antique classes wil 10 week sessions. Register Street and begins Septenîber a general knowledgec at the Y. 23rd. Cost for 12 weeks is POtcry, silver and fu $15.00 and $ 13.00. reai or reprodu<2ed YOUTHS Swirnming instruction l'or school agcd children begins Saturday ai Iroquois Pool with classes atIl12 and I for Tadpoles 10 Sixthi Star. Cost for 12 weeks is $1000 and $8.00. Bus service is offéed. Badminton for young stu- dents. whicli begîns Septemi- ber 2Oîh, is otTered Satur- days froin 1: 15 1010:30 a.m. at Henry Street Hlighi Sch unI and aft-er sehool on Fridays ai Meadowcrest un- til Christmas. Cost is $700 and S5.00. Racquets and birdies are provided. Badminton for youingsieTS 13 to 18 begins September 2lst ai Henry Street and is held Stinday a[ternoons. Cnst While They Last , Reg. $10.95 SPECIAL $6.95 (Padded Binding) Gymnastics club goeu fron1 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. for jun- iors and Il to 12:30 for seniors and lasts until Chiristnias. Cou! is $SI12.00 and $ 10.00. The 4H hiomemakers club. ofering stitching and embroidery, is also being of- fered. Starting date to be 10 be announced (T.B.A.). St. John~s judo instruct- ion by black belt instructor Do)n Watson. Cost is $37.00 and $30.00 plus $2.00 for annual OJBBA registration. Another session is held a! iiomnînu Schonl with Sat- urday classes froni 9to 10:30 and 10:30 to 12'-)with H. Conrad instructing. Cost is S 15.00 and $1 2.00 plus S.2.00 ,ai stration. er 201h. gymnas- at West aturdays a.m. at d $8.00 Lîeld o;. yStreet cost of an home Cmi multi- chedule tourna- ven and e offer- ry fee is e to be ice M. owcrest iost 10 includes de sign s, vood sc- is S8.00 ill teach of glass, arniture, 1. For more cletafis, cail thie Y.- Aquatics, at beginners and advanced levels, is offered [romn 1:30 to 2:30 Monday afternoons or 10:30 to 11:30 Friday nîornings a! a cost of $15.00 and $12-00. The course begins September 22nd and 26th. Arts and crafts program gives an opportunity for stu- dents 10 choose a different craft technique each week [romi a wide variety, includ- ing three-dimensional art, criwon crafîs, podgy, toy rnaking, needlecrafts and flowem crafts. Sessions are hield a! the Centennial Build- ing [rom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. en Tuesdays. Cost is S$15.00 and $1200 and the course begiins September 3Oth. The -iving Bible SPECIAL $2*95 E DITION (Kivar Binding) iages Auto mechanics will be held at Henry Street on Wed- nesday evenings. Date 10 be announced.- A badminton club is open to ail levels of players and will allow die more advnaced 10 compete in COBA tourn- înents. Six courts are avail- able on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Phione the Y for details. Industrial house league basketball on a recreational level is offered Wednesday nigh ts aI 7, 8 and 9 p.m. aI Henry Street beginning Oct- ober 151h, with warmups getting underway October 1. Cost is $30.00 which includes Y memnbership and is due in full when tournamnent play starts. Lessons for beginners and advanced bridge players will be offered. Cali the Y. Crewel, a type of embroid- ery with wool will be avail- able. Date 10 be announced. A I 0-week course in crochetting, taughit by Dorotlhy Clairmont, begins September 251h. CosI is $16.00 and $ 13.00 plus sup- lies. The -instructions wiIl be given a! the Whitby Librai-y T'hursday niglits from 7 10 9. Cross country skiing is of- fered, in conjunction with the Recreation Department. Cail the Y. Dance excercise 10 music for womnen only is good for trimming figures and is off- cred Mondays from 1:30 10 3 p.m. at a cosf of SI18.00 and $ 15.00. Date 10 be announced. Economy cooking and French foods are planned and more details wfll be av- ailable at a later date. Anyone who is interested in conversational French should call the Y. Knitting will be offered. Date to be announced. 'Ladies Take-A-Break', a speciai program for women, wiîl be held Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. aI Brooklin United Church and St. Andrews Chiurch, begin- ning October Ist. Cost for 10 weeks is S12.00 and SIO.00. Babysitting is avail- -able at a nominal fee. 'Let's Create Together', a programi involving parent and child in the chiild's xvorld of play, will be offéred in two locations, ut Brooklin United C7hurchi with registration and sîin dte Octob rAd course in cooperation with the Whitby Library wfll be taught by Dorothy Clarmont and costs $10.00 and $8.00. Men's fitness, including condilioning, volleyball, bas. ketbail, floor hockey, etc., gels underway September 25th aI Henry Street and wfll continue for nine add- itional Thiursday evenings at a cost of $15.00 and $ 12.00. Because of lack of space, we can't list aIl progranis. Contact the Y. REMINDER: FALL CLASSES AT "~THE STATION" GALLERY Henry and Victoria S treets, Whitby. Life Drawing & Painting, Mondays, September 29 - Decemnber 8, 7:30 - 10:00 p.m.; Classical & folk guitar, Wednesdays, October 1- October 29, session No. 1, and Noveniber 5 - December 3 session No. 2. '/- hour individual instruction starting at 5:30 - 9:00 p.ni.; Japanese Brush Painting, Wednesdays, October 1- Decemiber 3, 8:00 p.-n. - 10 p.m.; lntroductory Weaving, Thursdays, October 2 - December 4, 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.;. Children's Art Class. Satur- days, September 27 - October 25 and November 15 - December 13, 10:00 - 12:00 noon; Uninstructed Tuesday Painting, starting Tuesday, October 7, 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. For further information phone Whitby Arts at 668-4 185 or visit "The Station" during gallery hours: Tucsday - Sunday 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.; Tuesday - Thursday 7:00 - 10: 00 p.m. Registrations wvill also bc taken on Tucsday, September 23 and Wednesday, September 24 during gallery hours. Rernember our classes are s-mail to allow for excellent instruction Why not register now!! CURRENT EXHIBIT AT "THE STATION" Postdrs: 1890 - 1930 - French, British & American -- Toulouse- Lau trec, Mucha, Bradley and others. Buy Now for CHRISTMAS and SAVEZ Church Supplies - Bibles, Christian Books, Records,, Tapes and Gift Items.

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