Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1976, p. 12

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%PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS F7ree' Pres1si uai tî. smbi i i lEmporiu m Autos 1974' BUIÇK APOLLO power steering, power brakes, le mileage with safety chec asking $3,200, owner sellir because he needs a 'h ton truc] Caql 985-3393. 1965 CHEV IMPALA -bci f'air, motor good, interior fi $250 as is. Cail 668-9757. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC fully equipped, $4,000. lis PONTIAC - two doorV ower sern power bral< 40. 197l VAUXHAI PARENSA SL - good conditjo $650. Caîl 668-8957. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Couj standard, radio, techomete $500 or best offer. Cali 668-046 ce 'W ck ng ý66 '8, )e er, il rT- ri, 0, r. K 00 g r, 0 1967 VOLKSWAGON FASI BACK - as is $200. CalI 576-659: 1966 FORD FAIRLANE 4 :oor sedan, 289 V-8 !ntoj in fair running conditior uncertified, $175 or best offei Caîl 668-9167. 1972 RENAULT 12 excellent condition, certifiec comipleteîy overhauîed, radio cassette deck, radial tires, $1,400 Cailî723-0985. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PIC UJP - 360 motor, radio, cab f( back. also wooden box, $4,50 CaIl 668-0705. 1970 'PLYMOUTH SATELITE four door sedan, six cylinder, ixi running orcler, as is $300. Cal] 668-8712 or,668-6260 (after 6). 1964 -1/TON GMC PICK U TRUCK - new motor, 6,00 miles, good for parts, $250. Ca be seen at 1201 Brock St. Sý Whitby. 1949 CHEV!Y? TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body work, $400; Volkswagon VW TRAILER HITCH, $20. CatI 668-8376. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $ 100. Cati 623-2043. 1971 FORD - power steeriri & brakes, radial, good conditior $400. Call 668-5318. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatie, power steering anc brakes, radio, snow tires, ver) low mileage, $2,900. Cali '668-1134. 1961 FORD FALCON 2 door, automatic, 6 cylindci good running order, 31,001 original miles, $500. Cal 668-5815. 1967 VW BEE--TLE - $300 as ie. Caîl Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 663-4185. 1967 PONTIAC BEUMONT two door, 283 motor, pmd rims & air shocks, 20,000 miles on motor and transmission, needs brakes and body work to be certified, $300 or best offer. Call 655-3481. 1964 CHEVELLE -.six cylinder, standard, in running condition, uncertified, $150. Cati 655-4498. 1972 GRAN TORINO SPORT - power steering, powver brakes, 35 1 V-8, am-fmn radio, asking $ 1,975. Cal668-9805. 1963 OL-DS SýUPf-.R 88 - automatic, 77,00(0 miles, good running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, lots of ex tras, $200. Caîl 728-2p94. 1967 DODGI' lPOLARIS- 2 door hardtop, verv decan, in good running condition, $450 as is. Caîl 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer.. Caîl Tom at 668-9860. - 1966 FORD- convertible, recent paint and body work, new top, runs good , askinm $650 or best offer. Caî 668- 8 fc 6 p.m. 1975 BUICK SKYLARK - 15,000 miles, hatchiback, power steering, power brakes,. radio, ,excellent condition, $4595. Cati 668-5767. 1972' GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. Cal 655-3406. 1967 METEOR< lORD -new paint and body work, runs good, 11965 PONTIA'C WAGON - automnatie, 283, powver equipped, $250. Cao 1,e seen aI 1,201 Brock St. S., Witby. 