'HITBYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1976; PAGE 19 MAN WITH VAN 't1 WILLJ D LIGHT DELIVERI ES AND MOVING AFTER 5 P.M. WEFKDAYS & ON WEEKENDS PHONE JIM 5764908 people died mn the famine that wrecked China f romn 1876 to 1879. A one-inch ramn- fali will drop 26,721 gallons of rainwater weighing 113 tons on each acre of ground. A solar flare, the sudden buisC~of energy and material from,, the sun, can release as much energy as the world could use in 100,000 years. li L SA LL 1 H -\ 1- %% 1 L 1- N L Vl' LN 1) 250/o OFF ALL ORDERS OSHAVVA CARPET VVAREHOUSE j6-ý SI\ 'T. S . 1COL OS HA %IV 721N-4075 140w hlgh dIO you want togo? YeuL cari airn as high as you want to Irn the Canadiafi Armed Forces. Buîld yoîirselt up physically and men- tally. Become a leader and reach for the top. This is what Combat Arms can otter you. t s not a sot t job. But if Combat Arms interest yod, youre flot a SOft guy Youre Iooking for some- thing spec7iai. A job that can bring out the besti n you Corne on. Reach for the top in a Combat GrouP. Ifs somethîflg speci3l vou can 1ý be prouCt of G ET INVOLVED .61% WITHE CANAIAN ~'>~ ARMED FORCES. Canadian Armed Forces ReomutIfg & Selectin Unit A Combat Arms Serviceman earns: On Enrolment After Basic Training After 1i ',{ear After 3 Years $ 450.00 a month $ 475.00 a nionth S 575.00 a rnonthi S 775.00 a rnonth A Combat Arins Serviceman after 4 Years experience, can earn up to SI 1,952.00 per year. Learn and Earn S450.00 a rnonth CANADJAN FORCES RECRUIT[NG CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toro'nto, Ontario, (416) 966-6564 INOTICE: The Mobile Recruitiflg Team wilI be in' Oshawa *on Wednesday' 21 January, 1976 at the Canada Manpower *Centre between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. FEiRRING - Harley Davidsor, 1968 DODGE DART - 1200 asking $65; 4 MAG wheels excellent condition, uncertiied, and tires for foreign car asking $900; 1959 CHEV,,restor- $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS able condition, $200 or best offer. $8 a set. Ccli66-4449. Cali 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1969 FORD WAGON. 8 seater, uncertified. $400. iCaf 655-4416. SPACE HEATER- mediumf sized,, good condition, $40; Formulite molded bathroom BASIN & COUNTERTOP, 48 in. long, new, $ 100. Cali 655-3411. Paid f6r (ld and Silver coint. Dld guns. dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oit paintings and seà lers Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King Wcst'Osha NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOK YOUR CHARTERS TO BRITAIN & EUROPE FOR THE '76 SEASON CALL US FOR COMPLETE DETAILSE DEPARTURE DATES& PRICES PASSPORT PHOTOS, COMPLIMENTARY WITH BOOKING Al &Linda Russel at RUSSELL TRAVEL LTIDO 116 Brock St. Soi whîtby 668-5000 Mon. -Sat.9-5 Fn .Till 9 -Your i ravel Is )ur Business" For your protection registerec under Ontario Government No.1259988 HAMILT'ONAUTO SERVICE Wants you to TAKE Advantage of theni, its their way of getting to meet youi. With grease & oil change a FREE oit filter as Low as $.l4.95 for 4 & 6 cyl. cars as Low as $16.95 for 8 cyl. cars (Plus at parts) FREE BREAK INSPECTION Repairs to ail miake & miodels HAMILTON AUTO SERVICE Ron Robertson DoLIg ii itton 146 Brock St. N. Whitby 6687010 (Rear Building beliind Garrow Auto) *SIding4-FOsèi *Soffit *Doos, Windows *Patié Doors SGuaranteed Rustproofifli on ail used cars cal VITAL RUSTPROOFEI fordetails 723-1155 -rôpRrÉs*s GENERATORS =Iectric motors, Qrinders )rill 'Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. WE SELL BUY & TRAE ACE MACHINERY 859A Nelson Street' Oshawâ 723-0933 CARPENTRY Hiome Repairs improvemnents BathrqoOITIA&floor tiling,. Recrentiofl rooms, cedar decks & patio doors, etc. CALL 668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR 'YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS' CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 complete furnishiflys of factorf showrours and supplier s ta Imodel homes, aparttmeits. town- Ihouses tused for displa-Y purpose nly) savings as high as 50 per cent cuit-easy terms cari be seen atthe warehotlse 12 to 8 daily. 'J.i riih PoP-728-347.1 pAUCTiON 1HALL i. McMUafDr. - Wanted Items You have to seil Estate - Antique -Consigrnent Sales - -Appraisals Sîîjs Twice VVeeklY open Monday - Friday 1:0 (0-.8:00 p.«% . VOLUNTEER TRAIN ING COURSE ON' MENTAL RETARDATION Twelve week evening course sponsored by Durhamn Centre, FebruarVý 3rd - April 27th, 21/2 hours/week. For further information contact Elizabeth Gomes - 668-7745, ext. 435. Let beauty I go to your headl0; '. Corne in f or the new- curly i hlairstyles & sit under infra-red Iights! l-LA CONTESSAý( ~ EATYLOUNGE 4 119 Green St. 668-9262 Now!. Naturally à - I We go along with Nature nd your hir. We cul it theI I way it graws.. . and shapeI MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Whitby PFie .668-6922 ARTICLES FOR S ALE- le Buv & Seli uscd furniture I REFRIDGERATOR- Admtiral New & Ucsed Fit 90w Simcoe Phone nituwhit196 IIE mPAt lA -motuer S., Ohawa. dA-i ontio,$ 00. Cati Ron-9 at 728-3211 1728-6188. A TTENTION FARMERSII! * WHV PAY MORE? OSHAWA, ONTARIO 66168 7859 The waitress could only picky Eater reply: "The hen's name is Thèin there's the person Gertrude. if that's alright ,uho orCPrs two eggs. 'Don't with you!" themn over.- Not too mach grease, just a pinch of sait. no pepper. WeIl, waitresS. what are you waiting for?' anis. $ 16.99 personat files recg. $39.00 only $10.00 faletorY se- conds, secre tary ch airs $40. 00. White t-Ina. 33 King- St. F., cati 576-7550. 4 MOTOP oit. I promm o.itvmY ou -ttw lae alCDc DURHAM PLUMIG lLtd. REPAIRS, ALTE RATIONS AND NEW WORK Thank you. Tune ups TV ý am 'IN %J 1 1