Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~k1in The North Ward Corninunity Association hield its annual meeting for the election of new officers on May 216. David Denison is now President; and Bill Btrgess, the Pasi President. Ted MicDonald wvas elected Vice-President; Donald Cooper, the Secretary; and June Cartwright, the Treasurer. An important itemi of buisiness at this meeting was a reviewv of the developinent situiation for- Brooklin. Counciil bas acepeted the rep)ort of Donovan Pinkers feasibility stt dy whichi advocated increasing population lu 10,000 people over a period of 15 years. An application was made to OHAP for a grant to cuver the cost of a secondary study. llowever, a recent planning report whicli was submitted to the provincial legistature indicated acclerated growth for Whiitby, but no major developmient for Brooklii~ for at least 10 years. Counicillor Bob Carson wvas present at this meeting and hie indicated that lie did îlot expect this restriction -on Brooklin developmient to be rnaintained, but as long as it is in effect there wvill be nîo inonies made available for the secondary stuidy. At the last meeting of the Meadowcrest Parents Grouip die sumnier playgrouind prograni which is ruin by the Whiitby Recreation Departmnent wvas discuissed. The quiestion of an alternate location wvas raised. The grotip concensuis w~as that accessibility must remiain the primiary considera tion. BROWNý'S If, for instance, the playground program could be held at Meadowcrest School, wotîld this be a better location for your child to reach? School grounds are costly faclities, surely the fullest use possible should be made of them. Such a mnove as proposed by this group would, of course, require the àpproval of both the Recreation Departient and schiool authiorities. Most important, it miust better filI the ne'ýds of this area for- accessible play areas than the present site. Therefore, your views on this are welcomied. Mr. Mol Hundert, President of' the Parents Group would appreciate hearing fromn you. Caîl 655-4931. Very shoïtly parents of' Meadowcrest 'School chilctren sliould bc receiving a questionnaire from the Meiidowcrest Parents Group. Thlis nîethiod hias been chiosen to determnine the degree of support die Croup rnay expect during the coming year. larenits are urgcd to rcspond withi a sure indication of' thieir comm-ittmcent lu continued co-operation between parents, students and educators. Grop '74 will lhold its mnonthly meeting on lune 7 at 8:00 p.in. The election of' a ncw executive will be field. AIl miembers and initerestcd persons are askcd to attend. Group '74 is now acceptirig written applications from any Northl Ward childrcns' sports teamnc eding sponsorshilp. This group is very interested in pronmoting sports 'tir children in this area. Anyone reqtîiring sponsorshiip should apply ini writing to Croup '74, Box 99, Brooklin. A remninder that the lst and 2nd Brooklin Scouts will be hiolding their last paper drive for this season on Sat., Jonc 1 2thi. Please start saving your papers now; tic theni securely ini reasonably sized bundles and do not include glossy miagaZines or cardboard. The boys appreciate your contributions and rcly on the proceeds fromn paper drives to pay 'for thecir miany interesting programis throughott[the year. Recycling of waste paper mnakes good sense too! Watch f'or' the Cuib. Scout and Beaver float in the Fair parade this Saturday. Itwill feature a very large cake, symbolic of the 6th anniversary of scouting in Canada. There will be a garage sale behind the hardware store in Brooklin on Saturday, June Sth.- It will begin at 10 a.n1. If you wish further information, cail 655-3846. The Brooklin Spring Fair seems to be the most popular topic of conversation this week. Hope that you will find much to entertain you Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday as well. Please remember the Ken-Jen petting ZOO for the small people in your family which wilI be absolu tely free. The Fair Bnoard dance on Saturday night Will feature EarI Brown as disc jockey, and bar privileges, door prizes and a lunch will bc provided for your enjoymenU The tickets are $7.50 per couple and are available fromn Mau rcen Martens, 65 5-463 5, or Betty -Jean Blyth, 65 5-3679. THURS. JUNE 3 - Dr. Denzil Raymer Lectures at Meadowcrest Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. Ail