Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, IULY 14, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Last week, a busload of area senior citizens took advantage of one of the warmn days and visited Metro * Zoo. The weather co-operated and the trip'was a complete success. This ail day excursion, greatly enjoyed, was accomplished 'witli a little help from their friends', the * Brooklin Kinsmen. Thanks go to the Kinsmen for providfing the bus transportation, the senior citizens cer- tainly appreciated it. This is a fine example of the interest and co-operation that exists between local groups in this * area. Now that the long, lazy days of summer are here, you may be finding more time to do things you have been waiting to find time for. If you're thinking about * trying out a few new recipes or learning how to make a new dish, you might try somre of the ideas that can be found in Group '74s cookbook, called, appropriately, Group '74 Cooks. This handybook is only $1.75 and is handsomely printed and conveniently bound. The recipes are tried -and, true favourites of the Group members themselves. The cookbooks are available from any of the members. When you purchase one of these you not only acquire a oseful book for yourself, but you are helping,to provide support for this group which does a great many BROWN 'S good'things for our town. Running short of ideas on how to keep the children amnused? As in past sumrners, theý Public Library ini Brooklin is offering special programs two afternoons a week. On Tuesdays froru 2:30 until 3:30 there are films being shown of* interest to various age groups. On Thursday afternoons' frorn 2:30 until 3:30 a story hour and craft session is held. Later this nionth a puppet show will be featured during one of the Thursday prograrns. There are no Saturday story hours during the sommer although the library is open from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. every Saturday.& The next schieduled home game of the'Brooklin Redmen is Saturday July l7th. As usual they will play at the Brooklin Memiorial Arena at 8:30 p.m. This Saturday, they face the Fergus Thistles - plan to attend! If there is anything which you feel may he of interest to the people in this area or anything you would like to know about local groups please caîl me. Val 655-4317 Make Sure Before you use home eanned vegetables for fam- ily meals, make sure the food is safe to eat. Boil your home canned vegetables for ten minutes before tasting. Check for obvious signs of spoilage. A bad odor tells you if the food should be discarded. Another danger sign is an unsealed or bulged id. Low acid foods such as corn and beans provide the best nest for botulism- the most damaging kind of canned food spoilage-so boil those and others, too. Hawalian Cho Cho For some delicious sweet and sour meat pattie, spice ground beef and pork with ginger, garlil powder and black pepper; then simmner briefly in an instant chopped onion sauce. As the climax of the 1 25th celebration of the Wh- itby Pire Departrnenît and the 75th Convention of the Oi",tario Pire Fighters Assoc- iation, one of the largest par- ades ever, in the Town of Whitby, will take place on the above date. One of the highlights of this parade will be a I110 piece marching band from Verona, Pennsylvania, who are known as the Varîguard of Penn His. This band is well known in the states of Pennsylvania and New York, A rt classes Childreni's art classes and life drawing sessions will be held at the Whitby Arts Station during the summer months. .F00 DMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 KRA"T 14-S JAR MAYONNAISE 79c McLARENS - LP MANZANILLA 12-FL-OZ JAAR STUFFED OLIVES 89 SWIFTS 12-OZ TIN PREM LUNMNEON MEAT 79c CANADA CHOICE 14-FL«OZ TIN AYLMER PEAS 29C CANADA FANCV - GREEN GIANT 14FL-OZ TIN CREAM style CORN 39< ASSORTED - KLEENEX 200 x 2.PLY FACIAL TISSU E 59C HOUSEHOLD PAPER 2-ROLL PKG KLEENEX Towels 99. URICCKAIl.2&FL.OS en OCEAN SPRAY 55e CRUf $B fýO *f AROI PPRORI I&OZ MGO DR. BAU.ARDS CHAMPiON 23,' .02 IN Pizza Mix 99«< kg Food 3oil Dot. LhBRU RTo* E Srw. 14-OZ TIN MCCI APP.U SPI-Z