Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1976, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 197e, WHI'By FREE PRESS Helped start unit Jaycees hon'orNewmanfor supportý -A ni ietr pri. r %,- le.L . i Prrrer vvîtbty Mvayor seivs ur j.ecial trrîutes trou' Des Newman, whio nearly 20 the Whitby Jaycees last week years ago was active in the in honor of his work for the Oshawa Jaycees, received a organization. How high do you wan "<S O L %aIi it to1 inia iq AimeciFoi ces. BLIIý1 ', C)IS dt ',I;) Y\ I ic)Lu I) o t ! I Ilirs; sn lt' \l CET INVOLVED WITH THE CANADIAN '~~ARMED FORCES. A z A CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toronto, Ont. (416) 966-6564 NOTICE: The Mobile Recruiting Team will Wednesday, April 28, 1976 at the Canada between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. be in Oshawa on Manpower Centre Whitby .aycecs Prcsidenit Bill Wolters prcscnted -Mr. C Newman with a certificate of appreciation for his continued intercst in the welftare and developinent of Jaycees. Mr. Newman was instrumen tal in starting the Whitby unit in 1966 arid helping with its revival in A futrther honor was in store l'or Mr. Newman as newly appointed Jaycec x Senator Steve Galpin announic- 1 d that Mr. Newmian would 0 ', by Whitby's candidate for 1 lonorairy Naitional Vice- Preosiden t--an i appointmient inade ly regional execuitive. Mir. Newmnan paid a higli tribu te tW hie iaycee orga i /aiulo u 'r iîtrodiîcirng im t ou public service, makiuig special refereiice tu the Ihast s, 'Hule out the .Jaycee creed > wh ichi readý;: "Tha t service to, h umuaity is thNe best wurk o i fe" 'ialycees gave mle a senise of ser-vice tW mly communlllfity* said M r. Newmnan, whio recalled that iii the 1 950s, le' xvîs chairinînof' tlNe Oslhawa,, Jaycees civic alfairs comumit- tee and paiiuted the sidewailks u)t dowuitu\viiOsihawa. Tu prospectivenme ni bers, t hefIormner rua or sai d t ha t J aycees pruvide an excelle!) t vehîie for thNe re la tion u t lie à indîvîdual tu lus counînîunlity. lie puiu ted ou t tha t Jatycees itruduce the individ- u a! to tflie pari îanen tary pr(>cess, teache themn ho\w o coimica te ini public. anid emuhsise the importanlce ut thie techniques ut' mies uf or de r. Mr. Newmrui urged the Javcees rflot to Stop lit the local level bu t k) carry thecir in1vulvellneut inito tlîc zoule. regio)nal and national levels or Jaycees. Whitby's rla tiunisîip to Met roi fita ilToronto vas also discussed by M r. Newm'uan. "'Thiis comîrunity is in thue frinige or a very great If you need us, we're here. From left to right: Bâ1, Carol, John was absent) have the weîcome mat you with any of your banking needs. and Marlene out for you We're at 601 (Wendy to hehp Dundas St. W. at Frances, one of three TD branches in Whitby, and we're open from 10 until 3, Monday through Wednesday, 10 until 5 Thursday, and 10 until 6 Friday. So drop by and say hello, won't you. The bank where people make the diff erence. urban enterprise or exper- ience". lie said. 1lc puinted out that Metropuhitan Toronto is "one of thie bost governed corn- rnuinities in tlîis world, where one cat i ve ini a spirit of relative saf'ety. Whiitby is in t 1. 1 l'rînge ouf thie urbaui expe rience whiich fl,,ws fromn tlîat city' ,. Nir. Newniian puinted out, hiowever. tlîat the Durhamn Region can forîru a persori- sonality of its own in this area ind lias ani opportunity k) be different frumn Metro, andI yet interact witli it. i le coiupared Metropolitan 'Turonto tu Londoni England. a city witin cor tained boundaries, witih a fringe uf poPltila ti oi a round it. 'ialycees fit into a network of otie r cominunity organiza- t iuns whichi luelp tliese coin- niuinities", said Mr. Newmîan. 'It is a luini reaction of people \vho se a need and respond to tiat need in a social setti'îg". Mr. Newman remninded the Jaycees of the spirit of service and warned themr neyer to compromise on their level of service and principles of se rvic e. "The health of a conîmunity is related to the bealth of the organizations in thiat community", he said. "For mie, Jaycees have been kind of symbolic. It is where 1 began to understand the need to be a social human being. It stimulated me to be invohved in greater acti'"> across thiis province andI t. cou n try ". Jaycees are an international organization of voung men aged I18 to 39, whichi is dedicated to self development andI conuunity service. Daffodil tea Mayl1 Whiitby's senior citizens are iii-vited to attend a Daffodil Tea and bake sale at the Bowling Green Towers, 850 Green Street May 1 fromn 2 p.mn. to 4 p.mn. Everyone is invited to com-e and bring a friend. "POLICE PROTECTION IN WHITB3Y" The Council of the Town of Whitby wiIl be holding a Public Meeting at the Denis O'Connor High School, 1003 Giffard Street, Whlitby on Thursdlay, April1 29th, 1976 at 8: 00 p.m., to discuss the question of police protection in the Town of Whitby. A recent decision has been made by the Regional Council to close the police building in Whitby on. Rossland Road, and to allocate the sum of $14,000.00 in the 1976 Regional Budget towards providing a pcilice presence in Whitby. The Council has expressed concern regarding the level of police protection which will be provided in the Town of Whitby, and. th *e citizens of Whitby are urged to attend this meeting to express their views on this important matter. Wm. H. Wallace, AffM.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk, Town of Whitby. Former Wlîitby Mayor Des Newmanî (Ieft) receives a certificate of appreciation from Wlîitby Jaycees Presidemît Bill Wolters at a recent dinner meeting held in his honor:, Mr. Newman, in addition to receiving the appreciation of the Whitby Jaycee Unit, was nomni.uated as tîhe tnit's candidate for hionarary national vice president, a position appointed by the regional executive. Mr. Newman's association with Jaycees dates back 20 years, to the time he was civie affairs chairm-an for the Oshawa Jaycees, when he paiuîted the sidewalks of downtown Oshawa and organized political forums î-t election time. l11I1966, lie lIelped to organize the Whitby Jaycee unit, and came to its aid when it rîeeded rebuilding in I1973-74. The Jaycees said they were grateful to Mr. Newman for lus coîîtiîîued imterest iin the welfare and development of the Whitby unit, which is 10 years old this year. Free Press Phoo

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