Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 24

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1976, WHITBY FRIEE PRIESS Jollowiing ini the footsteps of Brian Winter? Whitby Senor student. u wins Kinsmen -essay contest EDITOR'S NOTE: Follow- ing is an essay by Jane Edmiondso- 13, a grade eighit student at Whitby Senior Public Schioel. Jane 's essay "Historical Whitby" was judged the best of' 40 suibmitted by grade seven and eighit students froin Whitby Senior Public Sehiool, St. Paul's School, St. John the Evarîgelist Schoui, Dr. Robert Thornton School, West Lynde Schiool, Henry Street Hlighi Schiool andI Ontario Ladies College in the Kinsmien Club of Whitby's essay comipetition on Caniadian fieritage in cojonction wit i leritage Day on Februiary 16. Jane won the first-place prize of $50 while school- - mate Grant Leitchi earned the $30 second prize and Rita Vande Pol of St. Paul's Sclhool the $!,0 third prize. Eachi student who subrnitted an essay received an attractive 'Proud to be Canadian" pin. Where did Jane get the inspiration for bier essay? XeII, the title and the foot- notes of bier pice rnighit lelp to answer that quiestion. Not only does lier essay bear the sane titte as one ot this paper's înost popuflar colunins, three of its fouir quotations wvere taken fromn "A Towvn Called Whitby", penned by the author of the afore- nientioned coltumu, Brian Winter. if our resident historian ever forgets to submnit a columul, we just mlight cal on Jane. His torical >Whitby by JANE EDMONDSON Let us finagine a tinie machine. As we turn it on, the massive machinery clicks with a resounding noise. We sec the billows of limie pass before our eyes. Anid we cornc to a smiall town of Whitby, in the early 1 800s. The ist dissapates and we clearly see an old homne on Kingston Road. Th is bouse, the home of Jabez Lynde. who settled on Kingston Road near Lynde's Creek inii 809, was built in 1812". In the War of 18112, it was used as a hotèl for troops marcbing to Qucen- ston". Lynde Hlouse is now the oldest homne in Witby and stands on Hfigbway 2, west of the creek. It aIse bouses the Wbitby Hlistorical Society. Molre mist appears as we niove on in tinme, then it slowly clears te uncuver Perry's Castle. Frum any point of view, this castle is extremiely spacious, 52 by 68 feet, witb a \ing extend- inig te the ni rtli 50 by 20 t'eet. This mîixed lIalian architecture style lieuse contains 22 iapartiments. The bIouse,\vbicb luis chanideliers, stained glass, expensive \veuds, and decrative ornaînents, cast about 5,000 peuinds. John Ilani Pcrry, son of Peter Periy, buib tthis linge white nmansion in 1I857. The castle reniiiîed a land mark until 1920, Mien it was demnolished. Now standing on flie site of the castle is Kinsmien Park and the Whitby water tower. Once again, dhe creain coloured nîist appears and agai n it lbaves, thtis tiie revealinig Whitby's second castie. Trafalgar Castle's massive main building ex- tends f'romn the front Cnt rance There are I15 towers, tie main one is 27 x 30, and mneasures 60 fee t iii hieighit. Off the main hall to thie north and south there is a library parlour, drawing roomn, dining roomi, family roomn, butler's room, arineury, cinia closet and other apartîments. "The great staircase, which is of gothîc carved oak with steps 7 feet 6 inches long Ieads to the second storey". Hiere, there is a ladies' sitting room, conservatory aild! aigentle- ineuf's parlour. Then, in the tower on the third floor, there is a splendid billiard rooin. The basemient storey is uised for bot and cold furnaces, and wine and beer cellars. Nelson Gillbert Reynolds, the Sherifi cof Ontario Couinty. and Perry svere said te he rivaIs. Tbe1y were continiuously trying te eut do eacb uthler. The Sie n ff was in Eln'land at the time of, the building of Plerry's (ast le. Se. inii 859, su as fnet te be mu t dunie aga iin, Reyrnul ds buiît iiselt -,i bigger and bel 1er une. Trafalgair (astle cest about S4.5,000 te S 50,000. ln 1,K74, this castle msa pu rcbaised frunilie he ift and becanie thle On tariu George Barrand, Chairnin of the Kinsmen Club of Whitby's Heritage project, presents a '-50 clique te Jane Edmondson, 1 3, a grade eight student at Whitbv Senior Public Scliool as projeet committee member Bob Manuel and club president Ralph Bell look on. Jane's essay '1-istorical competition. Free Press Phioto by Lidies (Co 11e ge, wlicb lt remains today. 1 t jwas (I>lticiailly epeile d un Septeml- ber 3. 