Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAy, JUNE 2,1976, WH-ITBY FREE, PRESS, ]Fre'1e Autos j Auto Parts 1975 BUICK APOLLO powver steering, pow>er brakes, Iow mileage w>ith safety check, asking $3,200, ow>ner sclling because lie needs a 1/ ton truck, caîl 985-3393. 1970 DODGE CI-ALLEN - GER -' 318 V-8, new baek tires! $ 1,800. Cal 668-5 745. 1965 CIIEV IMPALA- body fair, umotor good, iuîerior l'air, $250 as is. C aîl 668-9757. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON -- 283, good ruirimg condition, body fair, po\wer steering & brat'es, eertified, $300 or b-est ofl'er. Ca11 668-'7006. .1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. Caîl 576-6592. 1971 TOY*tOTA CORONA MOTOR - RT83, 1900 C.C., AI condition, $220 or best ol'fer. CatI 579-3569. 1968 DODGE' DART -- excellent condition, uincertîfied, $900: 1959 CHEV, restor- able ccoidtion, $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio. eab l'or back, also wooden box, $4,500 Cail 668-0705. 1975 GREMNLIN X - 6,000 miles, 2 year warranty, 50,000 mile warrantv on radial tires, powver steerin1g & br'ukes. plis inany nmore optionis, ;îsk i g $3.000. Caîl 668-1 143. 1971) lORD 1/2ton pick-up standard, 6 evelinder, radio. rebfilt engune, aîs is $800:. t\wo uNed F"ord riins,15", $5 eehl; tvo new Ford rinis, uvide os'al, $21) pair;.\"W stationwsaectn rimis, 5 bolts, $5 each. ('aIl 668-8376. 1964 >> 'FON c;M('PICK El>I TRUCK rne>'>uinotor, 6,000 mle", good l'or parts., $250). ('a' bex- seen ah 120)1 Brock St. S.. Wrhitb\v. 1949 ('11E.V V TON P)ANI' E- one ownef, 44,000 original miles, needs sornie body s'ork. $400; Volks'.vagol(n VWT'R AI I-1 k IIITCH, S20. CuIt 668-8376. equipp)cd, frc'>hly paîntecî ne w ires, aîuminum asking $2,000 or best .Cail 728-7623. lo1 ly inside. body, o fe r. 1965 RAMBLI.R ('IASSI(' V-8, as ks, $100. (';îl 623-2043.- 197(1 CHI-. 350 V8, 4 door sec(la n, p"', er steerung, radio, rneehanicatly goodl, s'> î certify . besýt (if er. ('aIt 668-337 1 es t. 2 73 and ask l'or J iii. 1973 PONTIAC' LI.MANS autonmatic, power steerint, and brakes, radiîo, snosv tires. very low mileage, $2.900 Cuit 668-1134. 1961 lORD door, automatic,i running o ruer, 668-5815. F'ALC'ON -2 6 cy'liiiser, goutd $50). ('aIl 1965 ('-EV gooci283 motor, ncw tire'>, no) rust, necds pai, 'ing, Lic. Nuo. IIXY 270, $450. ('Ail 668-9792 ater 2:30 p.m. 1963 OL.DS SUI'.R 88 automnatic, 77,000 mîtes,, goutd running, 2 new tires, plus 2 "now tires, lots of extra>, $200. Cal728-2094. 1 967 DODGI' POLA RIS 2 door hardtop, ver>' dean, iun good running condition, $450 as is. ('ail 668-9870 after 5 p.mi. 1965 1 '0RI1) M ER( 'URY VAN as r', $350 or best ofl'cr. ('all'Tonm at 668-9861). 1971 lFORD - power steering & brakes, radial, good condition, $400. ('alil668-5318. 1 966 IPON'TIAC' cornplute power, 6 way 'cat, $10h0 as is. ('ail 728-6470. I970) G'îO ('ON VI:R'II13. au toratic, excellent condîitioni, $20)00 or tîest oller. ('an be seun ut 20(0 Mason. AIt. 210) evenings or svcckends. l'EISRING îîarîey Davrdsor. 1200,' $65; 4 MAC vieels and tires l'or loreigri car, $80>; 3 sets of car ROOF" l.A(KS, $8 a sel. Caîl 668-4449- 1965 PONTIAC WAG;ON au tonuaic, 283, Iîow>er cqjuippcd, $250. ('an bc seen ah 1201 Irock St. S., Whihhy. 