Whitby Free Press, 17 Dec 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Priesstart at $53,OOO in the General's Place subdivisioni By Brian Winter Staff Writer Anyone driving nortii onl Brock Street past thle culing club) in the past twe mnontlis hias su rely seci en hlous.iig deveiepnieîit mnder consi ruc- tîh i on t he cas t side efttii street. Tliis dcveloprnîuj( , wiiicli began 'h is l'ail and xvwiiihe ceîepicted hy îîcxt sormmer, is kn ewnl as Bradlecy Sou tii, the filrst phiase ef tie Bradley Farm dcevelopmnen t which was first laid eut ini a proposai f from ftic Centrai Ou tarie Joint Planning ý'Board iii November 1969. For the honie boyers, the three developers, Voibray Hornes, Coventry Group, and Rivercove Developniw~ts Ltd, D]Ri PATIAIG Value over 4&0 in merchandise MERCHANTSand vouch ers COURTI CE-A LLIN'S PHARACYDOYOUR SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE M... ULIHG&C HRISTMAS SHOPPING PHOTOG RAPHYN.. CHAINWAY STORE INDOWNTOWN WHITBY LTD. from Dec 6 to Dec 22 CORNER STORE SI UDIO4)NE EVERY PURCHASE 0F PIIOTOG RAPHIC WHITBY GLASS & MIRROR $2 OIR M ORIE THE CORNER PIZZA gives you a chance to be the winner MERCANTILE DEPT-STORE BASST7' JEWLRYDraw 7 o'clock MONI)AY EVENING I)ECEMBEB 22nd STORE in front of the Whitby Free Press WHITBY CLEANERS BUTRDO& 121 Brock St. N. bAPPLIANCE MEN'S HAIRSTYLING (gifts on display at MI$.M. Publishing & Photography mne., CENTRE (WHITBY PLAZA> 121 Brock St. N., Whitby) AGNES DISNEY'S FASH- WHITIIY RETAIL MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION IONABLE I-ALF SIZES HOURS INDEPENDENT SALES &DEMBR SERVICE (WHITBYI EEME JURY & LOVE LL LTD. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fn at (WHITBY)- Il' 12 3 DONALD TRAVEL i11l9v.01 9p. 6 m. SERVICE 1-4 15 -16 1-7 1 8 < 19 O PAT RICIA ANN SHOP 9 ..9.m 9p.m 9 ...m. 6.. WAINWRIGHT LTD. 214 2 23 2-4 25 NEARLY NEW SIIou' 9p.m. 9p.mn. 6p.n. Christmas MACKAYST.. ý1MAC CAR L PRO HA Ri)- WARE (WHITBYI LTD. CRAFT WORK 51-OP HARLEIGHS 0F GREEN ST7REET LTD. MIFFLEN BAR&BER SIE)? WIIITBY HOME BAKERY PA'ITERSON ELECTRQtIICS STïYL£ T HE GREAT WALL KCAYS Kq KUPPERY - IESMSRESTUARANT THE GREENERY CAENRCEAR ' THE (nRNERSTONE sTRIPE DISCOUNT STORE MEPAINTRY GIFTSHOP' Sponsored by the JVhiaby eail Merchanta' Association PARTICIPATINO MERCHANIS COLLINS R.H. & SONS LTD. (SlHoEs) FLORISI SIIOF-RITE CATALOGUE STORES VINCE'S GROCERY MCCULICUGII JEWELLER III). WIITBY FAIiRICS SrAFFORD BROS: LUCIEN MOTEL T ED'S F1511 & (1iIII)S SPORTSMAN'S CORNER EI)DIES RESTAURANT DODD, & SOIJVER DE(X)! CENrRE LT'D. CARPET & DRAPERIES K & M C LE ANERS GUIDA & DINO INSTITUr 0F BEAUVTY A UI3REY MOORE u-EA ITui FAIR LADY BEALIY LOUNGE G & B MUSIC BROCK THEATRE DODD & SOUVTER PAINT& WA LLPAPER ýRS TrE OTTENBRITE MENS WEAR & WATC1-MAKER DENIS STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHER BRE.NS FOR BOOK&' PETER.& JOSEPFiI HAIR STY USTS LE CHALET DINING ROC & TAVERN RUUSSbAU H1ÉRTAGË HOUSE MIDDLETON'S BOOK STORE WHITBY ELECTRON1CS RUSS1tLLrRAVEL LIMITED o3M mcpnt as "The Generl's- mlet watls h of he' ;3.ie,, itdls amacof te hoame Sniiits argner a.Te dCa cr-oîs fjitryen flocTioe hdcain rîcroiBre oc treet v/hn iicli as aîicd atrert Gen iclwsa rek a'te rc aj n e rac lia tc Bo f Qo ed ai le htritue Wa'r e i ti 2 1 radgies î t a 46-acre 12 trac lSo bundcd on ther sroflanhyItue 'R cks o he ýoth wcby herock tret, on the eotiîby Bo te eteroy etenion of S trreAe.,and onxtestby Sar ne.abotd onthd ofthe awi' aybtce GairdenfStret and Brock GadStreetadBrc Stetarv xeso Tihl evetalyAebesourln roadli nking witha Murann Road, and nth deainve exeon i nshawea, o e e cotnsrutedin Ohases tover the nexctef in yeases v the BraleyeSohsubii sinwlheBavleyatoutalpouaiv- tionwof 950. Hoal ouwl- ionsitof 9a022-ut bloc o mulsitplearesidetalo(town houltpe restaked town houses)oratathed soha corns) ter fBokSotretd corar Av.; 11 k hmes n SaongAte.;ea0t sieomeos Slntre easthside of Srr Avre, ard s126 singe ofamily hoessurod2ingla four-acr pulioeessontiarsfoor-site immediaelyneays of ste curling rink.,, A five-acre park will be Iocated south of the curling Deputy Planning Director Kevin Tunney describes the link homes as being single