Whitby Free Press, 21 Jan 1976, p. 18

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P>AGE 18. WEDNESDAVY. JANUARY 21, 1976. WHITBY FREE PRESS -Free *Press Emp orium FOR SALE STOVE = westinghouse elce- trie, 30 inch, four bumners, excel- lent working condition $35. Cal after 5 p.m. 65S4454. LADIES brown COAT - like new, size 18-20, $20; Also girls coats, size 10& 12, $6 eachi. Cail 668-J1123. ANT IQUEb Dresser $90;' kitchen cab;iiet $ 120; beauty tablýe with 3 mirrors $120; 2' chairs $30 each; rocking chiair $130.' Cali 579-293 9. DRUMS - Complete set; 2~ toms, 1 floor tom, base, chirome snare dnimn, higli hiat, 2 cymbal st.-jnds, excellent condition $190. 219 Keith Street after 6 D.m. 1968 CHEV WAGON - needsi somne body Nwork. excellent miotor, N vilI setl as parts or complete. For further informiation eall 668-4940. SKATES FOR SALE - nien's, size 8, as new S5.00. men's burier, size 11, almlost new, 55.00; mnen's size 8. g ood. 55.00;, men's, size 7, 53.00; ladies figuire, size 5. $3.00. CallU668-2479. Two Firestone SNOWTIRES - C78-14, $20; Twvo RIMS, 4-hole, fits 1970 Maverick, $8. Cali 668-4461. SMOPED - Broncu brand iiew 150miles,- highrise handiebars, eluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, .iwill go 40 m.p.h. $460. CatI 668- ý3186. WOOD - One trailer Ioad soft wood suitable for fireplace $35. Call 668-8957. WEDDING GOWN - Size 12. JUEian rai$30.Cal728-66. ý6 yodr, 6 fai4 shapemnealy neot <erifi68needs 0so embod woPRk, 150. Cal 625-4525. .RUG - 12'xlO'x6". orange, gold, brown tone, $60; STOVE, __24 inch, white, excellent working condition, S40; COUCH & 2 CHAIRS, black leather, $60. CalI 728-8467. WRINGER WASHER - $25; mushroom KITCHEN SET, wvhite with black padded seats $100;1 WEDDING DRESS, size 9, eom- plete with floor length veil $90. Cali 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8, 4-door, -green with black vinyl roof, blaek in terior, certified $ 2,300. Caîl 655-3406. STOVE - 4 borner, heavy j duty 30 in., $35; 5 piece DININGI ROOM SET, wooden ,$140.I Cail 668-6750. MATERNITY CLOTHES Including four tops, one pair slaeks, two pair shorts, a pant suit and a dress, neyer xvorn, size 10- 12 $25 for e--rything. ('aIt 728- 1969 PLYNMOUT'liISATE.,L- -LITE -ncw battery, new ires, %vinterizcd including turîc-upm A-1, wilI certify, $875. (al 655-4101. 668-6,l11 SYMIIONl(' S"1'0 Vithl radio. record Illaye r, and 8 traIck. asklini $200 or best offer. 4 x 8 PIOOL TABLE, aIl ac'cssories, $150. Cail 655-31 80. STOVI! -maI11 II$60; B&W TV Pilico $60; teak chcsterflicl and chair $85; an tique Raynond treddle sewing miacinei $65. Cal 668-6080. 1965 MERCURY COMET licenses, tunccrtificd, goo.d rutnning condition, $300 or beSt, offer. Must seli. Cali 655-4834'. -i 196('14EV FNCAPRICE --o"od mlcliiiical conldition,'ý tires, 'lot certified, $200 or best offer. ('ail Don at 668-77 11 ext. 274. CUTTERS - one in excellent condition $150; one racing cutter in good cojdition $75. Cal 655-4964.. PARTY DESES-long evering gowns, size 9, 11 & 12. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SKI BOOT'S ANI) SKIS size 311., $ 1.5; swiÃŽvel C'II1AI1R, $15 VAI>ORIZER, $5;, cofféee IERK, $10; sanldwich (;RI 1.1, $7; TJOASTER, $7; carpe t SWEEPER, $10-, G.î flor POLISIIiRs$10; 6 ligli I bar type bialibroomi (ixitome ssitlî shave plug iii, like new, $20; 6 apple enates, $2 eachi. RANG- ElTTE, $15; IEC' I ZOOM, Call 668-9404. 