PAGE 8. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1l975, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS TOWN 0F WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION OCTOBER l3th, 1975 AND FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK OCTOBER 2Oth TO OCTOBER 24th, 1975 Extra trucks and men have ' been assigned throughout the week of October 2Oth to 24th to handie the extra load that resuits from the Fait Clean-up. Your co-operation is requested in having ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day., There wili be no garbage collhction on Monday, October l3th, 1975. Garbage normally collected on Monday, wilI be picked up on Tuesday, October l4th, 1975. The Garbage Disposai Site wiIl be closed on October l3th, 1975. R. A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. 1350 THE OSHAWA STATION WITH BOB BURR AND JIM GIL CHRIST FOR AL OSHA WA GENERALS GAMES HOME AND A WA Y FOR ALL AÂGES Some Y programs have openings MERCANTILE DEPT., STORE Nleli's alid childreil 1 S %V S Y D SI'LVER FORMAL. RENTALS LEVIS JEANS CORDS ETC. EXTRA LARGE MENS'SIZES MINOR ALTERATIONS FREE CHARGEk- 321 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PLAZA 668-3468 lhere's a lime set aside, 7:00 10 9:00 p.m. Friday night, whiere lte whole famni- ly çani go swimming f'or $2.00? The one to three year olds and their Mums swi:n class, thc tadpolcs for four and five year olds and thc wornen's classes are small classes wiîh a great deal of personal attention. The women's classes are handled in an informal way that puIs the studeril at case yel does dite job of teaching and gels you set to advancc ltrougit ouîlined swimming courses. Saturdays from 12:00-1:00; 1:00-2:00 the Whitby YMCA has buses to pick up citldren n. Wititby and Brooklin to bring thcm to swim classes. This is for parents' conve- nience or when Ihere just isn't a car available. Tad- poles, beginners, advanced beginners, firslttrougit sixth star are the classes of- féed. TIIERE ARE STILL SOME OPENINGS IN SOME 0F THE WHITBY YMCA'S FAL.L PROG RAM. ADULT PROGRAMS Tîtere arc sorte openings in the auto mechanids class. It would be a chance to dis- cover what is under the hood of your car and irnpress your spouse or service manager nexl time you take your car in for its check up. Bridge starts shortly and -lasses on improving your game might be just whal you are looking for titis fail. Sewing is open to men and wo-men. Its a 16 week course holding eight of .the classes before Christmnas and eighit after the lholidays. Its srnall enougli to give you personal attention witlî ideal sewiilg conditions. If ils social dance you are inlcresled in its not too late to gel in step. Latin Ameni- can dances, wallz and many other dances are taughit. Men's ritness classes get off to a good start Thursday night. Maybe we shouldn't waiî to0 make that New Year's Resolulion about miaking an effort to gel in shape but do it now. In Brooklin, the 'Ladies. Take-A-Break' are looking for more womnen t0 corne out and join with them in dic lte programn they have pre- pared. Aquatics: If you didn'î get registcred in swiiming because of the cottage or other reasons it's not 100 late. The Whiîby YMCA has openi: gs in Iheir pre-scitool, school children and woncn's classes. Did you know choose from Saturday morning. Baton twirling is a new course titis ycar ai Uic Y. Gymnastics, floor hockey, badminton and judo arc thc otiter courses offcred 10 lite youlh 10 chioose from on Saturday. Citild care is starting next wcek. This course prepares young people to accept the rcsponsibility of filling in for parents for short pcri.ids of time. Child behavior, first aid, goo.d character are some of te subjects laught and discussed. Lecl's nol forget about guitar. Thtis is a course Ihat offers group instruction and is an ideal starling place for a potentitil guilar player. Titere are m any other courses offered by th e Whitby YMCA and they would be most interested in hearing from people with ideas of other programs. For further information phone 