1964 CHEVY 2 - parts or wihole, best offer. CaiI 668-06 30.j 1966 FORD VAN- new tie rod ends, tfront and rear cylinders, front and rear brake slsoes, emergency brake, front end aligument, complete tune-up, amn-fm tape player, very good running condition, certified, $700. Cal 668-0610. 1968 PONIAC STATION- WAGON - runs like new, every- thing in svorking order, body rustv. $400. Cali 655-3790. 1970PONTIAC PARISIENNE - two door hardtop, V-8, power steering, power brakes, radio, certified, $1,100 or best offer. Cal 66 8-027 2 or 7 28- 2519. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econoliiie Van, $550. Cali 579-0233 or 725-7449. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certified, $695. Cal 579-3648. ýd ig ý0; Four L78xl15 on Fordfive-stuÉ RIMS - $20Oeach; one Cooper Mý offroad tire on a white mag rim $50; one Mlyers pîowv mouinting kit for 100, $100. Cal 668-608( "Two SNOW TIRES - %viti rims, Uniroyal Winter Pide F78-.14, oew, $55. Cal 655-3879. HEADERS - for 68-74 NOÇ)ý, $60; 9 x 12 TENT, outsidc frame, $65; SEWING MACHINE, $60; BICYCLE, 2 wheeler, $10; Cal 723-0855. TIRES - 4 newv, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwall, $ 120, for compact or intermediate car. Cal 668-8544. TIRES --650-13, 2 for $15; Catalytic HEATER, $8; holding tank for boat, $30; table top RANGETTE, $20; Cookxng surface unit, $120. Cal 576-6592. REAR BUMPER - for 197f~ Chev Van, painted, excelleni condition, $30;PAINTED GRILL, for 1975 ("hev Van, $30;4 chrome TRIM .IINGS, fit 14' wheels, new condition, $20. Cali 655-3183. ~oWmob iles, Trailers, etc. TRAILER (BOX) - 16" swheels, $75. Cal 668-6779 after 6 p-m. 16' Fibreglass covered RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD gas tank, battery eîecîrîc start. as is, best offer over $350. C!1 668-8957. OUTBOARD MOTOR - Johnson 3 horse, good runnini condition, $125. Cali 068-506( after 5 p.m. MOPED - Bronco, highrise handlebars, delu'-;" seat, 148 milet per gallon, wilI go 40 m.p.'L, $275 or best offcr. Cal 668-838 1. 1973 R UPP I l USTLER 1 2" wlhccls, goucl condition, asking 4*250; 12' plysvood boat, mnade lasI year, semii-V botlom, asking $10. Cali 655-4616. 15 foot IIOUJSE 'TI AILE'R 1968, complete \vith reese hitch, sleep .6, lots uf* sborage, .portable olet, propane fridgc & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen ent included, $1,500. Cali 1-705-277-2790. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA good condition, $ 1,000. Cal 723-2351 any ime. GO-KAR[ - Il *73M Bug Sidewinder, duel engines, fuel injection, $600 or best offer. Cal 668-5432 ask for Rob. Tour-a-Home I 972CAMPER for pick-up truck, sleeps 4, lots of cupboards, sink, place for fridge, no slove, very good condition, $950; 2 JACKS, $100 or best offer. Caîl1655-3006. 1964 ('IEVELLE SS- six cylinder, bueket seats, fluor, console, good tires, body and' interior in lair condition, $200 firmn as is. 'aIl 728-3992. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER- 16 feet, $2,800. Cao be seen at 385 Lorindalle Dr., Oshawa. O h NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPOR.IUM, pay ONLY when you seIl! There will not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unîess the item advertised is soîd. