Whitby Free Press, 26 May 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free Autos Auto Parts 1975 BUICK APOLLO - powver steering, power brakes, losv mileage with safety chîeck, asking $ 3,200, owner sellîng because he nieeds a / ton truck, eall 985-3393. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN - GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. (aIl 668-5745. 1965 CHEV IMPALA - body fair, motor good, interior fair, $250 as is. Caîl 668-9757. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - 283, good running condition, body fair, power steering & briiles, certified, $300 or best offer. (al 668-'7006. 1968 (OUGAR - good for 289 engine, transmission, rear end parts and good tires, $150 or best offer. (ail 668-6176 after 6 p.m. 1971 TOYOTA CORONA MOTOR - RT83, 1900 C.C., AI condition, $220 or best offer. (ail 579-3569. 1968 DODGE DART - excellent condition, uncertified, $900; 1959 CHEV, restor- able cc.ndition, $200 or best offer. (aIl 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 (ail 668-0705. 1975 GREMLIN X 6,000 miles, 2 year warranty, 50,000 mile warranty on radial tires, power steering & brakes,p lus many more options, Jsing $3,000. (ail 668-I.143. 1970 FORD '/, ton pick-up standard, 6 cyclinder, radio, e bu iii elîgine, as is $800; tsvo used Ford rims, 15-S"$5 caui; twvo new Ford rims, side ovai, S20 pair; "'V stationsvagon rims, S boîts, $5 each. (ail 668-8376. 1964 1/4 TON GMC PICK UPI TRUCK - nesv motor, 6,000 miles, good for parts, S250. ('an- be sein at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitbv. 1949 CF1EV ½/iTON PANELI one osvner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body %vork, $400; Volkswagon VWTRAILER HITCH, $ 20. (aIl 66 8-83 76. CHIP TRUCK - fuiIy equipped, freshly painted insîde. new tires, aluminum body, asking $2,000 or best offer. (ail 728-7623. 1965 RAMIBLER (LA SSIC - V-8, as is, $100. Caît1623-2043. 1970 CHEV- 350 V8, 4 door se dan, piwve'r steerîng, radio, mechanicaIiy good, wvili certify, b>est offer. (aIl 668-337 I ext. 27 3 and ask for JIlm. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS -- automatie, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very low mileage, $2,900. CatI 668-1134. 1961 F-ORD FALCON --2 door, automatie, 6 cylinder, good running order, $500. (al 668-5815. 1965 (11EV -- good 283 motor, new tires, no rust, nceds paiYing, Lic. No. IIXY 270, $450. (Ail 668-9792 after 2.30 p.mn. 1963 OLDS SUPEýR 88 automnatic, 77,000 miles, good running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, lots of extras. $200. (ail 728-209'4. 1967 DODGE POLA RIS - 2 door hardtop, verv ean, in good running condition, $450 as is. (ail 668-9870 after S p.m. 1965 i"ORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. (aIl Tom at 668-9860. 1971 F"ORD - power steering & brakes, radiai, good condition, $400. (ail 668-5318. 1966 PONTIAC(-- complet- power, 6 way scat, $100 as is. (aIl 728-6470. 1970 GTO C'ONVERTIBL.E automnatie, excellent condition, $2000 or best offer. (an be seen at 200 Mason, Apt. 210 evenings or weekends. F'ERRIN(C - llarlcy Davidsor. 1200, $65; 4 MAG wheeis arnd tires for foreign car, $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS, $8 a set. (ail 668-4449. 1965 PONTlIA\C WAGON automatie, 283, power eqluilpped, $250. (Cati be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby- 1965 F"ORD) GALAXIE - will seli as parts, $150. or best offer. '(ail 668-8567. (ustoin-muade extra hecavy du ty TflAILER I-IIT(Fl for 1974-7-- pinto stationwagon $25. Cati 668-6522. TRAILER - (Tandem axie), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitable for car, boat or skidoo, $375.. (alil 655-3411. TIRES - 4 goodycar belted whitewall, 640 x 14, approx. 1,000 miles on saine, $25. Cali 668-6068. -Tso SNOW TIRES- with rims, Uniroyal Winter Pide, F78-14, new, $55. (al 655-3879. TIRES - 4 %vide, B60-13, $ 10 each. (alil 668-106 3. HEADERS- for 68-74 Nova, $60 ,; 9 x 12 lENT, outside framie, $65; SEWING MACHINE, $60; BICYCLE, 2 wiîceler, $10; (alil 723-0855. 