PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 22, 1975, WHITBY FREE 1 Well, here goes! I've spent die last haif hour playing with the typewriter and 'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it lasts out to the end of the column. As the mechanic in the faxuily is out and therefore cannot help me, we'll' just have to hope for the best! Had a nice cail fromn Mrs. Jean Bravener this week. This lady is a coach for the, Brooklin WA girls softball teamn. She called me at the bcginning of the season to advertise the fact that we were getting together a softball team for, the girls. This tirne she called to let us know how successful. the season had been for kthe girls. And they really hae done well, winning seven and losing one during the season and winning the playoffs, j,>lot only have the girls had fun, playing the game but they were also able to enjoy them- selves at a swimming Party and a banquet, where every girl was presented with a trophy. Sponsors for the team were the Brooklin Senior 'A' Hockey. Thirty girls have had fun this year and with luck next May should see many more. Thank you Mrs. Bravener for bringing us up to date. Here's a first! The first tirne that we 've heard from this group ...l1 knew there were some groups out there thiat haven't been ln touch!. Anyway It was great to hear from the Durhamn Trait Riders this week. The D.T.R. is the snowmobile club' of Brooklin and area. It is not a money making Vonture, non is if. a public service group. But it Is a fniendly ",socilI group who advocate safe fun with controlled snowmobiling. This means organtzed runs on Friday and Satunday nights for the aduits and Sunday runs for the> children. .on a caboose! And not running around the highiways and byways either. They have trails all over Ontario that allow themn to' travel without fear of trespass or becorning a nuisance value. They also join in with other clubs, hold corn roasts and weiner roasts and have bowling nights. 1 have to admit that the only feelings' that I've hadl for snowmobiles are negative ones.. .either because of the noise late ýat night, or when l've seen the tnacks of one across my front lawn! But obviously there is a way to have, enjoyment with these machines without bothening youn neigh bours ... and that is by joining the Durham Trail Riders.' They cetainly seemn to'have a great deal :à ffun, and if you have a snowmobile and, are lnterested in getting. more u out of it, then 1 hearily, recommend you go'along to the, Brooklin Community Centye on Sunday Novemnber' 2nd, atý 8 p.m. You wfil be mà bre' ithan welcome, and will iobùdin, new trail information as well as meeting many new friends." A bowling night is coming up to which non-merribens will' be welcomed, and as soon as I get the dateIll let-you know. 1 see the pumpkins are in the stores.. And the trick or treat bags and goodies are ail up for grabs! So even if 1 didn't have children in the house to remnind me, I'd stfl know that Halloween night was coming up. The time for E e IonTE Value atisfacti Choice - PIup - Tender4 QUARTERED 8 CHICKEN 8 TENDER -JUICY (ek 4 CHUCKEN LEGS1.12! FRESH CUl IW.ngt 011 CHICKEN'Breastsl. 1 ! - e MEALTHO SES! BUV' - MITCHELL S PURE APPLI JUICE 48 FI O: Tîn 59C SES! BUY, - CLOVER LEAF - Solid -Abacore 7 FLIOz. lin WHITE TUNA 79C FEATURIE' - CANADA Na, 1 WHITE- CREAMED 2-Lb. Tub HONEY o'-- 1.6C9 FEATURE! - OUAKER 16-O:. Pkg. MUFFETSsw 5Wht n9c FEATURE! - 40C COUPON ON 48 Fi. Oz. Sotie CRISCO OIL 1.e99 FEATURE! - ROSEDALE CHOICE 19 FI.0O Tin CREAM CORN 45c FEATURE! - ROSEDALE CHOICE 19 FI, Or.Tn GREEN PEAS 2iPm69c j DINNERS 69C STRAWBERRIES 5 ec o COOL WHIP 16-ci. ixe 59C 00 OUPUT 12,01, P$ FISH CAKES 63c f TURUOT FILLETS 99C Va 5I<VI THE R5041 10 UA49T OJ*N1rn1ES STORE HOURS OPENI SIX DRYS -A WEIK 8:0S . -6 p.M. EXCPI THURS&a FRIl NIONTS 'ni, p.. witches, goblins and ail weird C'reaturcs to appear. And il isn't just for thetlittie people either. Aduits f00, can have sorne fun-.and you'don't have to go far or spend toc,.muchl. Just over