Whitby Free Press, 12 Nov 1975, p. 7

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Restoration of'early Ontario homes lias been a popular passtime in recent ycars as Canadians are becorning more awarc of their heritage. -. One of Whitby's homes, whichi lias rccently been restored ta its fornmer grandeur. is tic aid McKay house at Uic corner of Centre and Gilbert Streets, across fron1 Uic reistry office. The house, buiit in the 1860'.s or carly 1870's, hias been sandblasted and the original woodwork of the porchi and eves restored. Who built it and wlio lived in it in the i9th century is nat known, but in the years after 1900 it was the home of two treasurers of Ontario County. About 1906'the house was purchased by Donald McKay, a tali stately gentleman wlî was Ontario Couunty's treasurer fromn 1890 ta 1914. Mr. McKay was born in 1837, the year of Wil:iai Lyon Mackenàe's rebellion, in Giengarry County, Ontario. He was educated at Upper Canada College, Toronto, and taught school in Markham Township for seve rai years. Later hie was a storekeeper in the northern part of Ontario County, where he rcmained until bis appaintment as caunty treasurer. Mfr. McKay had an office in the Ontario County Court Hlouse, now the Wbitby Centenniai Building, and worked in close ca-operatiori with Col. J. E. Farewell, the county clerk. Mr. McKay, and his wife, Alice Noble had six chiidren, thrcc girls and three boys. Two of the boys were doctars who maved tô the United. States, and Uic third son moved ta Sait Lake City wherc for many years hie was gencrai mnanager of Uic Sait Lake Tribune. The three daugbters were Estelia, Emily and Janet. Eily had served as her father's secretary for severai years, and after hie died in May 1914 at the age of 77, shie was appointed as his successor. Emily McKay served as Ontario County Treasurer for 33 yemî.s, from 1914 ta 1947. When she rctired, Sheriff Horace Bascom prese;itcd her with an engraved gold wrist watch, the gift of county officiais and members of Uic Court House staff. Her father was heid in high estecm during his 24 years as county tre1imrer. After the death of the last of the McKay daughiters, the aid home was owned by members of Uic family until a few years ago when it was purcbased by a iawyer wba hias under- taken the recent renavations. The McKay home represents anc of the finer exampies of early homes in the Town of Whitby, and is typicai of the homes occupied by the cnunty officiais when Whitby's chief dlaim ta fame was being County Town of Ontario County. For a warm Christmas instail a heàatkltor Frorplace woodburning or gas ON DISPLAY; built-ins, wall hanging & free standing firepiaces Ail cast Frankiins Complete accessories r;rktmas Gif t Certif icates Availcable The- Fir.pluoe Plus by Norm Moalinu Hicy, people, thtis hias bcen a big wcck, and an awfui lot lias happcnedc. So. withiout further ado, lct's get at it. Al-candidiates Forum: Tomaorrow nighit 'can be said to mnark the officiai open- ing of the canipaignl for the niayoraity wîth the first of a nuitmber of ail-candidates forumis schieduied ta take place at Henry Street 1-igli School. The honour of being the first goes ta the West Lynde Commiunity Association, and they hiave arranged the forum ta begin at 7:45 pan. in the school cafetoriun. Thc forumii wili attenmpt ta mix farimai with informai camipaigning. According ta Bill Hoffman, the cvening will bcing with each of the rnayoraity candidates giving a brief speech. This wili bc followcd by a question and answer session. Follawing thtis, coffce will be served, and the candidates wili be able ta mingie with,and chat with, the asscmibled folk. Plant on being there. It's in your best interests ta sec thc candidates, and hiear their views. The Mayoralt Elei o n: Writing about clectians can bc, and is very repetîtive. As each lection cames along, anc constantly harangues the voters with piatitudinous statemrents about thc impor- tance of thé electian resufls. and, consequently, the need ta cast an informced ballot. The upcomiing elect ion for mayor ai' aur fair town is no different. Our ch aice ai' a miayor is tremendousiy important whcen you consider the raie thiat they mnayor plays in the politicai life of the town, and the region. In town politics, the miayor is the leader. He sets the tane and direction af Counicil, and his support of' a position can m&m the difference between success or failure on any issue. At the rc-ian. th e Mayor of' Whitby is the leader of a three man delegation representing the second biggcst miember miunici- paiity. He can, and does, exert trernendous influence on regionai goverrnment. Because of' the dual importance that attaches ta dic miayar's chair. and because. in ail iikeiihood, the persan elected miayor titis year wili probably stand for re-eiection in 1976, we owe it taouî'iseives ta become involvcd in this Scampaign. We also owc it ta ourseives ta ensure that, once involved, we know where each candidate stands on each ai the following issues. What does each candidate feci about deveiopment? Are r BLOODM 7D DNO0R E FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1975, PAGE 7 they sati 0sfied wl 'th th.e pei~templhqsis on~ hou5ing deévelop- ment, or do they sec industrial devciopment as liaving a higher priority'?Onie would hope that industrial dcvelopment would enjoy flie highest priority because tbe dcvelopmcnt present pattern is foolish. To continue ta push housing ta the exclusion -of ail cisc, as has bcen flic case here in Whitby, wiii simply add ta the tax imbalance that we ail face. More* and more housiilg.simply means more and more taxes for you and I. What does each candidate feel about the provision of municipai sçryices? Wili they promise more parks, more skating rinks,' and better g'arb'age collection in order ta attract aur votes? One would hope that each candidate would be honest enough ta admit that mare of anything means mare cost to you and I. We need less; not more government, and iess, flot mare municipal' spending. If we get more, wc'll pay mare. What does cach candidate feel about future gfriwth for Wh 'itby? Are they fav.ourabiy disposed ta, the planners' dream of 100,000 people in Whitby, or will they support flic people, ind oppose this burcaucratic nonsense? One, wouid hope that thcy wiIl work ta preserve ôu'r community, and stave off these attempts to destroy aur tawn. How does each candidate view the raie of Mayor at the regionai level? Does he sec it as many have as a stage upon which ta play a part or will he work at effectiyely represent- inig aur intcrests? In this area, the candidates must be judged very carefully for there is a reai danger of regionai gavern- ment gobbiing up Whitby, and sacrificing its interests ta the benefit of the region. .And, ta date, the region has acted only ta benefit Oshawa. . Iow does each candidate view the bureaucracy? Is he prepared to reduce them ta their proper roie of public servant, or wili he allow them ta continue to usurp the preragatives of the elected representatives? emutb prepared ta put them in their place or ýlse we wilI continue ta sec the region grow unchecked, and to witness the spectable of civil servants publicly defying their politicai masters and the people as in the present dispute over the t development in the Corridor area. There are many questions that need-to be asked,'and but aý few have been posed here. Answers must be given and assessed. The best way to see that this happens is ta attend the ail-candida.tes' forum. Why not start tomorrow night? That 100,000 figure of the Whitby of the future is not something taken out of thin. air. It's real, and forms part of the region's officiai plan. It's frighte *ning ta think that there are stili people .who subscribe ta the theory that big is best. Our Counicil should officially oppose this plan and build on the public opposition that is really developing. Weil, that's it for yet another week, faithful reader(s). We hope ta see you tomorrow night at Henry Street High at 7:45 p.m. If flot, then watch this space next time for a blow by blow description. - I GORDON HANNA FOR MAYOR H.,ANNA, GORDON E. 90(fliopkifls S t. at BUrns, Whitby, 668-3192 OPI-N rUl.*8)AY 'I RU SATJRDAY 1

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