TR BEffCHUNOORCM UET RAILS Pe Filling 65ckg Food 29c SUNSPUN 1-LB TUB SOFT MARGARINE 55c SUPREME - HAMBURG BUNS OR PKG 0F 8 HOT DO« ROLLS 44C SHIRRIFF 53/4OZ PKG SCALLOPED POTAToIS5 9c DABE'S Party Pac Biscuits 2 lb. $j1.69 DARE'. Cooki. Icir Biscuits 2 lb. $1.69 STRAINED <EXCEPT MEAT) 41/2-FLOZ JAR HEINZ Baby Foods 5 né si * ourt'e" Value Satisfaction GOVERNMENT INSPECTED i %,u IN TENDER MNEATY -CUT FROM fTHE CHUCI< ,2.9 SHORT RIB Roasts 79. ', v cul FROM 1THE CH1110 - BON[I N SOI LGT BLADE STEAKS 70~ Clover Leaf 0CR FMITHETRIM -OCS TrUNA BLADE ROASTS 98~ 702 TIR SWIFTS BOSTON STYLX PORE ~c BOLOGNA lb, 95c BUTT CHOPS 10.1."8 6 9 SWIFTS . TRIPLE PACK NATURAI. FOR THEBAECE-PR LUNCH MEATS lb.1 .19 SPA RERNUIBS l,'l.5 S MAPLE LEAFsmoK[cD BoNELss DEVON BEEF & PORK ASSRTD ARETES DINNER ShomidetS 1lb.5 78 SAUSACE lb. 95j FRESH TENDER TND£*R-MEATYJ ROSE PORK LUVER BRAISING RIS RELISHES lb. 48e b. 89c BEFOR IRISH KotxTmo.s9 . DEODRAN&OZ AIROSOtt CaLJRK#S ODOANTASSORTED- FROZEN CLAR 'S Utra Ban s.09 SAVARIN S E S mouTHWASH à 0AROLE EFLOZ BeL 2STi.EWS Listerine 85c DINNERS 6»9 c FAST STOMACR RELIEF TS0 BTC. Bromo s.itr 89C I- L.69 SUPER TAINLES. -DOUBLE EDOF PXGO0F 5 HGLNR-FSZNCD 1-K B Wh rE SWAN Sch ick m ads 7 7 c '~Fsh tol Sd $ *9 ai u o u i NO PEST - RTRI LACH I O -0 .CHOICE FROZEN 94)z PRO Tissue Vpmpona s2.29 Sturwberrles44: 2.90UL PRO THNR u- IO % Fm WELCH'B -FroîRIe CCRncentrat 12.fl0k iR 4 4Dixie Cups 69c CPJ e6 HSE & GARDEN FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! R U KILER California Cantelope Back Sweet A I Re GrpesLarge Size No. 1 No. 1 t*x 491 ea. . Cherries 4.79 64(b rdutofUA 69"lb. 3 BIG DATS Thurs. July 15"to Sat. July 17 DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE and will addi colour and pag- eantry to the event. In addition to this band,, there will be four pipe bands representing Ajax, Hespeler, Dondas and Mount Forest, and marching bands fromn Teeswater, Keswick, Lindsay Oshawa Sea Cadets, Kawa- rtha Kavaliers Drum Corps and the Hamilton Pire Fight- ers Band.' The parade will consist of many antique fire vehicles marching units, and loats. This is an event which sh-' ould flot be missed. PLAN TO ATTEND! fo r kids Children's art classes for ages six to 13 will be held from 10Oa.m. to 12:30 p.m. in two sessions: July 19 to 23 and Aug. 9to 13. Early registration isencour- aged by contacting Box'124, Whitby. or phoning 668-41 85. Life drawing sessions will be held Thursdays from 7:30 p.m., W 10 p.mi. July Aug. IQ. The sum.mer prograin will consist of pottery, drawing, painting, silkscreen, niono- printing and filmis. The sessions will be instructed by Pat Bullock. Dan Reid, Nick Novak and Susan Taylor. All r-naterials will be provided. FI uman Carbon Scientists say that the humain body contains e- nough carbon to make more than 14.000 pencils and enough lime to paint an en- tire barn white. Flu Viruses Flu viruses weren't dis- covered until the 1930's. An- tibioties. effective against bacteria. cannot stop the viruses that cause f lu. In- stead. vaccines are needed. Viruses modify their chem- ical makeups. though, re- quiring new and diffèrent vaccines periodically. ANNOUNCEMENT Bernard Salter C.T.C. Mrs. Harry Donald, President of DONALD TRAVEL, Wlîitby is pieased to announce thie appoint- ment of Mr. BernardSaiter, C.T.C. as Manager of the Travel Office. Mr. Salter, originally from London, England, immigrating to Canada in 1957 is married and has twvo children. His wife, Florence cornes frorn Belfast, Northern ireiand. .He lias been in travel for a number of years and belongs Ito the Canadian Institute of Travel Co 'nsultants (CITC) and is a Director of the Ontario Travel Industry 'Conférence (O1'IC). Donald Travel, established ini 1958 is situated at 102 Brock Street South, Whitby. Mr. Salter would like to extend an invitation to everyone to corne in and meet a staff of professionals, j.who are here to serve you. * &R*A,.4A~A~U~MR5 PR.IRP4 RPR, t4*RRP~R45.*. Firefighters' parade STORE HOURS OPWa six DAIS A WEk Is:3*.a. - 6 F.M.. E1CM? THuRaSé a El or,, -59 and Aug. 5 to

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