THE GROVE HOUSE This old building on the grotinds cf the Whitlby Psychia- trio Hospit al, commoniy known teday as "C rove House", bas a streng link witiu the earliest history of Wiitby, and Hiistorieal h itby by.Aman Winter even thue HouLse cf Commions in Ottawa. It was built in the early i1850s by William'nGordon, a Scottish gentlenman fariner. Becauise it was located on the west side cf Wlitby [barbeor, it was known in Mr. Gorden's tiîîue as "Bayside". William Gordon was hem n Feb. 4, 1797 ini Brechin, Scotland, and lator îîîovod te Forfar wborc lie *was a moercluant and eoeeofthîe nmagistrates et' tho town. Whon lie docidcd toe cinnigrato te Canada in 1838, hoe was givoîl a testimuonuial dinnor by flhc Town Council cf Forfar iin houer cf lus services. Mr. Cordon was a Master Mason ini St. Jamoes' Lodgc, Brechin, No. I122 eft tîe G.R. etf Scetlaîid anîd was aIse an acccnpliihd writcr wlîo contrihuted h,înuioros letters te the Whîtby Clîreicle. 1lIc was tlue author cf a painphlet cutitied "'Flic Catoran", as wcll as othier publicationls. Mr. Cordonu iiarried Chiristianî Brand, wluo was hemi on J Lly 27, t1801 iii Druilithio , Scotlanid, and had a l'aînily of Il childrcîi (oiglit sons and tbrcc dauiLglutorsi ciglut cf whom were born in Scetiand and three at "Bayside" in Whitby. It is said that land was very clucap in t1838, aîud Mr. Gordoiu was able te acqoire lus large farîuu wost et' Wlithy Hlarbor tor a very siuall prico. The îîîost proîîiîuinet iueîubcr cf tlue Gordonu tïînily was Williaîu's sou Adaini Grdoîi, wlîo was a îneîuuer cf Parliarnent fer North Ontario 'ronu t1874 te t1876. tle was boni at Fort'ar, Scotland oin Sept. 16, i1831, and at the ageocf sevcîu, caie witlu lus famnily te Whitby- Hoeoîîgaged iii the grainî trade in Ontario Ceunty, and became, involved in potitics, sorving for a wluile as reeveocf Reaclu Township. Like bis fattier, Adam CGordon was a Liberal, and iii the 1874 lection lie defeated tlîc ConservativO nuembor for Northu Ontario, W. It. Gibbs, of Osliawa aîud attained a seat ini the Flouse cf Cornuinons. by Norm MeaIinq To start off today's colunmn, we givo you a coopte of' remninder items: - (a) Saturday, Jonc 26th, is the date of the next Association Dance', the Spring Fling. As usual. the event is being heid at the Heydenshore Pavilion. and begins ai, 8:30 p.m. Tickets 'or the dance are avaiable from May l4th, this coming Friday, and are being sold by momnbers of the Executive. The t-irîff is S9.00 per couple and the price of admission includes music by ).K. thie D.J. and a hot meal. () Saturday, June i 2th, is the date of tho third annuai Famniiy Fun Day held at Centrai Park, and sponsorod by the W.L.C.A. You are remninded te mark the date iii your caiendar, and, if you are able te hclp in anyway, give Karen Kerr a cali at 668-2244. _ Froni Liz, of Brooklin l3ylinoes fame, comes the follow- ing item. On Jonco 3rd, Miss Brooklin Spring Fair ill bo choseon. The contost is open te ail girls betweon the ages of 1 6 te 21 , and a special invitation te enter bias beon extended te West Lyndo girls. If yo are interested in en tcring the contest, ont ry fornis iro available frini Cotinciller Bol) Carson who can ho reached at 655-3662. If yeu are intcrested in attending the contest, il wiIl be held at the Brooklin Arona, and will be f0loled by ai dance f'or the teenagers. The priceocf admission is S I .00. Frein Fay Drew contes notice of a Bazaar te be hold ini support cf the Sili Whitby '13' Cub Pack. The dateo k May 26th, the place is the Wost Lynde Public Sehl. land tho tune is 6:30 te 8:30 p.n. The Bazaar is being held te raise tonds for the Dianmond Jubilec wlich Is a weok etf ('o activi ties te be hicld in Jonc to mark dlic 6Otl anniversary of Scouting ini Canad. 0f' general in teres i s the mnovoment to retain Vliit by'.s police Station. ()ver 200 people a ttendod a poblic meceting îwo weeks ago te veice their opposition te t he clesîng of the station by the Regien. A petit ion lias iieeii making the rounds. and . if' yeu haven't heen ale te signit l wvo suggcst you write or tetephone Regional Cliairnian WValte r Be-ath er Pllice Coinnmission Clut irmian Tom Jo iniyn and add yeur naine te tlie list of tiiose protosi ing 1i bis n e- 0f particular interest to West Lynde residents is the growing conitrovorsy over the development of a centre to aceemnodate our commoflity 's activitieS. You wiil recaîl that on April 14th,l1statedmy oppositionl to a community centre. That statement provoked a icaction which took the form of an open letter to me in the last WIL.C.A. Ncwslctter. That letter, written by W.L.C.A. President Bob 1-opson, chided me for not having ail the faets before ne when i spoke eut against the centre. White t grant that rnany of the facts are not yet known ro înany of us, it remnains a fact that to build and'opetate a comiinity centre will cost rmoney, lots of money. The question of' where this money wiil corne from remains. It aise romains a faci that, prior to emnbarking on such a projoct, a nie,,d rnust be established. The question of whoether or.,flot such a need exists remains to be answered. In fairness to the Executive, a great deai of investigation noeds te be donc befoie any concrete proposais are made, and i will refrain from further comiments until that tirne. 