to the Brooklin Legion for their Halloween Dance. If you enter into the "spirit" of the thing and get dressed up in somne suitable attire.. fancy dress ... then it wiIl only cost $3 a couple. If you are going to be a stick in the mud it wilI cost you $5 a couple ... still cheap. It would cost you more if you got your car stuck In the mud! Entertainmnent, dancing, refrestrments, and general "gong- kicking around" wil be the order'of the evening. Go aiong and take a friend or a witbh or two...or both! *The date is November lst and the fun starisat 9 p.m. For antique loyers, remember that theThird Antique Show and Sale is coming up. Starts on Friday October 24th between 7 and 10 p.m. And cardes on Saturday October 2Sth betweefl 12 noon and 4 p.m. Lt wil be held as usual at the Brooklin Community Centre. A dmnission is $1,and the ladies of the Brooklin Legion Auk. will be serving *efreshments. Also on October 24th, but at the Ashburn Cormlnity Centre and starting 1 think at 8 p.m. is the Ftiday Night Euchre. They started at that time last' yeýr. and -as I 14ven't heard differently 1 presumne it is the sarne. Tickets are now available for the Garraird'Rçl.' Minor Lacrosse Association Annual Fall Ball. . Lt wilI be, hld, at Ijeydenshore Pavil1lion on November 8th.* Dancing will'be from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.ff. with music provided by B,& H Soijnd. Bar privileges, door prizes and a buffet lunch for odlj $7 a couple. Cail Jean Jhillips at 655-3271 for your res4vations! FR1. OCT. 24th. Euchre night at Ashburn Community Centre at 8 p.m. FR1. OCT. 24th. Third Antique Show and Sale at Brooklin Community Centre hetween 7 and 10 p.m. SAT. OCT. 25th. Third Antique Show and Sale at Brooklin Community Centre between 12 noon and 4 p.m. SUN. OCT. 26th. Garrard, Rd. Minor Lacrosse Associa- tion Annual Banquet at Hey- denshore Pavillon starting at I p.m. SSAT. NOV.. lst. Brooklin Legion Hafloween Dance at the Legion Hall starting at 9 p.m. SUN. NOV. 2nd. Durham Trail Riders at Brooklin Com- munity Centre at 8 p.m. MON. NOV. 3rd. Group' '74 General meeting, Brooklin Commnunity Centre at 8 p.m. SAT. NOV. 8th. Annual Fail Lacrosse Bail at Heyden- shore Pavillion starting at 8:30 p.m. That's it again for this week. Sonry if you tried to get Bob Hedges of the Legion and found you had the-wring number. it is 655-4194. Take care, see you next week. LIZ - 655-3750. T1WRMIO-ENGRAVED BUSINESS STATION ERY THERMO.ENGRAVING ha: lte elegonce and Individual iiinction of fine croflsmenthip. THERMO.ENGRAVING :i distinctive raised letI.ring Thermno-Engraving couis about hall os much as youd expect ta pay, Cali M.B.M. P-tblishing &Photography Ime 121 Brock N. LETTERHEADS and ENVELOPES CARDS 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS' SES! UUV - ALLEN S IECONSTITUTED 48 Fl O: Tîn ~ ~ORANGE JUICE 44C SES! BOY' - ORANGE PEKOE 60 ta Package FbrouceRED'ROSE I" us 1s 1 0 Golden Ripe Large Sle 0 FEATURE! - ALL PURPOSE S 0 BANANAS 25« lb. ô FLOUR RoUN mu 18 9 c ,l Produce of U.S.A. No. i 0 FEATURE! - TOMATO 15 Fi.O. a 0 Sweet Crisp 1 HEINZ Ketchup 5 9 C RdGRAPES 45<lbogAUE!-CELI-RAYU MAON Ontario No.1 Grade SP G ETg9 *CAUIFLOWER 59< each0 FEATURE' - HEAVY DUTY 20 Io Pack o ntaro Foncy Grade 0 L DGrag as1 9 0 alpurpose 694 O ES! BUY! - 2-PLY 2 Roil Pack g Mclntosh Reds -3lbs~ ESYTsie5 .1iffi - t Fi .035. 3N A i gno maLl S Valuez! EASY OFF140.Otrorbl.39 ilzvAC VI tu Fwuuî111 n1 n.0.i. C d 19 SEDLESS AIR CARE 'J R tIU 69 CPA v * RAISINS4 PL&tutiI - LOIS L T 'E Nuts 3-Lli 021 Package KIM T ER at9 L<NHj$> co6e CHICLETS 99Ç AveaIL la Fi. Ol o c.u¶' ce e leC. Me SPRAY DEODORIZER $1 *49 FETFE T'o M& 0 E S$1.291 Cips AMn 89,S -2 112OFFIE 29 3BI1GDAYS Thurs.Oct. 23 Sat. Oct . 25 DEOMLIRYAT BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WIHITBY PHONE 655-4521 lkCmwtxmin 55mos schwnalo i Au *e# mMIISIZZLUS-.. P.M ODSféILACS lw BM PATTES ;.et. si 199 BWPOIS LU N"(HMET av 1514ftisci mno s on44*l BACON à . 1.49< - D.W* 11<1.14 à um à A chm P.. ftow«M 9" ckse mamommommun zwuý 7