1965 FORD GALAXIE - wiIi seil as parts, $150 or best offer. Call 668-8567. Customi-made extra hicavy duly T!1%AILER' I1IITCHI for 1974-7.- pinto stationwagon $25. Cali 668-6522. TRAILERZ (Tandem axle), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitable l'or car, bout or skidoo, $375., Caîl 655-3411. TI RES 4 goodyear belted wvlitewall, 640 x 14, a pprox. 1,000 miles on sainie, $25. Cal 668-6068. .Two SNOW TIRES w.ith rims. Uniroyal Winter P do, F81,ncw, $55,. Caîl 655-311179. TI RE S 4 %vide, B60-1 3. $ 10 cadi. Cal 6 68-106 3.' IIE'-ADERIS 'or 68-74 Nova, $60;, 9 x. 12 'VENT, ouiside fraîie. $65; Si-,WING IAIIN' $60: BICYCLE, 2 svlîeeler, $10; CatI 723-0855. 1968 ('IRYSLER :auito- inatic. power steeriing. & powver brakes, 65,000 miles, excellent vondition. $800. Cal 683-7 10&. 1971 MAZDA- 616 ('oupe, standard, radio, tectoinie er. $500 or beýst of1cr. ('aIl 668-0463. 1975 C('ATION FRAI LI'R 22 l'oot rear door. slecps 4, plu,ý ,burik. 13Iborneur Stove. 0o'en. l'an.1 3 puece w a"lroomn, torccd air lîeiiitng. 2 tliirty puî tankN. large refrigerator \%itIi . ro,"" top) frezer, amiple storuge p1wî' e\xtra"ý. (att 668-8447 aulkr >Sp.1n Snowniobiles, Trailers, etc. 11)75 IOIl1) ltruadier. I5- 552 mmîes. rouît & rear sse sion. liglîts. qtt.-Cdo1tiiv'>teui s1dlC Ibags. sioti les'e.s'u'r. $;41111 orlivts's fter. ('ail 579-1953 1973 RtI>1 lit SIII lk 12" s' \% sts i 'nt s tit1 t": , uskîîîg .501; t2 oiss' îd ta ti umade i.st er, st Vi-\ oit> ît. uk imi-,S I 1liii. ( .l <655-'46t 1( 15 tloot 11OU(51 I k \I. k 19)68, tsumpiîîîcic s'>ithrress Ilîtclî. (s',î fi.ttts tsraLe. iîtrtalîe tttile i protpane t ridge LA. sitove. orme 12 s 9 kits hm ein 'î iliclucîccl , .500, t. tl 1-70)5- 27 7-27 90. 1971 WOODlS IIARI)I'01) 11:' '!I kAI. R sîeps 4. min excellsent cu:idititni. $910,C all 668-6522. lloiîcmnad(c SN('W ('k 0151R - exceillent l'otr s'orking lui 1 s $ 1001, onie SINI BIKI'. IRANII- \'>itîr motor. SI;car parts.,('ls">' & 66 tinser; uEýo 19601 AIY PANII-A- kTUCK ', ton, $151) ('att 728-0)234 arnd usk fuir I[uon. 1975 RI) 35()YMAI C-oocl conditioun.- $ i,0t(. ('all 723-2351 unis tîîuîc 'ftur-a-lîomiie I972('A,\I>I' RI l'or pick-up truck,. seeps 4. lot'i of, uiphoards. irI, - place lfuir I ridgc - no stuive .very 9t0uîd cuit li ruai. $951). 2 JA( KS.S$100 otr tîest uîfter. ('ait 0655-31)l(n.ý BOA'T MO'lOR -Scutt-at- suater, 3 galloun tank, Sip., $50; W'atkie taîkies, ries'>Realistie FR(' 999, 3 watt outpuît, $'135. ('ail 668-8(080. 1972 KAWASAKI 750 luw milcage, lîi r cuondcition, soruie new b)ody parts, .'xcellcnt running condition, $900 oir best olfer. ('ail 640-2726 anytirne or 668-286(1 aller 5 p.in. - 1971I MO'lO-SKI- twin cyl., c-iecric starl, new bu)ttery witîî cover, mun' good, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO Ol.-YMIl, single Cyl., witlî cover, 'îsed vcry iîttle, $525. Apply 604 ('entre Sr..N. Wlitby. 