Whitby Free Press, 4 Feb 1976, p. 6

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AGE 6, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1976, WHITBY.FREE PRESS . Byines WeI! hÎere we are into February, and with the weather the way it is, it's hard to believe that the Farmer's Alnianac hias forecast an early Spring ....middle to the end of March is what it's reckoning on. At this stage l'mi keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping that it is spot on with its predictions. I guess the second warrning thought for this week is that the Town of Whitby, for the second year running, has managed to b ring about a budget that will flot increase our taxes. If only the Regional Councillors and the School Boards could take the example 'and could do likewise, but I guess that is asking for Utopia. 1 rnust admit, tliat tho' I don't like to look a gift horse in the nmouth, 1 can't help feeling that next year is going to see a hefty jump in the Town's taxes. Let's face it, there have to be somne services and repairs that we are doing without now to hold the taxes down which will definitely have to be seen to next year .....nd then what willi h cost? But looking on the' bright side ....next year the Regional Councillors might perform a miracle and decide that they needn't increase their expenditures! That of course goes for the School Boards as well. 1 did receive a note frorn Meadowcrest School this week. It seemis that students in the Public School system hlad a day off on Jan. I 3(l. Whilc they wcre on holiday their teachers attendcd workshops i n Engi ish, Physics, Education and Science. The tcachers have,' been irnpressed with the quality of. a nuLîber ol' workshops that have been mnade available t'O themi this school year. A caller this weck expresscd conccrn 'for some of our chiidren, t hose thiat get off' the sctîooi bus ai No. 7 and No. 12. It seemis tdu thc crossing liit on the traffic signais isn't working, andti ta the chiidrcn, and other pedestrians of course, coniinually get the 'Don't Cross' signal even tlio' the liglits niay bc showing green. Couid someone 'in tIhe know' ulase, look into this ....we waited a long tinie for those lights ....ct's have then in fuîll working order. And I've hiad yet another caîl concerning the lack of use of the Brooklin Arena at the Tuesday and Thursday preschoolers skating sessions. Once and for ail, the Arena is open on these days between 10 and 11I a.m. and again between 2 and 3 p.m. jtîst for preschoolers and their mothers. As the Arena has, uptil now been very empty on these days why not take the opportunity for somne reiaxing m-id-week skating ....free of charge. It is an ideal opportunity ...which couîd very well conîe to an end if more use isn't made of the facility. And taiking of ice ....have you tried to waik along the sidcwalk on the main road? 1 tried the other day ...and found that the highway was a great deal safer ....traffie and ail. I fully realise that we had a very trying winteér, and that the freezing ramn the other week didn't help. But some areas of those sidewalks are a real mess. The corner of Cassels and Baldwin is extremneiy bad. I know the Bank bas moved to the other side of the road ....but surely they are still responsible for snow clearing around the old building. And I also realise that the Antique Store next door is only open for weekends. But 1 don't think that lets them off the 1100k either. And 1 don't know who has the responsibiiity for that stretch of land south of the Drug store ....but someone must have. I know it is hard work....but I can only say it is hard work at the momfent to patronise some stores. Please help...pedestrians will be most grateful... and to those *who have managed to keep their patch of sidewalk clear ...many thanks. Brooklin and Dist. Kinsmen will be holding their Formation Night on March 5th at Heydenshore Pavillion. Tickets aire $1 5 a couple and include refreshments, dance and ceremnonies. If you would like tickets then give Don Vipond a, cali at 655-4953; or Ann Carson- at 655-3662. Don also passed on the news that plans for the new Brooklin Park are underway. Chairman for that commîttee is William Frazer, and work is planned to start at the end of Feb. - beginning of March. To ail of you that are concern'- ed that we will be losing some trees....Don assured me that no big trees wvilI be eut down. Only scrub, and that needs it, wilî be cleared out. Next meeting for the Kinsmen wilî be on Feb. 9th at the Legion Hall. Ahl men between the ages of 21 and 40 years are welcome to attend. Caîl Don if you want any other information. An invitation is extended to ail Euchre players! The Beethoven Lodge are hàlding their Annual Progressive Euchre Party on Feb. l3th at 8 p.m. at the Oddfellows Hall, Brookîin. Admission is 51.50 per person and tickets can be obtained at the door, on the *night. Good games, refreshments and prizes are the order of the evening ...0 keep that night free and go along and enjoy yourseîves. Ashiburn Comnirunity Centr-e has a new board for 1976. Chairman is Barb Forsyth; Vice-chairmnan, Fred Daw, treasurer is B.ih Burgess; BROWN'fS FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655m4521 vilue atisf oction Catii le on CULVERHOUSE CHOICE RED PITTED CHERRIES 14F0.OLtIns 2 8$1 CIJLVERHOIJSE CHOICE 19 Fi. Oz. Tins CREAM CORN 2o'85c CULVERHOUSE CHOICE IlI. Oz. Tins DESSERT Peurs 20'19c CULVERIIOUSE FANCY 12 FI. Oz. Tins ASPARAGUS Tips 77C CULVERHOUSE.