Forniulite molded bathrooîn }1BASIN & COUINTERTOP 48 inchies long, nesv, $100; seven pieces aluoîinuiîî trailer coveriîg. 6/ x 14 ft., $35 cach. Calil 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - witîi stand, $20; portable TV STAMD on custers, $ 10;, Cal 655-3 167. jBABY CARRIAGE - $18; iîoi-eleetric STERILiZER & BO'fTLES, $450; ne\v boni SNOWSII'F, svite, $3; 18" auburn hIAIRFALL, $ 15; single BED, 30", $12; 1hIcatIîway setiba tanîk, 71.2 et>. ri. fiarness & (k) valve, $85; w5ator king. sport cliver re-fflar Nvithî reserve. $85. Cal 839-7774. Gendroti STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cal) 655-3624 1 Deluxe WOOD13URNING SET - good for cîîildrcîî 12 years anîd over, excellenit condition. $3; PACK SACK, ny~lon with soîid aîuminuîîî franie, neyer been usecl, S25; SKIS, approx. 51/' long, great for beginner, $10; 4SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition witlî carrying raek, $10; portable RADIO, excellent conîditioni, hardiy used. $ 10. ('aIl 668-4465. TV- 23" Adnmirai B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Tttrntable witlî dustcover, $30; nîer's bluie split leather COAT, site 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, brand nesv tuixedo style' in beige olefin, $190. ail itcîîîs in excellent condition, niusi scîl, best offer uccepted, caîl 668-0856. Mobile BUFT! h- SERVE-R stainproof top. $45; table anîd tour chiair,. large suze. chromue seats eigbt, $35: osterizci bîcuider. like ness -S 25; g;rdet %\,eelbarross . rakec, etc. I !; aluminu iii torîtu door s'a t 1 sereen, aIl hardwa';re. 32 \ 82, liardly used. S$25: cenîco t Iircll;îtli, S15; Cali 668-5608 ufter 7t.m PORTABLE 1 TV BL $10;, record pIu5'er stanîd, 5. eass' bakte oseuî. 53;set 01' eleutrie humexr clippers, & sc.issors. $10; roll-;îi-svýa\vbcd. S"; thruc! chronee uhuirs, 3 t'on- S7.fouir badmnin ton rackets. $1 each; shorty drapie%,$7; îcy cIe. 2(0" wiheels. 1.5.Cal 728-62-04. TRAINING CHAIR -- $5. C'ah 6 6 8-" 103. STOVI. 30 inclh, good cen- dition $75; space HEATER $60. ('aIl668-6750. L udwig 7-piece DRUM SET]' witli genuine Zildjian syînbols, excellent condition, askitig $550. Calil728-2518. PING PONG TABLE and accessories. regulation witlî 3/ siate, nes'., $80. si/C 'al 668-1210. Solid sterling silven ETCI{ING- a imnited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful wonk of art. Onty $850. Cati 723-0722. WE-DDING;DREý'SS&TRAIN - site 10-12, $50. Cal 668-441(1. ENCYCLOPEDIA -Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather bindîng, $ 1,000 nesv asking $650. ('an bc seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210' any timix, 16' Fibreglass covened RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUT'BOARI). gas tank, batteny clectnie stant, as is, best ofl'er over $350. C;T 668-8957. PERRIGf) PRAM -excellent condition, used once, $ 100 )or bestoffer. ('aIl 668-5 148. oval braid RUU, go( d condition, approx. h0 x 15', gold & browuu, $60. ('aIt 668-3414. 