Whitby Free Press, 28 Apr 1976, p. 19

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Fornulite molded batlîrom BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 1 48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces alurninuini trailer covering, 61/ x 14 ft., $35 each. Cali 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - sith stand, $20; portable TV STAND onc casIers, $10; Cail 655-3167. BABY CARRIAGE - $18;s non-cectrie STERILIZER & t BOTTLES, $4.50; new humn SNOWSUIT. white, $3; 18"s auburn HAIRFALL, $15; singlet BED, 30", $12; Healthway scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; water long, sport diver regular witli reserve, $85. Cal 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cail 655-3624. 1 Detuxe WOODBURNING SET - good for children 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with solid aluminum frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/' long, great for begimner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition sith carrying rack, $10; portable RAD)IO, excellent condition, hardly used, $10. Cali 668-4465. Singer Feather Weigh t SEWING MACHINE, $40: Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in guod condition. Brand new tuvs, Barbies, Kdn, Big Jim and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suecle OUTEITS, size 12, reasomiable. Cý,,! 66'ý-ý7:5. TYPE WRITER -recondition- ed, IBM model 'C', 19" carniage, $350. Cal 668-3346. TV - 23" Admiral B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dusteover, $30; men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, bramîd new tuxedo style in beige oletin, $190; aIl items in excellent condition, must selI, best offer accented. cali 669-095(,. BABY CRIB - $20; HIGI CH-AIR, $10; bathtub, $3; JOLLY JUMPER, $5; prîta-gate, $5; baby seat, $2; STROLLER, $5; eight-track TAPE D'ECK, $15: eight-track TAPE DECK, $35; Call 576-0585. BABY CARRIAGE - by Perrego, $125; car bcd, $12. bassinet, $15; high chair, $15; prices frm. Cali 668-9805. LINE CONTROL MODEL AIRPLANES - four partîy built, one large completeîy built with 035 engine, two completely but with 015 engine, large amountof parts & accessor*s, $150, complete. Cal! 579-0757. Pioneer 2000 TURNTABLE - 2 Sure M91 hi-track needles, 1 M91 cartridge, 2-3 way stereo voice speakers, 8 months old, asking $375 or will take closert offer; Blue leather waist COAT, site 38 with matching blue leather shoes, site 8, $ 110. Caîl 66 8-27 81 after 5 p.mn. and ask for Ken. ONE COUNTERTOP WITH LEDGE - 67", $7.50; une countertop, nu ledge, 50",, $5; one cuuntertop, nu ledge, 36", $4; une counlertup with ledge, 311/2", $3.50; une cuunlertop with ledge, 28", $3; une piece of dark brown arborite woodgrain, 36/ x 6 01/", $5;* apprux. 30 cabinet doors suitable for smali vanities, ail different sizes, $25. Caîl 655-3534 TRAINING CHAIR - $5. Cali 668-C'103. 50nCEDAR ENCER AliLS &P bo ys suits, s ite 16, uneý navy, one back, guudl condition, lack persian Iamb jacket, mediumn, wooden commode chair, ail items $5 each. Cali 985-3691.' English B,)IIE CHIINA - 1 neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Cal 668-5767. Two 600 x 15 goodyear SNOW TIRES - new, $10 eacli, une Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; une Lewyt canister VAC- UUM, sith ail fixtures, needs some repair, $10; gallon wine bottles with handies, 45 cents each; walnut veneer, 2' x 4' shee ts, 75 cents each; une bah", itemns-- car bed, $7; waîkcr, $4; snow sed, $4; jolly jumiper, $4; rocking horse, $2; bottie warmer, $1. Cal 683-1602. MINI WASHER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cati 668-6078 or 668-4377. One ten gallon AQUARIUM - comnplete with stand, fish, etc. in excellent condition, $60 or best offerý two aquarium heaters, $4 each; une Philips Beauty Set, neyer used, $25. Cali 668-4690. SPICE RACK - ith 18 boutles, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies ciothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short leather jeket, size 14, $20;, single mattress, $15; also odds and ends of carpeting, record plaver. $5. Calil725-1211. Solid sterling silver ETCH ING- a limited edition by Hecnry Moore, a beautiful work of' art. Only $850.Cali 723-0722. WINDOWS- Basement 21X ,71/ S6 cadti, picture sindow, storm 58X64 $30, windowsv sze could be altered slightly. Cali 723-8220. Hi-Low frenquency SCANOR- une second delay, svith 8 crystal frequencies, police band, OPP, fixe