Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1976, p. 7

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r isoriia ~ Whitby lb lan Win]e HUTCHISON HOUSE This large castie-like hiome at the corner of Byron and Coiborîre Streets fias a Iiistory dating back inte tire 19t01 century, buit for about 30 years in tire 2Othi ceîrtury it was the home of eue of tire mest prominent eduicaters in Ontario Couinty. From about 1913 te 1943 it was tireliromie cf'Robert Alexander Hutciriseiî, wlio duiring tliose years, xvas Puiblic Sehool Inspecter for Ontario Souitir. Mr. Hutchiison's birffipîace is a mratter ot conjecture, for three places are mentioned, Port Dover, Port Rowan, and Walsinghamn in Simicoe County. His date of birth, however, is known Dec. 18, 1872. Mr. ltchelison attonded Port Rowan iligh Schoi and Aylimer Collegiate hIstitute. In 1 984 lie attended the Simncoo Model Schiooi, andi for tire foliowing six yoars hie taughit ini rural schioois in Norfolk and Victoria ceunities. Ini 1904 hoe graduatedl froni Quccn's University, and comnicnced teaciing in soconclary scliools at Georgetown, Simicoo and Unxbridgo. Wiie serving as principal of' Uxbridgc [-ii Sclirel in 19 10, Mr. I lutchiison was appointecl Public Sehool Iiispector Coe*r Ontario Nortli by dic On tario Coutity Couincil, and ruade biis visits to t he rural schioois in a cutter or heorse and buggy. In 1113, hoe was transforred Lo Ontario Sou tli, and mnoved Io Wiitby. [lo was tie fourdi insirector appointed f'or Oîrtario Soutir, andl was ini charge of 96 teachers, 23 of' wheorn wero in Osbiawa. At die tîie of his retiromient, thiirty years later these figures hiad grown to 204 toachoers, 90 of' which wore in Osiiaiw a. lui 1930 an additionai inispector was appoiîitcd fer- the Oshawa sehiools. During 'Oir. Ilutcliison's career, bis area of jurisdictioni incltidod Witby, East Wiitby, Osliawa, 1ickcr-ing, Reachi andi Scugog. Tirore were nine toachers and tliroe public seboils in the olcI town of 'Whitby, ai by I1943, flic numlber of toacirors liad grcrwn te i13. M r. i lutchison, known to iris friends as "HnItchy," was a optiinristic, down-io-eartli man. On iris retiroent iii 1943, lie deciared: "l'lie youingcr generationi is neot geing te the dogs--l dlon'î bel jeve a word oft il. i imagine our fatirers said tHe saine t lirg about uis. Ac tuaiiy tire yeunger peuple are botter mon tliraîrtiroir forefatliers becanso îhoey are getting off' at ait cariior star t aîrd lhave more advantages" hie aise suggostîcd tia t -everybody ii tliis count ry WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1976, PAGE 7 should sing". Besides attending te his duties as public sohool inspector, Mr. Hlutchison was actively involved in cornmunity affairs. When the Whitby Board of Trade was reorganized in 1928 after a lapse of severai years, hie became its president, and shortly atter his election, the Board of Tradc becamoe the Whitby Chambor of Commerce. For rrrany years Mr. 1ilutchison was a nember of the Whit.by Public Library Board, the Whitby Rotary Club, the Composite Lodge, and the United Cifurch. After his rotircmient lie served as a member of the Whitby Board of Edutc at i on. FoIlowing his retiremnent, Mr. Hutchison moved eut of the bouse pictuired above, and' lived until the death of Iis wifo in I1959 in thei Terrace on Byron Street North. Hle thoen moved te Scarborough. In 1961 a new public school was opened in the Blair Park area of Whitby and named after Mr. Hutchison. Although hie was then 88 years old, Mr. Hutchison attended the opening, but was utrablo to address the group assernbied. He died a few months later onf Oct. 8, 1961. Mr. Hutchison was referred to as a "gentleman of the oid school", and "a grand old mani", but hie aise had a sense of hiumor. Once whcn a littie girl couidn't answer a mathematicai question hie asked bier, hie said: "A littie girl as pretty as you doesn't have to worry about arithmetic". lie believed that the strap didn't do any harm as long as it was judiciouisly used. (Some of thc details in this article were supplied by Jean Free, toacher-librarian of thre R. A. Hutchison Public Scirool, wiro in 1972 sought to provide the students with somo information about the man whose nanre isperpetuated in tiroir school and whose portrait hangs in the main hall of the bulding). Words fron by Norm Meafinq Weii, here it is tie firsi Wecdîîcsdav t J f*un11e. Ih i begining (ifthe last moitliiut Ille selieul \ car. tlire end the spring ssosn's activitie.s uItltie W .'