F ree Press Emporium FOR SALE HONDA MINI TRAIL- in good condition, $150; YAMAHA 80, in good condition, onty asking j $400 tirn. Cali 655-3785 ask for. Andrew. 1971 PINTO - 2,000 CC, liiiiè green, 40,000 miles, body great, motoi- very good, 4-speed, radio, fully certified, good gas miteage, best offer over $1.300. Cati SWINGOMATIC - For baby $12. Cail1668-9888. -- ANTIQUEb - Dresser $90; kitchen cab'-net $120; beauty table with 3 mirrors $ 120: 2 chairs $30 euch; rocking chair $130. Culit 579-2939. RMS-Complete set; 2 toms, 1 floor tom, buse, chrome snare drum, high hat, 2 cymbat stu.nds, excellent condition $190. 2 19 Kei th S tree t after 6 pm. PINE DESK CHEST - Han, crafted, has 4 drawers $95. Cati 668-4677. 1967 YA'XIAHA 350 needs some repairs & cornes with a repair manuai. asking $75 or best offer. For detaits cali Keith at 668-5123. Kenmore STOVE - 4 burner heavy duty, about 5 years old, $65. Cai 668-4750. SANDWICH GRILL - $5; HUMIDIFIER $25. Cati 668-6644 MOPED - Broncu brand gîesv ý 50 mils, highrise handebars, ý eluke seat, 148 mites per galion, il go 40 m.p.tî. $460. Cati 668- .3186. WOOD - One traier ioad soft svood suitabie for firepiace $35. Cati 668-8957. WEDDINd GOWN veil and train $50. 2-406 or 668-4410.. - Sîze 12, Cuit 668. Enip. STEREO - Lloyds reciver, eight-track, turntfibtc and tsvo speakers. Just ike new $150 or best offer. Cal 668-7190. Emp, KifM S - T'&ur 14 in. chrome reverse, 2 G70 Gôdyear tires, 2 F60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 283 heads $40; 2 bueket seats $30;, set of headers $10; Ford ½/ ton 15 in. Runis, $8 eaciî (4); Ford 1/2 ton rear axte $15 and 2 drums $15. Cali evenings 579- 1690 and day 668-5823. POOS - Deue ewood, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, i year old. Repossessed - by bank, sacrifice !/2 price. Cati Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. WRINGER WASHER - $5 mushroomn KITCHEN SET, white with black pudded seats $100; WEDDING DRESS, size 9, com- piete with floor Iength veil $90. Call 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORI NO - V8, 4-door, green with black vinyl roof, black interior, certiticd $2,300. Cail 655-3406. STOVLE - 4 borner, heavy duty 30 in., $35; 5 piece DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140. Cuit 668-6750. MATERNITY CLOTHES - Incîuding four tops, one pair siacks, two pair shorts, a punt suit and a dreqs, neyer worn, size 10- 12 $25 for everything. Cuit 728- C%-ý4 1 white LAUNDRY TUB with sturdy steel stand $25; CHEST DRAWERS $45; Set BUNK BEDS with springs, no mattress, size 36 inch width $50. Caîl 668-9009 WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, NOYEMBER 5. 1975. PAGIE 13 668-m61i CLASSTFIED ADVERTISING _______________________________________________ T SKI BOOTS and SKIS size FRAMUS - 6 string $ 100 or tiiarest offer. 