PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS whtby Voice of the County Townl Emm's decision to be commended Regional Councillor Gerry Eminlias to be coin- mended for making a tough decision in deciding not to run for the ilayoralty and liaving the respect for his coristituents to publicly annouince his decision. Emm drew the most votes froni the town at large in the last municipal election and certainly would have been a good bet if lie had chosen to ruîî in the upcoming December election. But knowing the busy sehedule a good miayor lias to maintaîn, Coun. Emmn opted not to detract from his home life and yoting family. Our ex-mayor, Des Newman, was very active in his role as m-ayor and would quite frequently be seen at two or tlwee fuîîctions in one evening. He set a pace which is going 'to niake great de- mands on whomever winds up filling his slîoes. Another reason Cotin. Emm decided niot to run is because of his concern for our representation at the regional level. With Newvmani gone. and Cotin. John Goodwin looking like hie iniglit contest tlîe mayoralty, Emm's resignatioîi would possibly leave Whitby without any experienced regional repre- sentatives. Compounding the difficulties of the mayoralty situation are some 'contenders' playing the closed mouth game and flot indicating tlieir intentions. Surely if a person is politically incined and truly feels hie (or she) can beîîefît Whitby (and flot just himself) lie would so indicate. Unfortunately Whitby's past election history indicates some of our previously elected officiais are incapable of making up their minds in time to get their namnes on the nomination sheets, and yet anotiier was so unsure of where heelîad the best chance lie entered his name in three wards. Thankfully neitiier of these people are now on coun cil. Never-the-less we've seen the politicking going on at the social events and service clubs rso we won't be surprised when the last minute decision makers pop up and say "surprise! guess what l've been talked into doing". Guess our problemi is that we look at politics as a serious business, and flot just a get riciîi quick thing, or an extra income and ego trip fir those who don't need the money. Somne may scoff when we say %get rich quick", but did you ever stop to think that (for example) a regional councillor wiII make more for his sup- 'posedly part-time job on council than the average SERVING OVER 26,000 READERS. Mi ke Burgess, Pubtisher-Ma naging Editor. Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy I isl l (' evecr y Wedtisday Çontributing Editor - Jim Quail Production Manager - Marje Burgess D)isplay Advertlsing Manager - Robin Lyon by MI.B.M. Publishing Classif ied Ad Manager - and Photography lue. Marlene Byrom Btox 206, Whitby, The Free PresBuilding 121 Brock Sreet North, Whitby, Onltaria. Mailing Permit No. 2941 Phoric 668-6111: Toronto Line 282-1004 HOMER PELGR1MS: Let s respect our elected off ias they are hard workingt individuals Dear Mr. Burgess: Raading your newspa-. per over the last two weeks and especially a- bout the candidates for mayor. 1 feel that the following statement sho- uld be printed. In regards to Graydon Colville you printed that he is a taxi driver. 1 feel that it should be clarified that he is flot driving or connected with Bell and Bowman Taxi. To my knowledge he is driving for Circle Taxi. Furthermore his state- ments do flot express the opinions of Bell and Bow- man Taxi and its drivers nor do we agree or sup- port them in anyway. It is on.r strong belief that the present mem bers of council although they might have made mis- takes in the past and es- pecially in regards to this cir4 a ny (making errors ibuman and then who is perfect?> are ail hard working individuals, who are trying to represent the people of Whitby the best irvy possible. However, if anyone feels different, it is that person's democratic right to vote for another can- didate in the next elec- tion and if the need arises to express his dissatisfac- tion to do so in a well mannered and sophistica- ted way. Let us have some respect for the offices of our elected of- ficiais. Smearing them with dlirt is flot helping- anyone nor will it make the task of our council and future mayor easier. Yours truly, H. Pelgrims, Bell and Bowman Taxi. Suicide -of former psychiatrie patient Doug Lockie may be partially attributed to proviinci al cutbacks To the Editor: By attackirig the com- petance of the staff of Whitby Psychiatrie Hos- pital, the provincial in- quest into the death of former patient Douglas Lockie has ignored the major issue in mental health care today - the Iack of aftercare services in Ontario communities. Psychiatric hospitals have suffered severe cut- backs in funds and there is every indication this wiIl continue. When treatment hospitals face cutbacks, they, are forced to cut back on recreation- aI, vocational and other types of programs, aimed at helping the former pa- tient re-integrate himself into the community. Lo- cal communi-.1ies lack the financial resources to pro- vide these services to mental patients. In Durham Region there are no group homes for ex- psychiatrie patients, few rehabi litation services and one reereational ser- vice (Hope Community Centre) that is facing se- vere financial pressures. The real culprit is the provincial government which has failed to pro- vide funds to develop community-based after- care services for the ex- psychiatrie patient. There are two solutions to this problem and only one is humane. The firstwould be to return to the good old days of the insar.-.- asylumn and lock up the. mentally ilI indefinitely - out of sight, out of mnd - out of mind, out of sight. The second more humane alternative is for the prio vincial goverment to ai locate the resources nece.c sary for communities anc: psychiatric hospitals tg develop adequate aftei care services. Yours truly, Steve Lunie, Executive Director, Mental Health/Durham