Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1975, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1975, WHITBY FREE, PRESS M ~~19i~iWt Editor - lilake Vurciy -~ SERVING OVER 26,000 READERS. Tuil )i ,Il vCI euv e r yWdn Sby M.B.M.-Publishing and Photography mc. The Free Pre~ss Buildinq Mi ke Burgess, Publisher-Maflagiflg Editor. hly rtio Commuflity E,,ditor --Brian Wintcr Contributingo Editor - Jim Quail Production Manager - Marie Burges D)isplay Advertisiflg Manager - RbnLYon- ciassifîed Ad Manager - c MarIcme Bytom Box 206, whiIby. Maîlînq Permit No. 2941 pliolle 668-6111: Toronto LUne 2821004 Lest we forget> One dlay per year is set aside by the peopte of Canada, to aoknowtedge the debt owed by all citizens to thase who paid with their lives and futures, or who paid with Ioss.of'sight, iimb or crippling disability, on land, sea or in the air,-in order that we, the people of Canada, might continue to enjay and improve our way of life in the manner we choose to do. As the years roll on, we who are -veterans become increasingiy invotved in day to day prob- lems of life, (as who does not>, but we do NOT forget, nor white we live sh-al you. You owe it to our comrades who -died, to those who to-day live in hospitats, ,who swing along on crutches to remember that they paid a price that you can not re-pay, for your present with their future. Wars and patriotism are not fashionabte, they say. You younger generation wiII be surprised to know that wars were neyer 'fashionable' to those who fought them. Our comrades went to war because you, the. people of Canada, said they shouid, and so thqyvoIunteered on your behaîf, so remember themn. They were Engiish, Scots, Irish, French, Potish, Ukrainian, Italian, Finnishr Dutch, German, Danish, Norwegian, Russian, American, Indian, coloured and white......but they were Canadians. They were you,so remember them and the debt vou owe. Father Auastinl One of the builders of modemn Whitby left our community tast week after 19 years of dedicated service to the town, and there is no doubt in many minds that he wiil be greatly missed. Although best known to the Roman Catholic community of the town, Father LeoJ. Au.stin-was a familiar figure in many circles, and an. active participant in community -àffairs uritil his health began to fait about three years ago. It was Father Austin who provided Whitby with a new Roman Cathotic Church in 1958, and a new rectory in 1963, and brought the Grey Sisters, a teaching order of' nuns, to the town 16 years ago. His contributions to separate schoot education in Whitby are of particutar importance, for during his pastorate two new etementary schoois were constructed, one in Brooklin and one in Whitby, and four additions were made to the St., John's Schooi which -was , buiit before'.hiîs arrivai- Whitby .owes is~oa CathoJîic' High Schoot, Denis O'Çýoo~nr (r,DOC, as the-«students cati. it) to Fathpr ,Austin'seý'fforts. The sëcot is opie of' most active in hthecornmunity, vih.h si~t taking a hand' in its fiînancial s upport by orgqanizing hockey totteries and a walkathon to cover operating deficits."' 1 -_ In community activities, Father Austin :was an enthusiasti'c participant. For many, ypershle was a famiiiar figure at the annuat nairer's service and biessing of the boats at the Whitby Yacht Club, a nd he organized the WhitbyP.ower Sqi,ýadron. Father Austin was atso one of the chief initiators of the Whitjy-Longueuit twinning, which is one of the most successfut .,series,' of 'exbhange visits betweene!r.orn"mtuhitiéS in CaniAda. His initerest in thé tiinning concept and assis- tance in setting up the echanges in 1969 heiped to bring Whitby into meirpbershipin the,,.UnLted Tons nOrganization, arîd',beougt-t thè. reidenýts,. retirement, and offer our expression of gratitude ta, him for what he has contibuted to aur town. He wiit not easity bo repiaced. ',MAYORALTY DERBY' 3111 weeks. Purse-Mayoralty of Whitby. I 8-year-olds and upwards. Entry formis accepted November 10 and 12. POST TIME: December 1 ENTRIES: GRAYDON COLVILLE JIM GARTSHORE - JOHN GOODWIN - GORD HANNA- BRUNO HARULAID- WARREN MOWAT- ALSO ELIGIBIE: PAT DOOLZY- BILL IRWIN- MANY OTHERS by Blake Purdy Election shows public' s. concern >The people of Whitby seem ta get more involved in local pot .Jcs with each passing day. The most recent case in point is the number of people who have announced their intention ta seek the mayoralty of the townan December 1. The tist includes former Whitby Counciliors Jim Gartshore and John.-Goodwin who resigned from their, positions late taist month; a. newcomer ta the palitica[ battteground, Graydon Calvitie, former reeve Gord Hanna; unsuccessfui 1972 mayoralty candidate Bruno Harilaid; and former mayor Warren. Mo wat.,..Others 'Who have hinted their possible,. canaiiaacy include the outspoken Pat Dooley; aýnd former Counciltor Bih ilrwin. As you Ftel Dear Sir; It was very nice to see>that counicit enjoyed thernselves quite im- men*el1y during their sightseeing of CLOCA. 1 wouid recommend Letters to trips goc more fiîeld trips & on the site vuewing for council, so they cou id get a first hand view concerning the project; and of course the mayor <Graydon Coivitie> wcuid accompany themn. can see, most have hadi experience in municipat poiitics in one form or another. A number of them cautd probabiy do a good job as mayor. There you have it, positive proof that the citizens of this town are indeed concerned about the way this community is administered. Aithough it may appear ta be a heatthy situa- tion on the surface, a dloser look could be more revealing. Coutd it be that the people's ever-increasing invoivemnent in local poiitics is an indication that they are disenchanted with the manner in which their community is governed? If sa there couid be somne interesting dlevetopments on December 1. thé EditorM xdfor councti done abr.>ut the Iroquois Park complex, already we are in,,need of another ice pad. 1 wauld suqgest aet- tung aur heads together and build two more ice Ba'sýebail season success Dear Mm. Burgess: The Whitby Minar Basebail Association has conciuded another highi ii successfut basebail seasan. We feel that our pro- gramme plays a very important - ole in aur cammunity life atong with' the other. fine sparting organizations that help ta provide healthy and wothwhite activity for aur youth, and we also feel that your witlingness ta assist and co-operate et every opportun ity is of vital importance taour aim af praviding baseball each summer for Whitby boys aged 6-18. The W.M.B.A. players and executive appreciate your interest. Yours truiy, Neil C. Murkar, Public Relations Direc- tam, >.M.B.A. There should be bus sheiters for the people that use the bus system ta Oshawa. 1 can see them huddling in the lobby of the WVHITBY Hotel. Sumeiy this prob- lem shouldn't take long ta get a go ahead? Definitety no -more high-rises. i don't know how the one they are building eluded us? Graydon Calvitie WHITBY'S Futur'e Mayor ~ywhitby Voice of the County Towni - inexperienced, but determined Up and coming Been preparing for 3 months Lost his lest race Second race on this track Bock after a long absence A real warrior On again, off again qi

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