1973 S('AMI>ER 'FRAILIIR 16 f*eet, $2,810,('an be scen al 385 Lorincle Dr-, Oshawa. TIANDE'M 'I'RAILIýI'. flat beul, 3,1)00 lb. capacily. ail lîeavy duty franue, ail ne>> tire'>, corn- plele witli liglît uccessorics, $451). (:ait 668-4939. NIOPI ) Bronco, îîighrise handîebars, ueu"'seat, 148 mîiles per gallon, wilI go 40 m.p.in., $275 or te.st tiller. Cdll 668-8381. RI'AR BIIMI>I' l'or 1975 Clîev Van, puiuted, excellenît condlitioni,$30;l>AINTEI-') GRI LL, for 1975 ('1ev Van, $30; 4 chrome 'IRIM .sINGS, lit 1" wheels, . icw% condiltion, $20, Cul 6 55-3 183.' Ccli 668-6111 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise R i'in the IREIRFSS EMP'OR IUM, pay ONLY whten you selI! There will flot be aniy charge 10 advertfsers in the FR 'E PIRE -SS EM PORI UM uîîless the item advertised ik sold. Nhen thie advertised item is sold, vou puy a coinimission based oni 'FI iE A 9W kl'I'ISI) PRIC.L' as illustrated helow. Ail advcrtisemcn ts must he placed on an exclusive basis \vith thie WlIITI3Y FRET' PRELSS 'tfI nmn at least ieone m ih i f not sold. RA'l'ES (if* article ks sold): 5<ýé of* advertised price op 10 $40000 2</1 of* balanlce over $400. 00 E F M> I: Sold itemi advert ised f«or $5000 - comnmnissio n due $2. 50 (minimumn coviînisoli ls $1.50» P'rivalte udve rt isinig onlly ! Ilease n ot îfy ns it you lOnd a re tailer listc(l as a private advertiscr. llease iotil'v Ithe Whi tby.I ree Press mmciid ia tely wslienii te iii is sold "o Ilia t ve nîay de le te il t'rom the f*ollowsi ng issues. Services, heilp wanted, clothing, reul c',îate and( personal message type ad s can on ly bce han dlcd on a prepaid hais,. Ifin (ldtn li. cuIt 668-6 11I1 MAIL1.. A LI) S 'lO; FR'i .iiil>RISS liMPORIUM P.0. Bo\ 206, Wliît b' The lic die tor cm iporimu iad" iv, ticM da altrimn Furniture hI:('IlCHESTEî'RF~I EILD -3 mioutIvlîold, Beverlev 'iiittress, pîluis cliroie lraiie. tîuî ed glass enid table. bttgîi t l'o r $500,5'> ill ,,c'il tor $3001. ('aIl 655-4)101. R 1,(Gs 1Ils\ 8 3 ,arnc 1 s 6 8 curihi rtirs , gtoitld, bro'm, îeîec. S500t)ftr bothi. CaIl 668.79j23. Vic toriaiiCH'I. R set cil' 6, iri gocd cctndition,. askmn» ,$S7 0 cîclm, s'wtodeim stov,>'S 511. (;îll 00(8-8 376. l)l\l\(; R 00 % 1 SLII s'> \A ituuetu irnt. ' .4') ic ashtil 100 111 tie svcatr ot1ut1, 'ait bo eeiic alt 200 1M.t-'tti Apt211 0î~ rm Insti i/'BO : ',Rk1I ssitrace ius. 'SI 'ait 6t68-5987 CHI 'III1RIl . 1'Il i) SUI III 2 POT Ç.IÎANS.ý () R . ý,.9'\ 12', L'tiud staîS.grenelilke rms'ss S-,7 5; Rt'(;. sirahi, iuîshý,irooin '(Atilr. S12. umimer,. greeri, 3 ii;ist issol $2 & $4; drapes, 2 sels. S IO& $11):shurt drapes. $3; rccttrd plaver, $5;- clruimle table. S6:; imls>s<t>>o). SI cadi; table Iaump. S6; ttc'ulsîîrcauls, inigle "aitiii l'Or $3; dotub le ormes, S-t & S5; itie sS(t & S 7; \%ps! s>car- s-ver. 54; electric fry'paîm. Sin- bs'aîii $6; tloral :irraiiceimieit. $2 &i S', joli'> tm1ler 4.btlmroouii scules. $ i. all 72.3-24260. ANIOUF11 i-'11tiiriet, over rs'stured, S 2501. 1) 1 'S K s'>itil 111() ycars oHd. (';tl 055-3750. Oit> Qneb 'c WOOD) S'IO\'L S75; leutilie r -1-'hIN'., nie re'j $75; 2 anuîtiuque BUlFl' ES, $5(0 & S75; olci ceular l';rrîm l's'ne "ails, $ 1.25eci. ('ail 655-4335. Amiltitîtie ('IES'l' tuso dra>>'r, $75. ('aIl 668-8527. î<UG ;îplircixrii tely I12 s 12, velluts> dia , înst heu-iel.'aulie'c, $'65. (';îii728-1291. Vie turian 1BI'.DROOM 51.1' auntique c ssitfî tuviui beds, box spririg and mnaîtres>, very new $400; hîvo enud TA BLEIS, hiaif mnuon style, $6 cu. ('aIl 668-9009. 