PAGE 2, VVEDNESl!)AY, MARCII 24, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS TIMOTHY J. O'NEILL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 214 1)undas St. E. P.O. Box 28 Whitby, Ontario L IN5R 7 668-3,346, 13 KING STREET WEST KARL A. BLAKOLMER OSHAWA, ONTARIO ELFI KROHN PHONE 579-1242 DISPENSINO OPTICIANS IWHITB "»YRESIDENTS1 "PROVE RB" - God Helps Those Who' Help Themselves WHi the New Changes that our PLANNING DEPT. wants alowDEVELOPERSTO HELP THý--MSE LV ES? We can help vague part of amendmnents. Support meeting at ourselves and our Town by repiacing a the OFFICIAL PLAN with- coricreteý the petition of the Ratepayers & attend a Dr. Robert Thornton School, Hazelwood Dr., Whitby Wednesdav, Marcl 3 1, I1976 7:30 p.rnl. Durham Travel Agency stresses tours for the working family Selected inexpensive tours are the specialty of t he n e wly -o pe ne d Durhamr Travel Agency. Kuare Myhren, one of the pariners in the firrn, feels that Oshawa bas the potential for another travel agency. Durham is offering the public as much up-to-date information as is availabie on package tours t0 the south, skiing trips in North America, and charters in general. Mr. Mybren says that very often people wiil sign up for a tour for a much higher price thari is really necessa ry. Ile gives the exam ipie of Durhamns Sun and Surf tour tu Hawaii for S489 which includes air fare and accommodation ai an executive hotel. The same tour can be had under a different name from other agencies' for as much as $560 or $570, he cia i ms. Mr. Myhren and his partner, Bob Thomndyke, Jr, expect tb be dealing with the "4average working man" who is interested in getting good value for his money in these days of financial constraints. Durham Travel also looks after ils customers before they gel off the ground. The agency (leals wîth Airpori Service Eastern limouisine ser- vice and customners of D)urham receive a lirce pss lu Toron tb Interp n:îUonaýl Airport z;; C C DURHAM TRAVEL SERVICE 20 Ray Street Oshawa (416) ~9~.- adve rtiseilen t M March break Students spen ding week in Fb ridla A total of 33 Grade 10 Denis O'Connor I ligli ScJîool students, aiccoinpanied by 13 chapcroncs, ariic speîîding t bis week in Florida. Thie trip was dlesigned lu assure both a lfun anid educa- tional experience and includes visi ts to Disncywonld, thle Kennedy Space Cen'tre, Sea World, Cyprus Gardcns and Bosch Gardens. Their March break holiday began Fiday when thé travellers boarded a bus and ends Sunday w-,en they rcturn to Whitby. "The' students have al been working for months to get the rnoney saved up", Business teacher and trip organizer Brian Childs said Friday morning. "Washing dishes, baby- sitting, shovelling snow, deli- vering papers and working part-time has made this dream a reality for many who would neyer otherwise be able to go", lie saicl. "'lie s!uden (s have heen packing l'or wecks lrying to gel six soi tcusesn 1 o orc", witil the students in Florida. Opendating policy contiinuedý Ail Mir-acle Food Mari stores will lhave (oPen'dut1 i 119 o) store-packaged, self-service meuat, poulti'y and fish even ihougili 1h pract ice is exempt fromi the sew federal re gula- lions that too k et'fect Matrc h 1lst. "Our open datinig policy will permitttdie custorner to read the month and day on which thiese items are pack- age d", says Syd Rabinovitchi, Meut Sales Manager for Miracle Food Mari. Supplier-packed frozen poultry wi2 be labeled, to show store wei gh ing date. Miracle Foo d Mart meat de partments witi be equipped' withd special counter signs and consumer leuflets that wili aci as a consurn'er's guide to mi'ain- taining product quality ai home. mi-ends l'or hest su tisfciionl t hati store-,pac;kagcd meats, poitlry or tîslî, il' nul cooked irum lidia tel v or frozen. should be refrigeraited ai4,4(>C(400F) which is niormal home ref'rigerator temperature, or lower, and used within the recommended time periods Mart meat departriefts. For instance,' groûnd beef dated Friday should be cook- cd by the end of the foliow- in dayi Saturday. Roasts date d Frday should b e cook- cd by the end of the following Monday. Theatre company has skit-zophrenia The youth group of'the Whitby Theatre Company is presently grappling with a diseuse called Skit-Zophrenia. Not to be confused with a înalady bearing a sound-alike numie. the diseuse motivaies Operate ln Top Forni. a. \X'hatever forns you -need for your business . .. bis, ledgers, labels, work sheets, envelopes, letterheads, file cards ... count on us for expert help. We'1l bc happy to give you suggestions. M.B.M. Publishilng & Photography Inc. 668-6l11 M an exhibitionist need to per- form onstage anything the atient thinks may cause a few Tuo*perform in a skit seems to be the strongest symptom among most of the youth group members; hence the namne, Skit-Zophrenia. Janet Viekers, director of the youth group ha s been ministering to th e needs of her young charges. Mi s . Vickers decided that the- best course of treatment was to ptit. ail together onstage, adi present it as animnprovised revue for public viewing. This will have great therepeutic value for both performers and public she says. For anyone wvishing to attend this "un-ordinary" revue, ctirtain tirne is 7:30 March 30 at the Centen- niai Buiilding theatre. Admis- sion cosis no mioney, jusi a smnile and a sense of humnor. NOW AVAI LABLE 1 976 Guinness Book of World Records SI-95 BRIAN'S FOR BOOKS 135 Brock St. S., Whitby Let us capture the magie of YOUR WEDDING DAY in pietures".... COMPLETE PROF ESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPH-Y HOME, CHURCH and RECEPTION You get a total of over 30 31/2 in. X 5 in. full colour quality photos! ALL FOR ONLY $89.95- YoLu et heaovackage Pluo2031/ i. Xthe. arents'albupgnt Plus 120 31/X2lin. 5En.LPrgentsolbu rchiC Plus12' inAX 0total oe 6 phtos!ou ho A tlf OvR 6NLYp$14os! AL AFLL COL ORQLIYPRINTS j BY EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME PROF ESSI.QNALS eall Mike Burgess j r 668-6l11 &Photography lme. 121I -Brock St. N. Wh*ptby M ."'~~ M.B.M. Publîshinùg 1 m a.