Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1975, p. 12

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It should not be "us against them" AN WINTER themi' attitude whichi prevails," Whitby residents is tliat West "Nobody ini Toronito would to mak one a 'radical, cand West Lynde C ýff Writer lie said. "West Lynde is flot Lynde is a bedroomi conmmun- trust YOU rive îliintltes OI.It the opposing stîbsidized housing Association isa opular misconcep- anti-everything. The good bas ity of Toronto, Mr. Giles door-". lie said. seerns to mnake one look bunich" with itsi t Whitby's newest gone îînmentioned'. said. Aniothler probleîn withi West gaîinst înodherhfloct".evn. j, West Lynde, Mr. Giles spoke of' the "Seventy-five per cent of Lyndc's imlage is thtit it seenis "The people at West Lyncle e comunit .led at a recent problim of West Lynde resi- West Lynde residents work ini to "bolier a lot more", fie are flot opposed to high rise offers a rnoutbpie the Withv JL- dents in Retting acceptance Toronto", lie admnitted, "but said. or sîîhsidized hoiOUSfl but t ,%%i.5ndhc,,,l l cees when John Giles, miem- bership director of the West Lynde Community Associa- tion spoke about the subdivi- sion and its residents. Pointing oat that lie was speaking as a resident of the area and flot on behaîf of the association, Mr. Giles outined sorne of the problems faced by West Lynde residents in their relatîinship with the rest of the town. "The biggest challenge is to remnove the 'us against froîîî the rest of the people of the îown. "Nobody knows anybody else so you turui to youU neighibours and group togetii- er iii a cliquey littie bunch. This is seen by the old tiniers as a threat to their status quo", lie said. "Whitby old timiers thioughit it (West Lynde) was the swamip on the west side of Whitby and xould sink iîto the ground and disappear". One of the fears of older if West Lyndle wàs flot filled withi Toronto comîînuiters who wotild live there?" Whitby does îlot have the inidust rial base to sustaili sudi a new population, lie said. "Whitby's iadvanitage", fie poînted oui t, "is its smnall town atîîîo'spiere and a sense of belongiîîg. The store keepers here are different thaîî in Toronto", lie said, for one let humi take a book of wallpaper samples home to phieck out before purchasing anything. H-e pointed -out that the massive tax assessîîîient appeal oîîtcry last faîl was legitiînate and it was even discovered that soîne fouses were Linder assüssed. It is tip to each home- owner to appeal il' bis taxes are too low, but wlio would do this?" lie said. "Alil 'nî looking for is fair and equal treatmenCt. Mr. Giles o-pposed the view held by somne Whtby residents that "fighting biffli rise seems" the people in West Lynde oppose bigli rise wbere it is flot needed and sribsidized housing in a concentrated form", he said. "We go along with the former mayor for scattered subsidized housing". "West Lynde is one of the most eye-pleasing, best archi- tecturally designed and well-- plaîîned communities in the Town of Whitby", said Mr. "'The former mayor and council should be commended for the plan, with one note- able exception; the high rise is flot needed". "The problem lies in flot haviîîg the f'ortitude to correct one 's mistakes for future generations", said Mr. Gilà.s. "I cani't fault the council of the time, f'or high rise was popular then". Mr. Giles also spoke of crîticizîîî receîved that the DO YOUR, CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IN DOWNTOWN WHITBY from Dec 6to Dee 22 EVERY PUR CHASE 0F* $2 OR MORE givefî you a chance to be tise winner Draw 7 o'clock MONDAY EVENING DECEMBER 22rid at the 4 corners igifts on dimplay at M.B.M. Publishing & Photography Ic., 121 Brock St. N., Whitby) WHITBY RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION HOURS I)ECEMBER Sun Mon Tue 'Wed1 Thurs Fri at _____ 9p.m II p 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 __ M 9.. p.. P jp9p M p. .6p.rn. 21 22 23 24 25 __ ___ 9p.m. 9p.m. 6p.n Christnias Community a 4"clanny own social association lece to thie ity tog.ather, but the good work for the whole of Whitby done by its members is not known, he said. This work, said Mr. Giles, includes visiing senior citi- zens' homes at Christmas, providing Christmas candies for the Christopher Robin Home for Children, putting a float in the County Town Carnival parade, assisting in the cancer and heart fund campaigns, organizing the Whitby Men's Hockey League, providing a trophy to the town bowling league, um- piring and c.9)aching local sports and leading Scout and Guide grouips. "We are active people who are interested in and support the town and ive have a con- tribution to make to your town", said Mr. Giles. "l'Il scratch your back and you scratch mine; that's the way it should be because we will be together for a long time". Busy Christmas prograitn at psychiatrie hospital PARTICIPATII MERCHAN1 CO L RTICF-AI