5'>'>ivel k(K'k gcntli euîluîîr, $55; one lîucket ('I lAI R, Icatlie r, ()raunge colouir, $20; ouc sec'tioiiai kitclien SUI'TE Icatlicetlc. one ycar cutI, $155. ('att 668-9520). AN'lTIJI'lPIANO) ('ait 576-1424. $251). Atqî:ec RCA Victorola I ,sD1IO CONSOLE with auto- r àtk:' tom table, about 1943 ri odel, fully functioning, solid "In'30,C cash. Caîl 579-1593. 1BLACK & WHITIfE TELE- VISION- 24 inch sereen, in cabinet, suitable for recroom or cottage, $40. Caîl 579-3569. KennoreauitomaticWASUîIER - in good condition, moving to an apartmcnt, $1 25. Caîl 668-5745. 13&W TV C'ail 668-1384. 20 inch, $100. Airway Sanitizer VACUUM ('LEANER - The cost w>as $399.50 but will selI for $200. Caîl 668-8957. SCM ELECTRIC BIOOM -$6; l>ORTAl3LF. FIAIRDRYER, %4. ('ail 723-0855. l>hiips BIAUTY SET- with 14 attachmients, neyer used, $20. ('al]668-4690. STOVE- 30 inch, good con-ê dition $75; space HEATER $60. ("aIl 668-6750. D)ual 1218 TURNTABLE basc & dutst cover iucludcd, lias autioatie shttofl' & antiskate, audio teclînicu cartridge, onty tised l'or ts'>o mon ths, $230 firni. ('aIl 668-301 5'after 5:30 pi. 21 cubie lfoot l'RID(;E ii s'>orking condition, asking $100. ('aIl 668-3290>. VAiI>ORIZI-'R -$5: electrîc col'tee perk, $ S) s10: s> ligrilt, S7; toaster. $S7: carpet swceper. 'S 1 () (t pple craies. S2 cadi. raet tc.$S15; ('ail 668-941)4. (;OLD D OAPIS l'or liic ttire s'>indo\tss & sIîortie, $ I14;'greenm dtratpe,, or pictuire windo>s'& stîttrie. $1 5; bedsîmreadis, $2, $3, $4;~ ~~IO cof rte.$I)loralI arrange- îîîeîît" 52& S4: îol>y tuimper. $4; rttse %short\, drupes, $2; long dr.pc.1 I& 'S3: irirror. $3; large sc;:irli. $4; iid table,. $5; battrttuiîeles.SI;:pots &pas ýltî. < 'l 723-2426. Singer Siý%l:I(; NMACINE vi tIi sto(tlS$165; S'I'E RR F0 comiponenrt set, sWi tt] vooden stand(, 5210).('al 9 85-3 3 93. LMI ,R S ( s IV SI[1 i ti Iudit. record plaver, in -ood condition, $80 or nearest ofler. ('uIt 668-7446. WVestinglîooise DRYER - electrie, recerntly recondition only $86. ('ail 723-0722. SPI-'*AKI'.RS -8" wittî '>izzcr colle. 8 ohmîîs, bramd ic'>'>' actua. prien' $1I8 onily $1I0, BOW & AR ROW SI'.'>, AI condition. ret;îil $ 15 only S8. Cali 668-6791) afler 4 p-i. ('ONSOLE 13&W '[V -good condition, $60. ('ail 668-9095. PINBALL MA('IIL - for rec rooîn, A-I condition, $300. ('aIl 579-0757. White SEWLNG MACHIUNE- 1 i;-zag, buttonholer, like new, $70 firm. Caîl 723-1802. WRINGER WASH-ER - square eup, excellent condition, $85. Caîli725-3637. WRINGER WASHING MACHINE- good condition, ideal for cottage, $20. Cafl 683-6638. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 automnatic, 6 months used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecca stereo TAPE PLAYER, $45; Hot watei CIRCULAT--R PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15; 19" Philco 13 & W PORTABLE TV, $50. CzIl 668-9746. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife switcb BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Caîl 668-9605. t-leavy du ty SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfirc u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but still as new, $10. Caîl 668-7014. