PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Town all could be ready by August By, Brian Winter Staff Writer Whitby's new miunicipa.l building on Rossland Road is no longer just an idea; it is fast becoming a reality. Already the concrete is poured for '.he first floor, and, steel beanis are rising to form the second floor. Con- struction started in June, a month later than anticipated because of carpenters' and laborers' union strikes. Whitby's Town Clerk Bill Wallace -,avs hie expects the Ontario town hiall wiIl be completed and open for business by Auigust 30, 1976. The town is the general contractor for the building and is subcontracting each componant of the construic- tion by public tender. Consultants are Construc- tion Design Services, Whitby; Raymond Moriyan1a and Associates, architects; as well as electrical, mechanical and engineering consultants. Al these consultants form part of a mianagement team which is RENT * REWIEW IMPORTANT NOTICE if you have entered iflt(c;a new leatse or teniancy agreement which becamie effective betweenl July 30 and December 31, 1975, inclusive, you shoulc ilow about tw(c key provisions côntained in Ontario's new~ Residential Iremnises Rent Review Act. 'l'le mximumi rent increase for such agreements cannot exceeci eighit per cent of the last fullI montlb's rent chargedi prior to August 1, 1975, unless the landlord obtains the approval of ai cent review officer or the laniord incd tenant agree on a bligbier rate of cent. Shoulci l aLanclordc and tenant wisb to agree on an m icrealse in cent above the eîgbt per cent guidelline, dluring the period July 3() to I)ecemiber 31, 1975, they miust comiplete a cent increase agreenment, substantiallv in the forcm below, no later than Januarv 17, 1976~. Copies of sucb agreemnents shoul be retained b'y' otb parties. 'l'lie forni below, or a copy of it, tuav be uiseci. if, after baiving signedi such al cent increase agreenment, the tenant wisbes ccc revoke the agreement, the tenant niay co so wîthin 30) days of the date of the agr-eemient by concpletiig ia statinenit f revc cation sîiariii to the one ai the bni)c l of the f crm1 beiow. 8iv si gnîng al cent increase agreemnent, tbe tenant waives the rîglit 10 dispute the increase Mn rent agreedi upon clur-ing the above pei ani waives the rigbit t coc llecî al rebate cf cent as provideci for in the act other thain the amounit of -ehaite, if aniv, stated in the agreecient. Such a vent increalseiagreemlent dc cs inc4 appKt'. bt bu renlta I rate c< a"peric ci afti I )cemlber 3 1, 1971 ancd cloes nc t cc nsi itute ia walvec cof the tenant 's rigbî.t 1( appeal thbu ai11c cucit cof vent cicarged after that date. Norm does i t rcul evete ilncl> d of bis cobliigatioc n t> 11 thu ;cpprc fil: e reli eWIu% officer to charge vent aiftce that date tiat is more tbanl eigbit per cent in xc oc f" the cent cba-ged in the last ful oi-icLb thbu prenilceUS W> ce cent ed Ip ric r tc(c):\ugust 1,I1975. F'uuar ei smlls Vi t \<e ui itïtaid ire ~;1va jîi;cble<n()n lt uviuw, tbe lca;t i w cof offices as tbeuv are c pelu ne d m ic . sW ill lx.tva il: c )i. J. mt ilthIc e n t vi e' icailcisccc cs Ii place' phease du nott ieIc >1. Ic d<il 1t cclccHsof tbîs f i, wrcîe t> enNve'. cx5( AGREEMENT \gc-uilnt c eSPet cckt ý ucfl pi*\ cicle Thbis is t1c cmcfici dilt -- a- i1ýcctccc1ai ;ts tuecalici, hi-ccebvcgrcu t Kit ticeuidtai ode (Tenant '(j' for the resictent il preiises i ca dat shidl be $per ducinlic e prtd c I)ecenibei-3 1, 1975, nibiitat tbe ;acccc <o nt. i f icnv. tb;t is tc cbu celctud 1< c ibetenaint fc c excelcit pa ic during tiat pecic)( is$t'x rc>ît<nttt The tenant c-nay revoke this agreellci ct at anly le witbin 30) davs cof thc date of signling. Dated this----dav of .197 (Date of s gnngthis agreemnt) LANDLORD TENANT REVOCATION 'l'ie attatched rent increase aigreemient clattedite (aeo inn the agemn) cay <cf 197 is herebv cevoked. l)at%. thisday (f 197 ()Province of Ontario in charge of the project. By December 12, tenders had been accepted in the amount of $1,375,000. The budget for the project approved in 1975 is $1 ,974,000, says Mr. Wallace. A further $408,000 is subject to counicil approval early in 1976 for site work, furnish- ings and a possible artificial ice rink, making the total cost of the building $2.3 million. Mr. Wallace points out that none of the rnoney used to build the town hall was raisià d by direct taxation. The funds corne fromn the net proceeds of industrial site sales, the sale of Coîborne Street School, and subdivision impost fees, he says. Mr. Wallace points out that there is careful budget control over the town hall project. Each component of the works is broken down mbt a budget figure. "At this timne we are about $2,000 in total under the budget fixed for all componants", he said in mid-December. "We hia-e better cost control by calling tenders as we need themn", says Mr. Wallace. "We have even re- tendered on sub contracts where they exceeded the bud- get and they cane in lower. We have reduced various ten- ders by the anount of S1 10000. We review offers and tenders and work together throughi the maniage- ment teanmiapproach". Mr. Wallace says the initial building will be two floors, with 32,000 square feet of office space and a council chanibers which will seat up to 300 people. The building is on a seven-acre site which wlll pro- vide for future expansion, hie says. The lower floor will con- tain committee rooms, equip- ment rooms and storage space, while the upper floor in the west wing will contain the offices of the planning, works, recreation, treasury and clerk's departments. Parking will be provided south of the building. The office areas are to be ýconstructed on an open con- cept basis, says Mr. Wallace. The building exterior will be of oran-ýge and red brick, with glazed glass for better insulation. The artificial ice rink proposed for the front of the building is still subject la counicil approval. 1 The new town hall will bring together the various town departments, which are presently located in the fire hiall, Iibrary building, a building on Consumers Drive, and the old Brooklin munici- pal office. The town hall is located on the sou th side of Rossland Road, west of tt.e court house. Construction of 'Whitby's new town hall on Rossland Road is progressing steadily. In the top picture, surveyors are cliecking out structural details at the northeast corner of the building. lu the bottoni picture a crane can be seen, ready to hoist steel beams into place for the framework of the main floor. Completion of the building is set for August, 1976. Free Press Photos TOWN 0F WHITBY I 1976 DOG I ICENCES Dog licences for the year 1976 are now available at the Treasurer's Office, Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby at a fee of $15. R. A. Claringbold Deputy Treasurer Town'of WhitbY 1 -