668-6868. Raise for supers, education directors The Durhtam Board of Education, at ils most recent regular meeting approved a reviscd sciedule of salaries for superintendents and lte director of educalion effect- ive September 1, 1975 10 Augus 31, 1976. A quarter-cup of leftover ham and a rich creany cheese sauce made with imported Holland Cheese, you can buiid this pancake tower to suit any appetite. Holland cheese pan cake tower A grcat way 10 sîrecîci a litîle leftover cooked ham int a whole meal, titis recipe is s0 good you may want 10 buy the hamn anyway, just 10 try il out. Delicate pan- cakes are lightly flavorcd with imported Holland citeese, layered and cnrobed in a rich citeese sauce chunky witit itam. Add a few crisp carrot and celery sticks on lte side and you'll have anotiter family favourite t0 add 10 your menus. Pancakes: 11/2 cups ali-purpose flour 1 leaspoon sait 1 teaspoon baking powder ½/ cup (2-ounces) shredded imported Holland Edam or Gouda 3 eggs, lightly beaten 11/2 cups apple juice or milk Butter for f rying Cheese Sauce: 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup apple juice or milk 11/2 teaspoons preparcd mustard i cup (4-ounces) shredded imporled Holland Edam or Gouda 2 apples, pceled and chopped 1¼ cup chopped cooked hamn To make the pancakes: Spoon flour, sait, baking pow- der and shredded imported Holland Edam or Gouda mbt a bowl. Mix well. Beat the eggs, milk- and mnelîed butter together. Pour into dry ingre- dients. Stir until just mixed. For best pancakes allow Io stand 1 - 2 hours. If batter is too thick add a litIle more liquid. Meit a littie butter in a frypan or on a hot griddle. Pour batter in the frypan or on the griddle to make pancakes (4 to 5 inches diameter). Cook over medium heat until bub- bles rise 10 the surface of pan- cakes and the underside is browned. Turo and brown the other side. Turn out onto a plate; stack one on top of the other to keep warm. To niake the cheese sauce: Meit the butter in a heavy bot- tomed saucepan. Stir in the flour until thoroughly blended. Add the apple juice slowly; stir constantly as mixture thickens int a smooth sauce. Blend in prepared rnustard and grated imported Holland Edam or Gouda. Fold in chopped apple and ham. Cook over Iow heat. for 2 minutes. (Sauce must flot boit.) Allow 3 - 4 pancakes per serving. Stack with a spoonful of sauce hetween pancakes and spoon :dditional sauce over stack of pancakes. Make 4 scrvings. Salaries of senior academie, personnel are related directly to the -salaries of secondary sehool principals. The Arbi- tration Award of Mr. G. Fer- guson, Q.C., granted salary increases to principal of $4,175 or 14.8% September 1Ist and $2,000 or 6.2% January 1, 1976 and a maxi- mum cost of living adjust. ment of $300 at June 30, 1976. Principals' maximum saiaîy by August 31, 1976 wil be $34,350 plus cost of living. Salary rates are as follows: Minimum saiaiy for superin- tendents is $36,500 at Sept- ember 1, 1975 to a maximum of $40,3 50 for senior super- indents by August 31, 1976; and salary for the director is $45,500 at September 1, 1975 to $47,350 by August 31, 1976. Fringe Benefits for this group of employees will b e equal to those negoîiated by leacher federations. The board commillee noted in ils report that the rates being paid are compar- able to other schools' boards of sirilar size in Ontario. Make sure your baby crib has as narrow a space as possible be- tween the siats. The mattress should fit the crib very snugly, if you can fit more than two fingers between the mattress and the crib, the mattress is too small. Buy bumper pads for the crib. Check the crib's metal parts and the edges of the crib frame for sharp or rough edges. ,Don't Freeze Everything Certain foods should flot be frozen, because their flavor or texture changes during the freezing process. For example: cooked egg white toughens; salad greens lose their crispness; raw tomatoes change their flavor and color and become limp and watery; raw ap- pià e and gapsbeoe ot CHILDREN Titere's a lot to LISTEN TO 1