1 would, however, suggest to all of the residents in West Lyndo that we ail interest oursel.ves in this issue se that any e'entual decisien be supported by the niajority of the Association ineinbcrship, and flot be passed by the relative liand fol who attend generai meetings. Finally. in case you badn't noticed, t remain opposed to a coniniOli ty contre. Bye t'or iow. Sec you A in a week's tinue. 25 graduate f rom Durham Ce.ntre' 's night schoo Twenty-five adoît s'A'ents froni the Durhami Centre for the Developmentaily Ilandi- capped graduated from the centre's night scboot in a ceremony bcld rcccntly in the Ajax Legion Hall. When the idea for an aduit education programn originated tbree years ago, it was set op as co-operative 'effort betwecn the Durham Centre and the Durhami Board et' Edocation. Tlîe first year 10O students graduatod. New it bas been expanded te include th rc lovels of edocatien, xith 2-5 studonts rcceiving graduation diploînas or attendance cortificates. Four cf the graduatos were specialiy lîonoed as they aie the fi rs t te complote the thrcc-lcvel course. Peter Dashfield, ce-ordiina- cf the night school prograni, Keep %astride with fashion in our summer casuals., Our selection of leisure wear includes swimsuits, jeans, & tank tops. FASHIONS 126 126 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-1266 MON-SAT 9 -6 FR 9 - wihe w'as .aIse i1as te r f coronuoniies for 'ilue cvelîiig, iii ti edtced thîe lioad table gucst which included ('clIk Presley, presideîît of tlîe A ja x Logion; Cyril Tatylor,, adiiiiniis- trativo assistant of, the Durhamu Board (of' Lduca tien; teaclirorfet'h le adul t îiglit sclocol prograin; and Dr. Pauil Caron,. direcior cf training f'or thuo l)rluaîn C'ciut'te. The dccoratioîis fer the evoning werc made in the pro-vecatietial training ara at tho Durhaîî C'entre. Also a fleer vase mîade at the pre-voca tional traininug area wvas prescntod by one cf the graduates te thue Lcgioî aîud its ladies' auxiiiary in approciation for thue lunch',cîî I The Durham Centre for the Dcveiopmnentally Handi- capped is administered by the Ontario Ministry cf Comniunity and Social Services. ý DURHAM WEST PROVINCIAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING AND DINNER PENN CENTRE, BANQUET ROOM 2nd Floor, Harwood Mail, Ajax Wednesday, May 19, 1976 Reception 6:30 Dinner 7:30 $7.00 Per Person Guest Speaker Hon. Dennis Timbreli Election of Officers Tickets may be obtained by calling 683-8565 655-3860 839-3683 725-8967 SPRING FENCING IDEAS 1 6 CLEAR REDWOOD 18c LIN FT DURALS LATEX PAINT $499 ga"i. DURALS DECKING STAINS REDWOOD WALNUT $539 gai. MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklifl, 655-4991 WilTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1976, PAGE 7 He was noted for introducing to Parliament 'a bilt for better observance cf the Sabbath, but the governmeflt witlidrcw the bilt before it could be passed. Adami Gordon's promising career was cut short by his untinicly death at the -age of 44 at Port Perry on May 27, 1 870. Ilis father neyer rocovercd fret-n the shock cf his son's deatti, and lie died on Dec. t18, t1876, at the ýage cf 79. l'le clildrcn cf William CGordon . alI, attained high. positions in their chosen fields. Willia m Jr, was a merchant in Toronto, Johin a Merchant iîn St. Hlelons in the Goderich, District, Chartes rmovcd te Auistr!tia, David becamie a clergyman in the United Statos, Alexander rnovcd te Catifcernia, and James Kcith Gordon becamne a weil-known lawycr in Whitby. Mrs. William CGordon died at Whitby on May 28, 1887 agcd 86 ycars, and flic "Baysido" farm was porchascd by a mani namoed Johin Snmith. In t1895 Mr. Smith is recorded te hiave ownod 212 acres cf land, thc majerity of which new conmprises the Wbitby Psychiatrie iHospital grounds. [in 1912 the Ontario Governnîont ncgotiatcd te purchase the Sm-ithi farni along with several othors, toecstabtish the hospital, but Mr. Smith rofused te place a price on his land aind asked te lie allowed te retain lus farnri. tle died during flue poriod cf negotiations and his, property,assossed at $8.200 was assumed by the government. In 1901 Mr. Smith constructed a barn beside bis home on the site cf the presont Durham Contre for the Deveiop- ntally Hiandicapped, and, bis home, aftcr the government teck over the prcperty was callcd "Grove flouse" because cf tho greve trees around it. Mien the goverrnent purchased "Bayside", it stuccoed ever the brick wails cf the bouse, destroying mucb cf the 1 hbilding's original aýrchitecturai bea'îty. The best feature cf the bouse is its fine front door. ---------------------------- CEDAR