PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MARCl- 24, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS w hitby Voice of -the County Town SERVING OVER 28,000 READERSr Mike Burgess, Pubtislher-Managii I>liisiled t. VI y Vvt.dincsday b iy rvfB.M. Publishing and Pliotograpiîy Imc, T iv F rv Pres~s Buildrrrq 121 tirock Street North, Wlrrthy, Onfrio. Assistant Ldîtor Blake Iurdy (o nit ounity ldi tor -B rian Vinter Contributlng Editor - Jim Quail Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon Classif ied Ad Manager - ': 8 k A Marlene Byrom Circulaton Iailger Shtaron Lyon ff(1* 206, Wlrtby. M-a1l1nCI PeIrmit No. 2941 Cine 668-6111:. Toronto Line 282-1004 Edwards a fi*ghter It did îîot take :ong to realize that Couincillor Tomn Edwards wvas ini a fighting înood 0o1 Monday nighit. Coundillor Edwards, a representative of the Canadian 'Union of Public Emipioyees, mnany of whoil have been or will be affected by the recent hospitai cutbacks, gassed out decals reading 'Tiring 5,000 is bad for Ontario's health" as lie entered the council chambers. It was a sigu of things to corne. Later ini the evening, Couincillor Edwvards - aid he felt the town should ask for assurance that the 25-bed euit at Dr. J. O. Ruddy hospital is justified, tlîat it svill not affect service and that it will ot cause massive unemployrnent. Councillor Ken Hobbs, chief of medical staff at the hospital, attempted to give Mr. Edwards that assurance. That settled, for the tirne being at least, Councillor Edwards questioned the Durhamn Region Board of Police Coinmrissioners' recommendation to close the 18 division police station on Rossland Road in Whitby to s, ve somne money. '.It is a massive oîslaught against the autonomny of this cor-nmnitv", Mr. Edwards said and he pleaded for Whitbv's representatives to regional council to fighit the proposed closing with ail the' fervor they can miuster. We should be thankful that we have Councillor Edwards in otir corner. Colville has suggestions for police building 'What are we going to do with Elmer the Safety Elep han tl' Taxpavers of Whitby & interested parties: What is the future (of Whiitby Police Building on Rossland Road? Wliat are wc going to do with Eliier the Safetv Elephiant -- shiove iiîuu ou nt mb the cold, crticl, and clsllusoned %vor-c' D)o vou pl)p1le reinciber Last [)cc. 1 election? Elmier tlhough t lie lia d i t mnacle on 1toi) of the bihl. He uisecl to cltîckle «) iiuuiself a t thc taxpma y'rs o>f WliiljV tefore retirius for ilie nighit for the exluorbitaîut home clona- ted. Sorry Eliiner, bu t .uliomkoývs nu justice, vour treel<aiding clays are -Pinewood Derby was a success thanks Dear Sir; For two weeks (March 1-13) the Cubs o>1 Whitby District ran tlueir Pinewood Derby. Thuis event is one of the high- lights of the year foi boys in Cubs. There were 245 kits given out ho the boys fromn which a widc variety of car styles werc designed. There arc mamulii people wbo made tluis one of d)Lir imost successful years of runining. To two local auto dealers wluo let LIs use their show roorns for une week each, thank you very rnLlch. Roy Parker deserves a lot of credit for getting thec whole thing organized & then to aIl tîhe others who caffie out aloîîg witl' Roy every nighhtu u nakc sure everything was done. MIrs. Shirley Lane & MIrs. Irma Vaughan who did ail the scoring, Mr. Ror MAcDonald, & Mr. Bul Vaughan who ran the to help from starting gate, Gary Leitch, Oni the Wayne Parker & Terrv more peol fClark who hielped repair andîcî o K rcars & give out luats & the Osham sanything else that needed and to G( to b don. Evrv nght lieWhihi: othrswer1 fo>r doin r oters erepeuple who uclz crepresen ted their Grou p jLî ig cComimittees (jr Venturers final day (jr Rovers & aIl these wththe p)eop)le judged cars for fi h y design & tlien sat on the agaîniist ca cfinish linc for the winners y0Lî vcry 1of each race. Mrs. Brunelle, Virginia Wildle, I st