1968 CFIRYSLER - auto- matic, power stcering & powver brakes, 65,000 miles, excellent condition, $800. Cati 683-7 108. 1971 MAZDA - 616 ('oupe, standard, radio, techomneter, $500 or best offer. Cali 668-0463. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. Cal 576-6592. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. 1975 NIOPEDO -Bomadier, 552 miles, frot& rear suspen- sion, liih , speedlome ter. saddle bags, double seater, $400) or best offer. Calil579-1953. 1973 RUP Il;S'I;I-R 12"' swlie es.,goi>d c on d it io 11 asking S.,-250; 1 2' pis ssood boat, inade ia.st ycar. siii- V bot tom., asking SI100. (Xiii (55-.46 16. 15 foo t 110 US El'. FR A11 1 R 1968, comipicte witii reese Iiitch. sIecps 6. lots of' storage, portable- toile t, propane fridige L%& stove, one 12 x 9 kîtchien lent inciudcd, S$1,500. C(li 1-705-2 77-2790. 1971 ('Z 250 N\1T0'1'ROSS AI1 condition, $625. (all 576-4676. 1971 \WOODS 1IA RI'>iOI> TENT 'IRAILLR sieeps 4, in excellent condition, $600. ('ail1 66 8-6 522. Hloinemnade SNOW (CRUISE R - excellent for workinïg in b).siî, $100; one MINI BIK E iRAME, sith motor, $50». car parts, Chevs & 66 under; aiso 1960 ARMY PANEL TRUCK -% ,ton. $150. (alil 728-0234 and ask for Don. 1975 RD 350' YAMAIIA good condition, $1,000. (all 723-2351 anytîme. Tour-a-Hlome 1972('AMI>l-R for pick-up truck, siceps 4, lots of cupboard.s, sink, place for f'rîdgc, no stove, vcry good cond(ition, $950: 2 JACKS, Si1(M or best offer. (alil655-3006. BOAT MO'lOR --Scott-at- water, 3 galion tank, p, $50; Waikie taîkies, i1cw Reaiistic TRC 999, 3 watt output, $135. (Calil 668-8080. J1972 KAWASAKI 750 - low mileage, fair condition, soine new body parts, ýýxcelient running condition, $900 or best offer. Cali 640-2726 anytimne or 668-2860 after 5 p.m. 1971 MOTO-SKI- twin cyl., electric start, ncw battcry with cover, runs good, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO OLYMPIC, single cyl., with cover, tiscd very lit tic, $525. Appiy 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 feet, $2,800. Cari be seen ai 385 Lorindale [Dr., Oshawa. TANDEM 'iRAILER -flat bcd, 3,000 [b. capacity, ail hecavy duty frame, ail new tires, comn- plete with liglit accessories, $450. Cati 668-4939. MOPED -Bronco, Ihighrise handlebars, dciu7ýv seat, 148 miles per gallon, will go 40 m.p.JL, $275 or bestoffer. ('ail 668-8381. REAR BUMPER - l'or i1975 (bey Van, painted, excellent cond(ition, $30;PAINTElýD 61(1LL, for 1 975 ('Iicv Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM RINGS, fit 14" wviîeels, new condition, $20. (alil 655-3183. Çaljj668b-111 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise VELE in the FRFFL PRESS 1EMI'OpIUM, pay ONLY \vhlen you seli! There will flot bc aîiy charge to advcrtisers in thc F"REI' PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised ks sold. Whien thie advertised item ks sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERZTISED PRICI' as illustrated below. Ail advertiscmients must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WiIIT13Y FREE PRESS 'md "t un atIclast one mainthi if flot sold. RATElýS (ifarticle is sold): 5% of advcrtised price up to $40000 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $5000 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50> Private advertising oniy! Please notify us if you f-ind ta retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press inimcdiately Miîen itemi is sold so that we înay delete it fromn the following issues. Services, help wanted, cîothing, real estate and personai message type ads can only bc handied on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, eall 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: F-RE RESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby Trhe deadline for emiporiumi ads ks the Mlonday ai noon. Furniture Junior Bl-'D - with niattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMIN(; IPOOL, cvcrv îhine inclu dcclbu t lin ing $300 or best offer. ('ail 655-358t3. ('ANE BOTTO.M CHIR rcfinisilicd, S35: also a small cane bottoni chair, $25. ('ail 655-3768. l'vo VNE IN ltINI)S crcain actai, sizes W03'2 \ 166, S12; \W2211- 1.3212, S4. (Caî11 668-8273. 