family dweliings developed on lots of 30 to 40 foot frontage, with no side yard provisions required. The houses in sorne cases are not at 90 degrees to the road and are staggered in order to create more privacy' areas in the front and rear yards and to relieve the monotony of the streetscape, he says. The single famnily homes :ange from 5,000 te 7,000 square feet in lot area. Prices range froni S53,000 and unp. The towîî, in apprôving the subdivision. set up ar architectural contre1 corniniit tee with representatives froîT staff an~d the builders te try te achieve an ever-all integratioli and co-ordin2tion ef inaterial typies, says Mr. Tunney. Thie idea, lie says is te crecate harnîony ii celers anîd building maierials. Foi exaîîîple, lie alunîinuinisiding is beiîîg ailowed in thE deveoienft. The subdivisioîî agreenieni caîls for the construction of - privacy fonce of reversE frontage lots aiong, Brociý Street and Starr Ave, buil- of' a comibinatien of bricl and diagonial cedar, five fée Ilîiglî. The key feature cf tdi Bradley South suù-divisioni the Aslî Creek diversionî. IRecreation Ltd. brought the firsi formai application for a plan of sub- division to the town in May i972, thc council decided tuai the devlo)poîcot co uid net p)rocecd until the seaso()lial floodting problemns of the Ash (reck wcre soived. According te Mr. Tunriey ilicre was a lack of a defined watcrcoursC for the Ash (?reek, which runs aiongside the CI>R tracks fromn Brock Street, and turns south along Ash Street. The creek drained a large area of land to the north, and was subject to severe flooding, particularly in the spring runoff, and during the heavy rainfail of August 28, 1971 when many nearby homes had their basements flooded. To solve the flooding problerns it was proposed that a ditch be dug to provide a well-defîned watercourse for Ash Creek and that this ditch divert the water from the headlands of the creek directly into the Pringle» Creek. The town made the ditch a condition of development, and the developer is paying the full cost of the mile-long ditch, part of which is open and part of which is made up of enclosed culverts. The ditch- follows north side of the railway line and is enclosed from Brock Street to Beech Street and open to Garden Street where -it is again enclosed where a grade separation will be but at the raiiway crossing in the future. The remainder of the diteli is open to where it joins Pringle Creek. Construction of the Ash Creek diversion began in the fail of 1974 and was com- *pleted this fali. By next spring, says Mr. Tunney, the iarea wili be iandscaped with a *gently ro'-.'î ig asphaît wak way, with lamp standards along the fuli course. There will also be three parkettes constructed along the water- scourse. The diversion ditch will sbe fed by storm sewers froni 1the Bradley farm develop- nient, and wvill p:,event any of gthe water fromn northi of the iCPR tracks froni entering the -oid Aslh Street alignment of ýi the creek, finis relieving the y danger ef flooding in the Il southern part ef the town. s Is r e a ,e ýk [t c t is Bradley Farm to be develepeti is likely to be the area east cf Brock Street betweeîî Starr Ave. aînd Rossland Road. Various forms cf higher deîîsities, hopefully encour- aging sonie rentai acconmmo- dation as well as privately owiied dwelliiîgs are anticipa- ted says Mr. Tunney, although no time schedule for buildinp, has been set. The Bradley Farm's original concept also ineluded lands east cf Garden Street which have yet to be deveioped. depnartmen t h ires a programmer to help co-ordinator Mrs. Audrey Robbesclieu- ten, a former teachers' aid 1with handicapped children,1 has been hired as a recreation programmer te assist 'Bob« Caspeil, co-ordinator of cern- munity services. Mrs. Robbeschcuten work- cd for 3 ý years at Ihe Ontario School for the Blind in ceunsellor, and has been a YMCA camp counilor, and life guard and instructor for the Hamil ton Recreation Department. She graduated from Delta Secretarial Sehool in Hamilton in 1968 and in 1970 graduated with a recreation leadership certificate. k; -4 W, ............

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