PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Free- Autos 1974 I3UICK APOLLO - power steering, powver brakes, Iowv mileag'e with safety check asking $3,200, oWner selling because lie needs a 12 ton truck. Fail 985-3393. 1965 CHEV IMPALA -. body fair, motor good, interior lfair, $250 as is. Caîl 668-9757. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fuîly equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, power steering, power brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. CaII 668-8957. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techome ter, $500 or best offer. Cati 668-0463. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- Bi' CK - as is $200.- Cati 576-6592. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 -.oor sedan, 289 V-8 mtr in fair runnirig condition, uncertitied, $175 or best offer., Cati 668-9167. 1972 RENAULT 12 - excellent condition, certified, completeîy overhauled, radio, cassette deck, radial tires, S 1,400. Cati 723-0985. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 Cati 668-0705. 1970 PLYMOUTH SATELITE - four door sedani, six cylinder, in running order, as is $300. Cali 668-8712 or 668-6260 (after 6). 1964 3/ TON GMC PICK UP TRUCK - new motor, 6,000 miles, good for parts, $250. (Can- be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1949 CH EV 1/TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs somne body work, $400; Volkswagon VWTRAILER HITCH, $20. Cal 668-8376. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC V-8, as is, $100. Cal 623-2043. 1971 FORD - power steering & brakes, radial, good condition, $400. rail 668-53 18. 1973 PONTIAC LIiMANS -. automatic. power steering, and brakes, radio, snow tires, ver), low mîleage, $2,900. Cal 668-1 134. 1961 FORD lFALC'ON 2 door, au toinatic, 6 cylint:"r. good running orie r. 3 1 ,OOt original miles. $500. ('al 668-5815. 1967 VW 131l1l Il S310 as is. ('alil Re%. 728-0253 or Bus. 66fj8-4 I185. 1967 PONTIAC- BEUMONI t1wo door, 283 metor, pmid rnis & air shocks, 20,000 miles on motor and transmission, needs brakes and body work to bc certified, $300 or best otfer. Cal()5 5-34 81. 1964 (CI 1 EVI.Lsix cylinder. standartd, ini running condition, uncertificd, $150t. ('alil655-4498. 197-2 GRANTORINO SPUR] - po'.'er steering. powe. r braîkes, 351 V-8, am-lm radio. asking $SI1,975., Calil668-9805. 19 73 11A'f 128 S 1ATIN - WAG;ON excelîctrit condition, s\01i1iccrtifv, 36,000> miles, $1.650 or best offer. (al 668-0307. 1967 DODGIE 'POLARIS - 2 door hardtop, very decan, in good running condition, $450 as is. Cal! 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1965 - lORD MERCU-RY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. Cal Tom at 668-9860. 1966 lOR D -convertible, recent l)aint and body w.ork, nesv top. runs good, asking $650 or best offe r. Caîl 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1975 BU!('K SKYLARK - 15,000 miles, hatchback, power steering, power brakes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Cail 668-5767. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. Cali 655-3406. 1967 METEOR lORD --new paint and body work, runs good, asking $400. Caîl 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1965 PONTIAC' WAGON - Al automatic, 283, power equipped, $250. Can hx,-scen at 1201 D'rock St. S., Whltby. 11 1966 FORD VAN - new tie rod ends, front and rear cylinders, front and rear brake shoes, eniergency brake, front end aligniment, compte te tunc-up, am-fmn tape player, very good running condition, certified, $700. Cal 668-0610. 