668-4187 afle'r 6 o'ctock. bîanjo. Ph une STOVE - .0incli, good con- dition $75;, space HEATER $60. Cali 668-6750. STOVE - Snîaii $60; B&W TV Philco $60; teak chcstcrricd and chair $85; antique Raymond treddic scwing machine $65. Cail 668-6080. ______ 1965 MERCURY COMET - licenses, uncertified, good runn ing condition, $300 or bcst otier. ,Must seil. Cuti 655-4834. Glass betted, nylon. SNUW TIRE - G78-14 with rims, îow mileage $40; one thistie BABY CAR RIAGE, very good condition, $25~. _Çgll668-6182. miotor work, everything cIsc A-t, new muffler and trans-mission instatled by reputable companies PARTY DRESSES- long evening gowns, size 9, Il & 12. Cati 668-9256 after 6 p.m. BICYCLe. - boys' CCM Targa.' offly one yeai )Id, in good condi- tion, $60. (Catit 55-4409. COAT - adieF black persian ianb approxinîateiy size 20, in good condition, wiii selI for $50. Cati 725-5714. Emp.) SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 61/ buckte st::ile, worni once $25. (Cait 668-21 19. Elmp GAS STOVE - Finttiey, 2 years oid. goid colour, Rotisserie, excellent condition. $175. C:.'i 668-4468. AFGHANS -Oid t'-astuoned 4Sin. X 45in. for $45. S4in. X 54in. for $54. Botti nutti- coîoured and woutd suit ans' decor. Cati 6554776. Lmip. WLDDING GOWN- Size 7/8 long veil and headpiecc înciudcd, long siceves, excellent condition, regulur price $ 150.00, asking $50. must sce...cuit 668-9120 aftcr 4. TV -- B&W 20 inch $I100. Cati' 668L384- King-size BED -- with quit muttress pad & titted sheet $100; Single wardrobe cabinet $18. Cali 668-83 16. DRUMS - Olympia, 18 pie set includes stoot, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Cali 655-3563. UNIFORM $10; steum IRON $8, two smai.] carpets $6 cuch. Cati 725-1211. King-sizc BED withl quiit' mattress, pad & fitted sheet. $85. Single wurdrobe CABINETI, S$18; ail 668-8316. STROBE LIGIIT - almost new, i ncw buib, faetory made, war-anty and ail parts $50 or- best offer. FERRET - aibino, brown mate or femuale $25. Cali 668-7190. SPEED BOAT ResnaeT $95. Cali Doug t 668-8957._ WASHER/SPIN L>RYLR - Westinghousc, used two montbs $165.00t' 3 piece sectionul, bloc green orlun pile witb bar $400 like new. Cuti 668-4377 or 668- 16078., j7'/2 $6 each, pieture window, storrn 58X64 $30, ssindowv size coutd he utercd sightiy. CatI 723-8220. Large box of"GtRLS CLOTII- ING- nearîy toew, site 10-12, $25; BOYS ('LOTiIiNG, size 8-12, $20; STEAM IRON $8; Girls COATS, site 12, $6 ecdi;-,12 bottie SPICE RA~CK $8. ('ait 1725-1211. open for your convenience 9 to 9 MAonday to Friday 10 to 6 Saturday Lower Mal Whitbv Mail, Hiwy. 2 and Tbickson Road, Whitby. Phone 723-6792. iember o'i.A.'.A.,A.(',O't(. Ont. Reg. No. 1079998 i 31/2, $15; ssvivei CHAIR, $15; IIUMIDiVI-IER,'$25; VAPORIZER $5;, brownie UNIFORM $8; ei- carie corffe PIERK $ 10; sandwich GRILL $7;, TOASTE R $7; carpet SWEEPER $10; soi al etectrie HEATER $5; G.E. FLOOR POLISFIER $10; 6 light bar type BATI-ROOM FIXTURE with shave pîug in, like new $20; 6 ple crates $2 cach. ICui6-44 _______________________________________________ .1 t ton TACKLE $40. Cati CHIAN BLOCK & -'excellent condition. 655-3257. RUGS -- 1l [t. X 8 ft. 3 in. & 10 ft. X 6 f t. 8 in., eurth coloors, rust, goid, brosý-, beige, $500 for both. Cati 668- /923. CEDAR SHINGLES - 8/ bondies $90.00; homnemade 12 ft. aiurninumn housetrailer $250. Cal 655-3411. RANGE - 24 inch eiectrîc westinghouse, four burner, good condition $40. Cati 668-3692. Vintage Golden Oidies RECORD)S- ail are 78's, Dorsey, Goodman, Kenton, Basic, etc., $20. Cati 668-5722.-1 S Wimming Pool Clearance 'Leading manufacturer of lifetimne warranted above ground alum-inum pools is ov, er stoeked ini many models. Immediate delivery and in- stallation at reduced winter prices. Cal! colleet 416-536- 9278."' 