department freqluencies, large antenna, $300. Cal 579-0757. TFRAI LER AWNING- 15' x 9 vinyl, compl.cte cost $185 sdil for $95; Twvo initerior SLAB DOORS, 30 x 78, $4.50 each; Two stainless steel SINKS, I18 x 20 x 7, $10 eaciî; Two 121't lcngth ABS, 3" pipe, $9 each; One l2ft ABS, 2", $5; 50 ft, ½1 plastic, $250; One CAMPER DOOR - aiuminurn white, 28 x 64, $ 14; One deluxe SHOWER CABINET, complee 32 x 32 x 76", $38. Cali1 668-2548. BEDSPRE-AD - metal siat type with four rubber tip metal legs, 38" wide, $9; brake bleeder, $35; golf shues, mens spiked, brown, 1î01/E, like new, $12; Calil683-6728. STEREO -Ilitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioneer turniable, 2 RST speakers, $600. ('alil 723-2351i anytime. TIRES- 650-13, 2 for $15; Catalytie 1-EATER, $8; holding tank for boat, $30; table top RANGETTE, $20; Cooking surface unit, $ 12-0. Cali 576-6591- Sports Equipmnent SLIM GYM EXERCISER - with instru ction book, asking $25 or best offer. Cal 683-5737 after 5 p.m. GOALIE- EQUIPMENT - une year old, fils boys 9-Ï13, pads, mask, gloves, armn & chest prutec- tor, $60. Cali 668-5714. KIT'iElN SIELTI -R 10 x 12, nu fluor, $30. ('ail WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1976, PAGEF, 19 Classif ied ,Ads For Sale free Pres s Emporium (Continued) M iscellcuieous over from 1975 seas(Sn, ½h, price, guar!iwteed ilistallation and term-s. Caîl Credit manager, collecî, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or eveni ngs. LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has 1975 above grouind redwood type pools av;iilablc, willing to sacrificc- at hall' price. Cati collect anytime 667-1302. TOPSOI L Screened or unscreened compost peat loamn and mnanure. Free delivery or pick-up yourself. Call Bert Plakmeyer at Brooklin 655-3049. COMPR ESSORS Ail Kinds of Machinery Sel, Buy, Trade or Rent Monday - Saturday 9-6 ACE MACH INERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 FOR SW IPE PRODUCIS Cali 668-8957 SWIMMING POOL COM- PANY lias a limiited number of steel, ingrouind p.o*ols at greatly reduced prîces, 16' x 32' inground, $3,750 instalied. Othier sizes compar- ably priced. Cili now Polynesian Pools 519-453-2210 LEA DING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER - must dispose of brand flCw 1975 above ground atI'minuIM POOls made 10 sell for $1890.00. Willing tb close-ouI for $1188.00, Fu lwarranties in effect. Cal colleet anytirne 1-41 6-667-1302. SWIMMING POOL - Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x 24. I yr. old. Repossessed by bank. sacrifice 1/ price, Cal Mr. Hlarvey, collect, days or eve <g,416-625-8819. SWIMMING POOL- Less (han 1 yr. old. Fanta- Sea above ground Redwood 16 x 24, cost ',1500.00. Must scîl immediately - wvill sacrifice - savings of $2000.00. Call 416-625-8817, days or evenings collecî. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving -- will seli you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool aI sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of $2100.00. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collecî. AIPROXIMATELY 40)0 BALES Diu STRAW at a $1 a bale. ('ail 655-4380. Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furnitu re, crocks, oil paintings, and sealers Friendly Flea-Market 728-9783 23 King West, Oshawa AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 1Ist at 1:O00p.m. - -clcaring auction of Farîn Machinery, orcliard equipînent and Mise. items, for MacMillan Orchards, located I mile north of' Whitby on No. 12 llighiway. Sale inclu(les - John-Deere 1020 tractor (450 hrs.); D1- 885 Diesel tractor W/Front end loader (like ncw); J-D 527 hicavy cluty grass & orcliard mnower (like ncw); N-I mianure spreader; Myers silver cloud 500 gaI. orchard sprayer; steel framed rubber tired wagon; llussmnan 20' refrig. display couinter W/New Il/- h.p. tccumnseh coin. & motor; I-ussmnan 12' display counter; jet-spray refrig. cold drink disp. machine; 800' wooden estate fencîng 200' elect. W/Decoratîve lights; 2 Bilîboard signs; 30' floodlighit pole mounted W/15 spotiights; 36 cemient 6' parking curbstones W/ilding spikes; 28 fruit & veg. display tables in various shapes & sizes; 2 custom dgcorativ e dcct. Old fashiqnied display fruit push- wagons on 'buggy wheels; 2 toledo elect. Counter scales; natural stone outdoor B3-B3-Q; 700 lb. fert & bone mecai; 900 - 60 fI. oz. new plastic juice W/Lids; 1 800 wvooden fruit & vcg. storage containers; 1000 