9 pce. DINING ROOM SUITE needs retinishing, $1 50; Stove, 30", $50; also miscellancouss articles. ('ail 655-3724. BATHRODM SINK- wîth tap, very gùod condition, $15. Calil668-5311. -TIRES - 650-13, 2 for $15; Catalytic HEATER, $8; holding tank for boat, $30; table top RANGETTE,. $20; Cooking surface unit, $120. Calil 576-6592. BEDSPREAD - metal siat type with four rubben tip metal legs, 38" wide, $9; brake bleeder, $35, golf shoes,. mens spiked, brown, 101/E,' like new, $12;, Cal! 683-6728. English BCffE CHIINA - tiever tîscd, 54 piece set 'in ýBridaI Wreathî pattern, $300. ('al 668-5767. Two 600 x 15 goodycar SNOW-TIRES -- new, $10 caci, otie Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lcsvyt canisten VAC- UUM, with aIl fixtunes, nceds some epair, $10; gallon wine bottles sith handles, 45 cents caci; waîîîut vencee, 2' x 4' sheets, 75 cents each; une bah:. items -- car bcd, $7; walken, $4; siîos sled, $4; jolly juîper, $4;, rockiîg lhorse, $2; bottle wavurrner, $1. Ca1l1683-1602. *M!NI WASUE1,-R, used tsice, $49; bicycle EXER(ISER.I, $80; china CABINET, glass botlî sides, $80. ('ahI 668-6078 or 668-4377. SPICE RAC'K--witlîI1, bottles, $6; boys punis, site 14, $2; ladies chotiiî, st, 14 easonable prices, ladies short lethier jacket, ize 14, S2f;ý;îgle mattress, $1 5; also odds and ends of canpeting, record rlayer, $5. Cail 7 25-1211. LA\\N0WER Z Suffolk, maî;de iii I nglaiîd. 16" cet).sstIi grass catchier, exc.Jlc'ii condition, $315, long ltandlcd uzasýs sle;îrs. S.3; ('aIl 668-8273. Hi-Lo\v frniquency SCANOR- on1e second delay, with 8 crystal frecîueiucies, police band, OPP, fire departnient frequencies, lange antenna, $300. Caîl 579-0757. Rrtg for sale 11 x 18 short shag.xinle celotred . S I1 55 Coionudc I IIN( tCHlAIR - $.toile) tr;îaiiîg chaiur,. '2-. stius-,uu S"dual>) lade Iîso iiio\\cr. $3.5; îuilicd uiuauve tic)ý,redd (oi>bie si/t' bcds>rcad aund d r;pes. (63" x I100-'; t>rk tireen fE>ssred, double i/t! bI):lsiprecl d&.drapes. 75"N 45-', ý8, ('aIl f68-4639. TYP1LW'RI IFR t'idesod înauîuîsî;Igootî conditioni, Ouili tîke liattl(.sliii. perte. t t'or luonie ise. oser 201 s.old, S05; ('aIt 579-03 17. USI;)) PA'TIO SLAI)S excelletut condlitio,ýn, 39 piîeces, 24 \ 24", 31 pieces, 12 '\ 24", colouns pink or sshiie. $55; ('ail 655-4866. CAMERA -MNanmiyai Super 23, svittu 100 miiiIeuse, 6 x 7 back, aund gnound glass buck witlî shect film lolder, and 75 shects of' film, $485.' (aIl 576-2616. QI L SP ACIi IEAIER 'witl 45 gallon drum, $50; altînîiîîunîn 4 x 13' asvning, $ 10; frutit juicer. nearly new, $15; two bear trups< for chain Phhýding, loads on truck, $!0. Cal 7 23-3164. ANTIQUE DOOR- made iin 1857 solid pine, 42" x 71/' x 211/z" panelied both sides, 3 solid brass 5" hinges, solid brass doon knol,, brass ock with scroll svork, a steal at $1 75. ('aIl 668-3186. 21 ' CABIN CRUISI;R 4 cylinder, 60 horsepower, inbound, conîpleteiy redone inside & outsidc, readv for Iaunching, $3500 or besi oft'er. ('aIl 668-1252. GUITîAR & AMPIIEI'R Gsitar is a copy of 1-aPp" 'I etîstorn. Amplitier is a Sonax 720G sith twso 101" speaikers, asking $225 for pir. ('ail 668-4730). Free Press Emporium (Continued) MisceilFmneous 1&WIV Oshawaat>)itolie skiîrt, like uess. 725-121 I. ('urîsole, $65; hi igh Schtoul $ 10,. f;lI Clothing Red Wool ('uling, JACKET- size 40-42,' $25; Bowling SlïIýIS- and case size 8, $10. Both ane in perfect condition. ('aIl 668-9073. 1IIUNT CAP-- blac!- velvet with safety harniess instaîie4, size 7/, $23.50. (',!Il 668-2407. CO AI'- Ladies black persian laiîb approx ii.iutely site 20, in good conditionî, wiII selI for $50. Call 725-5714. Bikes i(IK , b5'slItie, 2 s lie>el h)i-risc, S30, CatI 668-6790. IOII Ifb fs3 pcd i-risc. 20 lus-1 ksjibanan;> sva ut aid k> ýk stal, e\cellc!iit conition, 54 5.f ail 60 8-90 29 Equipmnent' SLIM GYM El-XE-RCISER %vî l instruction book, askiiîg $25 or best offer. Cal 683-5717 af ter 5 paîn. SNOWSIIOI.S S$5; lîaby carniage, $20; piool ladder, $15; kitchien table & 6 chairs. $25; 3 %vooden chiairs. $5 eaclh; carpenten' tool -o,$10t. ( l 668-5486. ONFu PAlIR OF SKIS --pole, bindings, satklty strup and boots size 7, only beeîî used 4 limes. $65. ('aIl 728-I129 1. GOALIE EQUIPMENT -- one ycan oîd, fits boys 9-13, pads, niask, gloves, arin & cliest protec- tor, $60.