aPAGE 12,.WEDNESDAY, ; Uet 4s' e76, WHITBY FREE PREgS s. S GIN MTOR OTA Face Shape Contest a b Select the correct sunglass*style for each problem face shape and you wmiI have a chance to win some prize Polaroid sunglasses for yourself. Under each face shape you wîll see two pairs of sunglasses-one isthe right frame style to make that particular face look prettier-the other is the incorrect style. When you have made your choice for each face shape, circle the letter that is the correct frame for that face in the column at the left., FilI out the coupon below and mail it with your Face Shape Ballot to this paper. Put yourself in the running for an excit- ing pair of beautiful Polaroid sunglasses! Mail to ""contest" Whitby Free Press Box 206 Whitby Name Address Phone "Polaroid' ithe registored trademark of Polaroid Corporation, Cambrldgo. Mass., US ROBERT SHAW -JAMES EARL JONES- PETER BOYLE -BENEVIEVE BUJOLD BEAU BRIDGES- GEOFFREY HOLDER ."S WASHBUCKLER"f vist ilJOHN @OM ~~î'iJff flî OIOON M AI l H1 JA I4FS SONNI â«M î [ WNIOS tANS i ti [[tiî o Ji ci 151 W I~lIU.~ [11H ASIIN~' OiYrs~ [~tle 8CfiiOlf ~uYsIfiRecommended as IJIIIIItUU IIII 4Ii'IIADULT ENTERTAINMENT ORTIUAI SOUlio!RAC9 AVAIABLi i CLUSIViit 004 me& R(COAOS & TAPES PFiONE /25 5833 1CO MPLETE SHOWS HELD STARTING EVENINGS 7:00 & 9:15 OVER. FRIDAY, SAT & SUN 2:00, 4:30, 7: 00 & 9:15 ITI H RATETMYTR O L BAUSENOHUAN E ML VE OLEI ITISTH HGHS SSPNS BCoS A ASAWMNNGFREOA O THOUS~~AND FYA ITISOU FNA WRNe G A AI THE 66 A eN GEOR EKLERMC * THE OM I# a- w Y w , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iW, ýI AN) AP < /- j:? a *)' ,) // 3~ ~ b a b 1 EN TER TA INM EN 1" KARLIN ROTEL "'EXOTIC DANCERIO NOV, cýQ