by ftrian Winter JOHN BRIGHT This old red brick hiouse at Myrtie Station deserves to be recorded as one of Wliitby's historic sites, for it was the homne of one of the most prominent livestock mnen in Anerica, whose reputation hiad spread hhroughiout Canada and the United States before hiis uintimiely deathi at thie age of 51 in 1917. Corridor ~ Capers The Administrative Comiîtee, last Monday. decided tu recenunend retaining clause 3.3.7 - 'generaily lot coverage in residenhiai areas shahl not exceed25. Although 111.2' Planning Staff had recommended the clause ho deleted, with Council's blessing il nîay just reniain vhere it belongs, in the OfficiaI Plan. Needless ho say, the Ratepayers, froni aIl parts cf Whitby, were not iooking forward lu the section being changed or taken eu t of the Officiai Plan. Ashburn Park Ashbur-n Park is still not quile positive. 1-opefully, if His name was John Bright, who served as Dominion Livestock Comrmissioner at Ottawa from 1912 to 1917, and was also president of the Central Canada Exhibition Association.,- Mr. Bright, the son of William Bright and Margaret Martin was born at Raglan on Aug. 8, 1865, and for many years operated a large farm at Myrtie Station. Myrtle Station was in a farrning district known as the chief centre in Ontario for the breeding of Shorthorn cattie and Clydesdaie horses. Mr. Bright was recognized as one of the most prominent breeders of these anfimais, an d when hie g-ive up farming in 1912 to becorne Dominion Livestock omnmissioner, the sale of his herds attracted farm-ers fromn across Canada. Mr. Bright heid numerous offices in farmning organizations in Ontario. He was president of the South Ontario Farniers' Institu te, president of the South Ontario Agriculture Society, president of the Canadian Clydesdale Association for four years', chairman of the Stallion Enrolient Board of Ontario froni 1911 to 1913, and judged iivestock frorn Charlottetown PEI, to Vancouver B.C. for the Domninion Shorthorn Breeders' Association. gr. Bright was a directoi of the OntarioWinter Fair at Guelph from 1900 to 1917, and presideni from 1' '914 to 1915; and president of the Central Canada Fair in Ottawa in 1916. 1As Domninion Livestock Commiissioner he wvas the inspiration l)chind thee movement for co-operative wool miarketing and, was proinfent in the establishment of the bacon industry in Canada on a national scatlo. Close to the limie of his (leath, he was working on connunity breeding of horses by the establishment of horse breeders' clubs intended to devclop brceding on \vell-defined and uiniformn linos. Unitil 1912. lio carried on extensive breeding of cattie they are to get a park. it wiIl ho the locatlion of, the residen 15 choice. It has beon suiggested, by a bitter ho 1t1e oditor, that parks bc piut 'vhere (lhe people are. That is a splendid idea. There juist happons Io be about ten acres of land su itabie l'or a par-k rigit lhere on soutli side of i Iîliway I. in the Corridor. 'llic asking price is orily abott 70,000.00 for the ten acr-es. 1 vonder hio\ that would play hiavoc wilh the Park fund? Aiso suggesîed, \vas to approach the Conser-vation Authiority. Thev seem tobeh short of fands, so not nuLch hleip there-. Frankly nmost land \vhere fthe maoiyof thie poople reside. is so expensive, il is sinmply out of the question. Ashburn residents are extremiely onergetic and wouild do most of thew ork developing thieir Park. i'ni sure îlloy cotid lead the way and show the rost of us the true meaning of 'Commrunity Spir-it'. Garrard Rd. Lacrosse Association Win witliWintario CongfrTiilations to -t.l F amd Rd.T cosse Association on receiving thieir Wintario Grant. 'Ne are delighited that a W'HITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, lUNE 30, 1976, PAGE 7 and horses on his farmn at Myrtle Station, afterwards occupied by Oscar Downey. Mr. Bright, in addition to being a noted farmer, was promninent in the political arena. From 1 898 to 1902 he was a member of the Whitby Township Council, and was reeve of Whitby Township from 1903 ho 1907. In 1907, he was elected warden of Ontario County. Mr. Bright' was also a prominent Conservative and active worker ih the South Ontario Conservative Association. On April 11, 1889, Mr. Bright miarried Etta Florence Smith, daughter of A. G. Smith, of Columbus. They had two sons and two daughters, one of each dying in childhood. Mr. Bright died suddenly at Ottawa on April 22, 1917, and his funeral was held at his horne in Myrtle Station on April 25. Two carniages were required to carry the floral tributes to the grave, and Masons from