PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1976, WHITiW FREE PRESS The Added Totueh on -btsy diaYs00 eans of Cianadia Choice Fruit Alinust everyu ne liais busy days Mien luîrry-up incals are necessary. Food specia- lists at the (Ontario Food Couincil, Ministry uf'Agricul- turc and Foud, have designed tiiese recipes for the fast pace of living alinost every- une faces today. What niakes these recipes special is tîtat each features an added tuuch --a eau ut "Cantida Chuoice" fruit. Peachi Bean Bake 2 t-ans (19-o):. cadli) Bakedl IJeans 1/lb, pure 1>01* sautsages 1 can ( 14-o: . ) caa a ('Clo ice Peacli Ilalves, tdraied. Heai beans in an 8x8x2 baking dishi at -375 degrees F fur I15 minutes. Meanlwilile, cuuk sausages uintiI dune. A rra nge peach lia Ives aild sausage s on tup of beanls. Bake, uncuver-ed loir anu(t ici. 10 niin. Niakes 4 serving.s. Pears Belle Ilelene Ilan/en Pear IIa/î'es 4 seoop)s vaiillia ice (lt'aln Ifo itidge crvain t)ruin cained pears. Pui a scoop uf ice cre-ainintu ecd serving. dislî. Stand 2 peiir lilves aýgaînst the ice cr.eaiiI in cadi dislî Toi) willihoht fudgc creanii. Serve iinîîîied- iaitelv. MAkes 4 servings. Hot Fudge Cream 1 t-up s«gar 11/4 cap ,liglit coru Svrîîp 1/3 ecl/) cocua)i 11/2 sp Salt' 1/2? cup icale,- I tip îaîi/la 2 tbsl initier 1/2 cuivipi/lg ticainj - Makes 2 cnpis sauce, (Cîtibinle sugar, corilî sy- rup1, cocua, Sali anid water - 1 n-i ig t o buil; red uce hca t anid siminîer 10) w 12 iulinut- tes. Stir ini varujîla and butter.- Stir ini creainl. 1)o(11,ovcr pea vs aund ce creain - SauLce can lie refrigerated and relieated Mieîn nceded. Hlou Fruit (ompbte 1 can (14-o:z.) Canada (Yoice Part/cii erIfca/ 1ves 1 tan (/4-o)--C anada Choice Ire-estont Pt at-/ 1 can (14-o:.) ('Catia ('Ioice Priat' 1/ins 1 1okg. (10-o:.) dricd jfruiits 2 oraniges, pt'eled, st'cded t> >11< ctrate /ý/2 cuip waîcr 11/4 îsp alminod J/avring 1114 cuip toast et!s/iî'cretl a/nmi<iits (opui<na/) Drain pears and peaches. Reserve s\ rup. Drain plumns, lialve anud fit. Se[ aside. Suninuer dried frui t s in pear anîd peacli sy rup1) ()yr5 min utes. Rciiovc tromi licat - Add renainiig fruiit s, oranige juicc conceit va te, watcv and flavoring. Let stand 1/2 Iîour. Gavnislî wutîî nuts if desim cd. Makes 6~-1/2 cups. (an lie scrved cilcd or rcheated next day. I res.e<I mip (dalik t(> (alliadl a ( oie Ieî hIalves. ,,YOU'VE BEEN F'LOSSING MUCII TOO lIARD!" YOLJ CET IT ALL moU7Ut WHEN BUYING OR SE-LLING il 1îRO cLtJ - LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. EXI>ERIENCE. RELIA BtLITY, ACTION LIyd W'etu MEMBER 0F f ~ fi~I ] 3'6(1/ ~The Canada-wide real estateservice- with 35Oselected real estate R ottices in zzu uoiiiiu -( nities across Canada. Ontari Goernm tTede TENDER GENERNL CONTRACTORS Supply and installation of wire' glass, door closers, reswinging of doors and installation of new doors and frames at the Ontario Hospital, Wlitby, Ontario. TENDER No. LIN - 76-001 Sealed tenders will be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, APRIL 13, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please cail Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Tele- phone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender flot iîecessarily accepted. SMinistry of Govern ment ( ) Services Ontario Kercte FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS CLASSES ARE Ni-W BEING ORGANIZED AT ANDERSON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE The Classes will be lheld Saturday Mornings From 10:30 - 11:30 A.M. Men, Women and Chikrden Welconie NO CONTRACI For More Information Cali: 655-3854 n11 Min-&(Ikà r. dtT 9 -0 0% à % A à % -V n 1 L AFFof me WEEKI L:f OÙ10 ..ergot IVICL te okicon