1972 -TRIUMPH - Tiger, 650 cc, $825. Caîl 728-i1930 after 5 p.m. 1970PONTIAC PARISIENNE - two door hardtop, V-8, power steering, power brakes, radio, certifted, $1,100 or best offer. Cali 668-0272 or 728-2519. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econoliihe Van, $550. Caîl 579-0233 or 725-7449. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certified, $695. Cal! 579-3648. 1970 Dodge CHALLENGER - certifted, $895 or best offer. Cal 668-5745 1968 CfIII.V IMPALA recent paint and body w.ork,good family car. low ilcage, askîng $850 certified. Cail 668-2485 after 6 D.n. 1964 CIIEVELLE S.S. - $250; 1972 RIDI-.AI 500. $500; one telecaster, customn guitar, excellent condition, $400. ('al 728-3992 anlytime. Four L7 8xl15 on Ford five-stud RIMS -- $20 cacli: one Cooper MS offroad tire on a white mag rîrn $50; one Myevrs pIo%% mounting kit for 1100, $100. ('aIl668-6080 .Two SNOW TIRES wi th rims, Uniroyal Winter [Midc, 1-7-1,rew, $55. Cal! 655-3879. IIEADERS -- for 68-74 Nova, $60; 9 x 12 TENT, outside frame, $65: SEWING MACIIINU., $60, BIC'Y('L-E, 2 wvheeler, $1 0, Cal 723-0855. lIES 4 nes'.. Goodycar. D7t0-14, blackssall. $120,' for compact or întermiediake car. (Cal 668-8544. TRS- 650-13, 2 for $15». Catalytic HEATER. $8; holding tank for boat, $30; table top RANGETTE, $20; Cooking surface uni t, SI120.('ali 576-6592. RIiAR BUMPER - for 1975 Chev Van, pýtinted, excellent condition, S30;I>AINTED GRI LIL. for 1975 (lîev Van, $30: 4 chrome TRIM .INGS, fit 14" wlîcels, ncw condition, $20. ('aIl 655-31 83. Sn~owmobiles, Trailers, etc. TRAILER whccls, $75. after 6 p.nî. (BOX)>--16' Caîl 668-6779 16' -ibreglass covered RUN- ABOU'r 25 11p)QUIBO3ARD gas tank, batterv clectric siart. as is, be'St offer over $350. ( 668-8957. OUBOARI) MOTOR Jolinson 3 horse, good ronninî condition, $125. ('al668-506t after 5 pi. MOI>EI)-- Bronco, higlrist landiebaîrs, delta'- seat, 148 rile' per gallon, wili go 40 m.p.!'.;- $275 or best ofier. ('aIl 668-838 1. 1973 R UI>P 1IlIU ER 12" wiîeels, griod condition, asking ',ý250: i12' plywood boa t, made last year, semi-V bottorn, asking $ 100. Caîl 655-4616. 15 foot flOUSE T,'RAILI-,'R 1968, cemnpletle withlî eese hitch, slcep .6, lots of storage, portable toilct, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen tent included, $1,500. ('ail 1-705-277-2790. 1975 RD 350 YAMAIIA good condition, $1,000. ('ail 723-2351 anytirne. GO-KART - 1173 Bug Sidewinder, duel engines, fuel injection, $600 or bcst- offer. Cati1668-5432 ask for Rob. Tour-a-Hlome i972CAMPE-R for pick-up truck, sleeps 4, lots of cupboards, sink, place for fridge, no stove, very good condition, $950: 2 JACKS, $100 or bcst- offer. ('ail 655-3006. 1964 (IEEL:SS -six cylinder. bucket seats, fluor console, ýtood tires, body and intenior inii lair condition, $200 firm as is. ('ail 728-3992, 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 fect, $2,800. Can bc -wen al 385 Lorindic Dî., Oihawa Cali 668-6111 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FEE in the FREE PRESS EMPOIU.M, pay ONLY when you soul! There will not'be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PREiSS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is soid, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated belowj. Ail acivertisements must bc placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS 'a.rd run at ieast one maih if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400,00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertiscd for $50.00 - commission duc $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50) Private advertising only! Pîcase notify us if you fmnd a retailer listed as a private advertiser. PIease notify the Whitby Erec Press inmmcdiately '.hen item is sold so that we nîay delete it from the following issues. Services, hielp w.anted, clothing, rouI estate and personal message type ads can oniy be handled oni a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: I:REE PRESS EMPORIUMI P.O. Box 206, Whitby 'lie dcaidline for emnporiuum ads is the Monclay at noon. 'I Furniture Junior BLD - %vith inattrcss, $20: chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20: SWIMMiNG PIOOL, everything included but Iining, $300 or best offer. Caîl 655-3583. CANE BOTTOM CHIAIR - refinishied, $35; also a smnall cane bottoni chair, $25. Cali 655-3768. Woodcn ST!ORMl WIND>OWS SiK standard sire and two oe th1ers, $5 cadli-, aluminumi combmlation storni <ber. SIOt>: tieten door, $5. ('aili668-830)4. BEI) CHEISTERFIELD - 3 mon ths old, Beverley nmat trcss, plus chromne fraine, tinted glass end table, bought for $500, will sel for $300. Cali 655-4 101. 9 pcc. DINING ROOM SUITE neccîs refinishinig, $150; Stove. 30", $50: also mniscellaneous articles. ('ail 655-3724. Vtctorian CHIAIR- set of 6, iri good condition, asking $70 each, wooden stove, $50. ('ai 668-8376. ( ra'.ely 1-i.:'5nI racter i quip muent 30-"Rotarv Messer, BIRD CA(;I Iloor ,tarnd. "200: .48" corNrd Siios'. or 1)irt good cetidihtin, S 40. ( i blade. ">9 t): 42'" siekie ni e', 655-3657. $275. .111 teinu in eeod condl(itin. (al655-4995. DR F551'. wi 1h six drawers, andI mirrors, $45: tour RA'-I CIIEST, $35; continen I 1BI), 54" compite tws.i th cadboard. boxspring.rn attress, *. $f: l:u to- maitic radio coinbination radio 8-track car stereo, $45; ('al 723-7147. WIlN DOWS 54 \5.t\\ o- 54 \ 24 ,antd ene54 \30 \\i tii storni s'.ndoss te mnatch. ail ini reai "od l c 11d itr1>i i ( ,ili1 6608-2 8' 2 o r a p 1) te 121 1, dace S t.. \\ i tbY . .Ak inil SSI l'or tlir e 'gliit \\ inudr ss BI("u'( . ('ail 0068-3771. hie%, ' -vrd, and0 barinai "cart. 20)' itic l i le di. ',2 7. S'.'.vel RO(KI R gruci-liliec coleur, $55; mne bueket C'IlAIR, le atllier. oeraînige col on r, $21): onc se-c tionail k ilcdieu SI)l'I. leatîterette, onie year oldl, $155. ('aIl 668-9520. 19()9 MI-I- O<RI)A 50)0, V-8 arnuir a tic, p/s.Ip/b. reccu t uiginie tt'ip. u)antI braîke overhaul. $351). ('al668-7314. DI;'LUXIl BATIi1/('IIANGEt- TABLE $40; dccorated basinette, $25:; llaytentials. original box, $20; Jolly Jumiper. original box, $5: husy gymi, original box, $4:;l'.P. hîappy apple, original box, $ 2.5 0; korner busy face, original box, $3; antique wooden cradle, $125: Oval baby bath tub, $2: Small diaper pail, $4; raggedy Ann & Aridy bumper pads, $10: E.P. pull train, originuail box, $2: I.P. pull bouncing buggy, original box, $2.50, - bottle '.armier. boxed, $2:. plastic l'ceding chair, $2: B & W portable TV, $25: 4 Remnington radial tires FR7O-14, tub.,*as, 6 ply dynacor rayon, $80: new pak-dek ski carrier, padioul--td top bar, tubtîlar ilumir- n, cardies 6 pairs of s kis, $ 12;* colonial celîing 1gb t ixture, $25; Call 683-6930. 1) RA PLS 150 \ 90, neu Iv clcanced, oranilge. grîld (J& bl ac k uuru. ticontr, $ 41>: bedreeni drapes, 72 \ 63, lilac, miauve, green. floral, 1'tilly mciid. 2 vears old, '.'". :y .lcanier. $ 30. (ali 839-7774. 1l- R N IltRI. , Antique lhall table. 