LIN PHA kM ACY SHORTYS (IL>A M.B.M 1ýPUBI 1511 PHOTOGRAPH' CIIAINWAY STOI ONE-liOUR NMARI RAE JONES & SOI I-ID. CORNER STORE ST UDIO-ONE PHOTOG RAPII WH1TBY GLASS& THE CORNER 1 1 MEUCANTILE DE BASSETT'S JEWE STORE WHITBY CLEAN] BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCE MEN'S FAIRSTY] s CENTRE (WHITI I'LAZA, AGNES DISNEY'ý IONABLE FI INDEPENDENTS SERVICE (WH- J URY & 10VE LI fWHITBY) DONALD TRAVI SERVICE PATRICIA ANN- WAINWRICITI L: NEARLY NEWSi MLACKAY'S iV. MIAC CARL PRO WARE (WHIITE CR-AFT WORK SI HARLEI H'S QI SiTREET LTD. MIFFLEN IJARBI .KA YS K9 K IJPPI THEfGREENER) STRIPE DIS(X)I MNG rS -] S R STOR E ING & Y INU RE r INsIZING; N REAI-TY Flic &~ MIRROR IZA RPT.STORE ELRY IERS LING BY S FASH- LLF SUES SALES & HITBY) .L LTD. tEL SHOP LTD. HA RD- sY) I-ID. floP FGREEN ERSH? WHIIBY HOME BAKERY PAITERSON LEUICIRONItýi ~RYID Si Y- HIE SHOES G;REAT WALLI IEYBAKERY (I-EARANU' RESTUARANT Y CENT RE THE CORNERSTUrNL JNIm STORE 111 IE PAI1NIR y GIFT SIOP, Sponsored by the Whitby Retail Merchants' Associàtiofl PARTICIPATING M ERC HAN VS MLI 155<11.B &SONS 1'ilI i 1i'Os> JOHIN BLRIINSKY F I-O RII "HOP-RH Il' ( Al'A1 0GlT SISTORE'S VIN(I,'S L;Ro(T. LRY M('CU lLOU11 IlJ EWELI-RS WIJITBIY 1ABRICS STAFFORD) LROS. L«UCIEý.N MOiE L 'lî)DS FISI& ChIPS SPORT SMAN'S CORNER EI)î)IES RESTAURANT W1)00) & SOUTTER L)ECOR CENTRE I-TD CARPET & D)RAPERIES K & M CLEANERS GUIDA & DINO INSTITUT 0F DEA JVY AUDREY MOORE K'EA I-TUR FAIR LADY DEA tTY [O UNGE G & B MUSIC BROCK T 1IEATRE i)OQD & SOUFER PAINT & WA LUIAPER OTTENBRITE MENS WEAR -MESHER CF. JEWEI-IER & WAT(IIMAKER DENIS STUDIO PFIOTOGRAPHER BRI.NS FOR BOOKY PETER & jOSEPITI IAIR LE CHALET DINîNG ROOM & TAVERN ROUSSEAU LIERITAGE HOUSE MfIDDLETON'S BOOK STORE WI-ITBY ELEU1'RONîChj RUSSELL TRAVEL LIMITED Chiristîîîas activities at the Whitby Psychîiatrie HospiLai begaîî this week, with parti- cipa tioni froin a nunber of coînmnunîty groups t'rom Whitby aînd surrouniding area. Last Sîînday 40 men and womien froîn the Ajax Kinsrneî Club yisited the Scar- boroughi unit to host a Christ mas party. A disc jock- ey brought records for dancinîg; donuits, soft drinks and candy were served and cigarettes hiaîded o.it to the patients. Santa ('lauswxasalso on liand Io prDvide gifts. On Moniday the hospital volunteers xrapped gifts for the Patients, xvhich will fie handed ou t later ini the iîoiltli. On Dec. 18, at 1:30 p.in. the psychiolgerîatric niedical unît will hiold its anîîual Christmas parade, xillha theîîîe of an old-taslîioned Chîristmnas. Eîîtertainmneît will be by the Ontario Ladies' College Choir, the Oshawa Senior Citizens Choir and groups from O'Neill Collegiate in Oshawa and R. A. Hutchison School in WVhitby. Relatives of the patients have been invited to enjoy the afternoon and assist the staff iii making the patients feel thîe warmth of the Christmas spirit. Nearly A the activities heid during, Decemnber are co-ordinated by the staff of vocational and recreational departmient, and are heid in the recreation hall. Dances and niovies are ar- ranged for several dates, the Salvation Army xviii present a band coîncert on Dec. 15, and thiere are swimns and hockey gaînes to attend at Iroquois Park. A liospital- wîde Christmas party xvill be held oni Dec. 22, at Fan'tasy- land îrark, and on Dec. 19, the adolescenît unit xiii have a turkey luîîcheon. Town clerks get diplomas Two members of the fown's staff *recently gradua- ted from courses to upgrade - their knowledge of the muni- cipal affairs which they handle. Clerk Bill Wallace received a diploma in Public Adminis- tration fromn the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Univer- sity of Western Ontario which lie attended the past summer. Deputy Clerk Brian Switzer graduated from a three-year correspondence training course for municipal clerks and treasurers which hle took under the auspices of Queen*s Uilivers,.ýty. The course provides a good int£oductioiî into ail aspects of inunicipal governmnent whicli clerks aînd treasurers deal witlî includiîîg nîunicipal licensing, preparation of by- laws, iw and the reading of statutes, elections, civic ad- mninistration, office manage- ment, personnel managemient and finances. Withi his graduation, Mr. Switzer 110w belongs to the Association of__Municipal Clerks and Treasurers. Hospital exceeds United Way goal once again the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital staff have exceeded their goal in-, the United Way campaign. On September 8, the staff set a goal of $4,000, and by the end of the campaign in November, the staff had con- tributed a record S5,801 .60. A total of 399 staff made .3onations to the campaign, wh icl was under the direction of Stanilev Hoar. The Russians are coming PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS West Lynd4e by BRI Stai Sonrie p, tions abou comnitinity were dispe ineetip, of $600 and (1vouleers màmm

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