Whitby Free Press, 28 Jul 1976, p. 15

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WHITBY PRESS-,-WEDNESDJAY, JULY 28, 1976, PAGE 15 You'll receive news this week that will give you a window to see how your job, task or project will make out. Also, watch what you say. Whether or flot you truly like someone is beside the point. This week. it's advisable for you to be courteous to a mem ber of the opposite sex. By way of a third party, you're -going to hear about an inconvenience you'11 have to face within the next few days. Watch the fun games. parties and that sort of thing. You might be doing things that you should not be doing. LEO This day happens to be one of those phases July 23-Aug. 22 when you should flot be concerned about.- what someone has done. .but. rather what they are about to do. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Today. many members of your sign face a go it alone" type of project. Whatever you do - don't rely on any help to corne from your associates. Avoid topics directed toward politics or religion. According to your chart, it's highly probable that a provocative dis- cussion will explode among your as- sociates. Keep your personal problems to yourself. According to your chart. an associate wants to exchange secrets - but. behind the scene mischievious motives are at work. SAGITTARIUS Pay close attention to a rrember of *t e --p- Nov. 22-Dec. 21 posite sex's gestures. It seems as though you*1l discover hidden motives and real in- tentions. CAPRICORN Whether money or the lack of it.is the root Dec. 22-Jan. 19 of ail evil. could be controversial. An ex- change of words. because of finances is in the scheme of things. AQUARIUS Being humble. most certainly. is not one of Jan. 20-Feb. 18 your stronger points. This week. however. payng tribute to an associate. whether or not it's deserved. will pay off. PISCES Most members of your sign face a week of Feb. 19-Mar. 20 serious talks with the opposite sex. Make certain that the wrong word doesn't snowball into big things. ( ý TODAVIS ANSWER L~rS fYLJa] J PUZZLE~J "ACROSS 1 "Little Sir -" à Biblical brother 9 Kid of mat 10 Swamp 1.3 Confederate 14 Bring about 15 Unhinged .16 -"Yen get V Vamoose! 18 Muscat and - 20Country .21 Obstacles 22 Whetstooe 23 Office worker 24 Dressing 25 Bad - t (Irish oath) 26 Social order 27 Demolish, as slum.s 28 Done with 29 Wurttemn- berg measure 30 Neronian hall 31 Author LeiAnl si Jlavlngfebd 36 Expetat 37 Quver M Scordi 39 Beta e Ot. 40Sidiam vomu DOWN 1 Dutch chees 2 Soda pop flavor 3 Guffaw un- controllably (3 wds.) 4 Jazz great, Kid - 5 French cîty 6 - china 7 Shrew 8 Consider ridiculous (2 wds.) Il School subject 12 SmnalI sofa 16 Starch source 19 Clergymnan's house 20 Pursuit 21 Large clam 23 Actors lines 24 Except 26 Concealed 30 on 32 Light-color- ed horse 33 Taj Mahal site 35 Soul (Fr.) 36 Winner of ATTEIETION'PARMERSEII WHY PA YMORE? SAVE N MMUM OUAzifV G" O-ELfE Forecast Period: August 1 to August 7 Whitby 668-6901 REWARDING SPARE lIME -ACTIVITY FOR AC TIVE OR RETIRED FARMERS: Acqu~aint your friends and ncighbours with the newest varie tics of forage and corn secds. No liard seil, no investrnents. Eýxcellent supp1ernentary incoine. Write to GESECO, BOX 56?1l, St. E H-amîiton._Ont. _____ CARPENTRYt HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tding Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 668-4686 1100 sq. ft. commercial building for 1lease. Dundas St., Whitby Ideal for convenience store. Caîl 416-446-4616. FULLER BRUSH Co. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-991s Highest Prices P aid for old guns, rurniture, Fri1 23 IK GoId and Silver coins, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, eroeks, oit paintings, and sealers ýendly Flea Market 725-9783' King West, Oshawa, --Pools LEADINÎG POOL MANU- FACTURER lias 1975 above ground redwood type pools avIii1able, willing to sacrifice at haîf price. Cail collect anytine 667-1302. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Moving - will sell you 16 x 32 above gbund Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00. Savings of $2100.00. 