- Caîl 668-5714. Pets & Supplies GENI'LE B3AY MARE, good sith chlidren & ARABIAN FILLY --*.$550. For furthcr informaîtion eall 668-4830 after 16 n nim YAL.E PUJRLiBREED IRISH1 SETTER ---1/z Years old, no papers, goud withi children, $50. ('ail 649-2578. AQUARIUM (ail glass), 40 gallon complete witti 2 pumps, air filter, etc. and 12 goldfish, some of thiem 10 years oîd, $75 Cati 668-8527. Brown Shetland PIONY - with bridle and saddîe veny tame with children, $150. Caîl 668-0705-. Wiil'l" .,RATS -mioter &T t iliî'r, plos ciglit yo'îng, $10. - Il6 ;Gb0afe a id tîf 'or IDan. PUREBREI) Wl'I SHCORBY PUPPIES o1iîy throe !uhf, $50 each. CIaîl 668-2877. G;O-KART' 1973 Bug Sidewinder, dluel engines, fuel injection,* $600 or best offer. ('ail 668-5432 ask for Rob. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- 'TIBLE - 302 V8 autornatic, body g00d, ceetilied, $695. C'al WHITBY FREE PRESS, WVEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1976, PAGE 19 CLASSIFIE.DADS HIOCKEY SKATES îîw size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewiiig machine, $35; ('aIl 725-1211I. 1972 SL-100 HIONDA -as is, $250 or best ot'fer. ('al 668-0404 8 a.nui. to 2 p.îîî. and 10 p.nî. to1 1972 OLi)SMOBILE 88 good coiîtion, $1I750; 1972 FORD), $750-, 1966 1E'coiîoliiîe Van, $550. ('aIl 579-0233 or 725-7449. TIIRE'S- 4 ncsv, Goodyear, D)70-14, blackvwall, $120, l'or comipac t or iiitcriediate car. Calil 668-8544. Uscd STOVE 728-0751 greetn FRID(;E & -$500 lit'ni. 'all WANTFID -aiy beeks, I Par-ts oir toots l'or 1 947 Ford. C;tll 668-013. Eiglît WIND)OWS, frarnes, se'crceîs & înotlding, best ofl'er. ('ail 655-3405. (icaning LAD)Y WANTIJ) starting inSelpteîuub)er peiied one day a week, oss îîtranisporta- tioti, $25; l)agîîîar Ski ('lub area, ('ail 655-3420 afler 6 p.m. STERIO- - AM-l-M radio, 8 truck tape player, record phayer, buil t iin amîplif'ier, ecabine t site, 53" long îy I18>/z" svîdc by 27" hliglu. $1 5(j cotipie te or $1h00f witltut 8 track. ('aIl 263-8145 on 723-2426. U-PIC STRAWBERRIES Greei Brite Orcliards 0 55-32I17. 3 miles îîorth of' Nu. 7 Iîighw;ziy oui Wliitby Pickering tuss'nliuîc ( I)trhiaîî Rd. 23) hîrs. 8:30) auu. 8; 3f0 )p.i Mondul;-- Su nda.y. SEEDED HAY FOR SALE - good for herses & cattie, tiiniiin-unî de!ivery bales at 90 cents Pick-up 75 cents a 655-3582. is 125 per bale. bale. Cal! STUDENT WILL BABYSIT - IN YOUR HO0ME. Caîl 668-4045 and ask for Susan. HALL HQ - excellent condition, $15; Lawnmower,I $25. Cal! 728-0664 after 6:30 p., TV ]Repairs &Sales Senving Dunharn Regioti 6 days a weck New & Used Colour Black & White TV's Bought -Sold Rented -Repaired C. B. Sales Tosvers Antennuis AIPROXIMATELY 400 BALES' Ob3 STRAW - at a $1 a bale. Cal! 655-4380. Infants l)RI.