Whitby Free Press, 12 Nov 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1975, WIIITBY FRE[ Ç~k1in ~j~ Byines li thIle cOete3Otlt P) 74 Bviîies I meut ioîîed that (lie Brooklil water tower h ad beeni repii4ed..minus our uisual tite.Bioklu.Regionai ýCouiiior Cenry Eminuitook Lit the intîîtet wiil Ilile Regionai Woirks Comituit tee..an VUl-îiLis couticîliors anîd souie otiier papeirs h ad a grcat oid t iuîe tiîakim, lilit t* Illte hoie situat ion. Pity Ille Works Coii itee didlft put Imore eluer-gy mb tcoin it upwitlitan uusw r... hecuseit waus uearlv twveive Iiolitits later Sept. to be exact wvieu i1lieurd dut tliey h ad at Iast decided to print Bokiu Region ot'Du r-itti**onIlle tower. Now the cos! lias coule i ... Si,000. And uo prizes as to otiessing wito is goint, to puy foir it! ! Wichl is fiue if we are puy il g1 for stimiehlii thut we requested. And ini case Ille Works Commitee didn't hteur it UIlle irst timie..tue request-was foi- Broctkiiiu. and uothing cise., Therefore ut a r-oughf estiluate of S,4i.-45 a iet er. tuit brings Itle cosi to S., (10 ....pproximuatei . Tlat is quite a saviiuýs--auid Fui quite sur*e thliîtiiey could quite easiiy find sote othier cause.. uiseful or otherwist, onu hlic to speîd (tie reuîainfing SO30 plus. We are A beinc' îoid to economiise...u. i doiti believe Ille orks Depurtimeut is an exception... su KEALTE & DCATY rA jUArS! MAOI SPRAY i Ft Or, t.n ADORN -sl.29 IIIAME caum iumis. 69' SuPtit STAiNLESS PUý of lt BLADES GILLMTE $1,39 BLADES rGILLITTsl:09 7 9:1 O. f. FOAMY sh.v. ci,.'.95c KOTIX sANITARY mApKINS 79c_ mGIC W*q -P.wdsm 494 POTTOCHIPS 794 EACLE smo D MILK 79e FUiSCI4AtN H DRY YEAST 3 E. Fc39< WMSOU &OZ. PtcO APPETIZER lins 69c Irmu OWL M%"" 402 TN SANI- FLUSH 79c Cc(ilillor-s pieuse luke ,()e and . stop piaying the Fairy, (odîilhc î. with soîtîcoîte eIse's iuîoîcy.. Did yoîm gelyour lInvitation t lu mcclProtèessor Plinker at ihie Brookiîti Platiîîg Office on Thursday i31li betwccn 2 p.ît. ancd 10 p.iîu.? i sincecly hlopctuit ail wili try îd ge ,t lu sec (lite genttlceman, whiatcvcî your ideazs on thceftîlurc ut' Brookiui tuy bc. Or are you going l do lte ustîai thing.. sit back and scrcaîtt dunly wlîcu il is bu ilate'? MosI t' you are dcepiy iiuîcrcslcd .nid conccrncd about our future. devciopuîetîc, anîd iii Prof*essor Pin ker we do sceem to have soîtîcoîte who ihs wiilîiîg to I isten. Su go and tal I ihi, anid give Iitiîîî your îdcas. Saturday thec i th is lte day of' the Brouklin U.C.W. l-latlt-Ccttry Bazaar. Ilt wîiI bce ci at the Ch ristian Educulioli Buildinig betwecni 2 p.rn. aîd 4:30 pam. licre is a good opporlunty t pick Lip sonie dcligliful lit nd -made gouities tliat wiiI bc jusl perfect f'or somiCoit o your Chiristmias lisi. Atd uf'ter browsing and buyiug, you can sit dowi and cnjoy sonieC Itonuentade refreshlnts. And gucss wlitt..you itecedh.'t worry about te clildrcn..babysitting is avuilabie! Yorî jusl cuu't lose... su cornealong and eujuy y ou rsei '. Il' aI the end of te Buzaar you are jusi bu îtired to go htome and gel Uic supper rcady tIhen take a drive up to Myrtie Uniited Chur-cli Hall. Thte ladies up tlicic arc as busy us the unes down ht Brooklin. aud ut 5:30 pm. on the I Sth thcy arc putting on a ttîrkey supper. Thcy wiII only be seiling 100 tickets, su gel yours ahead of timie by calling Helenl Duff 655-4704 or Jean Stachuow ai 65-14284. Aduits cuit cailfor $3.50 and cil ildren- for $ 1.50 a lIcad. A lformiai Remienibrance Day Parade wilI bc heid iy Branli I151 ut' the Royal Canadian Legion (our own Bruoklin Branch) un Suuday Nuveniber 15tlh. Members, Va-lueCitu' otctio FRESH - PICNIC STYLE - SHOULDER PORK Roast1.lO9, WELL TRIMMED PORI< 8UTT or 1 2 SHO0ULDER CHOPS 29 YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM AND. PRICEI.