1975 model, cail 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. SWIMMING POOL - Less than 1 yr. old. Fanta- Sea above ground Redwood .;16 x 24, cost 'J-500.00. Must seli imrnediately - will sacrifiïce -' savings of $2000.00. Caîl 416-625-8817, days or evenings collect. SWIMMING POOL- Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool, 16. x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank. sacrifice 1/ price, Cal Mr. llarvey, collect, days -w eve-îîgs, 416-625-8819. LEADING SWIMMJNG POOL, MANUFACTURER, - must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aliiminum pools made to seli for $1890.00. Willing to close-out for $11 88.00. Full warranties in effect. Caîl collect anytime 1-416-667-1302. Antennas ABLE ANTENNA SERVICE Complete Tower Installations and Repairs OWNED & OPERATED BY: LàUII nuCl,1ucf rerry D., Watering is anl important part of lawn care, and this 668-6901 subject is covered in John Bradshaw's L awn and Garden Guide. CABLECAST LISTINGS Programns for Wednesday, iuIy 28th, to Tuesday, August 3rd, 1976 on Cablecast 6, serving Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin. WEDNESD,>Y, JULY 28 2:00 Policeman of the Year Awards Night 4:00 WV-itby Mock Student Council Meeting H,,glights 5:30 M.J.s Place 6:00 Whitby Thcn -nd Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 6:30 Bownnanville Week Highlights 8:00 Sign Off THURSDAY, JULY29 2:30 Shialom 3:30 Expression, with Mr. Donald Lee and Dr. Roy Beckett 4:00 County Town Carnival Hîghlights 6:00 Expression, with-A.A. Members 6:30 Pcrforrnance, music with Larry Chiupa 7:00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 7:30 Greek Panorama 8:00 Sign Off FRIDAY, JULY 30 2..00 -oIicemnan of the Year Awards Night 4:00 What Dnes the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Then and Now 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy and Steve Porter 6:30 Sign Off SATURDAY, JULY 31 1 0: OOLivc Coverage of the County Town Carnival Parade 1ll:OOSign Off MONDAY, AUGUST 2 Closed for Hofiday TUESDAY, AUGUST 3 3:00 Whitby Boxing Club Tournaînent 5 :30 County Town Carnival Highilights 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta 7:30 M.J.'s Place, with Muriel Jane Weber 8:.00 Sign Off NOTE: Ail programs subjeet to change without notice. Mr. Bradshaw is well knovn through his radio programis on home garden care and his writings. He prepared the year-round guide for Canadian Industries Lirited, and it is available free from CI L lawn and garden products dealers. According to Mr. Brad- shaw, you should water just once a weck. Most lawns xiii require a mninimumn of 2" of water per week during the sunimer season. Check on the amount FOOD BASKET Storing Nuts Unshelled nuts may be stored at room temperature about six months. Shelled nuts, in a moisture-vapor- proof wrapping, can be re- frigerated up to six months. Cheap Energy- Dry beans and split peas provide a wealth of energy and nutrition at nominal cost. Both contain B vita- mins, such as thiamin and riboflavin, plus they are a good source of calcium. Include Extras When buying large a- mounts of meat for your- freezer, ensure that the cut- ting, wrapping and freezing is included in the price of of water the lawn is getting by placing an empty can on open area of the lawn where it will catch the rainfali and irrigation. Water deeply once a week. A daily sprinkling encourages shallow roots which will burn at the first hot speli. Don't water too fast. If the water tends to accumulate, check for compaction, and aerate at the first opportunity. Mean- while, move the sprinkler frequently to avoid mun-off or puddling. your meat. Those costs can run as much as ten cents ex- tra per pound. Store Right If nonfat dry milk is ex- posed to air during storage, it may become lumpy and stale. Meal Planning Regular meal planning provides an opportunity to serve meals that have fia- vor, interest. variety in'col- or, and texture contrast. Consider the dinner meat first, then build around the. main dish for lunch. Fit in the dinner and luncheon vegetables and salads. Next, plan breakfasts and then decide on desserts. Classif ied Ads Operato ItUWfluEForm.. Whýtever forms you need for your business... bis, ledgers,- labels, w»ork 'sheets, envelopes, letterheads, file caids-. count on us for expert help.- We'll bc happy to gîve 'yoQu suggestions. M.8.Me Publisluing.& "PhotographyInc. 121 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-611 1 Watering important in lawn care ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 open, 7 d4%s a w.k- MiopItLW RESTAURANT . 2sa$IOE w S.P. WoSEITBY - TELS:68~6 DeBei.., Cusedito .ma IIftie.Dishe a 1 WHITBY'

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