PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Year-long CLOCA project Major improvernents at Heber Down Conservatiton Area By BRIAN WINTER staked throughout, the. Staff Writer conservation'area and ced«rs A nmajot. ýimprovem0ïlt , ý'ad- Pinès -have, beeri:planted program for-'the Heh"rDow'n ýý to'set of he 5 amnp.sites Conservation Areasýouth of I'nthe trailerpark. Brooklin, is being undertaken In addition, the conserva- this year by the Central Lake lion authority is establishing Ontario Conservation two nursery areas for growing Authority. - spruce trees. Two hundred Begun ini April, the trees were. planted during the pro'grarn will continue well past three years and a mnajor into the fali, including tree planting prograrn is planned planting, road improvernents, for this area next spring, says and construction of a park attendant Mark Teritl. maintenance centre. In June the conservation One of the first iniprove- authority moved the road ments undertaken by CLOCA into the trailer park 200 staff this year occurred in yards north of its old site April, when a section of adjacent to Macedonian Lynde Creek was diverted to Village, because of cornptaints prevent spring ftooding fromn fromi the nesidents about taking out the main road noise and dust, and had the into the souttiem part of the new road blacktopped. conservation area. In addition the reniaining The diversion moves the roads in the Heber Down creek somne distance fromi the Conservation Area were road, and lias reinforced the graded by the Durhani banks with crushed concrete Region, and ditching pnovided and gravel. for drainage. The targest tree planting in July work, began on prograni ever carried out in enlargîng the parking lot in the conservation area, has the day use area of the park. provided 1 2,000 pine trees where space is being provided around the penimniter of the for 20 cars. park and in around a dumnp Also, a pipe line has been site on Highway 7. installed from the traider park A thousand deciduous on the height of land at the trees have been ptanted and north end of the park, to the Thanks to everyone who entered the "Free Press -- Polaroid Face Shape Contest" Here is a list of the lucky winners of apair of Polaroid sunglasses :-- Kim Fleming, Ashburn: Ni. Watson. 215 Hiallet Ave., hitby; S. Steane. 26 Barberry Ct., Whitby:- S. Subraiec,. 120 Michael Blvd-, Whitby; C. Adebar, 255,.%eado%% Rd., Whtby. 1I. Wcbsîctr, 209 Warden Wilson. Whitby: I. Pypker. R.R, No. 1. AshbUrn* D. Forget, 904 Bayview. Whitbyý L. 1-lemïng. A'shburn. A. Weber, 146 Thickson, Whitby; J. Formo.a. 909 Hutchiîson. Wh'Iîtl - S. Bloomer. 171 Michael, Whitby: R. Smith JR.. R.R. N(-,I Brookin: A. Salmers. R.R. No. 1, Brooklin; S. I.,ýon, Nl:ïrl St., Whiîblý P. McDou--all, 80î Byron N.Whthy-. I- tien ry.I109 Fergjson. Whitby; ,A. Weber.146 Thickson. Whtb% . i n Ashburn; B. Lynce. 36 Garsiîde. Brooklin, E. WaIllo.. 135 Thicks'on. Whitby; R Gibles.. Ashbum L.Pauloîk. Gilbcrt St., Whtïtb% Whitby Downtown Business Ad C. Nielsen M. McGohey C. Bîsset G. Moar P. Brudek D. Bird C. Clarke M. Roberts M. Buchner We would aise like to thank those who participated; both our customers and Association .1 in MaS silver maple, trees we're ptanted'in a'tree nursery in the conservation area, for transplanting in the future. To encourage the wildiife of the area, the conservation day use area, 'wliere two water, >:foVrtains wit .be, instglled'in hefal tmnproveménts at the traiter park include the addition of wooden racks and new shower curtains in the utitity building, and the plantings- to set off the separate caî,tnpsites. Lasi faIt each campsite xvas provided with a fire place. 1Mr. Ternîtl reports that attendance at the trailen park is up 100 per cent over last year, and miore than 1,500 famiilies are expected tolhave miade use of the site by the end of August. Because of the increased use, an attendant is on duty every weekend at the check-in booth. In September, two con- struction projects will be undertaken by the conserva- tion authority. In the day use area there will be a washroom con- structed, and to the east of the day use area the first phase 'of a new maintenance centre wilt be begun. Ilie centre will provide an office and two bays for trucks to service the western wate rshed area of the conser- vation authorily's area -of one, the shetl of the building, will be S30,000 says Mn. Terril]. Phase two witl be the interior wvonk of the centre and a yard, to be completed in die spning of 1977. New signýs are beinig set up at the entrances 10 the con- servation area and on the roads Ieading to it. 10 miake residents of Whtby and district more aware of ilie Heber Down Conser-ation Area and what il has to offer. Since Mav. as miany as 11I students froni the Expenience 76 pnogram have heen building, a nature traîl fronm th1e day use area 1th le trailer park, complete with 1bridges oven swam-py areas and steps up hilîs. Other imiprovemnents include repairs 10 an old picnic shelten, and generat maintenance work. In~ August and Septeinber iniends ho build a play area adjacent to the tradter camp. ith horseshoe pts. s%'ings. and sec saws. CLOCAs second conserva- -- tn area inWiiiWîb-, , hie Lynde Sliores ('Consecrvai1011 Area. on thie siore ojf Like Ontanio. lias reccived lecss attention thîs seir. for il is ho bc used imainîs as a \vîldlife To At phone nme on