19(18, 3(02 ENGINEI au tomatic- transm issioni, ('ail 6-55-3463. wi th $200. RUGS - 11Ilft X 8 ft. 3 in. & 10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 ini, earth colours, rust, gold, brown, boige, $500 for both. Cati 668-7923. Viking coidition, 655-3159. FRIDGE -- good asking $125. Cal TRICYCLE -.CCM 16 inchi wvhceI, $20; boys skates, size 5, $5. Call 668-8619. UdUa o f?-2JO uuter u p.îi. Two SNOW TIRES - with .BICYCLE - boys'C(CM Targa, rimns, Uniroyal Winter Ride, only one year old, in good condi- F78-14, new, $55. ('aIl 655-3879._ tinn. $60. Cal 655-4409.- COAT - LadieF hlack persian 1969 CHEV 1/2 TON PANEL iamb approxi mately size 20, in TRUCK - un..ertified, needs good condition, wÂÀll selI for $50.I some body work, $1,200 or best Cati 725-5714. Emn., offer. Cati 655-4356. Two SNOW TIRES - 6.50 X 15, -ideal for a Volkswagon, 3,000 miles, asking $35. Cal 668-6491. GAS STOVE - 'Findîey, 2 years old, goîd colour, Rotisserie, excellent conition. $175. Cali 668-4468. 1967 PONI!'l .*STATION- WAGON - 283, good runîhing condition, body fafi. power steering & brakes, eertif.-d, < 300 or 1r1-st offer. ('ail 668-7006. CHIP TRUCK - fulîy equip- ped, freshly pain ted inside, new tires, aluminuin body, asking $3,000 or best offer. Cal 728-7623. TV - &W 20inch$10G0. Cal 668-l384ý Kent Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, wvith custom made amplifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. Caîl 576-8042. DUMS - Oympia, Wîct set includes stooL, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Caîl 655-3563. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatic, 6 months used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca sterco TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot water CIRCULATOR PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Phîlco B & W PORTABLE TV, $50. Caîl 668-9746. STROBE LîGUT - almost new, 1 new bulb, factory made, warranty and ahl parts $50 or best offer. FERRET - aibino, brown maie or femnale $25. Cal 668-7190. -WASHER/SPIN DRYER - Westinghouse, used two months $ 165.00, 3 picce sectional, bloc green orlan pile with bar $400 like new. ('ail 668-4377 or 668- 6078. WIND)OWS - Basement 21X j7'/ $6 each, picture window, storm 58X64 $30, window size could be altcrcd slightly. ('aIl 723-8220. FURNITURE -maîtresses from 5$39.95, 'bunkbeds frnm $1 39.95, 5 piece dinette suite, $49.95. Thompsnn Sales, 302 ~Kingston, Rd., Plickeming, 282-8056. -Two electrie quarter horse MOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER BOX, S15. Caîl 668-6750. Antique RCA Victorola RADIO CONSOLE - with auto- matie tumo table, about 1943 model, fully fumctioning, solid walnut, $306 cash. Caîl 579-1593. MOFFAT built-in Oven & sur- face unit, $400; holding TANK for boat, $25; girls CLOTHING, size 6, $15; 2 lamp bases, $8; smnall electric STOVE, $15; electrie BRCOM, $7; floor POLISHER, S 15. Caîl 576-6592. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - 'I year old, lits boys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arm & chest pro tec- tor, $60. Caîl 668-5714. Uprigh t 9 cubic foot FREEZER - with upper fridge, $100; older model FRIDGE, $50, both are in good condition Cali 655-3683. