WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29,1975, PAGE 11 PAINT IU 1 WALLPAPERq Up to.5Q% OFF WALLPAPERS IN STOCK 20% OFF PITTSBU RGH Tremco Colortread masonry waIl paint waIl point $795 gali. 103 BROCK ST. SOUTH 668-1104 - ""AT FOUR CORNERS"# Gail Carriere and her 19-month old son Christopher at play during the Whitby Recrea- tion Department's Moni and Me (or Dads too) course at Iroquois Park Arena. Fr'ee Press Photo by Alex Kaînins Information on ]Region aval "How can 1 find out how our taxes are being used?" "Where can 1 get information about Regional Governmentrý "Why do we need Regional Government? " Answers to these and other often asked questions will be given to those who enrol in a free, public information course, entitled "Your Regional Government and Board of Education - how they work and serve", offered by The Durham Board of Education in association with the Region of Durham. The course will commnence on Tuesday, November l8th, and fo r th ree successive Tuesdays at R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rond North, Oshawa, starting at 7:30 p.m. each evening. The first three sessions wiIl be devoted to Regional WeI Capture Those Siles able in course uovernment and the remain- ing two, in January, to the B3oard of Education. To register for the course, phone 576-4600, extension 318. There is no charge to those who enrol. Among those participating as discussion leaders will be: Walter Beath, Regional Chair- man; Bill Manning, Chief Administrative Officer; Con,. mittee Chairrnc9 and Com- missioners George Ashe and Jack Cartley, finance; Clark Mason and Bil McAdams, planning; Alan Dewar and Bob Richardson, works; Ruth Bestwick and Doug Johns, social services. Somne of the subjects to be discussed.are: our regional government; local versus re- gional authority; the rnoney (where it cornes frorn and where it goes); services pro- vided, etc. Adequiate tine will be allocated to questions fromn the audience. New office rs The Sinclair Public Sehool Home and School Association rccently elected a new slate of office rs. Mary Woodward is Presi- dent; Betsy Cullen, Recording Secretary; Mary Rusonik, Treasurer; Lily Green, Coun- sel Representative; Marge Hardy, Publicity Director; Maureen Pierson, Social Con- venor; Mary Woodward, Bulletin Chairmian, Sally Woodward, Mernbership Di- rector; and Mandy Schimid Prograni Director. The association rccently held an open house at the sclîool. COPLETE PROF ESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY HOME, CHURCH and RECEPTION Vou get a total of over 30 31/2 in. X 5 in. fult colour quality photos! ALL FOR ONLY $89-95 DELUXE PACKAGE You get the above package Plus 20 31/2 in. X 5 in. Parents' album prints Plus 12 8 in. X l0Oin. Entargemeflts of your choice A total of over 60 photos! ALI FOR ONLY $1 49-95 ALL FULL COLOUR QUALITY PRINTS BY EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME PROFESSIONALS MIKE BURGESS 668-6111 ,.B.M. Publishiflg and Photography MONEY $AVEU SPCIALS LIMITED QUANTITY ON ALL ITEMS OCT. 29 TO OCT. 31, 1975 PAINI * s gaie Floor Paint $1 1'9- @wmmmNmý m N IL - mmom