WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1976. PAGE 7- ,Historiceal 'Wh ithy I v THE GIBSON BOUSE Tis old tramie house on the west side of Centre Street south of Mary Street has changed sonmewhaât throughi the years, but in the latter haîf of the I 9th Century it was the home of one of Wlitby's miost proniinent nierchants. The building, now a double house and covered withi false brick, was the home of Yeomian Gibson, who for miany years was in the grocery and grain business. Mr. Gibson hiad the iiteresting distinction of hiaving been born i.-ar the original town of Whiitby in Yorkshire Engiand in March 1 828, and came to Canada in 1847. He settled down in Whitby, Ontario (then Upper Canada) and began his career as a clerk and bo>-keeper for a local mierchant. By 1 857, lie was in buisiness for himiseff as a gricer. -Old Ontario directories give mi indication of' the progress of Mr. Gibson's career. lu1i1860 lie was a gene rai mierchant in part'iershiip with R.i. Yarueold, andl by 1865 hie is listed as a beef and purk packer. The local newspaper annuuinced thiat 1ie re tired tremn rWords fron by Norm Mealing Each week, thîis colcriin atteilipîs lu du wtW)iigs-- publicize eveuîts of iîîîeîest. cithier iii West Lyîide or iii Whitby, anîd commiîent uî itemis fut'crreît iîtcresi liere iii Whit by. lu connectiori witlî flic fcrmier, 1 pchl icize aiîy ancd eveîuts thai are b rcnglit tlu rîy altent ion. lu corîrecti.ion with the la tte r, 1 commenîct as 1 sec tfil , a rldary commenîîît you read liere reflecîs urîly iiy opinions. I do nltii10v, or have 1 ever, prescîuîed lu commentcillon belait oh' fic West Lyîîde Comuîncnity Associaition c)rthie conîîî cniiy kiox,)vn as West Lyîîde. If yocî are a regular reader of'iii is piece. y/oct xiiilie amare cf tliese t'acts. Tiîey have becni expliaiîied mianinieîs be fo re. 1 repeat tlîeiii lîre iuclay only liecarîse tliere are. j tiose wiio duii't seeiii tc) ciiderslaiid. Last week, 1 coiinited cri unr regierial govcriiîent and, in doing so, 1 nîentioned ourWhitby represeiatives It lias curuîe.te mny ai heuhou t lia t i appeard hic cml critical of Ùiese mien . Iri ile irteresîs of' kecpiug ithe reccord straiglut, 1 did nul iuuherd lu crilicize our mten iii Dcrhai. They are ail cunscicritiens individuials wlî i:!v donc their best te infect suîîîe raiiutialiiy iîîio thîe deliberations al, the regioru an(i to put the region on thie saine responsible burdget base'as tlc Townî cf'Wlitby. II Tiîey have eîjoyed sorîîc successes anid, in tlîe hope tof' encouraging yen ho support t li ii, 1 give yl scîîie re facîs abouit regiorial goverîuticu t. Did youoticw ia t Ilere are about 600 people cinpieyed hîy thue regi,)tin? Did yen kîuow that,-ef iluese 600, iiearly 150 arcecrîploed iru the planning aînd finance departuuieii 15' Did yuuu kîîcîxv iîat the regien now elipiuys wà tuer iieter retiders, and Wlitby emupiuys hydrunicter readers, aîudthuai boti irueters werc read by une 1ersoii befcîre tlue regicri hoek'over thc water systemn? Did youtkîuw ihat, ini urder ltrdcesenciig thue Whitby police station is ici be clused' Al il' hue abuve arc lit tie known 'acîs aboutI eutr regicinal governiuueut. Last weck, 1 passcd un soriii nraccurtae iniformîation. 1 said tluat le ~...\ Exectitive elecliuns would bc lield Mar-ch I181.h. Net se The date is AIlunI Isi. Watcli thc newsiehter for dutails. Doî't forget thecGreasebalcon April G)lu ai Heydetusluore. lt's a trip down - mernury lane ibrougli the golden age of rock and roll. Tickets are $8 a couplefoi h W.L.C.A. Executive. WeIl, tha's il for this week. Sec yen iin a week's tirne. 