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRINU GUITAR -- wvith case, $200. Cali 655-4385 after 5 p-m. CHEST DRAWERS -$45; Set BUNK BEDS, witlî springs, no mattress, size 36 inch width, $50. Caîl 668-9009. Mens 5-speed BICYCLE - almost new, $60. Caîl 728-0664 after 6:30 na. 1965 CHEV IMPALA - body - faim, motor good, interior faim, $250 as is. 'aIl1668-9757. I Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good for chiidren 12 yeams and over, excellent condition, $3;, PACK SACK, nylon wîth solid aluminom frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS,' approx. 512' long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $ 10. 'al 668-4465. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, sellingf a.; is $900 or best offer. ('aIl 668- ,7.654. Emp.- REODPLAYE'-R - portable. $15, kitcîîen table, chrome & grey marble in design $20, please cal after 6 pm. 655-3240. Emo. iProtfessionazl type 'boit MASSAGI;R - ood condition, $30. Call 668-363 0. JSCUBA DIVING WLiT SUIT - ,girls' ý,.ndiurn size, 3 piems, hioodt, Ijackcý and pants $55. 'Call 579- 2651 -. PONY Strztwblerry Roan I)reviously used f'or ciilrcns' ridIes comnlIete with good as new saddle blanket, bridle, lialter andi reins $ 125. Caîl 655-303 1. Wli4TrER COAT' - imitation for, leopard type, 2 years oîd, womn twice $25. Caîl 579-3569. 1975 GRIMLIN - standard,. e,\ceIIent conijtion, $2,650 or necarest o ffe r. ('al 1E'd a t 668-1152 or 728-7527. HUNT CAP - black, vet with safety harness instaî1ed, size 71/. $23-50. Cail 668-2407. STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. SNOW TIE - town & country nylon, 7.35 x-14 on rims, low mileage, $30 or best offer, Cali 668-8584. 1972 SKIDOO -- 335Olympic, trailcar, double bcd trailer, cover and accessories, asking price $ 700. Cail 655-3932. KITCHEN TABLE* - Oval, 3 chairs, almost new $90. Cal 668-6604. -A, 1968 PONTIAC - Lauren tian V8, seil as is %2.fl0 o(r best offer, 97,000 miles, .a.w.8-7980 after 6 p.m.___ __ GOLF SHOES - 2 pairs, white and peach coloured pair, size 7 1 $10, white and black pair size 7 $10, good condition. Cal 863- 1806-.anfJ ask for Cathy. GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. Caîl 668-5745. A-MSTERE'O RE lVR $325; unique kitchen table, solid maple top $450. Caîl 668-5910. Red Wool Curling JACKET - size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in pretcnition. C, I 668-9073. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Caîl 655-3624. offenhainser twin carb high rise for smaîl block Chevy, ike new, asking $200. Caîl 655-4723. - Traynor signature -4 X 10. $250. Cail 655-4978-. -COUCH & CHAIR - good condition, $75. 668-7221 after 5 p-m. very ('aIl 1972 GR.\N TORINO SPORT V8, 2 door hardtDp, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, minor body work, $2,000. Cal 668-980.5. . BED CHESTERFIELD - 3 mionthis old, Beverley mnattress, plus chrome framne, tinted glass end table, bought for $500, will seI for $300. Caîl1655-4101. BUGGY --Twin stroller corn- bination, good condition $40. Cal668-5272. ___ GARAGE -vantcd lu rent. ireferably two (or more) car locatcd in or ncam downtown area. Cal M.B.M. Poblishing and Photo- ~graphy hic. 668-6111. *1973 NO!,, ON -- lntcrstatc $1.200. ('aIl 668-9925. Ludwig 7-picce I)RýUM iSET Nvithi genuine Zîldjian symbols, excellen t condition, asking $550. ('aIl 728-2548. WHIITE RýATS- motiier & GIJITAR - Tfriple pickup failuer, plus ciglit Younig, $10. lectric, will selI for $35, ideal for ('aIl 668-9860 after 5 p.in. and rok proup. Caîl 668-2860. - ask for Dan. TIRES - MiLilin radial, sîze' Inglis GAS DRYER- l -wlîitc î 150 SR 12, Iess than 500 miles on $1 25 or necarcst offer. ('al j 2, plus goodl spare with rim $45. 