Whitby Free Press, 5 Nov 1975, p. 6

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,'*;cNRHNESI)AY. NOVEMIIER 5, 197.5, WHITBY rFREE PRESS ç7~Byines \Vell die year is certainly flying over. Here we arc, with IlalIowve'en past, into the nonth 0of November, and being regaled withi Christnmas ads 0o1 radio and TV. Before 1 t orget. tliat six toot clown that was seen wandering arouind the Quecen and Cassels Rd (cscorting his two children, actuaily!) area really enjoyed iiseif meceting som-e of his nieighibours. I-is only regret is that he lias to wait until îiext year for another delighitful toffce apple that lie received fromn one biouse!! lie sends lus compliments to flie candy maker! Had a cail froîîî the Brodklin and District Kinsm-en this week. They too, Iîad a successful week at tie World Ploughing Match making over a $1I,000 profit. Thcystili hiave some nugs for sale..call Don Vipond at 655-4935 if you are interested in miaking a purchiase. As you realize, die Kinsnien are anothe:ý comnmun 'ity mninded group, and mucli of that profit will be spent next year I'm sure, as they have a BIG project coming up that wll be to the benefit of our community. The results will be seen in tue siimier and will be enjoyed by rnany. If you stili feel like joining the Kinsmen they will be delighited to hear from yvou..call Don at the above nunuber or cal 723-71i07. Andilify ou r botelcr hlif i*cis le fi o)ilttellli er tii at ilie rc is no need 10. Not any more.. Because NOW we have a Kinniettes group. Nominations and electicits wcrc lid on October 29th, wives or Kinsmen of course, being prescrit. Resuls ...President, Ann Carson: Vice-President, Gloria Vipond; Secretary, Heather McCrae;.Troasurer, Gert Tabor; Registrar, Pat Thiebord; anud two directors ....lIris Ilunter and Lisa Wagg. Congratulations ladies. Good luck to your group, and don't torget to caîll me with your news c-Ie! Memibership for the Kinnettes is still oper..doni't forget you have to have a Kinsrnan for a liusband.. and their Charter nighit with dance and supper will be held late February or early March. And before 1 close on the above groups, the Kinsm-an are holding a dance at Fantasyland on November Sth. It isn't too far to drive to, and for just $6 a couple you can have a t'uni (ance complete witlî buffet, and cloçr prizes. Music will be provided by disc jockey, Irwini Smith and the dance starts ut 8:30 p.mi. So get in there andl enjoy yourseives. Our other mnaiee omrmunity group ...lice Legion that is... will be holding thecir nionthly meeting on Sunday Novemiber 9flh at 1:30 p.mi. Al i embers are urged 10 attend. And once again new miembers are more tih an welcome. In a way. Novemiber is dic Legioni's month. And 1101 just die Legion's cillher. For il is in dhisrnonth that we rememrber..or should remieiuber .. . those men and women that gave their lives, or their linubs, so that wc could live tie way we do today. As our ebjîdren are off schîool that day, why not take them down to the Remiembrance Day ceremonies that will be lheld in Whitby on Noveinber I1 th. Thie date and time are not liard to rernember ... the eleventh ihotir on dieceleventh day. And O.K. so ît is a drag to go down the luiglîway tu BROWN'S FOODMASTER. ýi BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Va'lu. o tsif octil TENDER - MtATT BLADE ROASIS 95 You BAV£ TWICE WtTv TRIN AND PRitie SHORT RIB ROASI 95! FOR RAISMO.. BLADE STEAKS 981b - pEciAL - CANAA PAcKEUs. 1 lb. pkg SU NSET BACON 1.*49 Tt REALt TIEST laIN tRDTROU ATIRO.. BLADE ROASTS lb. 1.18 c Sunspun - Parchment Natural or Chocolte MARGARINE OVALTINE, 1-1b. Pac4 7 C Il12-Os.Lai r9 9 C OREEN tANI FANCY GREN 12-O,t.g. PEUS & KERNEL COIN 39c RE i R PIZZA s1.89 BORDS ETE 9RF .I2.DinTO JaWAK ORANGE DRINK 29c ONION RiNGS 6 -oz- pkg. 49c STORE NOtUS OPEN six DATS A WIUK 8:.30 un. - b P.m. qXCEP I iURS* & FRIl utMffL r9s.. PUA- Il Ille Cefnoaph. Il was aun even higger drag to go across (o Europe s50 many ycars aigo. But atIicast youIl come back from Wh-itby ... how înany didn't gel back from tho war9 And i1fyour answer is that the chiidrcn don't know what, it is ail about ... (len tcll thucm! They understand a great deai more than we give tiîcm credit for ... andit doesn't hurt them to reaiize that life isn't ail takc ... lke Hallowe'en! Let thcm know that lucre arc times in life whcn we have 10 give, and some limes somc give with their lives ... the supreme sacrifice. For members of lraîîch I152, Brooklin Legion pieuse note thiat you join your comrades -of Whitby Legion ai. 10:30 for the Parade and service. Legion uniform or civilian dress wili be worn, wilh medals. And note that on the I 6tih Noveýber, our own Brooklin Legion will hold iheir own parade and service at 1:30 p.m., leaving fronu the Legion and nîarching 10 the Brookliîu Memorial Arena. Saturday is thue second Saturday of the month and lime for the regular paper pickup by our Scouts and-Cubs. Please have your papers ... newsprint only...tied securely and oui by 9 a.m. The boys are grateful for your lîelp ...lthis is one of their fund raising activities and is important. 