WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1975, PAGE ý9 Remembrance Day- a time for memories and fellowship The Second World War ended 30 years ago, and Whiitby's veterans reniember- ed last week with one of the largest Rememibrance Day parades in recent years. Legion Padre Rev. Robert Mansfield recalled atthe cen- otaph service thiat he was at the Vimiy Ridge miemoriai on Remembrance Day in 1945, and at the annual banquet in the Legion Hail in the even- ing there were pictures on the walls of the V.E. Day celebra- tions in Whitby and the Re- membrance Day dinner of 1945. It was a lime for memnories and fello%'ship as abouit 200 Legion members gathered for dininer. and hecard speechies about Cinada's participation in the First and Second World Wars and die Korean War. Guest speaker for the even- ing was Frank R. "Duide" Hils, past Prcsident of thie Port Hope, Legion and sports officer for District F., wlio rein inded thie Legion mcm bers that thiere are still many of their comrades suffering in hospitals froni war wouinds, hoping that thecy have niot been forgotten. Four sea cadets stand guard at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day, following the laying of wreaths in memory of Witby's soldiers who died in the First and Second World Wars. A record number of veterans tumned out for the parade, which marked the 3th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. F'ree Press Photo CENTRE RESTAURANT & TAVERN OSHAWA CENTRE <Next to the Cinemas) Excellent Food Fast, CourteousService Open 7 days and evenings music 110 BROCK ST. N. WH1TBY, ONT. 668-4435 "Christmas Speciols" Student Guitars und Amplifiers f rom .$39,95 instrument Repairs music LOUOfls Pioneer Stereos To thosc wilo diod -in die wars, "wc owe a deëbt thiat can neyer be repaid", lie said. "Because of die naines on your monument in dic Town of Whiitby, you and 1I mccl hiere as frec nmon. Your town produced men who beat the best professional soldiers die0 worl d evor saw". Mr. HUis remindoddite Legion memnbers 'thiat 92,000 Canadians laid down their lives in-thie -Fîrst and Second World Wars, ai smnall village in is a monument the words: Canada". Hoe askedt t0 remnember "t, served and shoc the wives, swi nioth ors". The veteran cheque, Legiom meam visih( inid that in a iEurope there hospital, and "guys never forgot", hc said. who four y( miembei th ree v "Gratitude t0 The Rememrbrance Day dlonated Dinner consisted of the usual bursarji the men aso toasts; 10 the Town of $9,5(0. the othiers who Witby, which wàs rcsponded > EdE Ad and waitcd-- t0 by Councillor Tom Ed- mnonies 'cethearts and wards, and to the 'Legion, awards which was rcsponded to by which John Mclvor. last we( n 10, a war Margaret Stanlick, wlio is past pi s a pension - retiring from the prcsidoncY Februai Ors while in of the Ladies' Auxiliary after ,ars, told the Legion rs that in the past 'cars the auxiliary has id cash, equiprnent and ls in the amnount of* Brush, mnaster of cere- sfor the eveniflg, said for Legion members, were to be presented cek, will be mnade at the residents' banquet in ary-or March 1976. B3utt Radio Color TV/ ever bulit by IELEC TROHOMIE 100% sold state - C: the most sophisticated color TV circuitry with 31,000 volt chassis for the ultimate in picture quality and reliability. Plug-in modules - for easy servcing.-..... Aperture detail clrcuitry - for superb picture detail. Double 'Cornb' fliter- a patented Electrohomne feature, that delivers a Sharp detailed picture..- and true color reproduction. Extension Speaker J6c-ik-* - for hîgh quality Sound reproduction. Delicrafi Cabinet d in Autumn Oak. The C23 isElectrohome's best TV chassis ever. Why? The 023 combines technology used in Electrohome professional monitors wlth a unique-combi nation of special circuits and picture control devices. Ihe 023 chassis features advanced clrcuitry, superlor sound reproduction, power tunlng with standard remote control on consoles and The Casa Loma C23-401 - Deilcraft cabinet in Autumn Oak finish with sliding doors............ $1,295.90 M Tint Fidellty Selector - gives you extra control .-over color fidelity. Automatlc color, tint and fine tunmng. Two- Way Power Tunmng Photo eye - reads room Wight then adjusts picture brightness and color saturation for best viewing. _71' HI-Fi speaker and high power audio amplifier for superior sound reproduction. -Remote Control on Console Modela a choice of superbly detailed Deilcraft cabinets. This combination of features- many of them Electrohome exclusives - adds up to superior performance and great value for years to corne. - warm Mediterranean styling in Autumn Oak finish........ The Montclair C23-403 - Exquisite French Provincial styling .....$11,0 95 oO $1 ,095.OO The Ventura C23-404 - C23 performance in a 20e portable (no rernote control) .............. $749A 5 SUDBUTT RADIO ADDIANrES SE7NSE TO ' BUYCANADIAN 1 R C T ýe H I B 668m3707 Now at