668-1278 alter 6 p.mi. ICiill 668-5040 after 5:30. Lower Mal Whitbv Mail, Hwy. and Thickson Road, Witby. Phone 723-6792. Onu. keg. N). 1079998» NOTICE TO READERS Advertise' FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you silI! , There will notbe any charge to advertiiers in. the, FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the itenf a4vertised is goId. When the adver îised. item i, sold, you pay #a commission based on! THE ADVERTI S D PRICE as illustrated below. AIl advertisements' mnust be olaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESfS and mon at Jeast one month if not sold RATES (if article is sold)': 5(!% of advcrtised price op to $40000 2% of balancr over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item tdvçrtised for $50.-00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advemtising only! Please notify os if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please.notify the Whitby Fre e Press immediately when item is sold s0 that we may delete it fronr the following issues. Services, help wanted ,clothing, real estate and personal message typç ads can only behùdjdkd ori a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîll 6"11I MAIL ALL ADS TOý-' FREE PRESS EMORiIUM P.O. Box 20¶ ý~ r3 Black Pers ihtàrb COAT - ggood co rj d t tp $12 Cal 6i68-8 4 53. RAC ~ jCE-,.excellent con dition $4 Cati à.684?654l. cusidcÃŽn' i~c exfta ëavy cluty TRIAILEP. ItITC14' for. .1974-7c pinto 'stationîwagýn -25. Cali NîKON F1'N CM1 A - 50 MM., fl ese, .Ã" ~mf4.0 nikko r l ense etro.i'ic flash, $525. CU~29 1971 FIR'ENý _êDAN - good shapej', cetjfid, good transportati1oný KLO '81, $675. 1966 PONTIAC Stratoëhief, good transportation, can he, certiried, DYY 766. $4ý5, ,Cali 468-8957. 21 cubic foot FIIDGE - in working iconditýon, asking $100. CalI 668-3290,.,-. 1 26" Phillips COIMÃ"UR TV - stand included, $300 or best offer. C-Dl 668-3 195.- Conîplete SNOWMOBILE OUTFIT - 1972 RUPP Knitro 400 comiplote with tach, excellent condition, only 300 miles; 1972 Thorens double-wide trailer, ustom RUPP mens suit, spare> belt, case of oil, and helmiet, asking $ 1,000. Caîl 668-9902. ACCORDIAN 120 Bass Mun- dînger - with case, 1l switches on keyboard, very good condition, asking $300. Caîl 725-8162. 1975 BUICK CENTURY - part vinyl roof, radio, chrome wheels, power steeing à~ brakes. rear window defogger. ('al 668-7396. Straîght stitch portable SEW- ING MACHINE -- in running order, $25; 50 amp. service breaker, $4; 30 amp. knife switah box, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8; Caîl 668-9605. 1972 N1O1ILE HOME - sIeeI)5 4 possibly 6, fridgc & stove, lots of storage, 2 closets, 8 -ç 15 caniopy, asking 55,400 or best offer. ('aIl 655-4558. Antique Victorian PARLOUýR S UIT E > re(I & gold velvet, original tuplioIstery. $450: lied- room ior odr rooin VANITY. C\ tîeinîly large mirror, 5,30; thre individual sc.aîtem ('OU('l , tlu it mcc oomi, brown k-eallier. verx' di lic ent. $50t) large brown vi nvI CHI AI R, $10: lhillîps el-ctric lmol & knife SIIARPEl[NE-R. b-and ne\\, $8. (Xîll 668-6567. PORTA\BLEi DRYER --apamt- nient size, excellent éonidition, $100. Caîl 668-9947. BROAI)LOOM RUG - 9'x 14- $31), Axinistemrog, $50; Wine ug, $25: Oval bmaided rug, $12; 2 bloc ones, $11;- Silence clolli for dining oomn table, $4;, drapes, $2 pair: large floral arrangement, $3.50); gu ide uniform, $12; brownie oiniform, $10; 5 piece chromne set, $16; coffee table, $3: easy bake oven, $5; ladies winter coat, ail weather coat $10 eachi, suit $8, dress, $3, sizes 12-14. Caîl 723-2426. 