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, I1O years old. in wooden cabinet, icxcellent condition, $125. CatI 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Caîl 668-11297. Instruments Ludwig 7-piece DRUM SET - vi th genuine Zildjian sym bols, excellent condition, asking $550. ('aIl 728-2518. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUJITAR - with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 after 5 p.m. q Kent Spanish FECTRIC (;1.I'AR - like ne'>', with custom macie ;amplifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. C'ali 576-8042. Gib'; )n SG Custom Special GYUITAR - with case, $400. Tramner baseniaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cali 725-1797. SPE',AKE-RS - two large 16", approximately 31/ high, con tained in black leather casing, $60 or best offer. Cal] 668-2860. REVERB -- Traynor signature $250. Cali 655-4978. G111'AR - witli case, excellenît condition, $20; loor POLISIIER, $20; Cali 655-3534. ACCORDIAN- brand new>, double row buttons, shoulderý strap, carrying case, $80. Cali 668-3195. Press Emnporiumn Applicinces I v Now!ý Look Naturally ' 2- (Good Nir iî bring ouitlite besti n you and your hair. We cnt i the way rt grows .a nd thape ita noui iyour face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Whitby Plia 668-6922 A TTENTION FARMERSU'I W#4V PA Y MORE? $VONPREJ.IOUM QUALITV "-. .GAS a DIESEL FUEL - MOTOR Oit t011 668-331 Junior B1) w 'itlimate. $20:;chromeic'I AA 1'.. s' tî louir chair,,, 2(1; SWI MM ING POOLI cverv'tliîn e iicIld btiiin. 'S0Î 31 or 1tiesi ot 1r. t .ît fi55-35W83. C'ANl Bt)] OM ('ll.\R re W-i lie. $5; a mnaj i l canc bot toiichair. S 25. ('ut l6055-3768. I'l. U ( Il\N HI INI>s t.reiiiiictat. si/e" 'A6Y'. s\I (t6 S12; \W2211' s\1321-1. '4. C(ut ~ l>" CHc lAI R tîiiti- S12 (chairs Irece "ced 'to lb ed aiîl 7 25-12 11. \Wh pin!pu ne".id mîr s$41 coii dit ioni.S1t25. C aIt 008-500) aller 5 1.11 D)R ISSI-S ws'tithK"ixlra'>>crs, aiid mrrS"45; tour RW ('IEI.T$ 35; con lineîî t BII1). 54" coinp letes'>i th licad a rd. t)ossprii1p. la , tr s 60; 'iuit o- maticradio coiinatini idîtn 8-track car sterco. $45; ('ait 723-7 147. t)oîîbtc WOl lN Bt $1)); 53" SIRING l'or bcd, S5; 3 8" SPRI1NG f'or bceu, $5;: 3 chroume ('IlAI RS, $3; 1< lt 'oRD), 7 8's & 4 5 '\$S Ie cdi; B11& W l>lîîtco 1l0 RI AId 1 'F'v, $50; C'I 11 «S'1'A Il L1) %wi t Il '2 -ilat1cl îin g ANRM('lIAIRS. S75;:'FOAS'I IR, $5. ('ail 655-3545. 1-'RNI'lURI' antiqlue hall table, 60-"xs20-,' $65; chltd's desk & chair. $6; buîlt-îîî BAR. $101)plt'> îemnuîvil all î668-I1063. Clothing Re'd Xooi ('urting .A'<' size 40-42, $25; Boswling SIIOLS and case sii.e 8, $10. I3otil arc in perleet condition. .('Il6068-9073. IIUN'F (AI> blac!' vchvet witlî sal'ely liariiess instal'ed, size 7W 23.50). (',,Il 668-2407. ('OA'F- Ladies black persian liuîî)î approximately size 20, in go(id condition, will selI lor $50. ('aIl 725-5714. BROOKLIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Contractors for Electrical Services Residential - Commercial Industriol 655-3439

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