Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY?, MARCH 17, 1976, TRAVEL CANADA SUPPLEMENT, WHITBY FRIE I Hlistorice sites plus the CN, Tower and[ the 19 76 Olyinpics make ses' Ontario and Queb-ec a Tourist's Delight Iontarioj Ontario, the heartland of Canada hias everything inimaginable to offer the tourist, from thie Muiskoka and Kawarthia laàkes, to one of natuire's greatest wonders Niagara Faits, whiich hlas facinated generations since the Frenchi explorers dis- covered it in the 1 Gth centuiry. Toronto, the capital of thie province is an ultra- modern city, with a uniquie city hiall known throuighout the worlcl; the famous C.N. tower, the tallest free standing structure buit by man; and the Ontario Science Centre. Ontario is also the home of Canada's capital city, Ottawa, with its beautiful May tulip festival, and suich attrac- tions as the Parlianîent Buildings,* the National Art G allery and the National Arts Centre. One of the rnost beauitiful vistas in Canada is the Thouisand Islandis on a mnisty mnorning. as youi travel al.ong the St. Lav'.rence River fromn historic Kingston, t o Upp)er Canada Village, an authientically restored commuLnity of' the rnid 1 9th centuiry. North of Lake Super- ior are some of Canacla',% last uintamed woodlands, suich as Qutetico Provini- cial Park, the breath- taking Agawa Canyon. I quebec_____ Quebec, "'La Belle Province"", is flhe cradle of French civilization in Canada, providing a unique opportunity anid experienice for the tourist. Here can be found thie largest Frenclh-speakinig City niext. to Paris. Monitreal, which this vear is host to the 1 976 suniner Olympics. M on treal lias a tenid of' the old and the newv. wîitl buildings lrom thie 1 8th century stanidinig beside the most modemi hotels and office comi- p le xe s. Montreal is fainous l'or its tgood restaurants. M, an and Ilis World (the FExpo 67 site), and Place d'Arts, the cultu raI cenitre of' the City. A beautiful view of Canada's largest city cati be seen fromn the top of Mounit Royal. while to the north are the famous Laurentians, the oldest rock formation 0on earth, now a sk ier's parad ise in winter. Que bec C i tyv. lounded by Chîamplain ini 1608, is the only walled city in North A nierica nortlh of' Mexico ('ity. iThe old Section of' the City retains its 1 7th centu rv F~renc h cliaracter. \vlhere the Iiospitalitv ol the people is \velI k io\ n. Qilier QUebec attrac- tiOnS include the SagLue- nay andi Lake Saint-Jean regions, anI Ind(ian1 reservation. a huize ~Triippist nlionastary, andI a sp)ectacular fjord. XX- BROOý OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS $10000 OFF ANY MOTORCYCLE i 1 25cc andup WITH THIS COUPON <LIN CYCLE CLNIO Hwy. 7 BROOK LIN PE N -NOON TO 8PM MON-FR I WrIN FOR A TRIP TWO To Canada's Spectacular West' via Ai r Canada TO ENTER THE DRAW SIMPLY TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR SPECIAL 1/2 P-3ICE HOLIDAY SUBSCRIPTION 0-FFER AND...... Whiîeawav those Wednesday or Thursday evenings with Snformed, comprehensive and objective coverage of AL L the Whitby N ews and sp orts, not to mention locai editorials, local columns, an-d the ever popular Free Press Emporium - the WVhitby residents marketplace. THAT'S RIGHT! BY (or renewal) AND a chance for a Lucky Subscriber to wiîn a trip for TWO to the West Coast (or just about anywhere in between> Contest Rules - To enter, cociplete your name, address and telephone number on coupon beiow, (don't.forget to enclose cheque or money order for $5.00) andmail to: Whitby Free Press P.O.. Box 206 Vhitby, Ontario - Contest is open to ail residents of Ontario over 18 years of age, except empIoydes or th-ir immediate faniIhýs of the Whitby Free Press, Air Canada or their advertîsing agencies. - Contest wiil close on April 14, 1976, with the draw being made from all entries received no later than April 19, 1976. In order to win, the seiected entrant must f irst answer correctly a time iimited arithmetical skili-testing telephone interview. - Transportation is vaiid aboard Air Canada services to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton. AIl travel nmust be compieted ,, December 15, 1976., No travel is perrnitted during public holiday weekends. - Transportation is non-refundabie and non-traisferabie, and must be accepted as awarded. - The winner 1s name wiill be published Whitby Free Press. in the April 21 issue of the W I N a trip for two aboard Air Canada's wide-body L-1011 or Boeing 747 services to Canada's Spectacular West love you to corne withius AI R CANADA Name________ Address Postal Code__________ Telephone- A FULL ONE YEAR SUBSORIPTION, MAIL OR CARRIER FOR ONLY $5.0 <barely covers the postage)...... Travel'Canada the inexpensiveway. a na YAMAHA

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