- PORK BUTT ROASTS 1,29, BEST BUY! 16-Oz. Package KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 73e 8EST BUVI - CONOENSEO TOMATO or VEGIETABLE AYLMER SOUPS #OlO w5 09 BESI BUVI - ALUMINUM 12'* WRAP. 25 Ft. RoIl STUART HOUSE FOIL 49C FEATURE! - SWEET MIXED or BREAD'N'BUTTER ROSE B> NDPICKLES 15 i.oJ.5 9c BIESI BuVI - 200 e 2.PLY iPackage KLEENEX FAGAàL TISSUES 55c FEATUREI - IMPERIAL BRAND SOFT MARGARINE 1l. Tub 77C FEATUREI - NON.CREAMED VARIETIES Package af 4 LIPTON CUP-A-SOUP 419 BIEST BUVI - CHOICE 19 FI. Oz. Tins LIBBY'S suCD BEETS, 3'79c FEATURE! - E. D. SMIT 19 FI. Oz. Tin APPLE PIE FILLING 75C dressed eitherýin ýLeglonunlt*orm or mufti Wlth miedals, will nieet at 1 :30 p.mn. at thc Legilon HVll. Members unable to manrchi arc rcquested to joi 'n the céermonies at Uic Brookliti Memuriai Arena ,at approxlmateiY 1:45 p.m. lTe Bowmafl- ville Legion Pipe Band wfll be ln attendance'aid ail memnbers of the public are invited to attend the cerernonles. If you couldn't make the Whitby ceremonies on Tuesday, then here is your opportunlty to rememrber the dead of two world wars. And if, as one radio station has been saying, you cani't rememnber the war..then remember, the peace. And show your appreciatîon by being at the Ai ema. - Next meeting of the Durham Trail. Riders wiil be held on Decernber 7 aI the Brooklin Community Centre at 8 p.m. But. il' you can't wait until then to mecl some very fricndiy petriple, then lake them up un their invitation tô join them on their Bowling Night. This Will be held on Saturday 22nd November, and ail you have lu do is cati cither Linda Darling at 6554422 or LisaWagg at 655-3287 by Novemrber l8th. Both ladies wil be only to'à deiighted to 'meet-you over the phone, and to make arrangements to meet you in person on the 22nd. Do you need a babysitter? Do you ever wonder what are the duties of babysitters? Do you know what a baby- sitter expects from you? These and many other questions will be asked, and answered, at a Panel Discussion held at the United Church Hall on Noveruber l9th at 8 p.m. The discussion is part of' Group '74's Babysitting course and shouid be of inîcrest to ail who ever have need of a sitter. Admission is free.. ail that is asked is that as many mothers as possible do attend. 1 say mothers, but obviously it is open tou anyone who has, or hopes to hire a babysitter. For,$ 15 a couple you can attend the Garrard Rd. Lacrosse Association lOth Anniversary Dinner and Dance that Mill be held on the 29th November. It is hoped thal rnany former members of the Association will be present and withi YOUR presence as weil it could bc a really good niglit to remember. If you are interested then cali Jean Phiilips and reserve your tickets now. The number is 655-2271. Well that is il for another week. Keep the news rolling in, and till next time take cr.LIZ 655-3750. CARNTbO - MAIHrCiJT -FANCU OIJAUTY 0 ho cT Io I 2'o6911 STRAWBERRES 15-oL49< 0=00==0=00= 8Eit sUVI - iFotUSEHiOL SCffWES21 89. *NmcNE, QUICKc CRAof W91EAT PUATURE! -NSIAHU t o i PACK t CARNATION $IA BREAKFAsT l 7!9 CHEF lOU-Ai OU t1SFL. OZ.UTN LASAGNA or c MINI RAVIOL 7eZ. PACKAES . L.l. BITS à BIES 9c CLUB WOUBAE 402.Ct.. BLACK PEPPER ...... .......... ...79c CLUB mouB£ PACKAGE SEASONING and SAUCE MIXES 29c SUPER 14.02 UtS DUTCH CLEANSER ............................36c Election foQru m Thursday night The candidates tor mayor in thc December 1 election wil be participating in a forum in lte cafetorium of Henry Street High Sehool Thursday at 7:45 p.m. There wil be short speeches andi a question period. The forum is sponsored by the West Lynde' Community Associa- tion. TIIERMO-ENGRAVED BUSINESS STATIONERY TrHERMO.ENGRAVING hos the elegonce ond individuoi distinction of fine craftimoithip. THERMOOENGRAVING is diutinctive raised Iettering a""r CROCEER ffliOtno CARNATION ROASTED HINZ FANCY ASSORTED PlIECES & STEMS SNAtCKIN' NABOB TOATO PAMPER LEAVER CAKES MT COFFEE JUICE CATFOOB MUSOMS 69RO. c7 c $129 n 59c 19 45c SSTIE Nouas OPEN SIX DAIS A WUEK 8:3 0 u. -6 P.. gXCiPi imumS &Foi. -i.- à,& ffla 3 BIG DAYS A Thurs.'Nov. 13 Sat.NOV 15 NO Gi ThortvtoEngraving costs about haîll as much as yau'd expect ta puy. Call M.B.MB Publishing & Phiotography mcn 121 Brock N. LETTERHEADS and ENVELOPEý CARDS * NNOUNCEMENts -s. BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 HEADCHEESE ....-12.ox. bowl 9i' sCmuNioI il -Au. îUF t-O. ý MINI SIZZLER SAUSAGE lb 1.18 SCHNI0(îB ' REDNOUS or ' SKINLESS WIENERS 16-o. pkg. BF VER, .---SCHNEIDER'S - lb 6' - LUNCH MEATS MU«t A ChU-dm. Luoom àt. MEATV '~O.k Lo.f WM .DoUSSto. BEEF HEARTS Hudet..,., Mac & CH..... lb 5' 6-oz. Pkg. 474 45 U FRESH MINCED c GROUND PORK e95 sqcoCHOPPED SUET o79c il DEVON BRAND 69" RNDLESS BACON 159:e c»o 1 IlIIi'Plu. .. . ....... 1

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