ixed r ct by BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer "'We sure as liel need this by-Iaw". 'It is an invasion ot pi,acy". 1 "Thank God for this by-law- 'M iîl add to inflation." Those are just a few of thre comilien ts miade during a public meeting on tihe dr-aft rnnîiuiri plroperty standards by-law* last \week. ")'lie draft wvas persetnted Io tire publie by tire towvn's solicitor Hughi Nichiol w~ho liras made several revisions in iii order To acconiodate rate- payer input. The by-law sets down standards for the miainte- nance and occtipancy of pro- perty Mithin tie town. ht proliibîts the occupancy or use of property whichi does riot conformi to tire standards. The by-lavv requires that sub-standard property be repaired and inaintained to conforn to the standards. A property standards officer is given tire autlrority to enter and inspect any pro- perty not used as a dwelling. In the case of a dweiling, entrance carl only be made with the occupapt's consent or with a search warrant. If the officer feels that thie property is below the stand- ards, he wilI notify the ovvner of tire pariculars of the non- con fority. The officer wilI provide tire owner withi a list of the repairs To be made or a sta te- nient that the site is to be .cleared. If the owner fails to repair or clear the property, the town will do it at the owner's expense. Contravention of an order is punisliable by fine. Persons sewed with an order may appeal to a pro- perty standards committee, the members of which are appointed by town counicil. If thre inspecting officer finds the property in corn- pliance with the by-law'he may, or on the request of the owner shall, issue a cert- ificate of compliance.' If a certificate is issued at the owner's expense, a fee will be charged. See Page 4 M TCI appraisal Counc iI transit syc tudying stems proposed tb town CouncWls operaio-ns com- equipment. miîîee has been asked Io lxis adýisaâb1e. upo-n set- su: d3 nufrber of proposais 1în leu p a newv 1 erni Loien- for public transeportation ih- der the 3prîo nd poi in the IoWTI whicl i -e pre sion of e-pm, 1rlie, sented to co-ýuncirl b\- ue initial pecTîod n eder lo 2gain provinces- ni, ' of Trarm- experine asC el3aspro porlation atîc Comm N iding urne To adiusîithe tions recenilv. irlanrisi I s1ri l 1o su11Illei The piniî;c\sT ranri-, iinecds cf he rnunIuiipj1iiv le- Proeci Pannng Office fore j emîînn is md reporled on varto-us proposais. bo a Large capital expendïl are itheir cosl and îniplicaiion., fei equrnn. i te rpr Io memnbers of council who sa s hlà ad asked for ithe ransii The report eiml hi Lppraisal in the hope of the .veavl c î e1iîed tea possibIy rnpoig uli oorîatr alr aVr trrnsporuatIon vwn- h jn th e rnslg.signingand m iLcl- OWrl.~~~b arcswol beapprex,,i- The pur-pose of the rnatlv $0f00 report îs Io serve as an infor- Ba;zd on a fare structure Ma1-rion naper for council in of 35 cents for Adults- 25 asesrga frhe ourse of for stu dent lS. 10 cents , ecdifor action as to whethcr Whuîby children and senior itie should ite co-Mmîtled 1o pr--un averaee fare .Â,culd be 27 vding a ran.siî ss Sem sup- ents. poried in pari ýy general The report estima tes liai 3aUati on. two pass..engers vw ould be on Onice a Po-,' eciJonha iîç --e bus each reývenue mile for beecn made by courcil Io o nnius urban ai-cas and prcvi de puiblic transit and onepaene per mile for the level of service bias been 1ess dense fnge arcas. diecrmined. the MTcar. AI Present. lie MT1C ill develop a report furiber subs)dize up îû, 75 per cert Cxploiig Operationai strate- of approved municipal caipital cies and more detailed zosi expendil ures. for 1raýnsît mpliarîos. ystems and 50 Per cent of Ai preseni C'h,,rtri-ways operD1i:ýPg deficits. ffrste nv -han service In deîe!,i-rning, an ýappro-, n hItbv p-al origfr na-han inr cnder to ompare the iaslerierelotos anes tanst ater-atvesfor thýat u irc i ae-i sevralassrnp Ios o paonswer înt Lf7 . -e~~~~~~~~~~~u La u uî iii nldn hprgare lie i>wr e hurl\ctst Geri-ai Hos. iir Cti. GO i-rn i Ther report rcrned Reg)'ion Administration and h't. in sentig up il transit court house Whix j1y MËId, 'stCM, the ttewn teider tht MartV, VrCk fae an d pcraticori and pro-%sicm vf OsnahugCer. vî rq Annetie Barldey i grade five tudenut aiFlorenceM. aâeard Pubc >Sdiool, jttairns fo zear the bigb jump bar dmiýig (i e sciboa*&»=oet field dey. M e bejir â A mu.mft juwjd oenud=à ny I her -gzen Étbe reoeived Ier pamiing report card andsR ihihr wb« shfe heaitd the finia ud>oulb&,L disnii&g ber for summel vacation. Photo by Dm .Dgn UAND OVER 1 ýl