Brookiin, Whitbý, Port Perry, Claremont a-nd Oshawa took part in. the funerai service. Mr. Bright was a Mason and Mastei of Mount Zion Lodge in Brooklin in 1906. The resident of Mr. Bright was built prier ho. 1877 by Malcolm McTaggarh, who was also prominent In Whitby Township politics. Mr. McTaggart was a township councillor from 1 872 to 1877, 1892 to 1896, and in 1898. He was depuîy- reeve in 1 878 and reeve in Whitby Township in 1897. When the bouse was built, there was no Myrtie Station, for the raiiway was not built forth of Myrtie until 1 884. The McTaggart and Bright house is located west of llighway 12, north. of the trucks, behind Cook's garage. Ionce hiad a large verandah surrounding it on three sides, which has since been replaced by a modemn enclosed porch. worthwiiile organizatien, within our area, will be helped with Wîntario. There are stili a few tickets available for the Hardtirne Dance and Hayride at Fantasyiand Park on Saturday July 1 7. Cali Barb Kernohian ah 728-3290 or Jean Philiîps at 655-3271. This will be the last column until September. Remnember the Whitby Town Carnîval attractions, the Iast week cf Juiy. The Corridor Area Ratepayers Association wiIl be holding their Auîumn Dance on Friday October 22 at Heydenshore. Mark the date on your calendar now and cal] Lynn Majores at 723-1680 fer tickets. They are terrific dances. Many thanks to Mike Burgess, editor cf the Whitby- Free Press for publishing 'our tidbits. We really appreciate it Mike. Corridor Colu-mn will be'b'ack the, first week cf September. Until then, have a good Summner:, M. McEachern'725-8967. your week ch1e' Ii14 1'O R.1'uu:uu'u'J:uw Forecast Period: July 4 to JuIy 10 ARIES Don't take throwoffs. You are entering a Mar. 21-Apr. 19 phase when you must know, exactly where you stand. Incidentally, this advice applies to your relationship with the opposite sex. TAURUS ExperienceZ-1ong gained in the past is an- Apr. 20-May 20 important factor-for the "break" coming your way. Remnember, take advantage of good things now on the wing. GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 In one way or another, someone's change cf residence or occupation will affect your long range plans. Also poke up the lire in your job, task or project. You need problems with the opposite sex like a moose needs a hat rack. None- theless, yourseif centeredness might disturb your mate or simiîlar alliance. LEO JuIy 23-A ug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 UIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Modesty, this week, is not one of your bet- ter points. Guard what you have to say before persons in authority; yeu're eoming on toc strong! Once again, it's fot a favorable period to invest or expand. Apparently, outside pressures will demnand impulsive de- cisions. Try playing both ends toward the middle. Those under your sign, unattached, can look forward to preliminary overtures; a new romance is waiting in the wings, Other Libras, can expeet an improvemnent in their projeot. This week, wili find you in one cf those rare moods cf stepping out of character, It's highly probable that yeu'Il have to urge yourself to join a group or organization. MAKE YOUR HOME MOR LIVABLE M1T4 A Reniodel your kitchen or badiroom Calil or visit Our siowrooin free estima te CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 yes! You'll face a bad case cf self pity. Hold it, Capricorn. Someone is about ho throw cold water on your long term plans. Someone under your sign have been "en- joying" the luxury cf a controlled hallucination. ilere we go again! It seems as though you'll be in the mood to play "cat and mouse" games wîth a member cf the op- posite sex. Hold it, Pisces! Apparently, you're heading toward outbursts that could add fuel ho the fire. 1h seems as though you are tee dem anding cf a loved one. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send the day, month, year and place of birth, plus $1.00 for pahlage and handling ta Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. 0. Box 12766, $1. Peters.burg, Floridla 33733. See Charlie X-CYN. He has everything SAGITTARIUS A member cf the opposite sex mi g h offer Nov. 22-Dec. 21 you help; there'll be strings attac hed. Oh, Ifyou plan to travel to Britain during Christmas BOOK NOW to avoid dis app oin tmen t CALL AI& Linda Russell RUSSELL TRAVEL LTD. 116 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5000 'Your Iravel As Our Business Mon. ' Sat. 9.5 , For your protection reg IN ereà undçr Ontario Govcrngient No.1259988 MITCHELL BROTHIRS Buiding Sup'eOIêsLtde Brooklin.* 655-4991' qW