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. AIl advertisements must be pîaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS -trI run at least one minnth if not sold. RATES (if article is soîd): 5% of advcrtised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $5000 - commissiÃ"n due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50) Private aclvertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a priva te advertiser. j: Picase notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when itemi is sold so that we may delete il from the following issues. Services, hielp wvanted, clothing, real cstatc and personal message type ads cani only bce handîed on a prepaid basis. If in cîoubt, eall 668-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: r:RàEE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby l'le deadline for emporium ads is the Monday aI noon. ___________Furniture Junior BLD - with mattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, everything included but Iining, $300 or best offer. Caîl 655-3583. CANE BOTTOM CHAIR - ref-inisl'ed, $35; also a small cane bottom chair, $25. Caîl 655-3768. Wooden STORM WINDOWS -- sxstandard size and two others, $5 each; aluminum combination storm door, $10; wvooden door, $5. Caîl 668-8304. BIRD CAGE good condition, 655-3657. floor stand,' $40. Caîl t DRESSER - with six drawers, land mirrors, $45; four,*::RAWER CHESI, $35;, continen::..l BED, 54" complete with headboard, boxspring, mattress, $60: auto- matic radio conibination radio 8-rack car sterco, $45; Cal 723-7147. .Double WOODEN BED- $10; 53" SPRING for bed, $5; 38" SPRING for bd $5; 3 chrome CHIAIRS, $3; R'ECORDS, 78's & -45's, $1 ea':h; B & 'W Philco PORTABLE TV, Y-50; CHESTIE-RFIE:I.Dwith 'riatching ARMCT\lRý. S75; TOASTER, $5. Cal! 655--3545. 3 PCE. CHESTERFIELD beauCiful condi tion, Khroeler, $250; CAS 1)RYER, white, excellent condition, $90. ('al 668-6958. Swivel RO('Kl*R' green-hl'ie colour, $55; une buckel (CHAIR, leather, orange colour, $20, oesectional kitchien SUITE, leathlerette, une ycar old, $155. Caîl 668-9520. Victorian BEI,)ROOM SET anticque sith twin beds, box spring andl mattrcs.s, very new $400; two end TABLES, haif moon style, $6 ea. ('aIl 668-9009. D EL UX1: BATH/CIIANCE TABLEIý $40; decorated basinette, $25; lay tenCtials, original box, $20; JoIly Jumper, original, box, $5; busy gym, original box, $4; l".P. happy apple, original box, $2.50: korner busy face, original box, $3; antique wooden cradle, $125; Oval baby bath ub, $2; Small diaper pail, $4; raggedy Ann & Aridy bunîper pads, $10; F.P. pull train, original box, $2; F.P. pull bouncing buggy, original box, $ 2.5 0; botîle warmier, boxed, $ 2; plastic feeding chair, $2; B & W portable TV, $25; 4 Remington radial tires l"R70-i4, tuib,!c.rLs, 6 ply dynacor rayon, $80; new pak-clek ski carrier, padlockr,.d top) bar, lu bular alumiiiîiî' 'nî cardes 6 piairs of' skis, $12; colonial ceiling l1gh t fixture, $25; Cal 683-6930. 1 BED CHESTERFIELD - 3 months old, Beverley miattrcss, plus chrome frame, tintecl glass end table, bought for $500, wiII sdIl for $300. Cal 655-4 lOi1. 9 pce. DINING ROOM SUITE - needs refinishing, $150; Stove, 30", $50; also iniscellaneous articles. Cai 655-3724. Victorian CHAIR -- set of 6, n good condition, asking $70 ýach, wooden stove, $50. Cali i68-8376. FURNITURE -- anticque :-alI table, 60" x 20", $65; child's desk & chair, $6; built-in, $10 plus remnoval. Cali 668-1063. "DRAPES - 150 x 90, newly :leancd, orange, goîd & black liulticolours, $40; bedrooin drapes, 72 x 63, ilac, mauve, green, lorai, .ully ined, 2 years old, .levy :leanecl, $30. Cali 839-7774.' FURNITURE - Antique hall table, 60" x 20", $65; child's desk & Chair, $6, built-in, $10 plus removal. Cal 668-1063. ANTIQUE cabinet, over restored, $250. DESK - wi th 100 years olcI, Cali 655-3750. -1 Set of thrcc