1969 OLI)S Cutiass 442 V8 po\vcr (disc brakes. au tomnatic. ASti N111-\radio, al gaugcs inctud- met taclhometer, 2 door liard top), body needs pain t. approximiateiy 76,000 miles, S iJ.100or 1,est ot*- fer. ('ail668-1066. Eil)p GOA LIE IEQUIjPMFNT t vear oid. lits boyi 9-13, pads, miask. gioves, ami & chest protee- tor, $6(0. ('ait166 8-5 714. ('AMFRA X-15 instamiatic (Kodak) witiî carrying case, iii excOllent condition SI10, ski boots size seven. witîi carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in very good condition $7, microscope kit. contains micro- scope. sides. specimiils. for ob- _sy g$.Cuit 668-44f>5. PAN (;UITAR- Reptîca of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- uIps, excellent conîdition, adjust- able steel neck $100 firm. Cuit 668-9772. Enp. CUTITERS one in excellent condition Ãt50; one racing cutter i good co ndition $15. Cati 655-4964. CI-IEýSTE,ýRFIELD uaîd chai- fr. colon, good for .,recreation roomn or cottage $50- Cati 668- 5404.1 1970 MGBI Convertible good working condition, ccrtified one owncr, compcte with Iugguge rack asking $1,500. Cuti 668- 6896 before 5 p-m. and 655-3663 BABY lURNITURE -Strol O (Chair, inctudes carniage, stroler chair, bigli chair, witii inter- changeable parts $50. Cati 728- 0333. Ft[lmp. T0W TRUC'K- 3 ton, seliing as is $900 oir icst offer. Calii 660- 7654. Em p. REC'ORD PLAYIER - portable $15, kitchen table, chromie & grey marbie in design $20, pIeuse cati af'ter 6_p.ni. 655-32401. Fmp., HIUMIDIF"IER - $5, e-;ercise cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, stereo record player $15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, electrici sewing mact\c $20, rocking horse $5, baby waIker $3, sworci $5. ('ail 668-6257. FOUNTAIN Approx. 6 ftL. diametcer, 4 ft. tait $10. Cati afler 6 pmrn 579-3536. . SCUB3A DIVING WET SUIT - girls' med ium size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Cuit 579- 2652.,____ PIONY Strawberry Roan previously uscd for childrcns'ý -rides complete witti good as new saddtc blankct, bridie, halter and reins $125. Cuit 655-303 1. WINTER COAT - imitation Ifur, leopard type, 2 ycars oid, worn twice $25. Cati 579-3569. ELECTRIC BROOM -Regina with pile adjustment diat new condition $25; Chiid's BED fotd- ing type 27X52 with mattrcss good condition $30; 2 burner stovc eicctric 220 volt heavy du ty 25 in. high with sheif, no oven $1-5. Cati 655-3860; TRICYCLE - CCM 16 inch wheci $20; doit CARRIAGE 24 X 11 inches $ 12; nair of wh ite SKATES size 6 $5; boys SKATL, size 5 $5. CatI 668-8619. FERRING - llariey Davîdson 1200 asking $65; 4 MAG wheeis and tires for foreign car asking $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS $8 a set. Cati 668-4449. KITCTiiLN TABLL - Oval, 3 chairs, anost new $90. Cati 0 ) -664. ___ 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian V8, seIl as ks $800 or best offer, 97,00(1miles, ('ait668-7980 after 6 pn.. _________ GOLF SI-IOIlS - 2 pairs, white and peach coloured pair. size 7 1$10, white and btack pair size 7 $10, good condition. Cai 863- 18(06 and ask for ('athy. 197U0 DODGE CHALLEN GER- 318 V-8, ncw back tires $1 ,8t)t. Cati 668-5745. AM-FM STE1-Rl«REkcEiVilR $325; uniquie kitlien table, soiid m1apie top $450. Cati 668-591(0. Red Woot C7uring JACKET size 40-42. $25; Bowling SIiOLES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cati 668-9073. SNOW TIRES - ,78-14 (700 miles) NV.W., $35. ('aIt 668-9880. 