Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 1

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Plan adopted bv council i n1 'n WVhitby 'Countcil lias passed a recommnendation fromn Director of Public Works Dick KuwNýahara to set Uip an etiteugency operat ions plan anid anl enîergency op-eratîlins controt gOup. -1 feel that there is a dcfinite tited fotr some formi of Organization illat Cani be called upon ni the Case of an1 eînerncy'.\tr. Kinv~ahiara -'Me etiergeîîcs s'would have to be of :aI3îSIfOpic prop ortions for Ile groun tIo take oniaiid-. liesa\ -. -ilic disaster Could b i~re nor thelnil raedv *In the event su ch ia catastrophe occurred there would be a great panic and disorganization and it wouid be essentiai that there be leadershîp and organization ini those tlimes** flic plan svould be put into effeci in peacetimie erne êencies si-ch as ses ere 1fc>oding. abnormial snov Niorms, major fires. chiemîcal spfis. explosions, majýor air- craf; crasies or major train Ili-shaps. The purposc of the plan is, to assure the irost efficzient usek of al3srviesrequîred ro cc'pe \%îth theemrec -the carlbest osbers ponse t0 an emergency by al services that may be required and the estab- iishmient of ove rail con trol of energency operations:. earliesî possible con trol establiied to minîrnîze crowd convergence. and to iinxain order ai the site so that emergency oper-âtions are not impeded. .and that Addîîmn3l casual- ties are pcetd tnnediaie a tin ken to elïiinate ai1 sources of potenti.al danger in the are ofih icden t: ihe ea r o f aniv 1>uildln,-zc:,nsîiered 10 be ïn a halr J U-, IsS iluation: -th-- rescuing of ail persons trapped with the minimum of deiay and the provision of first aid ai the site; the provision of con troiied evacuauion and balanced distribution of casuitties 10 hospîrails: the proviion. 7he re necessaïr\v.of' suchessential social services as may be required for persons ý afifezted bý the tncide-ni a n d ihe e m ernencNs se i îýce Dets4jnnel involved: the l'âeual officiJai rfr malion iý available ai ihe arliesi po-)ssble lo- a1~ fficaisînvcNedin news media to aiiay public anxîety and to reduce the numnbers of onlookers at the scene; and concerned individualsseekingpersonal information. The emergency con trol group wiIl be made up of the mayor. the clerk, the fine chief. the treasurer. the director of public wor}s. thue Public tîÀliies C(ornrsssion manager and any îcov.n emiployee required b), the emr enc s~oup. li .- zhe duî'v (f the mal. or: - ~nobe ï~ar x ar, active ]n za--sig tElasfrrli paiity tc, be duiy executed and obeyed"; - to oversee the conduct of ail subordinate officers in the governrent of ht and, as far as practicable. cauwe of negligence. aeesns and vio)lation (if' duty tic be prowsecd and Punished", "and commuicatje to) the council from tUrne to l) ime souch îinformratio)n arid recommend ii n vah mesrsas my erjd U) the mnroere-î !'the fianes halth.li .riv cIeriJne;. :mfoîend 7:namenri o1 the nm - --j pra jl , Fw h itby Vol. 6, No. 24 Wedn t oîce of the Couinty Town) iesday, lune 16, 1976 16 Pages INSIDE CIIIRCH ANNIVERSA.RY PAGE 4 PAGE 5 T0 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 TO Il ENTETA1NENT~~.~....PAGE 12 SENOR CIIENS WEEK ------ PAGE 13 GU1D~~.~.PAGE 16 Property standards meeting 1 i . I x Policiîng I #"CELEBRATION 160"" AT ST. MABX'S R±~ 3iîhr ~1 ~rrit1h aLlL1T~s~s i. rnt24a~b ztu.urt Suîudrn i~ ~C.eis4~ -icînur i ~W tht ~ ~I~t1 ann1u~irar~ î>~ S: Mari 's lrni~ Ctuxrzii ~rr'hes ns ~1rnu~>. Giîîiti w~aÙt~r anti capi5.z1r4 2'-PwÛ~. ITiatie ?it unnw~~rsrrt ai PV~rWtt2llTI1IIL ar tht--'uT . fr. dnms-ra, Tt O-tirat iari :.Cîl TIt tnwssir "l 1 j-nmunuuî.pier.T hf, -à-- p4 t uîiî~uc Ashburn wiII1 get active and passive park ~Slî?iiii sêiI !iQ Z ik'tt fin V~4flriM L ;uiIli2i LU~.cvLi24 Mcîkar~. C~îîursci matir tut tiU!' ~3Jfl~ r îndu..anîn. tha: ai S~ v~sîdents pnlkstl tuvi'UTt'-L r .rt i i i 12" Z fl~f2 liii. VI I 2JUiI2i iLîprl:rLs'L '~iU3.5 i ciii ~'i (1SW5~Iu1PiL as Nid ai actwt aluL yias~wt iiui4. hi trihe: wwd.s, Îrrnîiirl ZLfliii!fl i. n;~na1 Uranuaut. aîU :::iciue tiuc n :îrîs ~tr:rn UIIL iiUtu~e riais. anc a. 11211L arta. n. uni îtnsr h auduîuî. ttnW~5uîîpmini' T~SLIUIiI5 4IT~ZIW' cmuîniUfli" ipv:>4415int51i .J:LliiuItI:W auîL titV!UJ1. ~ ~: ~ laluL vil .2L47i uic~iuTdiit.r. i. tue 'u'wî (.r-urdnuaîr u1 Ikwelupnieî: -'i Traffic backu Ps may stop C ~ ~~r;4 ~~:>e~r ½:~:~ Y i.zwao Wj z4:. :~-;-a2~ ½C X%->~ - Y L'2W.~ 'i~i~i~i w;:i:~ 'g: f~b C ~n::~t 'ntûe C ;'u.i t4~ruii.. r ~ -v~~ r fin -: .':'~- ~'-i.. i. l'il. .~:idi: :ir'~s ;r ~ 'j .ù ~r if: v 2mtu s 4 iii. - -~ fi v 25:i' 5' ~5V~' il ':îflî. s'. :15 7 v :7: :u~'::iinîzk: :r "IîS-II!~ Iii. d'il 1i25 54.5'il LLi,4'4 i ;:'ni~ îî 7nhîS i: ~ s .:us :'LktSl iusn~tï l5ii\: J' 11 ~"')nrnciIuw ~5i H 1... jî4jsnî i V~îî ~"" ,r v suiur iuiîî~. :î~~~is asu:i'~ psuii :i.::w"'Iru. iitttzS us liii. iwsri n Tus aei~-v: ;ur~ î~w C iLiitilifY .J')~ Tîu:nîxpsur banc tî~i~" 5115 :.r ws ~>eJUS WiTui. vii .~i.w' 'ir :îîv tîteat ?~-ninuLîns tu1Iz.5 i 44V C.uiîrits anïîuuitl us ci1Li~L. liii usante Iiad~ tut iii u'ri~tii wI[ lE: Rirai tEs' lu ittir up'thc mu~te:. 4 , 4 3'

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