Whitby Free Press, 24 Mar 1976, p. 7

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WA-ITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1976, PAGE 7 Words from West Lvnde by Norm Mealing The West Lynde Ceîuîîîuniiitv Association Exectutive dec tion canîpaîgn lCOU t iii ueste melve righ t aI eng. 1,ic Laycock ofthie Nomna t ing Comittee advises tuait, as of' Menday , Nlach t Sth . COUtests for cach et the six offices up for grabs are assured. T\ve niembers et the present excecutive, Trreasurer Bob i lepsen* and Secretary Nlarg Boyce are trying l'er the office et President. Vice-President Teny BatiQ is sceking the ettce lie nexv holds and he wiII be oppesed by Jini Milis. The Treasurer's post is being soughit by Kevini French, the 1974/75 V.P., and Sharon Owens of the Nominating Ceniittee. »The race fer Secretary lias Peggy Themi as the only dleclared candidate, althonghi Mrs. Boyce lias indicated she may seek re-electien te thiat office. Nomninating Comimittee miembers Eric Laycock and AI Fininegani have indicated their interest in being elected Directers. Election night is Thursday, April lst, and the election wvi1l be held iii the Cafeteriumi at Henry Street Hligh Sehool, beginning at 8 p.mi. Yen hiad better niake a note of the tinie and place. The Ncwslettcr announced the Municipal Building as the location, but that hias been changed. The location is HenryrStreet Highi School. Althoughi there are a numiber of candidates already declared, if you are interested in contesting any of the pesitions, give Sharon Owens (5096) or Pat Baxter (2501) or Eric Laycock (6277) or AI Finnegan (4942) a caîl. Fromi Dianne Noble, Recreation Director of the West Lynde Comnunity Association, cornes the following annouincernen ts: West Lynde Browvnies' Bazaar: The West Lynde Brownies are holding their first annual bazaar on April 5th fron 7 to 9 p.n. in the gym at West Hi [storicai Whitby h'b Jiria». Winteri PERRY HOUSE This very mucli remodelled bouse on the west side of Qutre Street, nertlî cf AIl Saints' Parish 1Ill was once tie home of one'of Whtby's îrist illustrious residents. For the latter years cf bis life it was the residence cf John H-ami Perry, wbo contributed almenst as mnucî tho the developmnent of' the Town of Whitby as hiis father IPeter Pe rry. Jolin [tam Perry was boem on April 26, 1 827 a t Earnesttown, Lennox Couinty near the Bay of Quinte, and moved witb bis fatiier te Whiiby in 1 836 wben lie was nine ycars old. Sbortîy lhefore the death of bis father iîî I 85 I lie becanie involved in the political life cf tlîe town and for I16 consecutive years be tîeld muonicipal offices including counicillor, reeve and niay(>r. In I1867 lie was elected wardeîi of Ontario Cou ty. lu Octo-ber I1853 Mr. Perry was appointcd as registrar et' deeds for Ontario Couinty, a positionl lie was te iîold for 43 years. Ho weuld bave continued lus political career as welI, but a law passed in 1 867 forbade country registrars from furtber participation in municipal affairs. Wbile registrar cf Ontario County, Mr. Perry was largely responsible for bringing into cffcct amendnients in mnunicipal laws which governcd the operation cf registry offices. lu 1853 he was the original promotor cf a scbeme to build a railway from Whitby to Georgian Bay, (an idea first suggested by his father), but the 'depression cf 1857 put an end to these plans. By 1 867 he was again able to start a railway project whicb resulted in the Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway, a much shorter version of the original concept. Mr. Perry aiso took an interest ini military affairs. At the tirne of the Trent affair in I1861-62 be raised and drilled a company of rifleneii 'at his own expense -for three Lynde Public Sehool. The Brownics are lookrng for, and would appreciate , any contribu tions that you inighit rnake. They are ioeking for such things 'as decoratiens, kolit ting, mnacramle, apronls, crochet werk, books, Barbie clothes, toys, candies, hoine.baking and odds and ends for a wlitc ciel han t table. Yen are asked t0 edl iver any con tribut ion (o any eie of' thle rewn je le aders I isted hiere : i ai na ('nfi*ey (8943), C'arel Gleaves (8094), Shirley Acher (8388), l)ianne Noble '(81I55), 1ianne lea t ty (2473') er Joanne Leedle (800-3). Any bakegoods should he delivercd the o igh t of' the lazaar before ic6 p.m. West Lynde Beavers: Beavis ae bys btwee the ages et' .5 and 8 and the Beave r Clubs liel p beys develep aware ness of* Ille world th rougli positive greup experience , t eamn work , l'un, shari ng and crecative expression. A Beaver group is being ltormiedl in West I ynde