1 know that you will give them ail the helv that you -,an. lt's cuchure night this Friday, Novenîber 7th: ai the Ashburîu Comnmunity Centre. Admission is minimal ... -Z0 cents for adults and 25 cents for stude1uts. AIl are welcome ... ladies please provide lunch. The cards are shufficd ut 8 p.m. Go along and enjoy yoursclves. On Tuesdays at the Centre at 7:30 p.m. thuere is a craft class. Broomstick crotchet and macrame are being offered ut the moment and al are welcome. Weill1 guess that is il for this-week ... except to give you the run down. So here goes: FR1. NOV. 7th - Euch re, 8 p.m. ut Ashburn Commun- ity Centre. SAT. NOV. 8th - Paper drive, papers tied & out by 9 a.rn. Kinsm-en dance, 8:30 p.nu. ut Fantasyland. Annual Fall Lacrosse Bahl, 8:30 p.m.. ut O B Heydenshore. POUSM SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF La.98 GOLDEN GARLIC 18 C06-KÉD-HAM CANADA PACKERS &oz. $0 TASTY BOLOGNA SWIFT'S . - oz. 8 BEEF LIVER69 TENDER,69 TASTY - LB. COTTAGE ROLLS MAPLE LEAF lb. $ 2 Swo.t Piclct.d DIVaN RA ND 1 - O . Ig RINDLESS 1BACON IL $1 $l69 BU8T ROl - J<RAFT OSUADIAN PROVEBI B.O. Package CHEESE SINGLES 75C PEATUREI - PRREPARE 1la F. 01. Jar~ MUSTARD FRENCN'S 45c * PEATIJREI - ORSOKO No. 1i WHITE CRIAMILO - CLaVER 1-Lb. Tub BROWN BEAR lu89C TUREI - PUA or VEOUTASL 28 FIO. Oz. TOrt IABUTANT SOUPS 55C PEATUREI - COOt.ED - in Tomate o uc. otîtIt CR00.... 14 FI. Or. TIns LIBBY SPAGHETTI ~s FCATUREI 28 FI. Oz. Tl SAUERKRAUTiMsÀ'S d45- ET UuyI - READY OuT MACARONI or LANCIA SPAGHETTI 2-Lb. Celte 79c FR:ATUREI - ASSOKTIO 14', FI. Oz. Tn ALPO DOG FOOD 38$1 FEATURRI - DITERONT lmFI 0.Pack JOY LIQUID 2-os.39 NEW HERBAL or REOULAR - FABRIC SOFTENER U FIt Oz. ttîte RAIN BARREL s.09 .rAm DAK;vINC NZZD! AYLMER AYLMEq AYLMER CUIT MIXED CW MIXED RED GLACE FRUIT . PEEL CHERRIES 8- Oz.Tb79 c1 8-M Téb 73 c 8- zTà 95 c 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Nov. 6 Sat, Nov.e IIZALT & DATY rXETUBESr 100 ML - ED , COOER TOOTH PARTE , tube CLOSE UP 99c COMPLEXION SOAP t BAR FREE CAMAY 4barS837c SANITARO NAPEONT 12 te Pckage MOD )E*SIS 185c J.àJ AREFREE la te Package MINI PADS 57c EXTRA DRY B FI Oz. Tn SUPREME BRAND 21LW Bt@k Fruit Cake 1l.89 BUPREME BRAND t1LU. CeOto PoppïngCor 399 INQMWNAL CHAI-GE- Oum~ SUN. NOV. 9th - Braîuch 152, Brooklin Legion General mueeting, 1:30 p.mi. ut Legion Hall. TUES. NOV. 111th - Remem- brance Day Parade, 11I ar..ut Whitby Cenetaph. SAT. NOV. 151h - U.C.W. Haif Century Bazaur, 2-4 p.m. at the United Church Hall. SUN. NOV. l6th - Brooklin Legion Annual Remenubrance Day Parade, 1:30 p.m. From tue Legion Hall 10 the Mcm- oriai Arena. There are only six more columns t01 Christmas!! So if your group has any plans that il wants the community to share in ... give me a. cuit. Thuis includes ail special Chiurch services as well as alI die mnerry making affairs!! Sec you next week. L 1 655 Ï375 0 TLW4RMO-ENGRAVED BUSINESS STATIONERY TH ERMO.ENGRAVING haz the elegance and Individuel distinction of fine cralismonship. THERMO.ENGRAVING is distinctive raised lettering Therrno- Eng ravin g cosis about half as much as youtd oxpect ta pay. Cali M.B.M. Publishing P thotography Imc 121 Brock M, 668-6111 LETTERHEADS and ENVELOPES CARDS e ANNOUNCEMENTS NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 SWEET MICRO CHOICE WtOOl WIITE McURES CUVERHOSE PICKLES POMMES 24 F.z.C FI.O09C Jar7 Tîn . 9 W!LCWS CONCORD EcomOuy GRAPBE RED ROSE JUICE TEA BACS 24 c 90C FI. Oz. ta celic Bottie 5-Bag 8 1100 REPUND MAILION OFFEAI MEAVV DU"T BOLD GLAD DETERGENT GARBAGE BAGS 10 91c ta YOUR CHANCE TO BUY NEW PACK CULVERMOUSE BRAND PRODUCTS CULVEIHOUSE COOICE PEACHES 19FI.01-Tin #545C CULVERMOUSE CHOICE 19 FL Or. TO, GREEN PEAS 39C C U L V E A H O lU B E c I 4 O I C E t ! P t ' 0 " T O n CREAM CORN 45c CULVERHOIJSE C901CE 19 FI, Oz.iM DESSERT PEARS 49c

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