. ,andtiîcstari vacation planning ltor Lis ai . i. efore tlie d.I'C C li i iIb) however. ai number of' importan it iriings xviii happen, i though t i vOuid rmen tion a \ f* t tiese hcr e 1tua\ý Ze.gioîi. ('utsicieîaire i iîîîe anti ceftorlturust. tutcmurse. Ne ijivestec in iiiiese cL:iiCi rci , andalit tiecoctgniiitif, ttlle \V1.(.. '\ec(itive. -inrciespeciaiiv Sttciai1i)iîcciîîî iareir Kerr is weli ceservci. IKaretnKerr ( 224-1) itîci Kex iii iFrenîchr t(0,),7(» ire jlîi xvei litoIlrlie plmnîrîîrig fo i:îis i VaDis S:rt1iii1ciiS . .ulie 120)u. Ti ý iree mie ur i. irt\5cý'\'ç.'t .:i)d itleyaie :isîr tii 'ii îrîe is l -1 lt n I t t t tti rs titi1il'un 1D)ix. l'ttc'cit pleaie i eur(ldci toirelpii 'itirh t tii -41. toi ticket sle.101toiIrle rictcN. uit] m.\ to ireip% tir tlle îots.\Viîs uit pti u ÀectrKýireiir 'r Kesir a cIil t [litet AltiroughbNy ticxvallIrle tickets tiaV wvei ire suIt]. i tlio' tgb t I1 woil d rienrt ion tire Assioteia tt in Icia I le ir Sprirrg Fi ing. tr ibe liîed or u Jtrre 2Otlir. toince mcminr. \y reasonto 1r doiîg ,thiis is ici give ail tiruse rrvuilxeci a ereat big rournd out apiulatise 'or cîrgan i/.itîg anrntirtrrîrr xvi:t arte probabiy tire îîcst p opur a r dan ces i n mil otfDu ratlirll a r ip uirottiîcito ok tîiltire 401 i siceruitreanti thec ista11iiiii ofi t 1 :r sttiiii barier. htsIf lise mi ii eiliiîtr.- totr tir Niciei 110,Ble. Ihis tnuxiii pridîmhbi>le tif iricresi 1tis uu. u,(. giveïAi'l a cmi. Ass icu tit ilr a ecirî. . is îrgî t i f tireci creiîc Alst i ati nglea e tn .J l ilmlt1w udrm Meî's Atirietie Association Softbaii seasen. Twe games xvere piaycd oni oponing nigbt, atid every Tbursday niglbt t'ru n nxv titi ti the end ot Augttst, a double header xiii be piayed beginiîrg zt 8:00. p.m. Tire place is Centennial P>ark on Brtrck St. Jitr i lls. the ener-getic Vice-Presidont ut' the W.L.C.A. chrecks in witli a coruple ut' items. First. tire Associa tien s plannritrga buth iat tire Tracle Fair at the Couinty Town ('arn i i alatît d ir tCeersare needed lfor this happening. Seccttdiy . tire W iC..s getting itu to tire cttery business. AIltu appication lu0rira tr ge a iii cuti dU t cta lot tory bas been minde anti vin rlecr ticket seliers -are needed. If' Yeu watt lo i is. give Jinr Milis a cail at 668-6381. \Viie l'il] at it. tire W.L.C.A. xiii be entering a fleat in Irle 'utrnty TOWn Carnivai Parade. Marg Boyce (9691) and l'ci1iDawsoni (9856) are iii charge uft tis projeet, and xvhile tire>' have 4 lieipers, an even dozei are requriret]. It sotrrds like a ftin ctivity'. stu, if t]oa ts are your tbirîg, give Marg or \Veil. thiat's ttfO rnrotirer xveek. Bve l'or noxv. i as i b scaS iigiri ~ tihe tpeI)Chlgt i thue \i l1 Children aged i1i to 14 con joi unir Fir Dept. For tihe forîrtb year tire Whtby Fire Dopartnient ks iooking fdr chiidren aged 1l te 14 wbo xvart te be- corne members cf its Junior Fire Departr-nent. The prograrîr, wliicir iias beeri a successfui part efttire departnîent's tire preveutiumn ac tivities since il started. wili be cerrdtc ted in lxviipcriîîcs dîîriîîg Jrry,. xi tir cii eriod beinrg ir t xvisessitotisirîr iî- irg tir att, rrînun Tire tirst peried xiii i frrîri urly 5 tc July i1(ianrd tire secornd îîerioci trcrin u Jly 19) to Jcriv 29. 'l'lire lie tf, tire Sessions xviii be t):15 a.ri. tii 1i :45 a.ni. on 1 :15 prrr. tcî 1-~ .ncaica Ileprotiel actionus lu taIke Tirc i i nu te is I SC tAfIt ie. 11ci un1 ftre prugrainiand(l acir i tici pantl preven ti ueiuctios. %Wlil re .cive a crii tica le and ci a Li sessîiln VIill he Busy I3eavc r sh i. ii hiled tol 40) sitîcleir s.su 'l'ic Junitor [ire i)cpaut- tiiose îierested in oining muent is cicsieuucd lu eciticaic sihotuld te ii c r as 50011 as anid tain bus and irls umi usiilc,1wcaiiing 668-33 1 2 See you at the Kinsmen Beer Tent mm- BROOKLIN FAIR courtesy of MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd. Brooklifl. 655-4991 so",s ('iif t] dCrcintcir. Appiieaitiontcrriis for the Juinior lire Deprtnrent hrave Take That A vacation bas been de- fined as what you take if you Neeru distribtrted scirools. to local ean't take what you've been taking. "To See and To Be Seen mn'1 McMAN Us STRONACH OPTICAL WHITRV ALL MI -... 576-4431 If you plan to trayeZ to Britain during Christmas BOOK NOW to avoid disappointm ent Cali AI Lnda Russeil et TRAVEL LTD. 116 Bréck St,. S., Whitby 668-5000 Mon. Sat. 9-5 Fri.Tilli9 -Your I ravel Is Our Busijness' For your protection -ruuilsthreà tunder ontarfo Governqroni .-oo.1259988

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