iMonday January 5, 197e, EAT WFIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31,1975. PAGE 5 Look out world! Ready or not hiere comles 1976. 1 suspect inaniy of you will already have saînpled the spirit of '76 by the tiîne you get around to readig this and if you tend to overdo thinigs a wee bit at New Year's like I do then the first few hours of the first miorning of 1976 will seem absolutely rotten. Even taking this into account I'm flot sure we should really welcome '76 because the arrivai of the new year also means the arrivai of new budgets, tight mioney, tighit seat beîts and a lower speed limit. It's ,ag!ii that tinie of year Mihen l'in stickiîîg uy scru f-fv neck out ru niake a fcw highîy personal predîctions uf' tîhe Newv Year. 19)76, which sliould be a I'irly good ycar, if' ail DGues Weil. Firstîy. however.1i nîust say a fewv wrds about mni ast year's ( 1975) predictionis Whiclî, for soine uinknowi reasoii, didî't comie off too xvell. For instance. I had preçicted (so l'nm told) that I wvould date ait leaist 30 youuig, good-Iookiig ladies in 1975. WýLI iolks, if didn 't tir outi that \vay. I t w~as, as une migbit say, La conripîcte disaster. 1I n.aiaged to take ouît onily rhree yourig ladies, and oily oiie witlî sonie regular.ity. Brut. I did score imucl better with nîy seconid predictiun-rlîat Alex. the ruving photograplier. \vould reniii a bachelor iii 1 975. To io real suirprise t0 aniyoiie (including myscîf) youirs trnîly' s stili Lit large-fot-buose aiid fa:ncy frce. Nowv that 1 have explairied nv îarv lie ere aJ some of Alcx's uwn pers-ciil predictionistfor 11976: Despite gruwitîg inflation and other econ2r.-nic hiardships imposed by the Trudeau Goveruinient, l'Il niatîage to carry oru firiaiicialîy and otherwise. In the New Year. I suspect I will îiîakc less money. buit l'Il enjoy life a lut nmore, hopefully. Also,.Las iin the previonis year, Alex, the bachelor, will reiliairn a bachelor and eligible buo. PThe is also La possibility that due ru Caniadian ecouioniîc mismnagenit , 1 Will be forced to leave thîs wonderfil conitry amd look for a job abr(îad. FOOD BASKET **** Dried Fruits Dried f rujt need little storage space. They're relatively light in weight, and pack well for lunches and trips. They can be eaten without cooking. If the dried fruits are in see-through packages, you can judge quality somewhat by ap- pearance. Look for apples, apricots, peaches, and pears that are bright in color. l dried fruits should feel firm but pliable. Protein in Cheese Protein in cheese depends largely on the rnethod of coagulation o! milk em- ployed. Milk is coagulated by one or a combination of three ways: 1. addition o! starter culture; 2. addition o! milk-coagulatiflg en- zymes, rennet, for example; and 3. the aid of controlled cooking temperatuires. Protein in cheese is also altered during ripening, a ,process which is almost exclusively restricted to cheese made from rennet- coagulated curds. Talking Turkey Most turkeys are marketed as frozen whole birds-chilled turkeys are sometimeS available. Boneless turkey roasts and boneless turkey rolîs are -popular convenience items. They are available in alI white meat, ail dark meat, or a combination of both. In some sections o! the coun- try, turkey halves, quarters, parts, and steaks are available. If you istenced to tlic goverrnient they would try to conVinCe you thiat thc reason for the scat beits and the lower speed Ilnit is to try to reduice medical costs and save lives. It also happens thuat if 200 tèwer people die in traffic accidents in ftie next year thec govertimient ,Iso has 200 more taxpayers than they woui1d have witih the higher speed Iirit. Wage and price controls aren't the best of presents for the new year but 1 itave a feeling we had that one coming. StilI, if's a bitter pilt to swallow and 1976 is sure to be a year severely miarked by strikes and walkouts and many emiergency meetings in both Queen's Park and Ottawa. 1 have a feeling that new years are a lot like birthdays, the older you get the less prepared you are for their coming. Too, like birthdlays, new years mean we're getting older and, while that may flot be so bad, it is usually accompanied by new aches, pains and more slowing down. l'm usually unprepared for any aspect of a iiew year except for the seat beit law. In an unprecedented example of smartness 1 have faithfully been using mny seat beits almost every day since the word came out thar they would be law in the new year. Consequently 1 found it easier to get into the habit and 1 probably won't need the month getting-tised-to period the police are going to allow before laying charges, But '76 means a couple of new sets of licence plates for At the present time, l'd consider two countries for a possîbly hrighitcr future the United Sb.tes and Australia. In the coming year, FIl win some Lnoney, probably no more than a hundred dollars. In 1976, 1 will also becomie more independant despite a tOuIgh rDd ahead. Alex will a:so have a "scozp", if I'mi still in the newspaper business. On the Canadian front: Inflation will soar. Prices and wages will go up and dlie valuie of our- dollar will drop.