Whitby Free Press, 12 Nov 1975, p. 5

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For the last threc wecks my mail box lias been ernply, courtosy of the stri king postal workors. For alI 1 know, 1 inay nover be so lucky to receive miy mail at ail. In the last tour yoars, there have been more strikes and labor disputes then 1 care to remiembeir. To mny mind, miail delivery is an essential service. For smiall businesses the lack of mal service can put themi out of business conipletely. Then, there are thousands of Canadians who have to put up with the inconvenience whenevet posties decide to go on strike. Generally, the counitry's economy "receives a hard blow, rnainly froni a very few.people who control the postai services. These people, as you ail know, are union mon and CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN,0F WHITBY NOT ICE POLLING DAY. ADVANCE POLL. VOTE BY PBQOY No tice is hereby given to the Municipal, Electors of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional MunicipalitY of Durham, that in complianoe with the Munlicipal Elections Act, 1972, as amended, Chapter 295,1 poilis wmiI be opened on:.- ADVANCE POLL - November 22nd, 1975 POLLING DAY - December lst, 1975 for the purposes of taking the poil from il:00 0o'clock in the forenoon uptil 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon to elect persons to the followung off ices.- a) Mayor - By general vote b> Councillor - West Ward c) Councillor - North Ward. And further take notice that a person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the Clerk flot later than 5:00 o'clock of the Tuesday preceding, polling day and the Tuesday preceding the day of the advance poil, as hereinafter indica- ted, to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the polling subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote:- With respect to the advance poili - application must be made no later than November l8th, 1975. With respect to the polling day - application must be made no later than November 25th, 1975. Given under my hand, at the Town of Whitby this l2th day of November A.D., 1975. Wm. H. Wailacom A.M.C.T., Returning OfV ,ecr and Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. CAROUSEL INN FEATURINO CRAWFORD A WINNIPEG ROCK ýGROUP Monday - Saturday IN THE CONFEDERATION ROOM DISC JOCKEY IN SOMEWHEIRE ELSEÀ Friday& Saturda.y Businessman's Buffet Luncheon -- $2.50 - AIl vou can eat. MON-FR i l2noon ta 3p.m. SLJNDAY BUFFET DINNER $5.95 ALL YOU CAN EAT SUNDAY EVENINGS 5 p.m. - 9 pa. they have to oboy tho union rudes. 1 know lor a fact that mjjany uniion mnembers arecîîot happy With the present situation, but they are almnost forced to s'trikc. Dissension would'only invite trouble. This kîind of situation, coupled with intimidaitions and violent threats, is deplorable and must be stopped at once. l'd go so far as to suggest that A union leaders who deliberately disrupt the country's econorny andadvocate anarchy, must be jailed without the slightest apprehiension. Thiese union leaders have gone too far. No longer common sense prevails. To them, no wage settlement is good enough. Why ask for a 10 per cen t raise if you cani get 30 or 40 per cent by inconveniencing the general public and, practically, using blackniail tactics against aIl forms of govemment. T'his type of "bargaining" bas been going on for too long and is still being tolerated by the Trudeau government. The question I'rn posing is: when will alI this end? I feel'that certain stops to ciirb the union power can be taken immediately. Firstly, the government should bring in the back-to-work legisiation. Anyone who defies the back-to-work order should be fined heavily and if necessary, jaled for a short period of timo. Secondly, the govenment Corridor Grapevine Have y ou heard about the succossful meeting recently held with the Administrative Committee dealing with the Langmaid Property, which borders onto Dundas Street, Thickson Rd.