Port mnissioner Whitby, Juni Surgenor, sarig 4th A Whitby, Jimi Milîs, DeGruncl 4th A Wlitby, Reg. Venturer vHarding, 3rd Whitby Venturers Paul Newhiall, 1 st Whitby, McCra-,ckei Slhve Roberts, 6th Ken Borc t-Whitby, Fred Scheuffler, Whitby, c2nd Brooklin, Geraid GaITy Robittaille, Sth Whitby, Gary Lei sJim Leipsig, Stiî Wlitby, Whiitby, IKen Borchuk, 4th Bý 2nd Br(: Whitby, and a special thank yoi thanks to Bill Pearen of help), and 1Ist Broolin wl1( camne down every time we had to u-nove the track as well as doing judging. p e Jy a I i liù Stewart fi system for many people last day, even over the track mnust be le are reqLîire(t, taken dlownu for tlue last arI Hoas from tinue & put into storage aSrieT a n id lu Charles Morrow, ,rry Ernum froîîî lan Stewart, Bill iTownl Counicil Vaughuan, Bill Pearemu, finuishu hue Waynuc Parker, & Terry vluicli on the Clark who staycd beluind is no easy task to sec iua h this lash job 30 fiastest cars wvas lone, thank you again. district racinig The track is away once Ii. other, thanik mure for aîuother year muclu. Marcel andci Iis year was a gooci District Conu- mie, but it would îlot wVII( ran thc have been without every- Yate andl Jiîn une's co-operationi. The y', 4tlu Wlitby fat.hers anud mothers dc- aciviser, anid serve a lot of credit for 11aiv e working oni the cars and , Jeff Moskaluk gettiuug the boys out for huk, fromn 4th race night. The Wlitby 7erry Clark & Free Press anîd Oshawa Times gave LIs good tcll from i1 st coverage and we tiuank Vayne Parker, youI. 1 hope 1 havenl't >klin Beavers, forgo tteîu auvoue for i for ýalI your there are so rnany wlîo tlîaîks to make ita success anîd if for tlhe P.A. your uîamue isîu't here, Iamn rthe presen ta- sorry but th.ank you on1e tronies. anîd alI. After ail the cheering and congratulations are Audrey Parker over. SecVOulI at the UIC & !NlaniilowverIqueuie Elier. Your interviewer wilI be verv undcrstanding; thcv'rc gjoverinuiejut train- ccl. Would it be a possibil- ity for Mr. Colville to occup)y the building after lie reccives luis LIP Grant, for the scluool ofpjronîiisinig uipconing înayor's of Oshawva? Oh, excuse nme Whitby! Courses offercd: Mayor's course -- Dura- tion Course; Comncillor's course - crani course only: anîd, of course, Mir. Colville would be presidi ug. ancl. defimitely ail the timie 1 would be taking corresp)ondence courses fronu our most Left t onourable Prime Ninister (the peopke's eboice) Pierre Elliott' Trudeau - a decent demiocracy. & fair justice for aIl "lessons fromn the best to entertain the rest" (our school motto) and, of course, Mr. Colville w()uld pa y lpostage. G>)veirnmienl t ajuproved course - of course! "The big hiangover": Onec fine dlay w~e arc ho wake up, and it will be 110 dreami - siguis designating what uised to be Whitby - "Welcoîuîe to The Motor City of Oshawa". Surely you, the people, canl sec that we are gradually Iosing outir identity our essential services a re gradually being phrased out without hardly a squawk from the people. The Big Machine is gra,,dtally suickin-g us all ini - 110 resistaince (separate water & hydro buis) ,,ind Whitby Town Counicil in an uproar about a skating rink -- a Iittle bit of city hall, Toronto, eh! Would you people rah'ler juin forces with Oshawa or Toronto? 1984 is drawving nigh'V! Sec yo i in the state! Oh yes, one nmorce vord about townv counicil - last counicil meeting Marchi 8. Council wvas debating abouît having their mnmes inscribed on the corner- stone of the new town hall. Dr. Hobbs (Couin- cillor) camnie t o the rescue as tîsual, and in bis clîarisnîatic ilnanner, decided the only naines, if any appeared on a cornerstone, it should be the taxpayers of Whitby. Righit on Doc! If people ini public office could only remember thiat they are there for the wiIl of the peopfle and îîot their ego trips. Yours truly, ex nîayorality candidate, future up)c ôning councilloi Graydon Colville i q m 1316- - . mgr