300 Ht.P. CAMSHAFT &soIids offcnhiainser twin carb high risc for smal block Chevy, like ncw, I asking $200. Cati 655-4723.4 REVERB - Traynor signaturej A X 10. $250. Cati 655-4978.: t' oht-size IBLD -white lîead hou rd, almnost new muttrcss, askîng $25. CutI 668-4002 ufler 6 p.mn. WeIsliîMîRROR - 3 yvurs otd, green broke, $100 or, best offi.r. ('ait 655-3464. RIMS -- 3-14", 5,botes, fits Ford product 1967 (o 1972 may- bc Chirysier & Dodge aiso, $5.00 pair. Cai 668-2253. BUGGY Twin strolier Corn-- jbination, good condlition $40. CatI 66 8-5 272. GARAGE w. %anted (o rent. Pret'erahiy two (or nire) car iocated in or near dosvntown area. ('att .B.M. Pubiistiing and Photo- *graphy 1toc. 66 8-6 111. 1973 NORTON --intcrstate $1.200. Cail1668-9925. GARAGE: for one cair, wood frame, steel overhead door. Ex- cellent condiion, $250.00. CatI 655-4590, evenings. GUITAR -'t'riple pickup electrie, wiii seli for $35, ideul for rFOtkgroo - CaIl668-2860.. TIRES - Michein V-ui, 'site 150 SR 12, tess thian 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rim $45. Caîl 668-5040 after 5:30. ATTENTION FARMERSII WHY PA Y MORE? I~RMOU4urvI Prompt Diwýry OIL ~wr> 668-3381 NOTICE TO READERS Advertisc, FREE Af the FREE- PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you 5sdi!, There witl not' be any charge' to advertisrs in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM uniess the item 4uvcrtised is sgoid. When the ,iIverýiscd item is sol&$ you .puy it commission bascd on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilîustrated bclow. Ait advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run ut Icast one mon (h if not soid RATES (if article is sold): 5%Y of advertiscd price Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $5 0.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Privute advertising only! PIeuse notify us if you find a retaiter listed as a privute advcrtîser. Pieasenotify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy w hen item is sotd so that we may delete it from the following issues. Services, heîp wunted, ciothing,,reai estate and personai message type ads can oniy be handied on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, eaul 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY 1968 PONTIAC - Stratochief automatie, good mechanical and 283 CHEVY MOTOR With running condition $425 uncerti- automatie transmission, asking fied.-Caii 668-7644. $100. Cati 668-7553 or 723- CHESTERFIELD - Green/ 5 366. gold broquade, good condition, 22 BOLT ACTION - With $75. Call66-744 scope, gun rack, good condition, Custom-made extra niCavy uty TRAILER. HITCH for 1974-7;5ý pinto stationwagon $25. Cuit COAT - Dark collai and bottom worn twice, size 12. [668-4986. trim, been ~$35. Culit 'WMMING POJL W-- Ire- possessed, excellent coiridi-' tion, leading manufacturer will ing to sacrifice a t rprice. Call Collect -416-536-9278. GAS STOVE- 30 inch Find- lay uutomnatic 4 humner. Rotis- seric Roast TFIERMOMETER $125. Cuit 655-4721. 