60) \ 20", $65: chld's dcs;k & ('flair. $6, but-ii, SI1( pins renioval. ('ail 66 8-I1063. ANTIQUEI' 1D1--S K - s'. lii bià tînet. ove r 100 years olJ, rcstored, S 250). ('aIl 655-3750. Set of' ilirc err BUNK 1311)S svilti 3" <eau inia t tresse s, idca i l'or celttag. $45. ('ailI 668-Xl1 I4. 1Iiliohektered ('lIAI R titilin îshcd. $25:.(:111 725-121 1. K ingsize tfi 1) & SI ,1,I A. R A MI I matlrcs, ,$1 75; cas primias> 3 h r'r stese. t'or caîru,$50. (:111 579-0757. Antique ('ll'ST $75. ('aIl 668-8527. tvo,dra'.er,1 l.'I"N S10N T'lItI,l' - s'.alr, Ut. isc,37" x 20"', opt'n 37" x 4()", fr(illy extended svitlî irec learves, 37" x 70". $75; elild's bcd(, t'elting type. 27" x 52" '.vith iuuattress,, gouud condition. $30: rolla'.'ay bed, 31)" '.ide, $8; fotur kitcelur or bar stools, 24" liglu. one mietal, $7; be ige rug, I11'4" x 10', needs cleaning, $35, ts'.o borner steve, electric, 220 volt hieavy duty, 25" ligli w.'itl shecli'. no oven, $ 15. ('al 655-3861). I talian l>rrîgo twvin STROLLER - navy bluc, $70. C'aIl 6 83-I 5 74. Beau tifot antique taîl CHINA BUFFET - large glass front, mnediu un honey '.ood would miatch colonial, $500 tirm. Cali 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. CRYSTAL CHANDELIER withl 24 ligihts, $100: LANTERN, $25; GLOBE,. $20, ail good condition, Caîl 668-0524. R UG - 9 x' 12, gold shug, perfect condition, $100. Cal1 668-1618 ufter tq p.11. Appliances Ant.qiue RCA Victorola ,L1siDIO CONSOLE - with auto- r à tio turn table, about 1943 t'iode!, fuîly functioning, solid 'v<, 300 cash. Cali 579-1593' Wringer washing MACHINE - $25; lawnmowers, $10 & $15; room divider, large, brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25. CatI 725-1211. B&W TV - 20 inch-, $100. Cali 668-1384. AUTOMATIC WASHER - $250; Frigidaire, $250, both are in excellent condition. Cal 668-0270. 'SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAJRDRYER, $4. Call 723-0855. Philips BEAUTY SET - w;th 14 attachments, neyer used, $20. Çall 668-4690. Dual 1218 TURNTABLE base & dust cover included, has automatie shiutoff & antiskate, audio technica cartridge, only used for two months, $230 ftrm. CatI 668-3015 aftcr 5:30 36.000 BTU 3 ton Fedders AIR ('ONDITIONER - 3 phiase powver 20)8 volts, $375; 71/2 hp, 1974 outhoard motor searsmodel ne,, $250. Caîl 985-3542. TV CONSOLE - condition, Adniral, B & W, ('ail 668-8580. good $50. 13 & W General Electrie TV - with 26" screenl, good condition, $75: Braun airc:l;,ined hiair dryer, $ 12. Cali 668-4994. Couinter-t, i, whirling ACTION DISHWASHER, $15; Iloover -'LOOR POLISHER,& ,. -cets of puis, $20. Cal! 668-4093. Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stool, $165: STEREO bomponient set, with wooden stand. $210. Cail 985-3393. EM1ERSUN* TV S ET ".iîth radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or ncareFt offer. Cali 668-7446. Westinghouse D RY E'R - clectric, recently recondîtion only $86. ('ail 723-0722. SPEAKERS - 8" '.ith vizzer con-,, 8 ohmis, brand nesv, acttoal pric" ý $18 only $10; 130W & ARROW SET, AI condlition, retail $15 oniy $8. Cal 668-6790 after 4 p. OUiI grcy. two scat, verv good coniditioni, $75. ('an b;e secen at 114 Greeri St. or Cail 668-5541i after 4 p.m. $20(.('a Il 6608- 894 3. 131. 'ACII('UAL & IVOOI) S*1 (VI' 5'.illi oven. andtiliot waler tank. s'. utcenani, good condtion, Ii.$25.('al 668-.3630. I1 -R1 iDGI . NIMotla t, new conditioîn, S1I50, Stove, NIoiDat, S65:ake )cottace stove, $5 bird cage. $40: hiockey equîp- înùn t, du fie bag. hockey pan Is, $25. Call 668-0920. STOVIÂ- 30 inch, good cl dition $75;, space HEATER $60. CalI 668-6750 ROW S te rn".ood. mnlotor, $50 668-2253. BOAT ' squaire suitable <'or smiail or best oft'er. 