Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1975, p. 5

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WH1TBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1975, PAGE 5 Lahely, Toronto's Yonge Street, Ilie rubdown alley, lias onue again becomie a bot topic, niîainly because of' the new body rub bylaw wbiich camle inho effect Iash week. This particular bylaw pronîpted nie to spend a whole evening on Yonge Street anîong sex sultanswio lbave invented a raft of nude escapades-iîude dancing, nude pbiotographiy, nude biliards, nude erîcounter sessions, nude story telling and even nude meditation. Friday and Saturday nights are best for a trip to As i drove by the Hlatch estate it brought back many mernories. If you don't know where the hatch estate is it's t bat orange building on Byron Street, a-couple of blocks south of Dundas Street. It stands almost rigbit across the street frorn another building which bas seen better tirnes, the Dairy Bqr. Although we had a bot sumrmer this year we haven't bad hot ones for years and wben 1 tbink back te the hot ones we did bave I think back to the Dairy Bar. It was once a îbub of activity with nîilk trucks runîbling in and out and a steady stream of kids anxious h .o cool off. It was always cool and quiet inside the serving area and i guess for us il was the first Dairy Queen ti town because there weren't Dairy Queen's as such in thi ose days. 1 made many visits te the Dairy Bar and while doing se bad to pass the Hatch estahe. 1 reneniber it as being a rarnbling castie-like estate whicb was ratber spooky. Tbe fences were crunîbling and the grounds were becoining overgrown with a widc variety cf vegetatien and you could almost picture the bats circling around tbe tower. In those days 1 didn't know who lived there but 1 pictured sornething straight out of Dracula and my curiosity was contained enough te keep me outside the fences and grounds. The building itself was cool in that it appeared te be like a small castle and eventually it came te be knewn as "the castie". I neyer suspected for a minute in those steamy bot summer holidays that sometime in the futu~re 1 would net enly be inside that castie but the Dairy Bar, wbich supplied ail those yummy mflk preduets, would eventuially close down. So, as fate is went te do in her strange ways I did find myseif in that castie net oniy bashing away at a typewriter but deing a variety of jobs from developing pictures te Iayout and pasteup te bundling up papers fer delivery. 1h was a strange turn of events that found the castie as the boeeof the Witby Free Press because the Free Press actually started in a dewntewn office net toc far from where we are located today. 1 missed the first two issues of the paper and started with the third'issue and by that time the Free Press had taken residerice in the castie, complete with a basement ghest and mice. I knew firsthand about the mice but 1 neyer was able te prove or disprove the gbest-theory. On more than ene occasion my curiosity get the best of me and 1 would carefully open the creaky basernent door and make rny iay downstairs te hunt the elusive gbost. It was always rather speeky down there with the low ceiings and the constant assortment of spider webs but even when the castie fell quiet abeve me fer periods ef time I neyer sensed any strange presence nor did 1 feel uncomfortable except for the dust and dampness. I guess if the ghest was there he just didn't want te meetmre but the mice certainly weren't bashful. In those days I had a fernale editor and the resuits was that at tintes when the publisher had te go eut 1 was the maie left in thîe off ice. That meant one male, th ree females and a couple of mice intent on causing a diot. The ladies' nervousness mnade me nerveus because I neyer knew when the mice weuld be announced by the air being punctuated by an extremely loud scream. Just waiting for the screamn made me nervous and wben it did cerne 1 always jumped anway, even knewing it would corne. Those pesky mice went tee far..the day tbey panicked twe of the ladies inte charging eut of the roem and in deing se they knocked me rignt oftf my chair while I was typing and left me fiat on the floor. At first I tbeught I had been hit by a runaway truck and said se but the ladies were quite indignant about that, clainîing they had been on diets and se on. Anyway the mernories ah tflooded back as I drove past the Hatclt estate recently and 1 couldn't help net only remembering the past but wondering what it was like inside new thah il bas been turned into a continental dining roorn. île place looks much bpther on the ouhside. 1 haven't been inside but if 1 was. 1 know 1 would be sithing there istening l'or the elack of typewiters, çwaitlng .for a scrcarn arnd gazing arotind for a couple of cule lit tic furry pests, Toronto's "Sin Strip", as it's bcen calied lately by somne ncwspaper reporters. i t's also been said tbiat the "Sin Strip" bias bccorn c iiic slea'iicr. Wecll, 1 don't really sce anythiing sleazy about sex, but you miay say the body rub opera tors are of sornewbiat sleazy chiaracter. Basically, there is no necd for body rub parlers. particularly on Yonge Street whierc clîlidren are allowed to roani arouînd. But, I say, Toronto is rcady for a red light district. Body rub places, in my opinion, operate under [aise prctences. A prospective custonier is shortchangcd al the way lie neither gets a good body rub nor the "extras" whicbi the body rub ewncrs dlaimi they can provide. Ail in ail, a so-called customier is Icft unsatisfied and probably poorer by some thirty bocks, rnoney be couid have spent better on a nice dinner, inciuding a pretty conjpanion. I know a case wbcre aguy neyer got bis bod11y rub. He was kicked out by a bouncer wbien hie made a suggestion that the services, rendered were flot exactly of bis liking. But, the owners of the place kept bis twenty-five bucks and told hini to get lost. This kind of attitude is re-emphiasized by a relatively new sex cuit, "Look, Don't Toucb", being introduced on Yonge Street. l'ni willing to predict that tbis and ail other sc'x-girnmicks won't work, unless a person is extremiely gullible. Wbat is really amusing is the fact that mnany local politicians are being dragged into this so-called "sex-war" which is notbing but a farce. Let'$ admit once and for ali-sex is here to stay. Therefore, a well-organized red light district, say around Spadina Avenue, is the only logical answer to people's needs. 1 arn at a loss. te explain why governinients ail over the world, are stiil fighâting a losing battie against prostitution. To rny mind, prostitution basn't biarrned anyone. Just tbe contrary, it has kept many would-be rapists off the streets. Also, the medical aspects of this trade c».uid be well taken care of, by providing clinics whicb would be designed to, combat VD and other contractual diseases. Thie program is working very welI in severai European countries. Not long ago 1 saw a red ligbt district in Mexico. It was far more respectable looking place then some of the body rub places hoday on Yonge Street. lt's bigb tinie that Mayor Cromibie and his liily-wbite colleagues stop hiding behind cburcb pillars (Toronto bias tie record number of chiurclhes) and start tackling today's social problems with realistic mneasures and better understanding. Bylaws will not eliniinate sex on Yonge Street, but hylaws can relocahe sex buisiness elsewbiere. High Quality Invitadons Your wedding de- <serves the best ini- vitations and an- nouncements... select from our tasteful samples. Expert Consultationi M.B.M. Publishing SPhotographylne 121 Brock N. 668-6 1 1 'Fre Press ads pay cail 6618-6111 THE OSHAWA STATION For Regional Sports Coverage One of the main ingredients that separates CKLB from other radio stations is our coverage of news and sports events happening in the Durham Region. We don't spend a lot of time reporting news and sports you can hear on the other radio stations. CKLB devotes the majority "of timne telling -you about what's going on in the Qshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering area because most of the other radio stations don't. Bob Burr 7:40AM 12:20PM LISTEN TO«: Jim Gilchrist 6:15PM 11:20PM 5:30 PPÂ (Regional Sports) COME TO DUR ANNIVERSARY, ail past custoflers & f rienis WUELCOME!!e, core ne to BUSTPROOFING- TAUNTON coffee& NOV. 3m-7 M 72341155. PRINTINGI 1 350

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