Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1976, p. 15

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Formnulite tnolded bathrootn BASIN & COUNTERTOP 48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces aluminuin traiter covcriîg,ý 6/ x 14 ft., $35 each. Cati 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - with stanid, $20; portabte TV STA:MD on casters, $ 10; Cal 655-3167. BABY CARRîAGE - $18; non-etectrie STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4,50; new born SNOWSUIT, w shite, $3; 18" auburn 1IAIRFALL, $15; single BED, 30", $12; Heatthway scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; water lung, sport diver regutar with reserve, $85. Cali 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cal 655-3624 1 Deluxe WOQDÎBÈURNING SET - good for children 12 yea.rs and over, exceltent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with sotid aluminum frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS. approx. 5S/"long, great for beginner, $10; SKI 1BO0TS, size 7/8, good condition sith carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $10. Cati 668-4465. Singer Feather Weightî SEWING MACHINE, $40; Chitds BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new tocs, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonabte. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. C,ý.!! 66U0--'5. TV - 23" Admirail B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20: BS.R. Turntable with dusteover, $30;, men's blue spit Icather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, brand new tuxedo style in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, must seti. best offer accepted, cati 668-0856 BABY CARRIAGE - by Perrego, $125; car bcd, $12; bassinet, $15; high chair, $15; prices firm. Cali 668-9805. Solid sterling sitver ETCHING- a limited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Only $850. Cati 723-0722. Two etectrie quarter herse MIOTORS - $10 each; 1 SPEAKER* BOX, <I5. Cati 668-6750. MG LUGGAGE RACK $5; orange burlap drapes, 120" x 96", $15; 2 sets of traverse rod draper tracks, 1 0' long, $5 each; yettow gingham cafe kitchen curtains, $5; blue & green single studio style bcd- spread, $7. Cati 668-2301. TRAINING CHAIR $5 Cali 6 68-ý' 103. RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ILQU?MENT vacuum cleaner & cecanîng supplies, like new, cost over $3,000. Witt selI for $1,850. Calil Port Pc rry 1-985-7704 eve nings. ENCYCLOPE "NA - Brittania 3, plus 3 book dictionary andi large atlas, black icather binding, $ 1,000 new asking $650; Sterco component set with 8 track & turntable, excellent condition, $ 100. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 2 10 anytitne. STREEl'.' LNCTIIi)DRESS'.S- practicaily new, one mauve, une blue, one mint green, ail sequin trimmed, siý.e5 14 <o 16. Two boys suits, size 1 6, one navy, une black, good condiion, btack persiain iamb jacket, incttiim, Englisti B",)J JE CHIINA - neyer used, 54 picec set in Britat Wreath pattern, $300. C'ail 668-5767. Two 600 x 15 goodycar SNOW TIRES- new, $10 cach, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; une Lcwyt canister VAC- UUM, with att fixtures, needs some repair, $10; gallon wine botttes with handtes, 45 cents each; walnut veneer, 2' x 4' sheets, 75 cents eactî; une babr items -- car bed, $7; walker, $4; snow sed, $4; jotly jumper, $4; rocking horse, $2; bottte warmcr, $ 1. CatI 683-1602. MINI WASHER, uscd twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. CalI 668-6078 or 668-4377- SPICE RACK - with 18 botties, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies ciothîng, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short 'leather jacke t, sîze 14, $20; single mattress, $15; also odds and ends of carpeting, record ptayer. $5. Cail 725-1211. RECORD PLAYIiR - with twin speakers and sec through top, $40; STEFR 1-' AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, built in aniplilier, cabinet size 53" long x 112 %ýride x 27" higli, S$150 complete, or $100 without 8-track. CatI 263-8145 or 723-2426. Hi-Low frcnquency SCANOR- one second delay, with 8 crystal frequencies, police band, OPP, fire department frequencies, large antenna, $300. Cati 579-0757. STERELO - titaclîi, 302 receiver, TiL-AC 160, cassette deck, pioncer turntabic, 2 RST speakers, $600. C'alit 723-2351I any t ime. 7~80 liolley CARIIURETOR witin meebaricat advance, new~ condition, $60; CAR HAULING TRAILER, tosrider type bas tow centre of gravity' & tosvs very weil, singte sotid ale, with both steel and alurninuni ramps, heavy duty construction, $450; Equalizer TRAILER i-fIT('H, used on 1970 Olds Cutlass but suitabte for pre- 1975 GM Intermediates, h"ts removable bait & block, $125. ('ail 668-7014. Baby SWYNG;OMATIl(' 3 months otd, excellent condL.ion, $10. CatI 668-9564. BATHROOM SINK wi th tap, very good condition, $15. Cati 668-5311. 