1874, by Goveno.r Genieral the liarl (1f DIufferirn. We now Advance in timie te) 1852. lu 1852, wMien Ontarie Counîiy was formied, al court bouse and a jail were nceded. The fîrm of' Ctumberland and Storni of Toronto won the prize of 25 pouunds for desîgnîng these buildings in I1853". O11 Jule -30, 185-3, the Wliiîby" was judged the best of 40 entered in the club's essay Mike Burgess cerner stene was laid in an impressive cerernony. Ilu 1910, ih was necessary to enlarge the building. Tien it was abandoned and in danger of being demiolisbied in 1964. The new offices biad been mloved te the new building ou Rossland Road. It is nlow the Whitby Centennial Bulding, a civic centre for the use of the people of tlhe town". For the last timie the mist closes on the scene and the machine goes off. These were oniy a few of the many historical buildings in Whitby. These buildings are a symbol of our past, whichi should be preserved. Tliey bring that whicb has.gone before dloser to our grasp. Their mortar, st une and wood have withstoed the elements of timie. Let us hope that their historical defiance will continue and keep Whitby, however insiguificant to otlhers. or home town. Girls' Athletic Association is con duc The spring dlean-up this ycar in Wbiitby will be soîne- tbing a little differeut frei an ordiuary garbage collec- tion, for it will assist a C01mm1oLnity group in finauc- Council bias given the Witby Girls' Athletic Asso- ciation permission te cenduct a Trasli-A-Tbon May 1 5 wbiich will help tbe environ- ment and ecology cf Whitby and provide' the mioney needed to establisbi a track and f-ield programi for girls in Hie towu. Eacb niemiber cf' the association will have a regist ration forni for signing uip pledges cf money for each bag of garbage coîlected. Tiie monies pledged can be frorîî eutcent lu 10 cents per bag or a maximum cf $5 fromi any one spensor. The atiîletic associa tion plans te launch its promio- tîinal caiîpaign fo r the Trash-A-Thon April 22 witb a press conference, and put up posters at businesses, indus- tries and shopping 'centres. Fromn April 2-4 to May 14 thîe girls will be ebtaining pledges and on May 1 5 the collecting cf the trash wiIl take place, with groups of girls being in charge cf collectiîig on varieus streets. T. Puckrin and Son Ltd. have volunteered their trucks, nîanpower and experience te -ting a tra assîst the fund. A monitor will be assigned to each truck te colleet tags for verification, supervise the collection and assist each of the girls. 'sh-a-thon The garbage will be disposed at the town dump, and the money coîlected will be turîîed over te the couches of the Whitby Girls' Athletic Association. Psychïiatric lospital Reorganization delayed A major reorganization of the Whitby Psychiatrict Hospital orgirially, planned for April 1, will be taking place during the week of M1ay 3 te 7, due to a delay in arranging communications and co-ordinatiou, say s H-ospital Administrator Mil- ton J. Fisher. About 60 patients per day will be relocated as the hespital changes fromn four te three geogruphie wards, and sets up a rehabilitation unit. Abouît 310 patients and, about 350 staff will be affectcd by the move, the first major reorgunizatien since 1972. According te Mr'. Fisher, the reorganizatien is plunned te separate patients who are acutely disturbed and wil likely be releused after a short period cf tirne, frei chronic patients needing long-tern social rehabilitation and training. The Ctitegeographic units will be for York, Scarborougb and Durham patients. About 50 patients will be located in each unit, making a total ef 1 50 patients. About 160 patients will be located ini the rehabilitation unit where there will be programs te help theincepe with their problerns, and seme will be brouight te the point wlîere tbey can be placed in the community. Another part cf the reorganizatien is the division cf tlie psychogeriatric medical unit into sectiens for arnbulatory and bed--ridden patients. Ex otic A denionstration cf the ancient Ukrainian art cf egg decorating by Mrs. Chremej of the Ukruinian Society will be lield at the Whiitby Public Library Thursday -froin 7 p.rn. te, 9 p.m. ______ YFAMI LY SPECIAL TUESDAY Me~ir~- 'LA i 2 When you buy a Thrift Box . .@ a a (one whole chicken) French Fries ky for 3 Ke~tck~fried Ckicktit OVER 100 LOCATIONS. IN ONTARIO-SEE VOUR PHONE BOOK FO R THE ONE NEAREST VOU. eggs

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