Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1976, p. 17

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WI-ITY FEEPRESS, WEDNESÎjAY, MARCFI 24, 1976, PAGE 17 it' enterta'lm en OJeoe~Tked~a to~ Q~kau~ Bike Safety HELD W 0OVER COMPLUTE SEAN SHOWS È#CONNERY [ NIGHLY 7: 00 & 9:1,5"ROI ISUN2004:0 ilHUNE 7M5 5833 Recommended as AOIJLT INTERTANMENT MOLA81 ri< ILRES ai RASTAR PMLrURLS AUDREY IN 31N and MARI, NICOL WIILLIAMSON ari1RICHARD HARRIS ,Richard th. Lonhrr ROBERI SHAW AN" Ci.m.bi. Pkict.0 do They had more than love - they had HELDf 0OVER......... COMPLETE SHOWS ELNINGS 7 & 9:30 SAT &SUN 2,4307,93 0 PHONE 73 284l ............... IN as CAUL JILI C[&YUJlCI as LMEAI) P LtIM11SAPKJURI 't' J~"C Y AVN~ CHILDRENS MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY THIS WEEK A ROUND The WORLD and UNDER The SEA ALL DOORS OPEN 12:30 FNi'1 ODON S SATURI)AY \IAINI± I)' R .\\ SEATS SHOW STARTS 1:30 S RZ --1C- IU SI(5PED) s SHOW OUT APPROX. 4:15 ISPRZ ICCPRUT 5PED cou rtes5' of Ira] al ~PELEN CYCLE AND SPORTS A f'A l . AM PHN 2 83MULST DE PRESENT 1E AYFMA T ADMI PIO POF7553IN OROE TO WIN PUrCNE D IION RW 'L M \AY 29-ril 1976~ STARTS FRIDAY 9 TARTS 7:30 1 M. HWY 2 E OF LIVFRPOOL KILLER FORCE plus WALKING TA LL Part 2 THE FINEST IN VARIETY SHOW BANDS THIS O K R I WEEKLOKRI NEXT WEEK stili your best entertainflent buy... Gable TV will take you to an opening night at the movies or to the finish li ne at the Queen's Plate. We'll entertain you with a symphony or the Canada-Russia series. Gable TV offers you a wide variety of entertalnment, educa- tion and information with improved reception of high quallty, including colour. Cable TV is connected at a minimal cost. It is the modemn way to get ail your TV and FM radioentertain- ment with a saf e and neat installation. We offer you prompt reliable maintenance at no extra charge. Our service can be discontinued at any timne without cost. Gable TV- requires no rotors, no traps, no gadgets, when you select a channel . . . it's there . . . No wait- ing! Our subsoribeis also receive a local pro- gramming channel produced exclusively for them. Optional outiets are available for any roomn in the house. Gable TV's low monthly cost makes it still your best entertaiflmeflt buy. SPECIAL NOTICE TO RESIDENTS 0F BROOKLIN CABLE TV service is now available in your area.To learn about Pine Ridge Cable TV's full ranme of services, and low monthly rates, piease cali 579-2232 or 668-9331. «E~cable tv' 579-2232 pîne îdgecab0 1v 33 king street east, oshawa, ontario THE GRAMPA GOOD lIME BAND The Rising Suns Slecting thalt first bicycle for a cliild can bc a problcmn, particularly when tIhere arc so many types to choose from. lere arc soiîne lips to keep ini mind fron3 113e Ontario Safety League. First, bc sure tihalt te bicycle you are about to buy fils correclly. Too iany parents work oni he assumip- lion thit Uie child will grow into tlic bike. Thiis is a clangerous praclice. Foôr comnforl, safely and easy handling, tlie bike opcrator should be able 10 touch ground with tthe halls of both feet whiile sitting on the seat. Make sure, tou, that he child can reach 1die hand grips withoul sîretchiing. The Ontario Safely League recom- rncnds coaster brakes- for children, rallier tlian hiand brakes. Coaster brakes siniply require the operalor 10 pedal backward. Hand brakes require more co-ordination and strength than iniost chfildren can rnuster. Finally, be sure thiat your cilid understands the laws and safely rutes before driving a bile. Most comnmunities hiave safe bi- cycling courses and programs. Check witii your local police for une in your area. BIKE MAINTENANCE With the advent of warmer wealher, people are starting lu bring their bicycles out of winter storage. While some rnay consider tliat il is a littie early for bicycles and we are jumping the season a bit, it isI3t hou early 10 gel your bike mbt good, safe, working condition, says the Ontario Safety league. Check the alignmnent. SI raiglen the front whieel and, placing your hand on the seat-staI3d just bel3ind the seat, push 113e bike forward. Il should Iravel ini a slraighit line. If it veers to one side, it is out of hune. Check your tires. Tire tread is just as îi3portant 10 t13e hike driver as il is to a Iiotorist. Bald tires wiIl not grip dlic road. Make sure your bike is well oilcd, check t13e cl3ail3 condition and fttiI3g, tiglen ail nuls and bolîs and clieck fo r beî3t or brokel3 spokes. Tliese sveakcn 1die bike. l3chore you lake 11ie bike out ofl the sîreel. chiec1kout ils braýkiig abilihy 0on botl3 wet aind dry pavement. Renîeînîber, your m3achiine bas 1301 been used ail win 1er. Il needs 10 be îhoroughly 1~ Under New Management spruce villa hotel hcs gone COUNTRY and WESTERN 734 Dundas St. W., Whitby CENTRE REST'AURANT& TAVE7!Fi>N OSHAWA CENTRE (Next to the Cinemas) Excellent Food Fast, Courteous Service da IL m 1 MMMM" V, ý, 4ý ý-, WHITBY FREE ý pine ridge cable tv

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