-lu ftact, thec Am-erican dollar will reigu suIpremne. Trudeaouxill experience major pol itical stbacks. I is popularity will drastically decline. I loxvevr. Canadians will haive no alternative biut to accept the Trudeau regimie. Tlîc price and - wvage cont rois will work even tudlly. Labor unions will lose somle power, bu t flot Violence will be on ticic rease as nothiîg will bieclone to reduce thîe nounting u11nmployiuen 1t. More c,-,rr1pt ioni can lhe expected in the province of' Quebiec . More liard-core criminals wîll try to inifil trate in to Canada. l'hi Olynipic gaines will takec place iiin i\.t reail and somne t rouble tromi outside terrorists can bie expecîed despite stringent secuiri1y nîcasures. Gas and Ou pr11ices \ill go LiiîiW- S, as usul nf ood prices \Vill aI so jtuîîîp. General ly, t he standard of' living foi more dia n 20 mjillion Canacliaiîs \ill go down ini 1976. One igh, t say, l'in predic tiiîg glooin and dom . Surry,. bu t I caniiot sec i t ariv otlier way. on tilie interna t i n ai frot: NIid -1-asi COn hic t vill tiare up once again . ('11lna ill seek blei ter relations \vitl i te t)n i tedj St ates ývi ile R ussia w illt ake a liarde r lI e agai osi thie U.S. anid utlier WVestern cotintries. Noseow leaders will not go alon i vt h de te-ile. )Most I ikely. tîîey wil I start a propogand a var agaînst Western u at ions. New cnergy cirises will hi t înanY cutin tries. îincltiiiig Canaýda. Presiden r Ford will bielha rd hi t by social anîd ecoiîoti ic prob lemis at hlomle. Bu t. 11)76 wîll remain a sligh tly be tter year f'or tdie Arnerîcans thian Canad ians. 1I h pc mlost of' tliese predictions will neyer comie îvu .AIl said. mnay I wish cveryonc a I-IAPIPY NEW YEAR. mie and my budget can't handle tIiat at present. As for paying, the bank willI confirm that l'm not alone when it cornes to writing chieques and putting last year's date on the cheque leaving somne poor cornpany in' the position of taking a chance on forging in the right date or tracking me down for a new cheque. 1 haven't heard too much in the way of New Year's resolutions yet except from the government and al of theirs have been mnanda tory. Becuase of rising costs and dwindling salary my resolution has been to drive less because it still staggers me to shell out over $ 10 and sometimes as much as $12 at the gas pumps. As a kid pumping gas in some of the local gas stations, 1 was amazed that gas had risen to the price where a customner actually had to pay up to $5 to fil his tank. 1 simply couldn't foresee the price ever going much above that. The Free Press staff has been unusually quiet about resolutions as welI. Other than the Editor threatening to go out and buy a whip and boots to get the staff in shape the only other person I've heard resolving anything for the new year is our local historian and newly installed Free Press staffer, Brian Wfnter. 1 spotted himi in an Army surplus store the other day and as 1 walked dloser 1 noticed hie was choosing from a wide assortmnent of hand grenades. His pants were dirty and tomn - apparently from a car bumper - and lie had a crazed look in his eyes while fondling the grenades and mumbling something about traffic at the four corners and just wait until the new year. That was another reason 1 resolved to do less driving in '76. 1 have also resolved to steer clear of Brian in the office in '76 because of his bad habit or rather addiction for Dr. Pepper soda pop. The big problemn is not that Brian buys the stuff and faithfully drinks it, but that hie doesn't throw out the bottles and perched precariously beside his desk iin this inîuntain of ernpties. Working anywhere îîear there is sonewhiat akin to living and working in the Trefann Valley in Wales near the great piles of cdjaî slag. l'ni afraid somceday I'm going to hit a typewriter key too liard and tlic vibration wiIl set thie whole pile sweeping tliroughi the office taking with it staff, furniture, typewriters and ail. Su if you feel a tremour of about six on the Richter scale you know wlat liappened. In the rucantime please resolve to kcep srniling, stay healthy and keep reading the Free Press and al the best t0 al] the readers iin 1976. Photographers exhibit at MeLaughlin G aller y toie pn uugdpin tipn Five local arca photo. grapliers will bc exlîibitiiig their work at the Robert McLauglilin Gallery froni Tau. 7to Feb. I. Tlîe exhibît ranges from the traditiuiîal wurks of Jini Wilkes aîîd Andy McCraw tu the far fringes of experitiiental works by Wiiiston McNarnee. Also ioîî PezelI and Dave Thonîpsoii cuter soîîîewhere in, betweeiî tie above nmen- approaches. The show, "Photographers uf ltie Durarni Region", also incorpurates the works of sorme students in flhc region, via thie Ontario Arts Council prograru taughit by Mr. McNa- mee, of Whirby. Arthur Horme, une of the phutographers sviîl be preý£nt- ing luis uovn slide show. Openiîîg tiîîîe is 8 p.m. January 7. ___ APPLICATION FORM PHYSICAL COND[ITIONING COURSE FOR AST4-NIATIC CHILV)REN An 8 week course is to be conducted by the Durham Region Tuiberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, in co-operation with the Oshawa Recreation flepartrnent, at the Civic Auditorium, cornmencing Saturday, January 1 Oth, from 4:30 - 6:15 This program has been approved by the medical advisory committee. 1 arn recornmending that...................................... be considered for the above course. This child has been under my care for ............years. Age of child ................height ................weight ............... Name of pareilt /Guardiani Address Tel. Postal Code Signature of attending physician Address Tel. Postal Code There is no charge for this course. The prograrn is a service of the Durhamn Region TB-RD Assoc,"iationi and mnade possible through the annual Christmnas Seat Canlipaigni. Participation wiIl be by doctor's referral only. This application form May be used, or one rnay be obtained from your family physician. Please return to 757 Grierson Street, Oshawa. L1G 5J8. CAROUSEL INN FEATURUNO PUSH HARLOW Appenring Businessman's Buffet Luncheon $2.50 Alil you can eat SMON-FRI 12 noon to 3p.m. Phone for Reservatioius SUN DAY BUFFET DINNER $5.95 ALL YOU CAN SUNDAY EVENINGS 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.