26" Phîltips COLOUR TV - stand inciuded, $300 or best offer. C-dl668-3195. RUGS - 12'k71" 'n 12'x l', eurth cotoors, rost, goid, brown, yeiîow,p lus undcrpad for both $400. WA SHER SPIN DRY- ER - Simpiicity, harvest-goid, excellent condition $150. RUG - 12'xlO'6", orange, goid, brown tone $60. Cuit 728-8467. 1970 ROADNiGIIT TENT- .TRAILER - steeps 4,,excellent condition. $350. or bcst offer.. Cuit 576-6197. 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA - 1600, 30 m.p.g., 4 door, good condition, ncw tires, $1,000. Cail 668-4286. HELP WANTED TORONTO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDA'NTS (2)' r equiredbyi.,,' HenryVIiI Massage Castie Must be witling to learn. maintain appearance, well- mannered, f riendly $30 - :$50 daily plus, bcnefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistance in relocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Contact Miss Cathy (1) '361-0838 collect WEN MORE FINANCIAL SERVICES MORIGAGES 1050 Simcoe N., Oshawa 576-0410 ist and 2nd mortgages arranged at prime rates." Sut. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. 1SUSPENSION HITCH - One axie (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cati 728-8056. BICYCLE - Boys high rise 3-spced with banana seat; needs gear change, in good condtion $30, aiso boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. ýCati 668- 6083 aftcr 7 p.m. «EDDING GOWN - Size il- 1$60. Cati1668-4595. -Singer Feather Weight SEWING MACHINE, $40; Chitds BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand'flew toys, i3arbies, Ken, Big Jîim and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonabie. (hiids TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTEITS, size 12, reasonable. Cuit 668-6715. Loveîy Walnut BUFFET - retinished, $45; Pine Kitchen TABLE" iefinished, $55; Smatier pine table, , paintcd, $18; Three drawer DRESSER, .$15; Large oak SIDEBOARD sith mirror and icaded glass door, nartialiy refinished, $65. Cati 668-6519. STORM ýDOOR_ - aiuminurn with frrne,, 6-8xý2-. PIANO - opright Palmer of Toronto, $300.>; Cati 668-5068 after 6 p-m. PORTPABLE DRYER - apart- mien t size, excellent condition, $100. Cuit 668-9947. AUCTION SALE. Saturday C;Nôvember 8 .10 a.m. Sale.of garage equipment. Tow truck, gravej.truck,,tiaîf7-ton, truck, hou seh otd frniture. The ýptvpcrty, of Joe, Burrôws, Motor Ltd.' Highway N'o. 7 in the Village of Brome, 7 mites west of ,Brooktin. Termscashi no reserve. Norrn - rà alkner and Eari Gaustin, Auctioneers, 640-3079. DRIVING INSTRUCTià RS \Van ted - 10 driving\' instrueètors, Durham Area. -Must have OntariQ Safety Leugue Certificate. 'Appty 8 44-7312 and reverse ttîe,çiiarges. The Institute of Driver-& Traffie EdLu tion. *FEMALE - woutd, Ijke (o stiare home or apartment with other matuje, femule(s).-preferubly in Whitby .ai-ca. Cati 668-7697 and ask, for A lice. WitI do DAYCARE in my hiome, 'ctiidren of- any age, Monday (o Friday, very reliabie. Cati 668-7,808. WNILL BABYSIT - in ray home, close to downtown aiea. Monduy to Friday. CatI 668-6046. "BABYS ITTING - svitl babysit in ,mny home. Mary Street. Cal 66k-9722. ODD JOBS DONE, BASEMENT CLEANINCG TREE REMOVAL l:IREWOOD SNOWPLOWING Phone 668-6080 after 4 p.m. AL'SROOING& SHEET MTLLTD. 'raeneral con;ý' tractors, repairs to *A types:,f roofs. Over 25 years experience Audley Rd. Ajax. 579-1464. 1 -Au . L.. le . 1 1 1