bushel baske t lids; 30 wooden storage pellets; steel shopping caris; picking baskets; ladders; pruning louis; bit. 5 ton van truck tgood mnotor &1, tires); oversizcd cemnent block garageldg. W/Steel pillars and 2 truck sized overhanging doors; an attructivc 25 x 40 fruit miarke t bldg. wood consi. W/Stcel bcamis, 2 wings and lias large cuis- tomn awnings & pîping, propane blower furnace, shelving drywall cisllay lighit fixtures and scale couriters toue of the finesi bldgs. in area); plus mnany niore misc. itemns. Ternis cash. No reserve Owner giving up fruit & veg. business. KAIIN AUCTION S ER VI1CES lPORI' PERRY 985-8161. AUCTION SALE Saturday, May Ist, 1976. at I12 noon. 'l'lie propcrty of B. Scavetta on thie Brock Rd., 11/2 miles sou 1h of Brome, 31/h mniles nurtlî of Pickering. Sale of cormpletc houschoid furnish inigs, dishes, appliances, wine mnakingequipment, marketgarden- ing cquipment, including Massey Ferguson 50 tractor (new rubbor & excellent), 3 hitch plow (2 furrow plus one furrow nul attached), double disc, grecn- house windows, electric produce weigh scales (Defance), airigation pump, table saw, sunîp pump, touIs, Quebec heater, antique cider sine press, copper funnel, grape grinder, wooden wine barrel, 5-galion wine jugs, kitciien suite, McClary refrigerator, McCiary clectric range, pair of press back rockers, rocking chair, ciîestertfield, T.V., 3 piece French Provincial bedroom suite (excel- lent), heds, 40 piece dinner set (neyer unpacked>, drop leaf table, chairs, plus numnerous otiier articles. Terms cash. Absolu tely nu reserve, owner Ieaving country immnediately after sale. John Annis, Auctioneer. 985-3477. AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 1ST AT ADRSO MC)N TENDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replacement installation 'of 4" domestie water main at Provincial Jail, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. L1 N-76-01O0 Sealed tenders wfil be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, May. 11, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtained from ithe Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario.1 NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please cail Mrs. E.M. Neale at thie above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188 The Iowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. Ontario Gomerment Services EXHIBITION Spring sliowing of original oi! paintings, by Canladian artist MAUREEN of Oshawa, at the Flying Dutchman Motor H-otel, Liberty St. and 401, Bowmanville on Mother's Day weekend, May 7th from 7:30 p.m., May 8 & 9 froin il a.m. Admission free. AIl paintings wiIl be on sale. ClctssifiedAds Phone 668-6111 Help Wanted- WOIJLD YOUJ LIKE MORE MONEY? O.A.A. SUPERVISOR, FRANK GORESKI needs full or part-time people to help meet the demand for Ontario Automobile Association memberships. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience necessary but a car is. For full information -contact: Him by letter at Box 213, Oshawa-. Please give your phone number. EXPANDING CANADIAN A PNR. OIL COMPANY needs HOME REPAIRS dependable person who can & work without supervision. IMPROVEMENTS Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact c -îstomers Kitchens, Ceramie Tfling, around Whitby. We train. Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Write F. H. Dick, Pres., Decks and Patio Doors. Southwestern Petroleumn, Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali _______________ 6%,ý-4A6 WHITBY MINOR LACROSSE Final Registration Saturday, May. 1, 1976 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Municipal Building For further information caîl 668-3173 Â i MORTGAGES L1 M 1 T E 0 lst & 2nd Arranged, Bought and Sold at Prime Rates Coli Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS'Ltd. 149 Irock et. N., Whltby Whitby 1736 Brock St. South S ealed Tenders wiII be received in appropriateîy marked envelopes by the Victoria and Grey Trust Company, Estates Depart- ment, until 12:00 noon, local time, on: Friday May 7, 1976 The property comprising of older single storey frame bungalow, living room, two bedrooms, kitchen, suni por h, forced -air..oilheating system - for fuither infor- mation1 a d right of.inspection contact. Victoria and Grey Trust Co. 308 Dundas St. West Wliiîby, Ontario Estates Departniçnt Teleplione,- 668-9324 Hiéîst ox. any. tender not

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