My sincere, appreciation Pat Wilcox geese from the Toronto Islands- to the Cranberry Marsli, with the hope that they would migrate in the wînter rather than stay at the Toronto Islands where they were Ted by the public. So fan, il baby geese have The improvements at the Heber Down and Lynde Shores Conservation Aieas are part of an ongoing prognam of deveiopment of Whitby's conservation areas- by CLOCA. Scottish World Festival -Tatoo Coniing to CNE August 19»22 The largest Scottish Tattoo in the world -- that's the pnoud dlaim of the Canadian National Exhibition as it prepares to host the Scottishi Wortd Festival in Toronto, August 19 to 22. The Scottish World Festival Tattoo 'witl be held in the renovated 54,000-seat C.N.E. Stadium, home of the foot- ball Argonauts and the future nesidence of Toronto'5 Amnenican League basebal teani. "The modernization and expansion of the facilities in the C.N.E. Stadium gives us the unique opportunity of presenting the largest, the finest. Scottish Tattoo seen anywlîene in the wonld", commented Lt. Col. Ciiff Hunt, Chairman of the '76 Scottish World Festival ankd the CNE's Direc ton of Miusic. Tlle Scottish Tathoo produced ai a cost of over hiaîf a million dollars --- wil highlight a thousand pipers and drumnmers fromn Scottand, Engtand, Northern lreland and Canada taking pant in a pipe band display unnîaîched anvwhere in the wortd. Other highlights include the f-irst-c'.er appearance in North Amenica of the Massed Bands of Her Majest> 's Royal Marines The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Irishi Rangers, a farned 'British regiment steeped in Irish traditions and valoun . The dare devil mnotorcycle Sports night supervisors wanted it an t Ik. irector of Recreation fo r the West Ly nde ('omnîity .Associa- lion, î'slookîng for people capable of sup-ervîsîu tlle assctîîe'sladies and ii*s 1spoitîs uiig1ts.1) rest)ifUC 011 Monda\ s auJWJïidî\sf 1 Ille taIl she .lso 1uceds seniCone to teach v \a Sug~gL stiotis toi ne". activit ies .aieak 'ecme teamn of the Ontario Provincial Police ... Pipes and Drum s of the Fraser Highlanders ... 250 Scottish Country Dancers in a bneath- taking exhibition of grace and beauty ... Highland Clan chiefs from Scotland .. Ail in att, it will be over* two hours of unrivalted Scottish music the Scottish World Festival Tattoo at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario. For further information, write to: Scottish Worid Festival, Canadian National Exhibition, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C3. Tom Edwards says: Walking on sidewalks frightening experience "If you want to *'ave an awful and frightening exper- ience, watk on the sidewatks in some of our older aneas of town",says Whitby Councittor Tom Edwands. Councillor Edwands made the stahement du ring a recent council meeting. He urged residents to put pressure on the îown to force nepair of the sidewalks in some of the older areas of If a majority of ratepayers in an area petitîon the town, the town viii pay haîf the cost of repairing sidewalks with the ratepaye ns, who have sidewalks in front of thein houses repaired, paying the other haîf. Councilior Edwards said it has been severat years since sidewaiks have been repaired on the initiative of the taxpayers. 70 large print books at public library large pnint are presently available to patrons of thýe public libraries in the regions of Peel, York and Durham. At the WVhitby Public Library. there are over 70 in stock, including many old favorites as well as somne of. the most recent titles. 'Many people don't realize that we have large pint books avaitable for theni. if they find regular books hard to read". said Chief Libranian. Mirs. Anne Hiope- Brown. Arnong the tilles present]y in stock ai Wiîby Public L-ibrary are' the following: -The Book of Eve by Bleresford4-lowe, The Lasi Showdown by Brand, Cal aiong the pigeons by Christie, I heard the Owl cal] my name by! Craven, The Great Gaisby by IIJNTERS! ORDER THOSE SPECIAL TOPOGR.APHICAL MAPS NOW FROM BRIAN'S FOR BOOKS 135 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-1221 Pass by %lacLean. Patrons %%ho can't find what thev want in targe print books onty have ho ask. "As part of the Central Ontario Regionai Library System, we can bonrow large print books from othen libraies on inter- libnary boan". said Mrs. Hope-Brown. Lange pint books suitabie for both children and aduits are availabte and can be borrowed without charge the same way as regular books. Like ail other libraries in Peel, York and Durham the Whitby Public Librany lias a catalogue of ait the large pnint books available in the three regions. The catalogue sas prepareId by the Central Ontario Pegional Library System. which coordinates mdanv services for local public tîbranues. 90 pupersons in tournamlent More than 90 pensons registered for the County Town Carnivat Tennis Tour- nament held at Peel and Hutchison parks is by the Whîîby YNICA. Although the tournament got off to a wet start on Saturday July 31, the weather was ideal un the Sunday and Nionday. Winners were: ladîc,ý singles, Liz Tediord: ladies doubles, Uiz Tcdford and lEva Langtey; muxed doubles, Frank and Mary Kreù, mnen's singjes, Zolton o; ne's doubles, Zolton Bolya and Fran~k Roylz, TH-ANKS the kind people who took the time to and send cards and letters congratulatiflg the Peter Perry Award. , t Il iz