lier BUNK BEDS - sith 3" foam miaîtresses, ideal for cottage, $45. Caîl 66 8-8114. tiolstcred ( 'IIAIR - uinfinishiecl $25; ('aIl 725-121 1. Kingsiie 11) & S'I'ÏE1L 1 - R A mII , ilattress, $175; gas primnas 3 bu r ' r s t ove, ('or camping, $50. ('aIl 579-0757. Antique CHIST $75. Caîl 668-8527. two drave r,1 I- XTENS ION iTA BîH: - alnut, clusecl, 37" x 20)", open 37" x 40-", 'ully extencled svitln hree leaves, 37" x 76", $75; child's bcd, folding type, 27" x 52" sith mattress, good condition, $30; rollaway bcd, 30)" %vide, $8; f'our kitchen or bar stools, 24" hlighl, one metal, $7; be ige rug, 1 1'4" x 10', needs cleaning, $35; two humrrer stove, clectric, 220 $ volt heavy <lu y, 25" high sith E sheli', no oven, $15. Caîl .$ 655-3860. ( 1Italian Perrigo twin P: STROLLER- navy bloc, $70. it Cal]6 83-15'74. ir b Beauiful*tt antique tall CHINA BUFFET- large glass front, medium honeysvood would match colonial, $500 firmi. Call 4 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. j ('RYSTAL CHANDEjLIEjR,- ti with 24 lighits, $100; LANýTERN, tl $25; GLOBE, $20, ail good uondition, Caîl 668-0524. 'si RUG - 9 x 12, gold sshag, $ perfect condition, $100. Caul 8 668-1618 after 6 p.m. e( Ci Appliances Antique RCA Victorola ~VDIO CONSOLE - with atito- Ir a tic' turn table, about 1943 riodel, fuîîy functioning, soîid '.vh:'ln, .3û0 cash. Caîl 579-159Y.* Wringer washing MACHIN' $25; Iawnmowers, $10 & $1 roomn divider, large, brand r $25; carpe ting for 13 steps, gr underpadding, $25. Caîl 725-1 B&W TV - 20 inch, $ Caîl 668-1384. AUTOMATIC WASHER $250; Frigidaire, $250, both in excellent condition. 1 668-0270. SCM ELECTRIC ÈROOM $6; PORTABLE HAJRDRYE 1970 Dodge CHALLENGER certified& $895 or best offer. Ca, 668-5745 1968 CHFEV IMPALA recent pain t and body wvork,goo( family car, Iow mileage, askinj $850 certified. Caîfl 668-248. after 6 m. 1964 CHEVELLE S.S. $250; 1972 RIDEAU 500, $50( one telecas ter, cus tom gittaý excellent condition, $400. Ca 728-3992 anytime. lE - 15; new, reen, 1 c 'I .211. 00. are -al1 20. as te, 'ly 'M. ýrs ýr ng 3. r. White SEWING MACHINE - zig-zag, buttonholer, like new, $70O firm. Caîl 723-1802. SMALL ELECTRIC STOVE - used once, oven & 3 burners, $30; portable toilet, new, for camping or cottage, $20. Cal 655-3790. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER, - different attach- ments for poîishing, shampooing, vacuuming, etc. The cost was $399-50 wilI sell'for $200. Cati 668-8957. B & W TV- Console, $65; Oshawa Catholic High Schooi skirt, like new, $10. Cal 725-1211. CONSOLE B&W TV - gooci Heavy du ty SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-controi FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but still as new, $10.. Caîl 668-7014. STÉREO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioneer turntable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Caîl 723-2351 -anytime. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years old, in wooden cabinet, excellent condi~tion, $125. Caîl 668-6598. AG'S STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cati 668-1297. TELEVISION - B & W, 19"%, $35; RAD!O, AM-FM, record player, TV combination, 21" screen, $50. Caîl 668-6260. REFRIGERATOR - Large frost-free fridge, $150; 30" stove, $95, both in excellent condition, Call 668-3889. WASHER & DRYER - apartment size, $100; cement laundry tubs with stand, $45; dehumidifier, $75. Cati 668-1134 evenings. Kenmore automaticWASHER: in good condition, moving to