'r developnient Reoi ou ilcou îc il deccicdL 0o)es ror sub clvi ders xvili îî pa legail cosis Cui preparillo and c1 csî i dccclopillo t aoreemnin (ii tle regi <ai. 1-li s dec isi on cci rcrsulit ini an aîiîial gain toi rte regor << b1) tS 45 .00. Thle egoa icos ts arie ini a dclit lii1 0115 meeting Thursday vice-Jp r silcii t l Ie On ta ru lin ma,1lie Soc iety wii i be Ille guesi Speaker at Ille Wiîbv 13a n- lC I 'S Za on. Iual 1 ]le et 1Ilng Tii orsdav a t Illece(ritel nia i Building, sîarting ai 8 Pi.1. M r. 1hughles vwili be speaking on specific itemis reiated to(ithle operat ion oC Ille i lui ourle Suciely's sicier uni 'I'iick.,uîî Road. T[lie meeting xviii aiso inicludle preseîî ati rc c) ut arnmal repo)rts and cciion of directors l'or 1 976. Evcr-y- unle is weicuiileoaittend. Youngiis Point, Ont.ario Tenders for Sub-Trades Tenders will be rcceived by tlhe undersignecl infil 11 A.M. Saturday, N'lay le, 1976 For ail sub trades re(ILired ini the co)nstruction of three and four bedroonm bungalows Lowest or any tender not neccssarily accel)ted Ownier Builder, Youngs ?-unt Estates Ltd.., Ontario Contact: Mr. J. Meaglher Arbour View Dr. Youngs Point, Ontario KOL300 (705) 652-8208 (705) 652-8901 agreements oft jcuniiieits in the lanîd tilles or regîsiry ulTice. 'Fli cus ru be charged i e SOOC) l'o r Subd1) i v i Sion)i agreemniut s.S4.50 l'or cengin. Scrviciîîg site plan agreemlents, S '50 l'o r land severance ao r'ei enuen s. anid S50 fo r c) lioiliniui lo rcelieni1ts,. The Corporation of The Doctor Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hospital A&nnual Meet*ing Notice is hereby given that the Annual 'Meeting of the Corporation wiII be held business in 1872, but the directories show that in 1877 lie was dealing in grain and p)reduce and inI1888 lie was an insu rance agen t. For inost of luis büsiness career, Mr. Gibson operated a store knlown as "Old Nuniber One". The exact location of OId Numnber One is niot known, but it, may possibly hiave been the southeast corner of' Brock andi Dundas Streets. The naine "NumIIber One" conies frorui the fact that his rstore was thie first in the block. In Later years the site was occupied by "Nuruiiber One oni the Corner", occupîed by anuther nierchant, William Laing. There is sonie evidenlce e î that Old NUmnber One was mnoved and repiaced by Number S One on the corner. Mr. Gibson, when lie was niot attending to his business, [.was active in chUrch work, poliis and the Masoinie Lodge. Hle was a neber of the MetoEstUiîrch, which in Mary Streets, a short distance fronu lis home. In 1854, two years before the building opened, Mr. Gibson and his famiiy presented the church with its first communion set, which still exists today. It consists of a silver wine flagon, bread plate and chalice. A conîmon communion cup 'was used in the 1 850s and replaced by individual cops later. In 1954, Mr. Gibson's datîghter, Miss Alima Gibson comnpleted a century of service to the church started by her mothier wluo always prepared the elemnents of the sacrement. In 1875, the niew Methodisi Tabernacle (now SI. Mark's United. Church) was built and Mr. Gibson was secretary - treasurer of the building cornimittee. For mnany years he was secretary of the cIliurchi and kept aIl the parish rec oir .s. lui politics,- Mr. Gibson was a memiber ofithe Whitby tcwni counicil fromn 1863 lu 1866, reeve in 1876-77, and depoty reeve in 1880. lu1 1877 lie was elecîed warden of Onta r io Counity. Mr. Gibson xvas aise Master of Composite Lodge in 1 859-60, and 1863-65, une of the longest ternis ever served by a master efftue ludge. Ilie died ali Wit by un Dec. 28, 1894. agecl 66 years, anud \vas b)uried iii the Saleni Ceineierv. New poliey adopted for The meeting WilI be held to: 1. Review minutes of previous meeting 2. Rec.ive reports 3. Amend By-Law.: of the Corporation 4. Appoint an Auditor 5. Receive the report of the Nominating 6. Transact other business Copies ýf the By-Laws and Financial Statement may be examined at the office of the Secretary at any time during normal business hours or wiII be mailed to members on request.1 By Order of the Board J. Kunetsky, Secretary WLJIIHEOf>l TILL2 Rm SPECdLUERYDl . .I....49.. plus your choice of beverage ~tol0 eiikenWVU& OVE R 100 LOCATIONS N ONTARIO-SEE VOUR PHrONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. Comimittee Wednesday, March 24, 1976 in the Cafeteria of the hospital commencing at 8:00 P.M. SINClE 1950 TIIEY'VE BELIE-.VLI') -ANYTHING WORTH DOING IS WORTH DOING WELL" AI)[Sf lL AUTOMATIC FRANSMISSION'S I OR UNBLAIABLIý, WORKNIANSIIIP & PRICES 728-7339 222 KING ST. W., OSHAWA