1972 PLYMOUTH FURY I - power steerinig & brakes, $-1,200 or nearest offer. Cail 668-1278 af ter 6 p.m. .1971 DODGE DIMAN - 340-1 engine, . racing camt, hooker lieuders, 4 speed, new paint job, $1 ,200 or bcst offer. Calil 668-7856. 283 CHEVY MOTOR - With. automatie transmission, asking $100. ('ail 668-7553 !or 723- 5366. 22 BOLT ACTION - With scope, gun rack, good condition, $45.. Caîl 668-3956 or Wed. to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SÙSPENSION HITCH - One axIe (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cail 728-8056.. (bmplete DRUM SET - 'ieedy' by Siingerland, zilgian cymbals, throne, iudwig speed pedal, snare 14",,hi hat sizzler, bass 22", tom tom '12", floor tom, etc., very gocondition, .$375. Oui Four belted TIRES - G14, low, mileage, $10 each or 4 for $30; STEREO CABINET, modern design, ideai for putting compo- nient set into, $50; Bell Tower FLOOR POLISHER, $7; Baby SLEIGH, $3. Caîl 668-1168. Singer Feather Weight SEWING MACHINE, $40; Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Band new toys, Barbies, Ken, Big Jirn and camper, etc., still ini boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. Caîl 668-6715. Co oper G.P. GOA LIE PAD-6§ $55; Blocker & catriber G.M. 12 junior, good condition, $20, both used 2 yeams; Imnura SKIS by Garmish with harness 120 c-m. long, neyer used, $20; Lace-up 'SKI BOOTS, $5. Cail 668-5685. 1969 CRYSLER Newyorker - very good condition, with al options, low m-ileage, cemtified, $ 1,250. Caîl 655-3019. One quarter HORSE - grad mare, 8 yrs. old, lias been shoNwmî su ccessfu lly, English & Western 5 point 2HH proven broodmiare. Omie YEARLING, part quarter hiorse, part hackney. 14 point 3H11, îîice nmover, luniper potential. Best offer. Will board until spring. Caîl 655-4866. YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE t0 sliare large old farinliotuse, children wecomie. ('aIl 1-985-2381. MIATURE YOU.NG WONIAN - wou.ld lii-un sx ork p:rt-tinie eveiniings and or wcekends. ini the Osh,11a Wa. Whitby-, A.jax area. It\pericnced ini the area of secre- tarial, \vaitress, and factomv vork. ('ail 668-1645. \VI I I. 13ABYSIT duriin the day, presclunolers. ('aIl 668-1727. LA DIEIS EA RN EXTRA MONEY, IIAVE, FUN BY SEL- I.ING SARAII1 COVE_,NTRY JEWELLRY. W train - no investiments- and no deliveries. ('aIl 284-6507 or 728-6437. EýXPFRIENCED' HOME- MAKER requiired for the week of Fehmuary 7 - 14. Cal 282-5081 or 839-1880. WILL DO TYPING - in My home or go out evenings, 5-9 p.m., experienced typing, references - if required. For further informa- tion caîl 668-7470. PHOTO SHOP REQUIRES- outgoing mature salesperson, ful & 'part-timi2. Apply in person on Tliursday, .anuary 22nd, at Whiitby Maîl on Thickson Road (opposite the Hlardware Store) b)etweeccn noon and 3 p.xn. onîy. * s Wanted Dead or Alive used Colour T.V.s Black&White Portables 668-3707' .I.i Lý -F à ==ZWRMMQB 1 i p m- -a ........... 1 î, , - 1 , 0 -eý , > - 1 1 > < . 1 m 1 mmý

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