Whitby Free Press, 12 May 1976, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. MAY 12. 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Hosis kept busy at successful fire chiefs' con: Des Newmaç n spokerao of The 24th annual. Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs' conference, hosted by the Whitby Pire Department iast week, was one of the mnost successful on record accord- ing to Whtby.'s Chief Ed Croucli, secretary of the Geemoij association. 0f 11i resolutions pre- sented at tN workshop sessions, nine were passed and will be referred to governiment bodies to which they apply. 0f these, five by Cliief Crouch, and one by Witby's deputy Chief Ron Hawkins. Chie f Crouch reported that 225 male and 170 female delegates attended-the con- ference, making the total n,,mher of delegates 395. who attcnded the closing dinner of the conference were Ontario Solicitor Gen- eral John P. McBeth, Durham Region Chairman Walter Beath, and Whitby Mayor Jim Gartshore. the sessions on the future of the fire service in respect to the system of hours worked by fire fighters. He stressed the importance MIrSoFCanada i§.nvitesyou and your kumily b MAY 17,18 & 19 1:00-ý2:30 P.M. AND 6:e30-ý9:00 P.M DAILY e FREE ADMISSION PLENTY 0F FRE PARKING e REFRESHMENTS We'ý«-re Opening the Doors..... Corne see how it's done... just for the fun of it. A Mechanical Hand. See a hoist that swings each matching seat cleanly and precisely into each car body. General Motors has a hand in ail the ways of better car build- ing. Even a mnechanical one. lcing an the Cake. See the metal finishers shape f luid metal into concave welds with a deft touch of the torch and a wooden spatula.. just like icing a cake. Our Assembly Line i5 a Weil Oiued Machine. It hos to be one of the great wonders of the automotive world. FolIow a car or truck. Any car or truck f rom start to, finish. You'll be amnazed as the components corne together. luNORTH OSHAWA VUSIT OUR *North Plant Fabrication *Expart Operations Sound Wcave Welding. Sonic welders, using the principal of moleculgir disturbance, bond clear and coloured lamp UN SOUTH OSHAWA VISIT OUR " Car Plante* Truck Plant " Battery Plant lenses in the North Plant Plastic Division. Merrily t Rails Along. The roll test. A simulated road test that checks each car's mechanical performance before it leaves the plant. Just like doing sixty miles per hour standing stili. Thrill ta, the Body Drap. Watch in amazement as fin ished car bodies meet and match the chassis and engine. Thrilling achievements are all in a day's work at General Motors. The Electronic Finger. See the "magic finger" of the massive Keller Duplicator trace a pattern to guide cut- ting tools on a huge block of steel in North Plant Fabrication. Export Overseas. See Oshawa produced com- ponients being boxed for shipment to such exotic desti- nations as Mexico, Venezuelc Iran and Zaire. 1 1 policies for sprinklered build- ings if the insured fails to provide a competent person available 24 hours a day to reactivate the sprinkler or fire, alarnm system. The final resolution, p.assed by the conference, asked tliat the Municipal Act be amended to permnit miunicipalities to require owners of property to place street or lot numrbers on their property, s0 fire fighiters can identify buildings in case of emergency. GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA LIMITED I-i m (erence )f a three platoon systemn as. )pposed to a two platoon ysten, and recommnended hat the association set Up a ,ommittee to review the lIatoon systemn and report ts findings at the next annual -onference. ,Other workshops deait mith the topics such as the umber of men to ride to a ire on each vehicle, womnef [n the fire service, and a tandard for apparatus to be rawn up and submitted to ill chiefs in the province for comimenlt. The Whitby Fire Depart- ment put on a dernonstration of its appartus for the visiting lelegates, which inciuded Tan lui Seng, assistant to the fire chief of Singapore. Mr. Seng, an 18-year veteran of the fire brigade in this far enstern country, is a visitor to Canada under a Colunmbo Plan agreemnent. His visit was arianged' by the Canadian International Devel- opmnent Agency at the request of the Repubiic of Singapore, to provide that country with a training programn in fire prevention and protection.. Mr. Seng, as well as attending the conference at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa, May 2 to 5, toured the Whitby fir& hall and was a guest of the Whitby fire department. Chief Crouch's resolutions to the conference called for an increase in income tax exemptions fromn $300 to $1 ,000 for volunteer fire fighters; legisiation to have municipaiities provide fire protection which mneets the requirements of their comn- mnunity; legisiation to have suitabie breathing apparatus provided to fire fighters who are required to work in a contaminated atmosphere; and fo r the provin cial governmleflt to have the fire chief or his designate be the "chief officiai" responsible, fofr the administration of the Ontario Fire Code. Deputy Chief Hawkins' resolution-called for protec- tion to firerighters against ioss of a di iver's licence if they violate the Highiway Traffic Act when respo'nding to enmergeflcy calîs. Chiief' Crouch also asked that the Ontario Governmiient give bargaining righits and protective legisiation con- cerning suispensions, dis- charges, etc., for ail fuil-timne

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