1.' pIilas tcrcd(' IHAI R -o nlîn- isliedi, $25, KI'IE N TAILI', SI 2 (chairs frcec eed to be fixcdl ('ail 725-12 11. vi th springs and inattress, $401. ('ail 655-463(0. Ot TIOA RD1 MO' ORI Johnîsoni 3 hiorse,. iood ruiing conditionl, Si125. ('ail 608-506t) after 5 1).m. I)RElSSLR with six drawers, and rnirrors, $45, tour'R WR (lIEMS', $35; con tinen: i1I111:1), 54" coniple te wi tii liadboard, hoxspriii. inattress, $60: au to- mnatie radio comi inatioti radio 8-track car sterco, $45; ('al 723-7147. l)ouihle WOO()DEN B I-D $10, 53"* SPRING for bed, $5; 38" SPRiN(; l'or bed, $5; 3 chrome ChAIRS. $3; REC(ORDOS, 78's & 45's, $1 cadli; B & W Philco PORT[AB[Li: 'V, $50; CHIESTE'RIiELD sith ?2matching ARM('IIAIRS, $75; TOASTER, $5. (alil655-3545. P'U RNITRIE'. antique lhall table, 60" x 20"', $65: clîil's de-sk & chair, $6: buiit-in BAR, $ 10 plus remnoval. ('ail 668-1063. Clothing Red Wool Curling JACMET sîze 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOF0S and case size 8, $10. Both are in pcrt'ect condition. ('ail 668-9073. HUNT' CAP - blac!' velvet with safety harness instal'cd, size 71/à, 523.50. ('-It 668-2407. COA'I- Ladies black persian iamb approxîmately size 20, in good condition, wiIl setl for $50. (ail 725-5714. BED I)'IlI-STi-R :EILD --3 ilon ths nid, Beverley n attress, plus chiromie fraine, titited glass e'nd taible, bough t for S5010, wi sdCI l'or S 310. (ail 655-4 1lOi R UGS Il x. 8 3 and 10i x.6 8 'arttlicolocirs, ru t, goilt, l>o iletee, S 51)1>fo r )oth. ('ail 06îS 723. \'ictoriatî ('CHAIR set1 of '6, iii good cnditioni, as kitriw-,$70 eacli, woodetî stove. $50. ('aIl 066-8376. IINN; R OOM SI..] Spaiislîsye5-jiectc. black 5'.î l wr iugli tntoni. 's249) ttes'.aski ng S 1001, one yVcar <'Id. (ailbe secen :ît 20)0 N Apo1'It. 2110 atîtiite. BO,:n i.c 30 SPRIN(; s'.iîîî stel fr:îîîe. $50(. ('ail 668-5987. ('l f11 11-Il. t)SITE'-'-2 piecre verv go'id condition. $135:. 1>01 S &PA NS,$1 10; R UW. 9'x 12%. good qualitv , green, like ne%%,, $75: R 1.1, snîall. iitîushrootin colour, $12;: miner, green, S3; matsN (tsso) $2 & $4: drapes, 2 sets, $5 & $10: shiort drapes, $3; record player. $5. chrome table, $6: pilloss t'..o>, $Si cadli :ta bIe lan p. $6: bedspreads, single salin for $3: double orles $4 & $5:, biankets $6 & $7; teapot, wear- ever, $4; electrie frypan. Suni- bt-arn, $6; floral arrangementt $2 & V', jolly junmper, S4, battîmooin scaies, $1. ('ail 723-2426. AN'I'IQIJI-. I)lSK -w i th î'îbi ne t, over 100> years old, rest<)red, 5251). ('ail 655-3750>. Old Queb:ýc WOOD S'IOVE $7-5, leatter RECLINER, likenew., $75; 2 antique BUFFETS, $50 & $75; oid cedar l'arni l'ence iails. $5 1. 25 ecdi. ('ail 655-4335. Au itiqlue ('ii lEST Isvo drasver, S-75. (ail 668-8527. R UC appros.iinately 12 x. 12, yellow slîag. jcst been dl-,t2aed, $65. ('ail 7 28-129 1. Vîctorian BEDROOM SET - antique witiî twin beds, box spring and mattress, very new $400; two end TABLES, haif moon style, $6 ea. (ail 668-9009. Swivei ROCKER -green-blue colour, $55; one bucket CHIAIR, leather, orange colour, $20, one sectional kitchien SUITE, leatherette, one year old, $155. (aIl 668-9520. A(;'S STFEO (ASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. ('ail 668-1297. Ant:qi!c RUA Victor.ola r. ýDI6 CONSOLE - with auto- r z~tio turn table, about 1943 iodel, fuily functioning, solid "t" 30,0 cash. (ail 579-1593. BLACK & WHITE TELE- VISION - 24 inch screen, in cabinet, suitable for recroom or cottage, $40. (ail 579-3569. KenmoreautomaticWAgH-ER - in good condition, moving 10 an apartmen t, $125. (aIl 66 8-5745. B&W TV - 20 inch, $100. (ail 668-1384. Airway Sanitizer VACUUM (LEANER - The cost was $399.50 but will seti for $200. (aIl 668-8957. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6;, PORTABLE I'AIRDRYER, $4. Cali 723-0855. Pîmilips BEAUTY SET - with 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. (ait 668-4690. STOVE - 30 inch, good con;-q dition $75; space HEATER $60 . CaIli 668-6750. Dual 1218 TURNTABLE - base & dust cover included, bas autoînatie slîutoff & antiskate, audio technica cartridge, only uised for two montiîs, $230 firm. ('ail 668-3015 after 5:30 p.mw. 21 cubic foot I"RIDGE' in working condition. asking $100. ('aIl 668-32910. VAPORIZEiR - $5; electric coffce PE'RK, $10; sandwich GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpet SWLE[-i>Eý'R, $10; G.E. floor POLISIIE1-R, $ 10, six apple crates, $2 each; RANG- FITE IS:15;VACUUM CLEANER, $5. (ail 668-9404. S3 25; uniquje table, solil -":îple table top, $450. ('ail 668-591 0. Singer SEIWING MACHIINE - sith stool, $165; S'IEREO èomnponent set, with wooden stand. $210. (alil 985-3393. E:MER"SON TV SET - wsi th radio, record player, iin good condition. $80 or nearcst ofler. ('ail 668-7446. Westinghiouse i)RYLR - eIectric, recentIy recondition only $86. ('al] 723-0722. SPEAKERS 8" with vizzer cone, 8 ohmns, brand nlew, actual price $18 only $10; 130W & ARROW SETIl, Ai condition, retail $15 oniy $8. (al 668-6790 after 4 p.mi. CONSOLE B&WV TV -good condition, $60. CaIl 668-9095. PINI3ALL MACHIINE rec roomi, A-i condition, ('aIl 579-0757. - fo r $300. White SEWING MACINE - zig-zag, buttonholer, like new, $70 fîrm. CaIl1723-1 802. WRINGER WASER- square cup, excellent conditioli, $85. Cali 725-3637. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE - good condition, ideal for cottage, $20. Cn!) 683-6638. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatie, 6 mnonths used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot watei CIRCULATOR PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Philco B & W PORTABLE-' TV, $50. Cali 668-9746. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife switch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. (ail 668-9605. Heavy duty SPACE 1-EATER - with 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but stili as new, $10. (ail 668-7014. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years old, in wooden cabinet, excellent condition, $125. (aIl 668-6598. Instruments Ludwig 7-piece DRUM SET - witli geriuine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. (ail 728-25 18. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR - sith case, $200. (al 655-4385 after 5 1).m. 1 Kent Spanish ELECTRIC' GUIT'AR - iike new, wvith cus5tom made amplifier and speaker, $100 or besî offer. (aIl 576-8042. Gibsan SG Custom Special GUITAR - svith case, $400. Traiter basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. (ail 725-1797. SPEAKERS - two large 16", app)roximately 31/2 higlh, contained in black leather casing, $60 or best offer. (ail 668-2860. REVERB -- Traynor signature $250. (ail 655-4978. GUITAR - sithi case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISHIER, $20; (ail 655-3534. ACCORDIAN - brand new, douible row buttons, shoulder strap, carrying case, $80. (ail 668-3 195. Now! Look Naturally Cr o od gwîhNature ta bring out Ithe besttin you and your hair. We cul it the way i grows -... and shope il ta suit your face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLUNG Wbitby Pluie 668-.6922 BROOKLIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Contractors for Electrical Services Residential - Commerci-al Industria I 655-3439 Press Ao% .mm %àà Emp oriuma Appliances ATTENTION FARMERSIII WH Y PA Y MORE? SAEON PUVAium OUAUTV GSeDIESEL FUEL - I.MOOR i Ouiroi omptDtw.,'C»1« ~'q~" 668"311

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