'all TV - 23" Adimirai B&-W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dusteover, $30; men's bloc split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN-a PORT, brand new tuixedo style in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, mnust seli, best offer acceptcd, caîl 668-0856. OIL SPACE HIEATER - with 45 gallon drum, $50: fruit juicer, nearly new, $ 15: two bear traps, l'or chain ioading. loads on truek, $10. Ca1i1723-3164. HOCKEY EllQUIPME,'NT - 'ihin p'ad.s, $15; hockey panIs, $8; ,,sllottldcr pads, $8; cooper gloves, $10; hielmet, $10, all ctluipment in excellent condition. Caîll 668-6761 ask for Stcvé. White SEWING MACI-UNE - zi-ag,1 buttonholer, like new, $70 frm. Cal! 723-19802. WAS HER, DRYER, FRIDGE, STOVE - almost new, asking $ 1,100. Ca11 668-4652. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - different- attach- ments for polishing, shampooing, vacuuming, etc. fhle cost' was $399-50 will sell!for $200. Cali 668-8957. B & W TV - Console, $65; Oshawa Catholic High School skirt, like new, $10. Cali 725-1211. CONSOLE B&W TV - goodj condition, $60. Cali 668-9095 Heavy du ty SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-control FLY1NG MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but stili as new, $10.. Cali 668-7014. STEREO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioncer turnitable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cal! 723-2351 anytimne. -Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years oîd, in wooden cabinet, excellent condItion, $125. Cali 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 voit recorder & player, $75. Cali 668-129'7. TELEVISION - B & W, 19, $35; RADIO, AM-FM, record player, TV combination, 21" sereen, $50). Cali 668-6260. REFRIGERATOR - Large frost-free fridge, $150; 30" stove, $95, both in excellent condition, Cali 668-3889. WASIIER & DRYER - aparîment size, $100; cernent laundry tubs with stand, $45; dehiurnidifier, $75. Cati 668-1 134 evenings. KenmioreautomaticWASHER. in good condition, nmoving to an. apartment, $125. Cali 668-5745. Instruments GUITAR -- Lîke nesv, vinx'i case and picks inelud.ed, $40. Cali668-3447. Kent Spanish ELFCTRIC GUITAR - like nesv, witli custoîit made amplifier andi speaker, $100 or bcstoffer. CalI1576-8042. Gib;n SG Custom SpecWa GUITAR - with case, $400. Tramner basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cati 725-1 y97. Sl'ERI-O - AM-1EM radio, 8 traek tape player, record player, built ini amplifier, cabinet size, 53" long by 181/" wide by 27" highi, $150 complote or $100 williout 8 track. Cal 263-8145 or 7213-2426. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER - Guitar is a copy of Lasp .t.l custoîn. Amplifier is a Sonax 721G with' two 10" speakers, Iasking $225 for -pair. Cal! 668-4730. ELECTRIC GUITAR - Mansfi'ýld, double pick-ups, excellent condition, $70. Cati 668-5337 ask for Phi]. Ludwig 7-piece DRUM SET - with genuiný Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cal 728-2518. TRAîNER GUITAR MADE AMPLIFIER -. in good condi- tion, $200. Cali 655-4120 ask for Dave. SPEAKERS - two larg,,e 16", approximatcîy 31/2 high, contain in black leather ca.sing, $45 or best offer. Cali 668-2860'. Frenc i R DRUM SET - Iii-liat syml conidition, $15 tivk'rii four piece .blute sparkle finish, bol,' vcry good 5o. Caîl 655-3205, Press Emn.poriuma