an. apartment, $125. Caîl 668-5745. I Instruments GUITAR - Like new, vinyl case and picks included, $40. Cati 668-3447. Ken t Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - liIe new, witlî custom'- made amplifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. Caîl 57e-8042. Philips BEAUTY SET -- w; 14 attachments, neyer used, $2 ÇaIl 668-4690. Dual 1218 TURNTABLE base & dust cover included', h automatic shu'toff & antiskat 'audio technica cartridge, on] used for two months, $230 fin Caîl 668-3015 after 5:30 p.m. 36,000 BTUI 3 ton Fedcle: AIR CONI)ITIONEIR - 3 plias power 208 volts, $375; 71/2 hj .1974 outboard motor searsniode nev, $250. Caîl 985-3542. TV CONSOLE -- goc icondition, Aciniral, B3 & W, $50 Caîl 668-8580. B & W CencraI Electric TV - wîth 26" secen, good conditior $75; Braun airc:'sl'Io)ned hai dryer, $ 12. Caîl 668-4994. Counter-t. - , whîrîin 'ACTION DISHWASHER, $15 Hoover ý'LOOR POLISHER, c 3 ýets of pads, $20. Caîl 668-4093 . Singer SEWING MACHINE - wi th stool, $165; STERE( bomponent set, with wooder stand, $210. Caîl 985-3393. EMERSON TV SET - %vith radio, record player, ir good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Caîl 668-7446. Westinghouse DRYER - electric, recently recondition only $8(f. Caîl 723-0722. SPEAKERS - 8û with vizzei conc, 8 ohms, brand new, actua, Pricè $18 only $10; BOW '& ARROW SET, AI condition, re tail $15 only $8. Cali 668-6790 after 4 p.m. COUCH grey, Iwo seat, very good condition, $75. Can be seen at 114 Green St. or Caîl 668-5541 after 4 p.m.. USFD TV ANTENNA - $20. ('aIl 668-8943., BLACII ('OAL & WOOD STîOVE s- %ith oven, and hot watcr tank, wvhite enamiel, good condition. $125. ('aIl 668-3630. WASIIER & DRYEIR - WVestinghlouxse liavv doty, xwashier, S50I; crver, SI100. (aIl 655-3790. STlOVI.. almjost nesx'. LhkjnC $ 1,100. (ail1668-4652. STOVE -30 inci, good ce-l dilion $75; space 1-IATER $60. Ca11 668-6750. TV - 23" Admirai' B&W, $75; 8 Crack car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turrotable with dustcover,ý $30; men's bloc spîit leather .OAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN-; PORT, brand new tuxedo style in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, musC selI, best offer accepted, caîl 668-0856. OIL SPACE HEATER - svith1 [5 gallon drum, $50; fruit juicer, nearly new, $15;, two bear raps, Ifor chain loading, loads on trck, $ 10. Cali 723-3164, 1 v i il Gib.;oýn SG Custom Spetuial GUITAR - with case, $400. Trainer basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cail 725-U'97. STEREO- AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, built iii amplifier, cabinet size, 53" long by 18½/" sidc by 27" hiighi, $150 complcte or $100 wvitliout 8 track. Caîl .263-8145 or 723-2426. GUIITAR & AMPLIFIER - Guitar is a «copy of Lasp..1 CuIStom. Amplifier is a Sonax 720G svitli tWo 10V speakers, asking $225 for p)air. Cal 668-4730. ELECTRIC GUITAR- Mansficî,d, double, pick ups, excellent condition, $70. Cal 668-5337 ask for Phil. Ludwig 7-y :icce DRUM SET - with genui *ne Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cati 728-25J8. TRAîNER GUITAR MADE AMPLIFIER - in good condi- tion, $200. Caîl 655-4.120 ask for Dave. SPEýAKE-IRS - two large -16", approximately 312 high, c'éontaîn iii black leatherý casing,'45o best offer. Cail 668-2860. French Riviera f'Our piece DR UM SET -Nbue sparkle finishi, hii-hat- symnbol, very good -condition, $150..Ct 655-3205.

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