- HALVES -19 FI, Dz. Tins CHOICE PEACHES 28 si. I SUPER SIZE- LOTION HEAOACHE TABLETS à HEAD & A MAIN NOXZEMA SHOULDERS KIN RM 20L$1099 10to s. sl .29 14 Oz..79 FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! Finest Florida 9,sf olf the s uson CEIYSTALKsSe 24's 59Ç a HEAD LETTUCE Large Head 391 Arizona GREEN ON IONS Large Bunches 2 for 9ç MCCORMICK'S ASSORTMVENT 231/2-0z. Colla Pkg. '%'BIG VALUE" slm2 9 BEST BUVI - LIBBV'S COOKED SPAGHETTI 9 Fi.Oz.2,089c ATUREI - NABISCO 15-z. Pkg. SHREDDED Wheut 59C FATURE! - DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION 15 FI. Dz. Tn DOG FOODS 4lot FATURE! - COLD SEAL 151/2 Fi. Oz. Tn PINK SALMON sl.79 WESTON 8Btc Package CHELSEA BUNS 69C STOR& OUES OPEN six DAYS A WEIK 8:-30 m.. - 6 p.,. EXCIPT THURS' & FR1- SNIGIITS 'II. 9 p.M. 1 (ieuse PEAS fFOZ IN& Whole White POTATOES- 19 FL. OZ. TINS IDILLS 32 FL.OZ.JAS Farm Fresh Grade A CHJCKENS99 Legs, Breast99 OEAI. FOR OREMSNO .. CUT Fmou Tél£CHUCK FEHMNCEO PORK BLADE GRÏ N SPARERIBS STEAKS HAMBUR, 1,,48 L.89 088 WELL TAIMMED MAPLE LEAF- ALI. SEEF MMPE LEAI PORK SKUNLESS ,.. , BUIT CHOPS WIENERS COITAGE RtOL 1 139 c, 188 f 1.l3911 PEA LEAF CAMPFIRE- GOLDEN GAR Li O EVON BRAND BREDED POLISH RINDLES1 SAUSAGE j SAUSAGE BACON Cut from No. 1 Red Brand Steer Beef Store Cut und Wrapped HINDS of BEEF 1.181I SIDES of BEEF 99611 fi ÀB<ORDEN'S CREMELLE 16-0z. Jar PAMPER CoffeS crem s$l.29 CÀAT OLD TYME TABLE FOOD Syrup 16. Oz.IBd. 69C étF.O .TINS FEATUREI - INSTANT COFFEE 6-0z. Fe Nescafe sl.99 Househoîd Paper SCOT - TOWELS 2ROLL. PACK 9c LIDUID MIR 24 FL. OZ. BOTTLES 2 RO98C FEATURE! - CARNATION 3-Lb. Insta nt s2.09 SKIMMILK POWDER Frozen CARNATION Crînkie Cut 2-Lb. French Fries 65c > 3 BIG DAYS Thurs., Feb. 5 Sat Feb. 7 G c IF *LS Ib. Ibo FEATUREI ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS POLYc 22-Lb. Bag $3e49 NO and Sani Hotlingsworth is Secretary. Directors; Jean. Johnston, Gai! Kzyriachy, Joan Flemning, Shirley Shep- stone, and Ethel Rutledge. I don't know who is in charge of the Ashburn newsletter but I have to ask if there is any possible wvay that you could get it out a little carlier. 1 aiways feel so disappointed when 1 can't use the news that you send nie because it is out of date. I don'î know if there is any deadline for the following, but if anyone is interested in a Men's Prayer and Bible'Study group then cuil 655-3606 for further details; and foc you mothers ini Ashburn; there is a bi-weekly pre-school play- timie group hcld each Tuiesday and Thursday nmorning'. For fuirther deuils cati. 655-4573, 655-3886, or 655-3348. The Ashibtrn Euiclres continue every second Friday ....the next oneC wilt bce hetd on Friday. I 3ih ai 8 p.m. Ladies piease p)rovide lunich. AT A G LANCE. MON. FEB. 9th - U. C. W. nmeeting,- ai Brooktin UInited Chutrch Hli, 8:1 5 p.nî. Guest speaker, Miss Cathie Arni- strong:, subject, NUTRITION. AIl xvelcomie. SUN. FEB. 8th - Duirlanu Trail Riders nueetiiig 8 m. ut Ciubhiouse. United Cliiur-ch, Prospect Corners. north of Myrtie Station on No. i12 (last weeks imeetingcunceited). MION. FEB. 9th - Kinisim-en meeting a r Legion Hall. FR1. FEB. l3th - Beetho- van Lodge..Aiinuati Progressive l3uchire Party, 8 p.m. ai the Oddfeliows liait, Br-ookini. Ali welCOne. FR1. FEB. l3th - Ash- bu rn-1 C0on,1uui y Centre.... Luictire ut 8 p.m. SAT. FEB. *14th - Cubs and Scouts Puper Dr-ive. MON. FEB. 23rd - kins- nmen Reuflar meeting ut the l3rooklincLegion Halt. THURS. FEB. 26tlh - Brookiin Fair Board.. . .Direc- tors meeting at 8 p.m. at, Brooklin Coiiiîy Centre. Alil Directors elcoie. FR1. FEB. 26th - Ash- burn Conîru1unity Centre.... Fuchre ut 8 p.ni. SAT. FEB. 28th Dur- hani Trail Rider dance at Club Anrenne, Port Perry, tickets $6 a couple. FR1. MAR. Sth - Brook- lin Kinsmen Formation Night., .~ f.- r 'OZEvn o rgyroo I Ns! FEATUAEý GOLDEN - BATTERED 16-0z Pkg. Cling Free RUPERT COID 99c Sheets McCAIN - Deep and Delîclous - DELUXE * Olen Ithon PIZZA 22-0t. Package s2.1 9 12to pack 819C Wl AIESEUVITHE4RIGHI TO UmIT aUAJNMES

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