men invited, refreshments will be served. TFIURS. JUNE 3 - Beauty Contest, Teen Dance, Brooklin Memorial Arena, 8:00 p.m. FR1. JUNE 4 - Hlarness-Horse Races, Beer Tent, Old Time Fiddlers Contest, Brooklin Memnorial Arena, 6: 00 p.m. SAT. JUNE 5 - Muskinonge season opens in this area. SAT. JUNE 5 - Brooklin Spring Fair, Parade beings at, 1 0:30 a.m. from North Street. SAT. JUNE 5 - Garage Sale behind hardware in Brooklin," 10: 00 a.m. SUN. lUNE 6 - Brooklin Redmen play Owen Sound at Iroquois Park Arena, 2:30 p.m. MON. JIJNE 7 - Group '74 monthîy meeting Communits' Centre, 8: 00 pa. SAT. JUNE 12 - Paper Drive, papers tied FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655m4521 *Cou rtesy Vcalue Satisfaction Suft!t ptjâ,ut CINOIN L?41 IuflAyo IAfJCC LIQUID Cholce COOKED Bye The S"a LIBBVS SUGAR BLEACH Tomatoes HAM TUNA. BEANS CRUSP ci 1 - 1 '. oz nfw io TMr 79C 49C $319L 59C IL 5, 9' 8C ROBIN FO ALI PIJAPOSE 4~9 STOREHOURSI IOPEN SIX DAYSA WEEK 8$3 0 O..-6 p.m. jEXCIPT THURS' & Fil NINS'TIL 9.. Jolly Miller Flavour Crystals LEMONADE FLOUR $ g1.019 HARVARD OR ROSEBUD Aylmer Beets Tinl 29 Io CE110 89'C 1100114L-G aWRUR l itO fL SWEETI[AIT m F 3 Sweet-1O 89 Bu; SOap 59C PLASTIC SF-'T SI. f A'""R'. VO' 701 AIROUOI Saran Wrap 49c Noir Spray $14') SI ORANGE FLAVOUR TO CEILC OVIEN C fINIR l'oz AEROSm AIen's Crystals 79 Mr. Muscle 79c O B U EN T IN STA N T C O FFRE C f A fF B o A A . I ' . ..S ER D N ýu P U U L C Cremelle s 1 Shampoo s19q) NATTAI DOR CHOCOLAT'R 1101 JAR CRMI fINIR -CONSITILNtR rOvaltine 99c Tome sn. o,.stslo09 WITI SWAN "KFA O U FITfCINIl PVO 0f UN Serviettes 37c Aika Seltier89C FRISM 04CNIC STLt s.Houtota PORK Qc ROASTS 9_ TNoff WM L ItIUM O OtON SIY&I Pbork BuftlO9C FOR fit rgi SHG100 [ffCUlUBOSTON STYLI PORK BUTT CHOPS C SHOULDER Steaks QUARTERED *f CHICKEN sI79' SWIFTS îoIRSREU Triple Pak PORK Lunch Meiats SPARERIBS lb. 1.19 b 1.55 DEVON SWIFT'S aw- ttk- -R Uk SLICED SAUSACE BOLOGNA lb. 98C IL 95C FREN lfdfO SUGAR PLUM GROIEND RINDLESS PORK BACON KEA 88C RL 1.59 PORK HOCKS 49c lb, PORK LIVER 58c lb. fqUffî FROZIN FLIP FV SO Pl OCEAN PERCH $1-49 C A fN A T O N FANCY OR OZEN AIN .Lf C U6 9 FRENCH FRIES 2.1b.69 CANAOA fANCV NUPROME fRAND FR1011N RBA -GIREENi or WA&X Beans 79c VtNTURA FAftMs FROZN fANCT SrtRAWB3ERRIES 150E-Pkg 59c W ltgg RfMBE 14ff111410 If MIT CUANTITWS 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. lune 3 to Sat. )une 5 securely please - out before 9:30 a.m. See you at the fair! VAL 655-4317. Residents oppose hîghwcxy widening QuIs' 15 people attenided Dr. ChiarlesGudfrcy'saccount- abilits' meeting Wednesday. but anîoug those present there xvas consîderable opposi- tioni to the widening of Highway 401. QuOe resident asked the Durhîam West MPP why a hý,tteîiý roîi his office lhad said lie was in favor of the expansion of thec highiway to six lanes as far as Whitby. Dr. Godfrey explained that lie hiad been asked by the niunicipalities to expedite the wideuing of the highxvay and lie hiad donc whathle was asked to do. -'I'n not a free agent". said Dr. Godfrey, explaining that the plans wvere already rmade and lie liad to follow through on v.hlat the inuinicipalities wanted Iilmi to do. He told thc resideuts lie wouild oppose expanding the proposed l-liway 407 to six lanes, but lie could îîot do ans'thing about Highiway 401 because the plans were aIre ady complcted. "I ,ani't stop automiobiles, sai d Dr. Godfrey. "l'ni urging extensioni of the GO train to Whitby and Oshawa but it won't be for a long tine says the iniistry". Residents expre * sed con- cern about noise and pollution froni the expanded highiway, the cutting down of' trees at the overpasses, aînd the effcct of highiways un the coînmunity. "Highiways destroy corn- mnunities". said une resident who uirged Dr. Godfrey to make a stand opposing the expansion 0ut highways. Another suggestcd the govern- nment shoul d cut back. un ilîiway developient instcad ut' closinig hospitals. Que resident, howvever, stated dtalie considered a Nvidened igliway would liring more industry east of Toronto as.it lias donc to flic Early Justice cout o-* ustie inNort -</PRODUCE sý Californici Sunkist Oranges, Large Size 113 99C doz. Crisp California Head Lettuce No. 1 39 C ea Ontario Hot House No. 1 Tomatoes 59clb. DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGET 1

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