15' x 9' Di;-LUXI,'IRAIL.F R AWNING- complete cost $185 sv'.I for $95; 2 stainless steel SINKS, 18x20x7, $10 cacli; t'vo 12' iength ABS 3" pipes. $9 each; une 12' ABS, 2" Ipipe, $5; 5' '/-, plastic, $ 2.50; îie ('AMi>'.R l)OOR. atumiini ',shite. 28x64, $ 14. ('ait 668-2548. ANTIQUE DLOOR --nade in 1857 sotid pine, 42"' x 71/2' x /- panetied both sides, 3 soiid brass 5" hinges, sotid bras-. door knob, brass lock witti scroil work, a steat at $175. ('att 668-31 86. 21' CABIN C'R ISELR 4 cylinder. 60 horsepower, inbound. cumptctety redone insitte & ou tsi de, readv l'or taunciing. $350t0t or best ot U'er, ('ail 668-I1252. GII R& AMILIIti ,R G,,titar i-. a c(>py oU, l.asp.î t custoui. Amîplifier ts a Sonla (Continued) SETTER 1112 years old, no papers, good with childreiî, $50. C'ai 649-2578. AQUARIUM (ail glass), 40 gallon compte te with 2 pumrps, air filter, etc. and 12 gotdfish, some of hem 10 ycars otd, $75. ('aiii668-8527. Brown Shectland PONY with bridle and saddic very lame with chitdren, $ 150. Caîl 668-0705, WIIITEý, RATS - mother & father, plus eighit young, $10. ('att 668-9860 after 5 pin. and ask for Dan. 1975 BLACK SKYI.ARK I5,000 tufiles, liatcbiback, power stering, power brakes, radio, excellenit condition, $4595. ('att 668-5767. 1972 (GRAN 'lORIN()--V-8 engine, greciu vith bliack vinyl top, $1 700 or best oU 1er. ('ail 655-3406. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE -- 4 door sedan, 289 V-8 inulor, in fair running condition, uncertlfied, $175 or best offer. CatI 668-9167. API>ROXIMATELY 400 BALES Ob' STRAW- at a $1 a balle. Cail 655-4380. SWIMMJNG POOL SACRI- FICE: Leading Manufacturer and ditito has above ground aluminum 'pools left over frorn 1975 seasôn, ½h price, guarî1teed installation and tcrms. Cail Credit manager, colleci, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. FULLER BRUSI- CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 GOLD DRAPES- for picture window & shorties, $ 14; Green Drapes l'or picture window & shorties, $15; Bedspreads, $ 2, $ 3. $4; Comforter, $10; Floral Arrangements, $2 & $4; Joity Jumnper, $4; rose shorty drapes, $2; long drapes, $1 and $3; Mirror, $3; large scattermat, $4; end tablu, $5-, bathroomn scales, $1; pots & pans, $10; ('al 723-2426. Iicture WINDOW $30; 5 storîn in,rdow, $6 eaclb: wvooden door, $10-, wooden door stoop,' 3 steps each side with railinu. $10. Cali 655-4508. WI LL G(1iVF LOVI N(; CA RE - to toddler or infant in mny home, feneed yLrt. ('aIl 668-1 252. M iscellaneous LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools av dIiable, willing to sacrifice at hiaîf price. Cail collect anytinie 667-1302. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving - will sel you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of $2100.00. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. SWIMMJNG POOL - Less than 1 yr. old. Fanta- Sea above ground Redwood 16 x 24, cost 1'.500-0. Must sell immeciiately - will sacrific,ý - savings of $2000.00. Cail 416-625-8817, days or cvenings collect. SWIMMING POOL Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank. sacrifice 1/ price, Cal Mr. Harvey, collect, days or eve :îî»igs, 416-625-8819. AUCTION SALE Friday Julie 1lth 6: 00 p.in. 0f iouselhotd tu ruiitu re tooks. The property of Trumnan Witcox, R.R. No. t1tlrock Rd. N., Pickering. Terni% cash, no reserv.e, property sutd. i;arl Gaustin, Norm t Faul1kner. Auctioneers.. Bikes tJIKE boys, bluie, 2 -.peed. hi-risc, $30. (Xiii 668-6790. GAILS 20" BIC'YC'Li. i fi-risc hiandte bars. & bailania sat, $ 12. ('aIl66W-4690. >gens 5-speed BICYCLLE. iimst -e~ $0. Calt 72 -0664 aftcr 6:30 p.iîi. G,1IR L'S lBICYCLE' 2) whlccts, lbas regul ar or hîehl-rise hiandlebars. 