and registration will be hield on a 1'irst cerne, first served hasis en Wednesclay, March 31 st f'roîn 6 te 7:30 p.nî. at the WeSt Lynde Public School gymi Prospective Beavers are te l)e accoînpanied by a paren t on Registration nigh t. The Beavers will nîeet on Tuesday evenings fromi 6 to 7:30 p.m. bcginning on April 6th. Beaver leaders Fay Drew, M)anne Noble and Dianne Beatty hope that parents will ceoperate andi offer assistance during the Beaver prcgrain. The latest releases t'ronm the regional goveri nen t indicates that the budget increase will be in the order et' 10 --- 2%. This represents a significant reductien froni the 27% reported a couple of weeks ago. A gre'qt deal et' the credit for this reduction nîust go to Regional Councillor Gerry Emin vho hias foughit tenaciously te reduce spending at the regional level. AIl is net rosy, hiowever. Last wcek i reportcd, in errer, that the regional bureaucracy numbered sonie 600 souls. Not se! The regional geveromnent werki'o)rce, including the regional police, has somne I300 fulI-timie employces and sonie 250 part-timie staff. Scenîs (jiite a fecw ho ime, espccially wien you consider neo eue really knows wbat the regional governmiient dees. Well, that's it for another weck. Sec you next week. nio Ilt Is - Mr. Ilerry was a mnember of the Oddfellews Lodge in which hle held the offices of Grand Master Patrîarch and Grand Representative to the Sovereigri Grand Lodge. Ilie as neoted as a world t raveller, and in I1857 lienmade a t rip te England, Scotland, I reland andI Franco. In 1857, M r. Perry buil t himiself a ntagni ficent miansion, poptiîarly known as 'i>erry's CItstle". where the swimming pool is now located iin Kiinmen Park. I t was the lirst lieuse in i Wliby with gas ligh ting, and hiad inarble 'ireplaces. stained glass wiiidews and sterling silver deor hiandies and biîtges-. By I1876 lic found its upkeep tee costly aind somne imeaftnie îe ved iii o the house on ('entre Street. On J une 1, 1852 hie nîarried Jane Margaret I ll, of Queblec, whose fa ther was a cahin boy on fle sipl that carried Napoleen lremi England te St. iHelena. AI'ter hier deat h, M r. Perry ina nied Leisa I Iay , who survived tilI I942. One scu , John i iam I)erry, iiow I ives in Mississautga and is wellever thue age of' 80. 1 le was a baîtk manager in Wbitby in the I1930s and is the only living grandsen of Peler Perrv. M r. Perry in luis early years was invelved iii a "umiber et ventures. [romi 1851 te 1853 lic publishied the Whitby Reporter, along xith J.O. l)eronan Iîle xvas a iiber et' the Whitby Board of' Elducatiou lroni I1867 ho I1871), ene of the founde rs and a hfle nmem ber of'tflie Meciîaîics' Institute, and gave the ]and fer its hall buil t ah the corner et' Byron and Mary Streets in 1852. lu 186,5 his wife gave the ]and 'or Ali Saintls' ('hurch, of \vhich Mr. Perry \vas a devoted meinher. le was also deeply itnvslvedl in real eshate specutitonl, wilîi proved bis undoing anîd led Iiiiii to sucli financ ial losses thait lie hiad te give up lus castle. Mr. Perry died ai Wbithy oit Marcli 25,'1896, aged 69 years. I t is iniossible iii tItis short ske tchî te cli ronicle all his aclievelients, bu t it m1ay lie satid tlîat m udti of Whitby was bit icc(,rdiing te plans prepared by lîiiii 1 25 years ago. MORE MAGAZINES MORE COMIC BOOKS AT BRIAN'S FOR BOOKS 135 l3rock St S. Whiutiy 668~-1221 Calcium, which helps build bones and teeth, helps blood dlot and helps regulate muscle function, works best with two. partners-phos- phorus and vitamnin D. Both of these are found in milk and milk products. 8 URCAR SHINE IUAINY pRIOUD MAI Whether vou pick Miaaco s $74.95 Deluxe paint service or the $149.95 PMIRpaint service. Maaco puts pride in your car .agaîn. Mlaaco mixes beauty with the finest, toughest car enarnels. . .gives you the original factory color or your choice of 7,000 more. .. then bakes the finish on in temperature controlled ovens for a deep- down shine. And whe 'n you need body u'ork, depend on Mvaaco for the same standard of excellence by sIr.lled experts working in fully equipped shops. Estirnates are free. Auto painting or body work, look for the sign of quality: rîa aco.U O Shop Hours: Mon. thru Fni. 8ar-6pmro Saturdays- i0am-2prnm ~ JL BankArnericard & _ Master Charge__ miÙlk. Adults need two cups Milk Group daily, children and teens Milk is one of the four need three to four cups basic food groups. Make daily. You can get milk sure the milk you drink con- value from cream soups, tains vitamin D-homoge- yogurt, cheeses and ice nized or fortified low fat cream.

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