- N. and Rossland Rd.? It appears plans are 46go-ahead" and we wilI soon be surrounded in this Community with new developments north' and south of You will be interestedi the Ratepayers Association I PRESIDENT * - lst Vice-Presi<lent - 2 nd. Vice -Presiden t - 3rd Vice-President - Treasuror Roc. Sect'y - Corres. Sect'y - DIRECTORS: Bey Rogers BilI Sabyhan Mike Mayko Barry Nolan Larry Graham Roy Weldon Don Rogers Memborship Ch airman - in the following Executive for for the ensuing year. John Buchanan Ronald McEachern Donald Stewart Patrick Dooley Ani Sarka Delores Holiday Mary McEachern John Pozanni Cathy Jubenville Ken Young Glan Short Bill Ord Marion Badgley Ron Treleaven newanding year! TAKE NOTE: There was a RALLY Night for Jolin' Goodwin on Novemben 6th at the Brooklin Legion Hall as lie is soeking the Mayoraity. There will be a Mayor's Forum held on November 26th at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Robert Thornton ELECT Jim Gartshore MAYORý Respon;ible - Straight Forward - Responsive, WA INWRIGHT SPECIA LS Loins of Pork Rib Chops $15lb Loin Chops $15lb Devon Brand Sausages farmer or link $ .85 lb. Mapie Leaf Side Bacon $1.75 IL 1ilb Cello Wien-ers 79 cents Cottage Rails $1.29 FREE HIND 0F BEEF Drawn November 29, 1975 & address on the back of your sales slip. Put your- name WA INWRIGHT BUTCHER LTDO 15 brock S#. N.. ýWhltby 668-911il A-i Beef $1.04 IL $1.24 IL $ .84 l b. Red Brand sides hinds f ronts FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12,1975, PAGE 5 should serlously consider an alternate means of getting the mail rolling once again. Why not con tract the mail delivery to private companies? Thus, the government could provide somce employment for thousands of Canadians who are out of work at the present time. Delivering Miail should not be Ioo difficult a task. Anyone can read a street number, 1 presumne. .But, we ail know that the people in Ottawa have no guts and they are afraid to make such a move. In fact, they're scared to death whenever union leaders speak of retaliation. What bugs me is that the littie guy is always a loser. The non-unionized workers are suffering most during strikes and labor squabbles. The little guy can screamn at the top of his voice, but nobody is listening to his problems. Perhaps, it's higti time that the non-union people start a strike of their own and refuse to pay taxes for the services they'renot getting during labour disputes. Ah I1 do know is that some- thing must be done right away, before Canada stops existing as a viable country and trading partner amnong other industr'ialized nations of the world. Is any one listening out there? Let's hope so, before it's. too late. School gym for ail candidates and which wil be hosted by the Ratepayers Association. A successful Fali Bazaar was held by the Westminister UCW and Volunteers Group at, the Church on November 6th. The Ladies of Myrtle United Church joined with themn having a sale of Baked Goodies. Watch for the date of the Mini-Bazaar to be held at the Oshawa Mail soon. Lots of lice things to se!L. in time for Christmas. On November l4th the Couples Club of Our local Church are holding a VARIETY Program at the Blue Flamne Room, Consumers Gas Building ai 8:00 p.m. Lots of local, talent wil participate. Tickets are aduits $1 .00, chld.ren 10 & under free.l..ight refreshments wil be served,1 students 50 cents. Cail John Whiteside 725-5417 if you wish tickets. Did you know that on November 1,691 The Reverend John Porter will again be with Westminister congregation when the mortgage will be burned, and a social lunch hour wil follow the service. Corne'and enjoy this speciai event with them. Don't forget the Annuai Turkey Supper at Westminster Church on November 22nd served from 4:30 tii ail are seated. Ticlets frorn any UCW member-Aduits $3.75, Children to 12 years of age $ 1.75, pre-schoolers free. This is a GOOD meal, and tickets are limited. Get yours early! To ALL COMMUNITY GROUPS--Girl Guidas, Brown- ies, Cubs, Scouts, Ladies and Men's activities or what-have- you..this column is for you! Let us in on your ideas or proposed dates for events..we'll do the rest via this column in THIS paper. Please have items phoned in by Friday a.m. if possible to catch the next issue of the paper. CaIl D. Coedy 728-6028 or E. Sourrell 723-2193. If more convenient drop your printed information in the door at Il17 Broadview Avenue. Keep a Dance date open for February 27th..the first one hLlId at Heydenshore Pavfllion. called Corridor Capers was a huge success. Let's have another! PS. Any other ideas for a name for this weekly column? That's ail for now. Open 7 da$ys a week Mdete RESTAURANT 120 BROCIK ST. M. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 Delicious Canadien ond Italien Dishes N.L.C.C. BROOKLIN NAVY LEAGU E CADETS for BOYS BETWEEN AGES of 11 13 TRSO Instructions in Naval Traditions Chance to play a musical instrument Uniform supplied ta YOU free We meet every Monday evening at: 300 Dunlop St. W. Whitby, Ontario 668-7411 1830-2100 (6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.) For more information contact Lt. B. Knowles, 668-6123 or S/Lt E. Crouse, 668-5657. I $1.35 IL $1.55 IL 11

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