52<1. Cai723-6 830. Equipment SLIM (GYM IiXE-RCISF-R with instruction book, asking $25 or best offer. Cai 683-5737 aftcr 5 pi. ONE PAIR OF SKIS tpole, bindings. satety strap and boots size 7, only been uised 4 tinius. $65. (:tt 728-t1291. GOA Li E LQU 1PMiF.NT one ycar oid, fits boys 9-13, padis, mask, goves, armi & chiest protec- tor, $60. ('ail 668-57 14. Pets & Supplies (,iN1 LL BAY NMARi'.good withl childrcn & ARABIAN iILLY- $55<0. iFor further information eaul 668-4830 after nl i YARD SALE of houseliold items, and lots of bargains June Sth, 1-4 p.rn. 906 Walton BIvd., Whitby LOST- Art t>orfoiio & Waltet, in blue plastic bag when tost in tani Catalina Sunday; May 23, reward. Cail 630-6745 and ask for Zwzana. WHITBY's"'HI NEIGH- BOUR" WELCOME SERVICE is in need of a mature visitor to mnake haif-hour calls-of-welcome in the homes of Newcomers, bringingthemi ',o[usewarming gifts', and local information while extending the friendly hand of the community. A well-paying spare-time activity for one with a car and organizational ability. Complete at-home training arranged. Write Box 206 (this Newspaper) -for details. FIRST CLASS WELDER required for fabrication shop. Must be capable of x-ray quality on mild steel and have aIl position tickets. Minimum 5 years welding experience. Apply Whitby Weîding Ltd., Please caîl C. LUne 668-8835. Man with own transportation to, seil1 tools at varlous farmers markets. Must work weekends. Excellent opportunitv for Univer- sity students. 839-3591 Tom. Wcznted Highest Prices Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, croeks, oit paintings, and sealers Friendly Flea Market 728-9783 * 23 King West, Oshawa WANTED - EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO DO HOUSECLEAN- ING - between hours 9-4 daily, weekly or monthly basis. Cati 985-3705. , à wALiTDV IY FF PRESS. WEDNESDAY. lUNE 2, 1976, PAGE 15 .4 i4i C AMP CERTIFICATE COUR~SE - 50 volunteer workers needed, ages 15-65. - Helping retarded children and adults to enjoy summer sunshine and fun at Camp Samac - July to August. Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped, 668-7745, ext. 435. - lst workshop is JUNE PART."CIME, FULL-TIME AND YOUR TIME. Turu your spare tiîîîc into dollars. Assist tie in my fast growvin" cosme tic business. Fuit training programmie. For personal interviewv eau 1 Mrs. G race 655-3677 bct weenii lîours o f 9 ani. - Il1 a-n-., and 4 p.n'. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 668-4636 ÇOMPR ESSORS Ail Kinds of Machinery Seti, Buy, Trade or Rent Monday - Saturclay 9-6 ACE MACH INERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 May Menu Tivoli sandwich: Spread slioes of dark rye bread with butter; top each with let- tuce; on lettuce, arrange marinated herring, pickled beet slices and onion rings. l9th. APPLYNOW! LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER' - must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground alurminum pools made to seli for $ 1890.00. Wilîing to close-out for $11 88.00. Full warranties in effeet. Cati colleet anytime 1-416-667-1302. WHITBY COMMUN ITY BINGO Every Monday Night Heydenshore Pavilion Early Bird Games Start 7:15 p.m. Bus Service Available No Children under age 16 yrs. Men and Women Some say that when a wornen has a roof over her head and a man under her thumb, she's happy. Others wonder why if it's a man's world, how corne womnen seem to run it? Then there's the ones who claim that a man who thinks marniage is a 50-50 proposition. doesn't understand at least one of two things - fractions or women. DOUGLAS A. DAVIDSON and H. HOWARD SMITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE ADMISSION TO PARTNERSHIP 0F' KENNETH R. CRAVEN, C.A. THE FIRM WILL NOW BE K~NOWN AS DAVIDSON, SMITH AND CRAVEN 1CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, 110 GREEN STREET WHITB, ONTARIO TE LEPHONE 416-668-7788 Free Press Emporium BELI)SNOW TIRES 1 78-lt'5 al so fls 775-t15, w I itecwalI, good condition, S 1< cadi. ('ait 668-91 67. TV Repairs Serving LDurham Region 6 days a svcek New & Used'Colour Black & White TV's Bought -SoId Rented -Repaired Au t'.uas n<i8-t 818 af'ter 6 725-4234 AUCTION SALE Saturday June Sth 'l'lieproperty uofN rs.. Gordon Harrs. Lt 3 Concession 2 Whitby, ou Iligbv.ay 2. 4 mites \\est oft Whih 1tb lriture, antique &'.Ct1upct i)el. lncludifng s'icker turu ittirc. player piano, \% asistands. oak tables, docks, chin a cabîinet-', antique di shes, coat oit hialging lamlp'.. good assortiiielt t otoots. siiuwtnlobiics. iNttis-( hialmer trac tor. tawrinnus'rs, Jolin- )cere 420)oadte r, inu tnerou s ut iter article,,. Terni s cash , n o reserve. Owvuer muicviiug-. Sale at 10):3 <)a.m . Fart Gau slin. Normi i utirAuctioneers. AUCTION SALE Thtirsday iLme I Oth ut' an tiqueturni lu re & istîes. lle estate out Ni rs. S te vart lormnerly out Foreign ('rest i ane ut' toroni t o tii be lield( at Victorîia Square IlI, 3 mites north of No. 7 fiwy. on lDon m itîs Roal. 'Ternis Cash, uT) reserve. Sale at 6: 30<) *im. Flart Gi 'susln, Norru iFaulkne r. Au cti o necrs. Ccssif ie d.Ads -VIF VRI For Sale Help Wanted

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