-SSIN(; TAB3LEý- exczlIlent condition, $1 5,;on mode training chair, $3; toilet training chair, $2; folding por- table crib ideal for camper, $5; sunibeamIn 8"" del blade lawn- mlosver, $35; quilted mauvc tlosvcred double size bedspread and drapes, 63" x 100", $10; dLark green flowered double size bedspread & drapes, 75" x 45", $8. Caîl 668-4639. s'vVE 30" wvhite, Viking, excellent conlditioni, asking $1 25. Caîl 668-4449. REI) ILOOR VASI $9; nic-naî shlelf. $20; wrought iron svall planter, S 15; toaster, $10; Iluor l $m,6; pole lainp, $5; 8 min au toinatic projeetor, $35: left hand trappier, $2, elcctric brooîn, $.S15; fircsvood box, $10t) l6" tricycle, $20; rocking horse, $2; liqueuir set, $3; loodlighit hiolder. $2: 2 wooden >2hai rs (il $6ý; goose neck lumip. $2; heatiug elemienLi.S2; I 4' solid inaple bat, cou) & storage rack, $20; casîîal chair, $5; kitlcn sink. $3; ehild's blaekboard, $2; red bathmnat set, $5; boys football hielniet, $4; boys hockey haults, $4; girls dol carniage. $2; chocolate t'onduie set. $3; 2 leecd kiek stand, $2; three tot1d ingl u airs. $-5; shovel, $1; gaine o f"c lue". $3; pIaccîn;!t se t, SI;1lîlds aiiityý, $6; dresses si/c 9-12 'a,$1.50. ()tïers co701 Side red (onl nov article. (ajl 6(68-8739. E-'XTE'-NSION TABLE ssalntit, closed. 37'" x 20"'. open 37' \ 40". fulîs extcnidcd witt; 3 caves,, 37- \ 70", $75; ehild's tx'd, tolding type, 27" \ 52'" with ina itress, god( condition. $30); rollav bcd. 30', side, $8; fouir ki tclicu or bar stonîs. 24" hiffl, 3 1\ oudn.Iet;>)l, $7 eacb; beige rue, I1Il'4'- I 1t'. uceds cleaniig S3;2buirnci stovc. vetric. 2201 volt lieivv d(t , 25'- 10gbî. 'itlî sliei. n ovn, S5. al 6>- S 6 t). G(L RNI1A N SI1I0RTI 1IA 1IZ 1101N I IF R I ycar nId. îa dnluiu c iliuîdcd. 535. ('al FOR IZENT 1Tw'si edrooni. sîde lhv side DuplexSS50month Iv. plus hicaît anud hydre - Close te schools and shopping. 'al 668-6661. Play ""TV BINGO'# e vary Saturday at p.m. on Global $5,000 Jackpot, only $1.00 each. 6:30 TV, cards Cards available ,at Most Wintario Outiets! GARAGE SALE Saturday, JuIy 24, 1976 10Oa.m. - 6 p.m. (if rain postponed 1 week) Many good books of interest at 6071 W., Whitby. & item! Mary St.1 AUCTION SALE Thursday, July 29, 1 976 ut 6:00 p.m. Clearing auction for Nike Jackson, on No. 7 Hwy. just svest of Greeijwood and two miles east of Brome. Sale of househiold furnishings, complete livingroom, suite of modemrunstie furniture, hifi, upright piano, electrie range, dishecs, elctrie washer & dryer, set of' six dining chai rs, two piece bedroomi suite, rocking chairs, oil amps, riding, lawnr-nower, (51ip), tools, Quebec heater, swing set. tellt, plus nunierous other articles. Ternis cash, no neserve. Johin Annis. Auctioiieer, 985-3477 You dont know how tough you are until you try. Frein the vers' beginning. the Can-adian Arined Forces ets yosî lry Si iecs v o'0L IC) Ii l orselfL UP PhysiCalIy il îîînlalo -->.'. u uv.ep poleltiril as a leader A Cl, .'.Is( rfxlropS 100 pushover. But thei n n0 uc p~huve xle' . ; ~îiCombat Ai-mts You're !iiuiit Ic ci it e to b h î IK nv situation Y<iii wil' ou i. ' w(' >' IîlGET à ? INVOLVED Çýomue on Aie yOU tOLJl etuiULgt- 16>ll 1 I H ic)pina ombt GoLpý t*ssoethngCANADIAN 1 u (."if) Cobl k'ireptlIS of r lun~ARMED - si inia 'yiijrau ,t'Pun olFORCES. NOTICE: The Mobile Recruiting WEBNSDAY28 Ju1yl975 Team MiI be in USHAWI' ')n at Canada Manpower CL>tre 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Now! Look Good We go ctong with Nalure to brng outthie best 'n you and yaur hair We cul l t he ffly i grows.. and shape MEN'S HAIRSTTLING 668-1818 af ter 6 '725-42341 SECOND MORIGAGES * No bonuses, brokerage or finder's f ees * Borrow Up to $1 5,000 * 14.9% on amounts over $8,000 * 5year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED Whitby Mal! Shopping Centre 723-8101 ,Sec your phonie book for an HF-C office near you. For Sale